The Koran Part 133

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Neither were they to whom the Scriptures were given divided into sects, till after this clear evidence had reached them!

Yet was not aught enjoined on them but to wors.h.i.+p G.o.d with sincere religion, sound in faith; and to observe prayer and pay the stated alms. For this is true religion.

But the unbelievers among the people of the Book, and among the Polytheists, shall go into the fire of Gehenna to abide therein for aye. Of all creatures are they the worst!

But they who believe and do the things that are right-these of all creatures are the best!

Their recompense with their Lord shall be gardens of Eden, 'neath which the rivers flow, in which they shall abide for evermore.

G.o.d is well pleased in them and they in Him! This, for him who feareth his Lord.


MEDINA.1-18 Verses

In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful

ALL that is in the Heavens, and all that is in the Earth, praiseth G.o.d: His the Kingdom and His the Glory! And He hath power over all things!

It is He who hath created you all; yet some of you are infidel and others believers: but G.o.d beholdeth all your actions.

He hath created the Heavens and the Earth in Truth; and He hath fas.h.i.+oned you and given you goodly forms; and to Him must ye all return.

He knoweth all that pa.s.seth in the Heavens and in the Earth; and He knoweth what ye hide and what ye bring to light; and G.o.d knoweth the very secrets of men's b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Hath not the story reached you of those who disbelieved of yore, and therefore tasted the evil consequences of their doings? And a sore punishment doth await them.

This, for that when their apostles came to them with the clear tokens, they said, "What! shall men be our guides?" And they believed not and turned their backs. But G.o.d can dispense with them; for G.o.d is the Rich, the Praiseworthy!

The infidels pretend that they shall not be raised from the dead. SAY: Yea, by my Lord, ye shall surely be raised; then shall ye surely be told of your deeds! And easy is this for G.o.d.

Believe then in G.o.d and his apostle and in the light which we have sent down; for G.o.d is fully aware of all ye do.

The day when He shall gather you together for the day of mutual gathering, will be the day of MUTUAL DECEIT,2 and whoso shall have believed in G.o.d and done what is right, for him will He cancel his deeds of evil; and He will bring him into the gardens beneath whose shades the rivers flow, to abide therein for evermore. This will be the great bliss!

But the unbelieving-those who gave the lie to our signs-shall be the inmates of the fire, wherein they shall remain for ever. And a wretched pa.s.sage thither!

No mischance chanceth but by G.o.d's permission; and whoso believeth in G.o.d, that man's heart will he guide: and G.o.d knoweth all things.

Obey G.o.d then and obey the apostle: but if ye turn away, our apostle is not to blame, for he is only charged with plain preaching.

G.o.d! there is no G.o.d but He! On G.o.d, then, let the faithful trust.

O ye who believe! Verily, in your wives and your children ye have an enemy: wherefore beware of them. But if ye pa.s.s it3 over and pardon, and are lenient, then G.o.d too is Lenient, Merciful.

Your wealth and your children are only a source of trial! but G.o.d! with Him is the great recompense.

Fear G.o.d, then, with all your might, and hear and obey: and give alms for your own weal; for such as are saved from their own greed, shall prosper.

If ye lend G.o.d a generous loan, He will double it to you and will forgive you, for G.o.d is Grateful, Long-suffering.

He knoweth alike the Hidden and the Manifest: the Mighty, the Wise!


1 The first verse of this Sura, and the phrase obey G.o.d and the Apostle (verses 8, 12), which usually occurs only in Medina Suras, the phrases in verse 16 compared with Sura [cii.] lix. 9, as well as the subject matter, incline me to follow those Muslim commentators who are of opinion that the whole Sura was revealed at Medina. Weil and Muir suppose it to be Meccan.

2 That is, the day on which it will be found that if the just had been wicked they would have taken the place of the reprobates, while the reprobates will see that if they had been just persons they would have gone to Paradise.

3 Their occasionally beguiling you from your duty, especially that of contending for the faith. Comp. 1 Cor. vii. 32.



In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful

ALL that is in the Heavens, and all that is on the Earth, uttereth the Praise of G.o.d, the King! the Holy! the Mighty! the Wise!

It is He who hath sent to the pagan folk (Arabs) an Apostle from among themselves, to rehea.r.s.e His signs to them, and to purify them, and to impart to them a knowledge of "the Book" and wisdom; for aforetime were they in manifest error.

And others among them have not yet overtaken those who preceded them in the faith. But He is the Mighty, the Wise!

This is the goodness of G.o.d: He bestoweth it on whom He will: G.o.d is of immense goodness!

They on whom the burden of the law was laid, and would not bear it, are like an a.s.s beneath a load of books. A sorry likeness this, for the people who give the lie to the signs of G.o.d! G.o.d guideth not the people who do this wrong!

SAY: O ye Jews, if ye profess that ye rather than other men are the friends of G.o.d, then wish for death if ye are men of truth.

But never on account of their previous handywork will they wish for it, and G.o.d knoweth the wrong doers.

SAY: Verily the death from which ye flee will surely meet you. Then shall ye be brought back to Him who knoweth alike the things done in secret and openly: and He will tell you of your actions.

O ye who believe! When ye are summoned to prayer on the day of THE a.s.sEMBLY,1 haste to the commemoration of G.o.d, and quit your traffic. This, if ye knew it, will be best for you.

And when the Prayer is ended, then disperse yourselves abroad and go in quest of the bounties of G.o.d; and, that it may be well with you, oft remember G.o.d.

But when they get a sight of merchandise or sport, they disperse after it, and leave thee standing alone.2 SAY: G.o.d hath in reserve what is better than sport or wares. And G.o.d is the best provider!


1 Friday; the day on which Muhammad made his first entry into Medina, and the day on which creation was finished.

2 It is said that when Muhammad was preaching, Dahya Alkalbi, while yet a heathen, came, on a Friday, into Medina at the head of a caravan, and that all the congregation, attracted by the music of the tambours which preceded it, left the sermon for the spectacle. Muquatil ap. Alfarra. If this account be accurate, we may approximate to the date of this Sura as in Hej. 5 (towards the close). Dahya is known to have fought in the ranks of the Muslims at the battle of the Ditch. And as the former part is aimed at the Jews, it is probably of the same period as Sura [xci.] ii.

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