Bygone Church Life in Scotland Part 9

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The grandeur of the final interment of the remains of the Marquis of Montrose, followed later by the costly obsequies of Lord Roslin, induced the Scottish Parliament, in 1681, to pa.s.s an Act which, besides restricting the number of persons who might attend the funeral of a person of rank to one hundred, prohibited "the using or carrying of any branches, banners, and other honours at church, except only the eight branches to be upon the pall, or upon the coffin where there is no pall." The Act seems, however, to have had little effect in diminis.h.i.+ng the excessive costliness of funerals among all above the very poorest. The funeral of Sir William Hamilton, who died in 1707, was attended with a display and an amount of hospitality which cost a sum equal to two years of his salary as a judge. The funeral of Lachlan Macintosh, chief of the Highland clan of that name, in 1736, cost (including the customary festivities) a sum which involved his successors in pecuniary embarra.s.sments for a century afterwards. The funerals of Highland chiefs were attended by all the clan, sometimes numbering thousands of persons, and the procession to the place of burial extending to more than a mile in length; the coronach--a hymn of lamentation, an example of which may be found in Scott's "Lady of the Lake"--being chanted by hundreds of voices, accompanied by the bagpipes.

The Story of a Stool.

James I. after the Reformation introduced into Scotland bishops, and his son Charles I. attempted to force upon the Scottish church a book of canons and a liturgy. Both actions were regarded with strong aversion, and culminated in bitter strife. The king directed that on Sunday, July 23rd, 1637, the new service-book should be read in every parish church in Scotland. Before the appointed day arrived, opposition was manifest in all quarters, and few had the courage, even if they had the desire, to conduct their services from the new prayer-book.

On the eventful Sunday when the new order of service was to be formally introduced, the chief church of the capital of Scotland, the old Cathedral of St. Giles, was filled by an unusually large congregation. Among those present were two archbishops, several bishops, the lords chancellor and treasurer, privy council, judges, and magistrates. A large number of the humble people, composed chiefly of the wives of citizens and their maids, filled the body of the church. In those days no pews were in the church, and the poor-folk brought clasp-stools.

When Dean Hannay, attired in a surplice, commenced reading prayers from the service-book a riot arose which has seldom been equalled in the house of G.o.d. The Dean could not be heard for the clamour of many voices. The voice of a female--that of Jenny Geddes--was heard above others. She cried, "Out, out! does the false loon mean to say his black ma.s.s at my lug?" and then threw her stool at the Dean's head.

This was the signal for a riot: an attempt was made to tear from the Dean his surplice, but he disengaged himself from it, and with difficulty made his escape. Hand-clapping, hisses, curses, &c., put an end to any attempt to conduct the service. The Bishop of Edinburgh attempted from the pulpit to restore order, but a stool was thrown at him, and, had not a friendly hand averted its course, doubtless he would have been seriously injured, or even killed. Stones and other missiles were thrown at the pulpit.

The Lord Chancellor, it is recorded, commanded the magistrates to call out the town-guard to drive the ringleaders from the church. The church was cleared of the rioters, but outside they battered the doors, broke the windows, cried out, "A Pope! A Pope!" "Antichrist!" "Stone him! Stone him!" The Dean tried to resume his reading, but the shouts of the mult.i.tude without drowned his voice.

[Ill.u.s.tration: JENNY GEDDES' STOOL.

_From the Antiquarian Museum, Edinburgh._]

The service in Greyfriars' Church had to be stopped on account of the rioting without, and at the college, we are told in Stevenson's "Annals of Edinburgh," the minister preferred the old extempore form of prayer, till he learned how the liturgy had been received in other city churches.

On leaving church the Bishop of Edinburgh was attacked by the mob, and narrowly escaped death at their hands. Other rioting occurred, and for many years the memorable day was known as "Stony Sabbath."

The local authorities, it is recorded, desired to maintain order, and on the Monday the local magistrates repaired to a meeting of the Privy Council, and expressed their great regret at the outrage, and promised to discover the ringleaders and have them punished.

On one of the piers of St. Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh, is a memorial bra.s.s bearing the following inscription:--


_He was the first and last who read the service-book in this church._


In the Moray or south-west aisle is a memorial of gun-metal to Jenny Geddes, with an inscription written by the late Lord President Inglis, which reads as follows:--


The Martyrs' Monument, Edinburgh.

In the capital of Scotland are more imposing monuments than the Covenanters' Memorial in Greyfriars' Churchyard, but not one more historically interesting. It attracts the attention of visitors from all parts of the world, and to the inhabitants of the city it must be a matter of pride to have this memorial to the memory of the men who fought for religious freedom.

The early Scottish reformers were in earnest respecting their faith; a bond was prepared, setting forth that they would stand unflinchingly by the Calvinistic faith, and if necessary would fight in its defence.

This was signed on December 3rd, 1557, by the Earls of Glencairn, Argyll, and Morton, Lord Lorn, Erskine of Dun and many more, who a.s.sumed the t.i.tle of "Lords of the Congregation."

A man in Scotland might do many indiscreet things and even be guilty of crime, and be pardoned; but to flinch or fall from the Covenant was to commit a sin that his countrymen could not forgive.

Charles I., aided by Archbishop Laud, attempted to force upon the Presbyterians of Scotland a liturgy, and in other ways to alter the mode of divine wors.h.i.+p in the country. The king's action was regarded with alarm, and steps were taken to maintain the religious freedom of the country. The Solemn League and Covenant of 1557 against Popery was renewed and new articles added. A copy was sent to each town in Scotland. That belonging to Edinburgh was, on March 1st, 1638, solemnly read aloud in Greyfriars' churchyard. It was subscribed to by a large number of the n.o.bility, gentry and others of all ranks and conditions, ages and s.e.xes.

It is impossible to count the signatures on the doc.u.ment, but it is believed that over five thousand names occur, and the more zealous added to their subscription such sentences as "till death." The size of the parchment is four feet long and three feet eight inches broad, and it is preserved in the Register Office, Edinburgh. It was spread upon a flat stone in the churchyard for signature, and was signed by all who could get near to it.

Not a few who signed this doc.u.ment were amongst the many who suffered death for their adherence to the faith they held. At the Battle of Bothwell Bridge on June 22nd, 1679, it is recorded that 800 Covenanters were slain on the field of battle, and about 1300 taken prisoners and brought to Edinburgh, and later 200 were conveyed to Stirling.

At Edinburgh the prisoners were kept in an enclosed piece of land (now forming a part of the graveyard of Greyfriars), in a great measure without shelter, for five months, and supported with a short supply of bread and water. Guards watched them day and night. The condition of the prisoners was most distressing and moved to pity the inhabitants of the city, but they were not permitted to render the least a.s.sistance.

The troubles of many of these brave men did not end with imprisonment. "On the 15th of November," it is recorded, "256 were taken to Leith and put on board a vessel to be carried to the plantations in America. The vessel sailed on the 27th, but was wrecked on the coast of Orkney on December 10th, when upwards of 200 perished. Some of the remaining prisoners were tried, condemned and executed; the remainder, upon signing bonds, obtained their liberty."

The monument is erected near the graves of the martyrs who were buried in Greyfriars' churchyard. It was in that part of the burial-ground that criminals were interred, and an allusion is made to this fact in the inscription on the martyrs' monument.

James Currie of Pentland obtained from the Town Council of Edinburgh, on August 28th, 1706, permission to erect a stone in Greyfriars' churchyard to the memory of the martyrs, on condition "there being no inscription to be put upon the tomb but the sixth chapter of Revelation, verses 9, 10 and 11."

A carved stone representing an open Bible, with the verses cut in full, was erected, and this forms, we are told, the under part of the present more stately monument, which was subst.i.tuted in 1771, when the original slab was removed. The old inscription with some slight alterations was transferred to the present monument. The inscription is as follows:--

"Halt, pa.s.senger, take heed what you do see.

This tomb doth shew for what some men did die.

Here lies interr'd the dust of those who stood 'Gainst perjury, resisting unto blood; Adhering to the covenants and laws; Establis.h.i.+ng the same: which was the cause Their lives were sacrific'd unto the l.u.s.t Of prelatists abjur'd; though here their dust Lies mixt with murderers and other crew, Whom justice justly did to death pursue.

But as for them, no cause was to be found Worthy of death; but only they were found Constant and steadfast, zealous, witnessing For the prerogatives of Christ their King; Which truths were seal'd by famous Guthrie's head, And all along to Mr Renwick's blood: They did endure the wrath of enemies: Reproaches, torments, deaths and injuries.

But yet they're those, who from such troubles came, And now triumph in glory with the Lamb.

"From May 27th, 1661, that the most n.o.ble Marquis of Argyle was beheaded, to the 17th February 1688, that Mr James Renwick suffered, were one way or other murdered and destroyed for the same cause about eighteen thousand, of whom were executed at Edinburgh about an hundred of n.o.blemen, gentlemen, ministers and others, n.o.ble martyrs for JESUS CHRIST. The most of them lie here.

Rev. vi. 9.--And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of G.o.d, and for the testimony which they held:

10.--And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

11.--And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow-servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

Chap. vii. 14.--These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Chap. ii. 10.--Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

"The above monument was first erected by JAMES CURRIE, merchant, Pentland, and others, in 1706; renewed in 1771."

(Added on the monument at a subsequent date):--

"Yes, though the sceptic's tongue deride Those martyrs who for conscience died-- Though modern history blight their fame, And sneering courtiers hoot the name Of men who dared alone be free, Amidst a nation's slavery;-- Yet long for them the poet's lyre Shall wake its notes of heavenly fire; Their names shall nerve the patriot's hand Upraised to save a sinking land; And piety shall learn to burn With holier transports o'er their urn.


Peace to their mem'ry! let no impious breath Sell their fair fame, or triumph o'er their death.

Let Scotia's grateful sons their tear-drops shed, Where low they lie in honour's gory bed; Rich with the spoil their glorious deeds had won, And purchas'd freedom to a land undone-- A land which owes its glory and its worth To those whom tyrants banish'd from the earth."

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