I Reincarnated and Tried to Become a Genius Child Actor. I Want to Quit. Chapter 11 Part1

I Reincarnated and Tried to Become a Genius Child Actor. I Want to Quit. -

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Longer chapter than normal.

Chapter 11, start.

90, 100, 95, 90.

Those were the scores of j.a.panese, Math, Science, and Social Studies. This time, I received the tests that I missed while I was absent, got scored quickly and returned.

My scores are steadily falling.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well, I failed my tests a bit…”

After I said that, I showed my printout to Sayuri.

“Oh my, Nanami-chan’s scores are bad…”

“I’ve been studying hard these days… My mother is going to get angry.”

It is a lie to say that I’ve been cutting school recently though I haven’t done anything except my homework. Still, I always get 100 points, occasionally there’s a mistake, so there are times when I get 95 points. However, there was a problem I really did not understand this time. Do you normally learn this kanji in grade four?

Well, as an adult, it’s natural that I can get good points in elementary school tests, and it is not something that I can brag about.

When I reincarnated, I thought that I would be a G.o.ddess at ten, a talent at fifteen, and a normal person at twenty, but, apparently, I became a normal person at ten.

I thought that I didn’t need to study if I was in elementary school, but I was naive.

“…What about Sayuri-chan?”

“The same as usual.”

All 100? I lost to a real elementary school student.

Studying for school is unnecessary as a reincarnated person. Or so I want to say.

I told my parents, “I will do my best so that me being a child actor doesn’t affect my studies.”

There was no report card in the public elementary school that I went to; all you did was try hard. In Sakuranagi Academy, there was a report card.

Until now, it was overlooked as I usually get 100 points, but my activities as a child actor may be restricted if it keeps dropping.

Now’s the time to make money, and I don’t want to be troubled on how to reduce my work. However, if it’s 90 points it’ll be safe. If I get 80 points, I’ll get a yellow card.

Now, I’ll have to study before and after the shooting. If that doesn’t work, I’ll have to go to cram school.

While Sayuri-chan was talking to the me who was complaining about the test, Ayano-chan, who finished her daily work, came back.

“Don’t make a hard face, what’s wrong?”

“Well, my test points were band, and my mother will get angry… If she get’s angry I have less time to work.”

“Ehh!? Why don’t you borrow my notes?”

“Seriously? That’ll be great.”

And so, Ayano-chan takes out her notes and gives them to me. It is written in the old fas.h.i.+oned manner that the school recommends, with the important stuff on the blackboard color-coded with a colorful pen.

It is quite different from my notes which only has a red pen line and some pencil marks. Well, in order to mimic a girl, it’s not good if I don’t practice writing round characters. I don’t have enough girl power in such fine details.

“Thanks, I’ll copy it then return it”

“No, I’d be happy if it helps you… Ahh! I’m not good at j.a.panese​​…”

After she said that, I quickly took Ayano-chan’s j.a.panese notes. I stole a sideways glance at Sayuri-chan and saw that she was lonely. …Ah, yep.

“Then, can I borrow Sayuri-chan’s notes?”

“If I don’t mind… I will lend them to you.”

Saying so, Sayuri-chan gave me her notes. She can get lonely.

“Thanks. Then, I’ll copy them over in the staff room for a bit.”

2nd period break just started, so I still have enough time. It takes 10 minutes to copy.

I stop them from trying to follow me, and I headed towards the staff room by myself.

I went to the corridor and walked on the side to be inconspicuous. There were no students running around, unlike public school, but because it’s break, there were a lot of people around.

As I walked down the stairs, I saw Hiroto surrounded by a flock of girls. Ichinomiya-san was there too.

I avoided them by staying near the wall, waiting.

I moved my line of sight away from them and I didn’t noisily talk. I looked at Hiroto with eyes like an abandoned puppy. Look here.

And, when I thought that there was a great eyesight on me, I saw Ichinomiya-san looking at me. I hurried and dropped my eyes, and moved to pa.s.s by.


It looks like a harem, but it would be bad if Hiroto had to stay like that all the time. It wouldn’t be fun for a 4th grader.

Still, it’s good to respond properly with an amiable laugh. In the past, Hiroto was a madam killer when he was still a small child, and he was ignoring his grandmothers when they called out to him. Because this business is based on popularity, bad things happen if you don’t cherish fans. The lifespan of a child actor is the lifespan of how much you care.

Especially, don’t turn women into your enemy. Absolutely.

And, after Hiroto pa.s.sed by me, I went to the staff room. While going there, another pair of girls pa.s.sed by me while talking.

Since I was walking near the wall, I managed to avoid being hit. The one of the partners, who wasn’t looking ahead, b.u.mped her head into a pillar.

I looked at the person who was holding her head and glaring at me. If I’m not wrong, that’s Ichinomiya-san.

Too bad, physics don’t work with me.

Although it was messy when I first transferred, things calmed soon because I was an adult. Well, I wish that I knew Ayano-chan earlier. It’s not good to leave Ayano-chan alone.

She was trying to say something with her eyes, but I didn’t want to get involved, so I ran away.

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You're reading I Reincarnated and Tried to Become a Genius Child Actor. I Want to Quit. by Author(s): At The Right Of An Indian, Indohito O Migi E, インド人を右へ. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 1494 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.