Five Years of Theosophy Part 34

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Jagrata, waking.

Jagrata Avasta, the waking state; one of the four aspects of Pranava.

Jains, a religious sect in India closely related to the Buddhists.

Jambudvipa, one of the main divisions of the world, including India, according to the ancient Brahminical system.

Janaka, King of Videha, a celebrated character in the Indian epic of Ramayana. He was a great royal sage.

Janwas, gross form of matter., mystical practice of the Yogi, consisting of the repet.i.tion of certain formula.

Jevis.h.i.+s, will; Karma Rupa; fourth principle.

Jiva or Karana Sarira, the second principle of man; life.

Jivatma, the human spirit, seventh principle in the Microcosm.

Jnanam, knowledge.

Jnanendrayas, the five channels of knowledge.

Jyotisham Jyotih, the light of lights, the supreme spirit, so called in the Upanishads.

Kabala, ancient mystical Jewish books.

Kaliyuga, the last of the four ages in which the evolutionary period of man is divided. It began 3,000 years B.C.

Kalpa, the period of cosmic activity; a day of Brahma, 4,320 million years.

Kama Loka, abode of desire, the first condition through which a human ent.i.ty in its pa.s.sage, after death, to Devachan. It corresponds to purgatory.

Kama, l.u.s.t, desire, volition; the Hindu Cupid.

Kamarupa, the principle of desire in man; the fourth principle.

Kapila, the founder of one of the six systems of Indian philosophy--viz., the Sankhya.

Karans, great festival of the Kolarian tribes in honour of the sun spirit.

Karana Sarira, the causal body; Avidya; ignorance; that which is the cause of the evolution of a human ego.

Karma, the law of ethical causation; the effect of an act for the attainment of an object of personal desire, merit and demerit.

Karman, action; attributes of Linga Sarira.

Kartika, the Indian G.o.d of war, son or Siva and Parvati; he is also the personification of the power of the Logos.

Kasi, another name for the sacred city of Benares.

Keherpas, aerial form; third principle.

Khanda period, a period of Vedic literature.

Khi (lit, breath); the spiritual ego; the sixth principle in man (Chinese).

Kiratarjuniya of Bkaravi, a Sanskrit epic, celebrating the encounters of Arjuna, one of this heroes of the Maha-bharata with the G.o.d Siva, disguised as a forester.

Kols, one of the tribes in Central India.

Kriyasakti, the power of thought; one of the six forces in Nature.

Kshatriya, the second of the four castes into which the Hindu nation was originally divided.

Kshetrajnesvara, embodied spirit, the conscious ego in its highest manifestation.

Kshetram, the great abyss of the Kabbala; chaos; Yoni, Prakriti; s.p.a.ce.

k.u.mbhaka, retention of breath, regulated according to the system of Hatha Yoga.

Kundalinisakti, the power of life; one of the six forces of Nature.

Kwer Shans, Chinese for third principle; the astral body.

Lama-gylongs, pupils of Lamas.

Lao-teze, a Chinese reformer.

Macrocosm, universe.

Magi, fire wors.h.i.+ppers; the great magicians or wisdom- philosophers of old.

Maha-Bharata, the celebrated Indian epic poem.

Mahabhashya, a commentary on the Grammar of Panini by Patanjali.

Mahabhautic, belonging to the macrocosmic principles.

Mahabhutas, gross elementary principles.

Mahaparinibbana Sutta, one of the most authoritative of the Buddhist sacred writings.

Maha Sunyata, s.p.a.ce or eternal law; the great emptiness.

Mahat, Buddhi; the first product of root-nature and producer of Ahankara (egotism), and manas (thinking principle).

Mahatma, a great soul; an adept in occultism of the highest order.

Mahavanso, a Buddhist historical work written by the Bhikshu Mohanama, the uncle of King Dhatusma.

Maha-Yug, the aggregate of four Yugas, or ages--4,320,000 years--in the Brahmanical system.

Manas, the mind, the thinking principle; the fifth principle in the septenary division.

Manas Sanyama, perfect concentration of the mind; control over the mind.

Manomaya Kosha, third sheath of the divine monad, Vedantic equivalent for fourth and fifth principles.

Mantra period, one of the four periods into which Vedic literature has been divided.

Mantra Sastra, Brahmanical writings on the occult science of incantations.

Mantra Tantra Shastras, works on incantation and Magic.

Manu, the great Indian legislator.

Manvantara, the outbreathing of the creative principle; the period of cosmic activity between two pralayas.

Maruts, the wind G.o.ds.

Mathadhipatis, heads of different religious inst.i.tutions in India.

Matras, the quant.i.ty of a Sanskrit syllable.

Matrikasakti, the power of speech, one of six forces in Nature.

Matsya Puranas, one of the Puranas.

Maya, illusion, is the cosmic power which renders phenomenal existence possible.

Mayavic Upadhi, the covering of illusion, phenomenal appearance.

Mayavirupa, the "double;" "doppelganger;" "perisprit."

Mazdiasnian, Zoroastrian (lit. "wors.h.i.+ping G.o.d").

Microcosm, man.

Mobeds, Zoroastrian priests.

Monad, the spiritual soul, that which endures through all changes of objective existence.

Moneghar, the headman of a village.

Morya, one of time royal houses of Magadha; also the name of a Rajpoot tribe.

Mukta, liberated; released from conditional existence.

Mukti. See Mukta.

Mula-prakriti, undifferentiated cosmic matter; the unmanifested cause and substance of all being.

Mumukshatwa, desire for liberation.

Nabhichakram, the seat of the principle of desire, near the umbilicus.

Najo, witch.

Nanda (King), one of the kings of Magadha.

Narayana, in mystic symbology it stands for the life principle.

Nava nidhi, the nine jewels, or consummation of spiritual development.

Neophyte, a candidate for initiation into the mysteries of adepts.h.i.+p.

Nephesh, one of the three souls, according to the Kabala; first three principles in the human septenary.

Neschamah, one of the three souls, according to the Kabala; seventh principle in the human septenary.

Nirguna, unbound; without gunas or attributes; the soul in its state of essential purity is so called.

Nirvana, beaut.i.tude, abstract spiritual existence, absorption into all.

Niyashes, Parsi prayers.

Noumena, the true essential nature of being, as distinguished from the illusive objects of sense.

Nous, spirit, mind; Platonic term, reason.

Nyaya Philosophy, a system of Hindu logic founded by Gautuma.

Occultism, the study of the mysteries of Nature and the development of the psychic powers latent in man.

Okhema, vehicle; Platonic term for body.

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