The Koran Part 152

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3 Like timbers or joists supported in a wall or leaned against it, i.e., their persons are bulky, but their hearts so hypocritical and cowardly that they are afraid of the slightest noise. In the original, sakat is perhaps an allusion to the shout of Gabriel, that is to exterminate the wicked.


MEDINA.-64 Verses

In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful

A SURA which we have sent down and sanctioned! Clear signs have we sent down therein, that ye may take warning.

The wh.o.r.e and the wh.o.r.emonger-scourge each of them with an hundred stripes; and let not compa.s.sion keep you from carrying out the sentence of G.o.d, if ye believe in G.o.d and the last day: And let some of the faithful witness their chastis.e.m.e.nt.1

The wh.o.r.emonger shall not marry other than a wh.o.r.e or an idolatress; and the wh.o.r.e shall not marry other than a wh.o.r.emonger or an idolater. Such alliances are forbidden to the faithful.

They who defame virtuous women,2 and bring not four witnesses, scourge them with fourscore stripes, and receive ye not their testimony for ever, for these are perverse persons-

Save those who afterwards repent and live virtuously; for truly G.o.d is Lenient, Merciful!

And they who shall accuse their wives, and have no witnesses but themselves, the testimony of each of them shall be a testimony by G.o.d four times repeated, that he is indeed of them that speak the truth.3

And the fifth time that the malison of G.o.d be upon him, if he be of them that lie.

But it shall avert the chastis.e.m.e.nt from her if she testify a testimony four times repeated, by G.o.d, that he is of them that lie;

And a fifth time to call down the wrath of G.o.d on her, if he have spoken the truth.

And but for the goodness and mercy of G.o.d towards you, and that G.o.d is He who loveth to turn, Wise ... . !

Of a truth, they who advanced that lie4 were a large number of you; but regard it not as an evil to you. No, it is an advantage to you.5 To every man among them shall it be done according to the offence he hath committed; and as to that person6 among them who took on himself to aggravate it, a sore punishment doth await him.

Did not the faithful of both s.e.xes, when ye heard of this, form a favourable judgment in their own minds, and say,

"This is a manifest lie?"

Have they brought four witnesses of the fact? If they cannot produce the witnesses, they are the liars in the sight of G.o.d.

And but for the goodness of G.o.d towards you, and His mercy in this world and in the next, a severe punishment had come upon you for that which ye spread abroad, when ye uttered with your tongues, and spake with your mouths that of which ye had no knowledge. Ye deemed it to be a light matter, but with G.o.d it was a grave one.

And did ye say when ye heard it, "It is not for us to talk of this affair! O G.o.d! By thy Glory, this is a gross calumny?"

G.o.d hath warned you that ye go not back to the like of this for ever, if ye be believers:

And G.o.d maketh His signs clear to you: for G.o.d is Knowing, Wise.

But as for those who love that foul calumnies should go forth against those who believe, a grievous chastis.e.m.e.nt awaits them

In this world and in the next. And G.o.d hath knowledge, but ye have not.

And but for the goodness of G.o.d towards you and His Mercy, and that G.o.d is Kind, Merciful ... !

O ye who believe! follow not the steps of Satan, for whosoever shall follow the steps of Satan, he will enjoin on him what is base and blameworthy; and but for the goodness of G.o.d towards you,7 and His mercy, no one of you had been cleansed for ever: but G.o.d maketh whom He will to be clean, and G.o.d Heareth, Knoweth.

And let not persons of wealth and means among you swear that they will not give to their kindred, to the poor, and to those who have fled their homes in the cause of G.o.d; let them rather pardon and pa.s.s over the offence.8 Desire ye not that G.o.d should forgive you? And G.o.d is Gracious, Merciful!

Verily, they who throw out charges against virtuous but careless women, who yet are believers, shall be cursed in this world and in the world to come; and a terrible punishment doth await them.

Their own tongues, and hands, and feet, shall one day bear witness against them of their own doings.9

On that day will G.o.d pay them their just due, and they shall know that G.o.d is the clear Truth itself.

Bad women for bad men, and bad men for bad women; but virtuous women for virtuous men, and virtuous men for virtuous women! These shall be cleared from calumnies; theirs shall be forgiveness and an honourable provision.

O ye who believe! enter not into other houses10 than your own, until ye have asked leave, and have saluted its inmates. This will be best for you: haply ye will bear this in mind.

And if ye find no one therein, then enter it not till leave be given you; and if it be said to you, "Go ye back," then go ye back. This will be more blameless in you, and G.o.d knoweth what ye do.

There shall be no harm in your entering houses in which no one dwelleth, for the supply of your needs: and G.o.d knoweth what ye do openly and what ye hide.

Speak unto the believers that they restrain their eyes and observe continence. Thus will they be more pure. G.o.d is well aware of what they do.

And speak to the believing women that they refrain their eyes, and observe continence; and that they display not their ornaments, except those which are external; and that they throw their veils over their bosoms, and display not their ornaments, except to their husbands or their fathers, or their husbands' fathers, or their sons, or their husbands' sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male domestics who have no natural force, or to children who note not women's nakedness. And let them not strike their feet together, so as to discover their hidden ornaments.11 And be ye all turned to G.o.d, O ye Believers! that it may be well with you.

And marry those among you who are single, and your good servants, and the handmaidens. If they are poor, G.o.d of His bounty will enrich them. G.o.d is all-bounteous, Knowing.

And let those who cannot find a match12 live in continence till G.o.d of His bounty shall enrich them. And to those of your slaves who desire a deed of manumission, execute it for them, if ye know good in them, and give them a portion of the wealth of G.o.d which He hath given you.13 Force not your female slaves into sin, in order that ye may gain the casual fruitions of this world, if they wish to preserve their modesty. Yet if any one compel them, then Verily to them, after their compulsion, will G.o.d be Forgiving, Merciful.

And now have we sent down to you clear signs, and an instance from among those who flourished before you, and a caution for the G.o.d-fearing.14

G.o.d is the LIGHT of the Heavens and of the Earth. His Light is like a niche in which is a lamp-the lamp encased in gla.s.s-the gla.s.s, as it were, a glistening star. From a blessed tree is it lighted, the olive neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil would well nigh s.h.i.+ne out, even though fire touched it not! It is light upon light. G.o.d guideth whom He will to His light, and G.o.d setteth forth parables to men, for G.o.d knoweth all things.

In the temples which G.o.d hath allowed to be reared, that His name may therein be remembered, do men praise Him morn and even.

Men whom neither merchandise nor traffic beguile from the remembrance of G.o.d, and from the observance of prayer, and the payment of the stated alms, through fear of the day when hearts shall throb and eyes shall roll:

That for their most excellent works may G.o.d recompense them, and of His bounty increase it to them more and more: for G.o.d maketh provision for whom He pleaseth without measure.

But as to the infidels, their works are like the vapour in a plain which the thirsty dreameth to be water, until when he cometh unto it, he findeth it not aught, but findeth that G.o.d is with him; and He fully payeth him his account: for swift to take account is G.o.d:

Or like the darkness on the deep sea when covered by billows riding upon billows, above which are clouds: darkness upon darkness. When a man reacheth forth his hand, he cannot nearly see it! He to whom G.o.d shall not give light, no light at all hath he!

Hast thou not seen how all in the Heavens and in the Earth uttereth the praise of G.o.d?-the very birds as they spread their wings? Every creature knoweth its prayer and its praise! and G.o.d knoweth what they do.

G.o.d's, the Kingdom of the Heavens and of the Earth: and unto G.o.d the final return!

Hast thou not seen that G.o.d driveth clouds lightly forward, then gathereth them together, then pileth them in And then thou seest the rain forthcoming from their midst; and He causeth clouds like mountains charged with hail, to descend from the heaven, and He maketh it to fall on whom He will, and from whom He will He turneth it aside.-The brightness of His lightning all but taketh away the sight!

G.o.d causeth the day and the night to take their turn. Verily in this is teaching for men of insight. And G.o.d hath created every animal of water.15 Some go upon the belly; some go upon two feet; some go upon four feet. G.o.d hath created what He pleased. Aye, G.o.d hath power over all things.

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