The One Great Reality Part 11

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Our mission throughout eternity is to make known the love and wisdom of G.o.d that He may not only be all, but in all. He is in us now, but we want Him to be in all, and it will be through us that G.o.d will let the whole universe be so filled with the glorious knowledge of His love and wisdom that these words will at last be fulfilled--"G.o.d ... all and in all."

[Footnote: I Cor. xv. 28.]

We are pa.s.sing through wars and convulsions and revolutions. .h.i.therto unknown, but a glorious future is awaiting us, and one thing is certain, that nothing can "separate us from the love of G.o.d which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Footnote: Rom. viii. 39.] That is our security.

It is also certain that it is not in the power of the devil to destroy the Church of G.o.d, for we are wanted in the ages to come. It is the Church which is to be the glory of Christ to all Eternity.

We are also wanted _now_ in a very special way. Men's hearts are failing them for fear, they need strong, calm, prayerful helpers in this time of perplexity. Who can speak a word of cheer and encouragement? Who can point them to the Rock of Ages which cannot be moved? Who can inspire them with faith and hope? Only the one who has himself made G.o.d his Refuge. It is in times of trouble that the worldly man turns for help and sympathy to the believer. It is through us that G.o.d would work out His purpose of grace and love to the world.

A young man who had met with a bitter disappointment went to an aged Christian and poured out his trouble. After hearing his sad story, his friend said in a calm, tender voice, "G.o.d knows all about it, there is no such thing as chance in the world." "What is there then?" asked the young man eagerly. "There is _love_, Eternal _love_," was the answer.

The reason why the believer is kept in perfect peace is because he looks beyond all the tumult of battle, the bitter strife and terrible bloodshed to the time when G.o.d will gather together all things in Christ, for He is to be Head over all.


Never for a moment shall that love cease to bless us and s.h.i.+eld us.

Whatever may happen to our bodies nothing can touch the eternal life within.

Do you feel anxious to know whether you will have a share in the glory? I will tell you how you may know. You remember Christian had a roll given him by Evangelist which he was to give in at the Celestial Gate. When you first come to Jesus as a poor sinner the Holy Spirit gives you four precious words written as it were in a roll for you to hide in your heart until the moment when Jesus comes and you are caught up to meet Him in the air. Take your Bible and you will find there four precious words which G.o.d has written for you to rest upon, and which will never fail you.

1. REDEEMED. [Footnote: Pet. i. 18, 19] "Bought with a price," and the price was the life-blood of G.o.d's dear Son, so we belong to the Church of Christ which He has "purchased with His own blood." [Footnote: Acts xx.


2. SEALED. [Footnote: Eph. i. 13] The Seal is G.o.d's mark upon us showing to men and angels and devils that we are His "purchased possession"; that we belong to Him, spirit, soul and body absolutely, and for ever, for G.o.d's solid foundation stands unmoved, bearing this inscription, "The Lord knoweth them that are His." [Footnote: 2 Tim. ii. 19]

A Christian doctor who had been in the Crimean War and in China, was very particular when going on a journey to have all his luggage "_labelled and ready_." In his last illness he turned to a friend and said with a smile, "_I am labelled and ready_"! and then he gave this beautiful testimony: "There is only one thing that makes me quite ready and quite sure of Heaven, it is that my sins are forgiven by trusting in the Blood of Jesus.

Nothing that we can do can save us, it is what He did. He alone can give us peace with G.o.d."

3. KEPT. [Footnote: 1 Pet. i. 5] A young Christian told a friend that he was afraid as to whether he would be able to live the life. The friend looked at him, and said, with a ringing voice of a.s.surance, "He is able to keep you from falling." [Footnote: Jude 24] He then saw that he was no longer in his own keeping, but in _G.o.d's_ keeping, and that the keeping would be up to the last moment, and be so complete that he would be handed over without the smallest defect to stand in "the presence of His glory with exceeding joy."

4. GLORIFIED. [Footnote: Rom. viii. 30] This is the last and grandest of the four precious words which G.o.d has given to strengthen our hearts, and it is the crown of all. What shall we say? No words can express what it will be, it will surpa.s.s our highest expectations. But we know that it will be fulness of life, fulness of joy, fulness of love, and all our deepest longings satisfied, all our highest hopes fulfilled, and it will be for ever and for ever!

Let us hold fast G.o.d's sure word of promise, "The Lord will give grace and glory." [Footnote: Ps. lx.x.xiv. 11] Let us lift up our hearts in praise and thanksgiving to Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, UNTO HIM IS THE GLORY IN THE CHURCH, THROUGHOUT ALL AGES, TO ALL ETERNITY, WORLD WITHOUT END. AMEN. [Footnote: Eph. iii. 20, 21]



PORTION OF SCRIPTURE--St. Matthew xxi. 1-17, and Revelation xi. 15-18.

Now, therefore, why speak ye not a word of bringing the King back?

[Footnote: 2 Sam. xix. 10] This question was asked a long time ago. You remember how David was driven from his throne. His son Absalom rebelled against him and he had to leave the country; but Absalom is now dead, the rebellion is at an end, and still David is an exile. At last some of the people talk it over together and inquire of one another, "Why say ye not a word, or why are ye silent about bringing back the King?" So they sent word to the King and Judah went to meet him.

I was reminded of this Old Testament story when a correspondent wrote in the spring of this year as follows: "I have spent two days in what is left of Belgium, and I find that the dream of the Belgians is to see the King ride back into Brussels. Men and women, old and young, talk and plan and have visions of the time when the King comes Home."

It is touching to think how these people, in spite of all their misfortunes, still love their brave King and cling to the hope of having him once more among them in his rightful place on the throne and then their ruined towns and homes will be restored.

It makes me think of another King, our Lord Jesus, who entered the City of Jerusalem amidst the cheers and acclamations of a large crowd, and how the words came true: "Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold thy King cometh unto thee." [Footnote: St. Matt. xxi. 5] And now they cry, "Hosanna"--He is come, He is come! and the children's voices ring out with praise. But this proclaiming Him as King aroused the enmity of some of the rulers and they stirred up the people against Him. Here was the opportunity, the golden opportunity, for accepting or rejecting the Son of G.o.d. They had listened to His teaching, they brought their sick to Him for healing, they appreciated the benefits of His ministry, but they refused to submit to His authority, so they were determined to silence His Voice. Sin shows itself in the rebellion of the _will_ against G.o.d, and so they lost the opportunity, and instead of accepting Him, they crucified their King.

The words are still true: "Behold, thy King cometh," He comes to set up the Kingdom of G.o.d in our hearts, so the opportunity is given to you now to accept Him as your King.

We listen to the good news about peace and forgiveness, but are we willing to make Jesus King in our hearts? Here is the great test, it is here that the opposition of man's _will_ begins to show itself, because if He is to be our Lord and Master He claims all we are and all we have. He must be Lord of _all_ or He is not Lord at all; nothing less will do. There is no real union with Him by faith until we say in our hearts, "My Lord, and my G.o.d." [Footnote: St. John xx. 28.] It is impossible to accept Christ as our Saviour without also yielding to Him as King, and proclaiming Him as King.

A young friend of mine has these three simple words, "Make Jesus King," in a frame hanging on the wall of her room. She told me they were the means of leading her to decide for Christ.

Nothing but the power of the Holy Spirit can enable us to yield to Him as our Lord and Master. "No man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost." [Footnote: 1 Cor. xii. 3.] This is the central fact--"JESUS IS LORD." "For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that He might be Lord both of the dead and living." [Footnote: Rom. xiv. 9]

It is the Holy Spirit who first reveals Christ to your heart and enables you to say, "Thou art my Lord," [Footnote: Ps. xvi. 2] and then He gives you grace to love and obey Him as your Master. So, whether you look backward to the moment when your sins were all blotted out, "_He is Lord_"; or whether you look at your present life with all its shortcomings, "_He is Lord_"; or whether you look forward to the end, waiting for His Coming, _He is Lord_. "Can you say truly--

"He cleansed my heart from all its sin, What a wonderful Saviour!

And now He reigns and rules within, What a wonderful Saviour!"

We have seen our Lord proclaimed King at Jerusalem and accepting the t.i.tle. Although rejected and crucified, His every word and action was kingly up to the last moment of His earthly life. He spoke openly of His Kingdom to Pilate, for when Pilate asked Him, "Art Thou a King then?"

[Footnote: St. John xviii. 37] He answered, "I am." The purple robe, the crown of thorns, the sceptre, though offered in mockery, were all kingly, for the superscription over the Cross, THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS, [Footnote: St. Matt. xxvii. 37] was true. The Cross was the way to the Throne. "I beheld, and lo in the midst of the Throne stood a Lamb, as it had been slain." [Footnote: Rev. v. 6]

In that dark, dark hour of Christ's agony on the Cross, there was only one man who recognised Christ as King, and that was the dying thief. It was a very real cry that broke from his lips in his utter need--"Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy Kingdom." [Footnote: St. Luke xxiii. 42] It was wonderful faith. Can you think of any other as wonderful? He recognised Christ as King--not a dying King leaving His throne--but a victorious King about to enter His Kingdom. The penitent thief saw even more than this, he saw that it was a Kingdom of souls rescued from sin's bondage and slavery; not a Kingdom of the great ones of earth, but for outcasts such as he was, so he cried, "Take me as I am and give me a place in the Kingdom."

But the answer to the cry was as wonderful as the cry itself--"To-day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise." When the King said "With Me," He meant, "I am pa.s.sing from darkness into Everlasting Light. Come with Me. I have broken the chains of sin, I am setting the prisoners free. Come with Me." From that moment the penitent thief was identified with Christ in His death and in His Risen Life. Is this true of you?

When earth rejected the King, not only was Heaven opened to receive Him, but a triumphant reception awaited Him. Heaven resounded with the joyful chorus of the angelic hosts--"Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shall come in"!

[Footnote: Ps. xxiv. 7.]

So for nineteen hundred years the heavens have received Him, but once again the everlasting doors will open, and the Son of Man will come in "the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." [Footnote: St. Matt.

xxiv. 30.]

What has been going on during all these years? Kingdoms and world powers have risen up one after another, but all have failed to give what the world really needs, "A King to reign in righteousness." [Footnote: Isa.

x.x.xii. 1.] G.o.d is still saying, "Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?" [Footnote: Ps. ii. 1.] But in spite of man's rebellion and forgetfulness of G.o.d, G.o.d's purpose will stand firm, "Yet have I set My King upon My holy hill of Zion." [Footnote: Ps. ii. 6.]

G.o.d's purpose is to have all power placed in the hands of One Man, and that is Christ. What will be the final winding up of Earth's suffering and struggles? The veil will be drawn aside and

"The Glory of the LORD will be revealed." [Footnote: Isa. xl. 5.]

It is the glory of the Personal Presence of the Son of G.o.d. When? Where?

How? will the glory be seen.

Look back into the Garden of Eden. G.o.d gave man control over all, but he listened to another voice and then he lost control. The question was raised, "Who was to rule, Satan or G.o.d?"

By and by another veil will be drawn aside and we shall see how the unseen powers of darkness have been at work behind all the wars and sin and rebellion of this poor world. "An enemy hath done this." [Footnote: St.

Matt. xiii. 28.] It is the devil who blinds the eyes, hardens the hearts, and deadens the conscience of mankind. But we must not lose heart or think that Satan is getting the upper hand. The Word of G.o.d enables us not only to trace some of his plots and schemes, but it shows us _why_ G.o.d has been so long silent and _when_ G.o.d intends to break that silence. [Footnote: See Ps. 1] The victory is sure, but whose victory? The Victory of the Son of G.o.d.

But first the Jews must return to their own land, and then "the kings of the earth and of the whole world" will be gathered to the battle of the great Day of G.o.d Almighty. All these nations will fight against the Jews at Jerusalem in the place called Armageddon. It is really a desperate attempt of the devil who is sending forth these nations to make war with the Lamb. Jerusalem will be taken, and when the enemy is rejoicing over the victory and the destruction of the Jews seems certain, then suddenly they see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, [Footnote: St. Matt. xxiv. 30] "the armies" which are "in Heaven" following Him. [Footnote: Rev. xix. 14]

Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations, and His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, [Footnote: Zech. xiv. 3, 4] and "every eye shall see Him." [Footnote: Rev. i. 7] The armies of the enemy will be destroyed and G.o.d's people will be delivered. In this marvellous way the Lamb shall overcome, for "He is Lord of lords and King of kings and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful."

[Footnote: Rev. xvii. 14]

It will not only be the deliverance of the Jews from their enemies, but the wonder of that great day will be that at last their eyes will be opened to see Him as the Messiah, so they will be converted and restored.

The Lord says, "I will pour upon them the spirit of grace and of supplication and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced."

[Footnote: Zech. xii. 10.]

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