Mr. World and Miss Church-Member Part 20

Mr. World and Miss Church-Member -

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Thus does Satan manipulate affairs so that many of the Christian schools of the earth have imbibed a similar course:--first exalting Reason, and doing nothing to correspondingly develop in the student the functions of Faith.

When the telescope again turned Mr. World saw the Schools of Metaphysics where Satan operated in harmony with the limitless scheme of the whole University.

Next the College of Theology came within the range of vision. Here the clergymen of the Broad Highway are prepared to teach the doctrines of h.e.l.l under the guise of "Broad-Minded Theology." I envied not Mr.

World's position, for I could also see what his wondering eyes beheld.

As I took a transient view of this vast group of Theological Halls, and saw how many human beings resorted hither for information, I could the better understand why the world is kept so full of perverted truth.

There is a daily inflow of ecclesiastics into this College, even such as become dissatisfied with the Theology as taught on the Highway of the King.

At the next turn of the telescope Mr. World saw the extensive Business College whither so large a number of merchants go to learn how to advertise, and also how to get rich quickly. One hall alone is set apart for the purpose of teaching a merchant how to practice fraud without injuring his good standing in the church; another hall teaches how far a business man may venture into prevarication without lying; while a still larger hall is devoted to the wholesale trade, and is intended to teach the best methods of adulterating foods while yet allowing them to be sold for genuine goods.

Mr. World was deeply interested in the view afforded by the next turn of the telescope, for the magnificent groups of buildings comprising the College of Fas.h.i.+ons now lay before his admiring vision. He knew that his beloved friend was somewhere amongst the moving throngs that ever kept the College astir.

I looked in wonderment upon the far-reaching operations of this Satanic center. The teachings of this College were so far-reaching that the seeds of endless follies were planted in the generations yet unborn.

In one of the larger halls of this imposing group I saw an endless and popular variety of the G.o.ds of Fas.h.i.+on. They were wors.h.i.+ped by the slavish legions who were willing to sacrifice their all rather than forsake their chosen idols.

Mr. World plainly saw the connection between this College of Fas.h.i.+ons and the Devil's p.a.w.n Shop. The next item in the weird program was the Devil's Optical College which Mr. World and Miss Church-Member had visited in the earlier days of their companions.h.i.+p. Satan's Medical Schools also lay in the same line of vision, and were intimately connected with the Devil's Hospital which had numberless branches in all parts of the world.

And next the vast College of Literature flashed before the admiring eyes of Mr. World. As seen through the telescope this section presented a most beautiful picture.

The surface Schools of Law next attracted the attention of the spectator who was surprised to get so large a view of these operations.

Mr. World still moved in the magic circle, and saw the whole program as revealed at the angle at which the telescope was inclined. When the first circle was completed, the telescope dropped to a new angle and started on its second revolution, disclosing to the observer a new world of schools, all of which were also comprehended in the University of the World.

The Missionary College proved to be an interesting sight, as did also the Devil's Temperance College.

One of the most surprising sights that greeted Mr. World in this second revolution was Satan's Modern College of Narcotics which is a series of schools built and operated with great care, intended to counteract the special efforts ever being put forth by the devotees of the King's Highway to teach the relations of narcotics to the nervous system.

Formerly Satan did this branch of work in one of the wings of the Temperance College, but on account of the great stress put on this subject by the Surpa.s.sing Schools of the Christ, Satan has built this modern inst.i.tution, and now the church is in confusion because _so many of its members have such an indistinct vision that they cannot discern between the wool of the sheep and the hair of the wolf, even when each animal is wearing its own hide._

The most mysterious schools revealed by this second revolution were called the Schools of Emergency. These required the skill of the interpreters to give Mr. World an idea of their work.

This is also a modern idea of the Evil One, and since their erection the schools have been patronized by an astonis.h.i.+ngly large number of disappointed church-members who receive instruction more readily from the modern methods here in vogue than from the old-time system.

Then did Mr. World behold a new line of schools in course of erection, but the interpreter refused to give him satisfaction when he asked the purpose of these new schools.

When the great telescope had finished the second revolution, Mr. World was surprised to see that it commenced on the third round as the outer end of the telescope pointed more directly toward the base of the Observatory.

Startling scenes were now laid bare. The underground schools of this Great University seemed to be greater than the surface operations.

Mr. World first saw the Opium Schools, built in the form of large dens.

After this came the Schools of Iniquity, operated in darkness. Here all forms of evil are taught and made to appear justifiable under certain conditions. Many of these underground schools could not be clearly seen by Mr. World, but ere the telescope completed its third revolution he saw the Schools of Suicide more distinctly than during his visit, and got a glimpse of the limitless Law Departments Underground, and the terrible pictures of sadness and sin as seen beneath the Devil's Hospital.

Mr. World raised his eyes from the telescope and looked towards the interpreter. "What lies beyond those vast elevations?" he asked as he pointed to a rugged mountain range farther down the Broad Highway.

"Back of those mountains lies the beautiful Wizard City, shut in from all the world. Ask nothing more about it."

"But may I not enter it?"

"Not unless you are fortunate enough to discover one of the paths that lead to the Summit. From thence one can see the City."



1. Mr. World and Miss Church-Member fail to see the Ways and Means Committee at work.

2. They are directed to the city where expert inventors are constantly employed in devising weapons and all kinds of devices.

3. They see a few inventions which are just being perfected to facilitate the services of the churches along the King's Highway.

After Mr. World's remarkable experiences on the Observatory, he gladly called for his friend, Miss Church-Member, who accompanied him on another branch of the Mountain Trolley.

They alighted at a station called Progress, and proceeded on the Broad Highway. Neither of them became wearied in listening to the experiences of the other during their brief separation.

Ere long they came to a large hall which was used by the Ways and Means Committee of the Broad Highway.

They obtained permission to visit the interior of the hall, hoping thereby to see the famous committee in session. But, after being escorted from room to room by a guide, they were informed, upon reaching the main auditorium, that the committee was holding a secret session, and that no visitors would be allowed to enter during that day.

"How soon will visitors be admitted?' asked Mr. World, with a shade of disappointment in his tone.

"Not until the matter now under consideration is settled. It may be two hours, perhaps two days," was the indefinite reply.

"And where can we spend the interim with most profit and interest?"

further interrogated Mr. World.

The guide, looking through a window, described a path leading to a lofty summit. "When you reach that elevation," explained he, "you will see, in the busy vale beyond, the Wizard City.

"Most of the experiments performed in that wondrous vale are closed forever from the view of mortal man; but so much of the work as you are allowed to see will interest you for many days."

"In my opinion such a privilege is greater than the one we are here denied," smilingly spoke Miss Church-Member.

"True indeed, my friend, unless the climbing of the hill should prove to be a more arduous task than you imagine," cautioned Mr. World.

"Each of you will be pleasantly surprised," promptly affirmed the guide, "for they only can climb to that summit who do so willingly, and by them it is easily accomplished."

"Is there no shorter way thither than by that winding path?" slowly asked Mr. World.

"There is but one shorter route, and that is underground. No one is permitted to go that way until he has pa.s.sed the summit and has reached the seventh degree in the secret service of our Master."

"Ah! so there is an underground connection between this place and the Expert Inventors?" said Miss Church-Member in a low tone, and with a look of suspicion.

"Be not in the least alarmed. The Ways and Means Committee and the Expert Inventors work in harmony, each supplementing the work of the other. It is therefore essential that between them there be as close connection as possible, not only for convenience of travel, but for insuring secrecy."

"Then why are the two places so far apart?" queried Miss Church-Member.

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