The Koran Part 104

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G.o.d truly knoweth all that they call on beside Him; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

These similitudes do we set forth to men: and none understand them except the wise.

G.o.d hath created the Heavens and the Earth for a serious end.11 Verily in this is a sign to those who believe.

Recite the portions of the Book which have been revealed to thee and discharge the duty of prayer: for prayer restraineth from the filthy and the blame-worthy. And the gravest duty is the remembrance of G.o.d; and G.o.d knoweth what ye do.

Dispute not, unless in kindly sort, with the people of the Book;12 save with such of them as have dealt wrongfully with you: And say ye, "We believe in what hath been sent down to us and hath been sent down to you. Our G.o.d and your G.o.d is one, and to him are we self-surrendered" (Muslims).

Thus have we sent down the Book of the Koran to thee: and they to whom we have given the Book of the law believe in it: and of these Arabians there are those who believe in it: and none, save the Infidels, reject our signs.

Thou didst not recite any book (of revelation) before it: with that right hand of thine thou didst not transcribe one: else might they who treat it as a vain thing have justly doubted:

But it is a clear sign in the hearts of those whom "the knowledge" hath reached. None except the wicked reject our signs.

And they say, "Unless a sign be sent down to him from his Lord... ." SAY: Signs are in the power of G.o.d alone. I am only a plain spoken warner.

Is it not enough for them that we have sent down to thee the Book to be recited to them? In this verily is a mercy and a warning to those who believe.

SAY: G.o.d is witness enough between me and you.

He knoweth all that is in the Heavens and the Earth, and they who believe in vain things13 and disbelieve in G.o.d-these shall be the lost ones.

They will challenge thee to hasten the punishment: but had there not been a season fixed for it, that punishment had already come upon them. But it shall overtake them suddenly when they look not for it.

They will challenge thee to hasten the punishment: but verily h.e.l.l shall be round about the infidels.

One day the punishment shall wrap them round, both from above them and from beneath their feet; and G.o.d will say, "Taste ye your own doings."

O my servants who have believed! Vast truly is my Earth:14 me, therefore! yea wors.h.i.+p me.

Every soul shall taste of death. Then to us shall ye return.

But those who shall have believed and wrought righteousness will we lodge in gardens with palaces, beneath which the rivers flow. For ever shall they abide therein. How goodly the reward of those who labour,

Who patiently endure, and put their trust in their Lord!

How many animals are there which provide not15 their own food! G.o.d feedeth them and you. He Heareth, Knoweth all things.

If thou ask them who hath created the Heavens and the Earth, and hath imposed laws on the sun and on the moon, they will certainly say, "G.o.d." How then can they devise lies?

G.o.d lavisheth supplies on such of his servants as He pleaseth or giveth to them by measure. G.o.d knoweth all things.

If thou ask them who sendeth rain from heaven, and by it quickeneth the earth, after it hath been dead, they will certainly answer, "G.o.d." SAY: Praise be to G.o.d! Yet most of them do not understand.

This present life is no other than a pastime and a disport: but truly the future mansion is life indeed! Would that they knew this!

Lo! when they embark on s.h.i.+pboard, they call upon G.o.d, vowing him sincere wors.h.i.+p, but when He bringeth them safe to land, behold they join partners with Him.

In our revelation they believe not, yet take their fill of good things. But in the end they shall know their folly.

Do they not see that we have established a safe precinct16 while all around them men are being spoiled? Will they then believe in vain idols, and not own the goodness of G.o.d?

But who acteth more wrongly than he who deviseth a lie against G.o.d, or calls the truth when it hath come to him, a lie? Is there not an abode for the infidels in h.e.l.l?

And whoso maketh efforts for us, in our ways will we guide them: for G.o.d is a.s.suredly with those who do righteous deeds.


1 See Sura lxviii. p. 32. The first ten verses of this Sura were revealed at Medina, after the battles of Bedr and Ohod. Nold. p. 115.

2 Deities for whose wors.h.i.+p thou canst shew no authority. Comp. Tr.

Jebhamoth, fol. 6. If a father saith to his son, "Defile thyself," or saith, "Make not rest.i.tution," shall he obey him? It is said (Lev. xix. 3), Let every man reverence his father and mother, but keep my Sabbaths all of you: ye are all bound to honour me. Thus also Midr. Jalkut, 604. Comp. next Sura, v. 13.

3 The word SAY-the usual address of G.o.d or Gabriel to Muhammad-must either be considered as spoken by G.o.d to Abraham, in which case we have a curious instance of the manner in which Muhammad identifies himself with Abraham, and makes Abraham speak in words which he constantly elsewhere uses himself; or, with Wahl, we must suppose that from v. 17 to v. 22 are misplaced.

4 Comp. Ps. cx.x.xix. 7.

5 Lit. for love among yourselves, or as an object of love, i.e. devout wors.h.i.+p.

6 Thus Sura [lxv.] xxi. 71. The Midr. Rabbah on Gen. Par. 18, says that Haran, the father of Lot, was brought by Abraham's deliverance from the furnace to the adoption of his doctrines. Muhammad may have transferred this idea to Lot.

7 The following pa.s.sages deserve to be compared, as shewing the loose way in which Muhammad could speak of the relations.h.i.+p subsisting between Abraham and the other Patriarchs. See 38 below. Sura [xci.] ii. 127; [lx.x.xix.] vi. 84; [lviii.] xix. 50; [lxv.] xxi. 72; [lxxvii.] xii. 6. It is a curious coincidence that in the Sonna 398, 400, Joseph is said to be the Grandson, and Jacob the Son, of Abraham.

8 Lit. was straitened in regard to them.

9 See [lxxv.] xi. 83.

10 So as to fly from our vengeance.

11 Lit. in truth.

12 With the Jews. This pa.s.sage is quoted by modern Muslims in justification of their indifference with respect to the propagation of their religion. "The number of the faithful," said one of them to Mr. Lane, "is decreed by G.o.d, and no act of man can increase or diminish it." Mod. Egypt. i. p. 364.

Noldeke supposes this verse to have been revealed at Medina, and renders, Contend not except in the best way, i.e. not by words but by force.

13 Idols.

14 That is, you may find places of refuge where you may wors.h.i.+p the true G.o.d in some other parts of the earth, if driven forth from your native city. This verse is very indicative of a late Meccan origin. Flight from Mecca must have been imminent when Muhammad could thus write.

15 Lit. carry not. Comp. Matth. vi. 26; Luke xii. 24.

16 At Mecca.

SURA x.x.xI.-LOKMAN1 [Lx.x.xII.]

MECCA.-34 Verses

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