Dark Ones - Last Of The Red-Hot Vampires Part 12

Dark Ones - Last Of The Red-Hot Vampires -

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"I know that you need me." I turned his face so that I could look into his beautiful black eyes. "I know that there's something I can give you which will ease the pain inside. And I know that we are meant to be together, Theo."

Regret, sorrow, and sadness swamped me as he started to pull away, but I wouldn't let him. I wrapped my arms around him, yanking him back down onto me, kissing him with a pa.s.sion so deep I was left shaking.

Theo resisted, hard and unyielding...until my tongue invaded his mouth. The taste of my blood was in our mouths, and at it, Theo went wild. He pulled my hips up, pounding into me with a force that knocked pillows from the bed. His mouth was hot on my flesh, pain sharp and hot fading quickly into a sensation so intense, I could swear I felt the pleasure it gave him. I closed my mind to the knowledge of what he was doing, and gave in to the tension that wound tighter and tighter within me.

Theo exploded into an o.r.g.a.s.m that pushed me over the edge, his body racking with the need to pour life into me, at the same time he took it. I gave him everything I had, gave him my pleasure, gave him my warmth, filled the empty dark spots where his soul used to be, and accepted from him pleasure that lifted me from the mortal plane and sent me flying.

I was vaguely aware of Theo's weight lifting off me as I floated down, but a great, languid sense of peace and well-being washed over me, leaving me unable to move despite the desire to comfort what I could feel was a profound sense of unease in Theo.


"Mmm." I stretched a little, relis.h.i.+ng the sensation of having been well-loved.

"Portia, you're bleeding."

"Not possible. My period isn't due for another week or so."

"Your neck is bleeding. Where I...where I bit you." Theo's breath was warm on my face as he leaned over me.

"It'll be all right," I said, growing increasingly drowsy. My eyelids felt like they weighed a thousand pounds each, impossible to keep open.

The bed lurched. I didn't bother to open my eyes when I heard the door open, followed by the sound of bare feet padding down the hallway. I just lay there and relived the wonderful memories of our lovemaking.

Theo returned with a cloth that he pressed to my neck. "You must make an effort to stay awake, Portia. I think I took too much of your blood."

"You're not hungry anymore," I said slowly, each word seeming to take an inordinate amount of energy to speak. I decided it wasn't worth the energy to try to talk more.I gave you great pleasure. I liked giving you pleasure.

"Wake up, Portia!"

My body lightened and floated upward, drifting around as if I was a mote of light. I drifted higher, no more substantial than a thought.You gave me pleasure, too. More than I'd ever had before. You are a very good lover.

Sweetling, you must fight this. The bleeding won't stop, and you've lost too much already. You have to help me, Portia.

I really think I'm falling for you, Theo. Which is very unlike me, but there it is.

A stinging slap on my right cheek suddenly brought me back to earth. I opened my eyes, shocked that Theo would strike me.

And that's when I realized two things: Theo and I had been speaking into each other's minds, and the word he spoke earlier was an important one.

"Vampire? You're a vampire? You can't be a vampire! You're a nephilim!"

"Don't move," he said, pus.h.i.+ng me back onto the bed. "Put your hand here and press down hard."

"Oh, sweet sensibility. I'm bleeding? I'm hemorrhaging? Call the paramedics!"

"It's going to be a bit difficult explaining to the authorities why you're missing so much blood," he said, grabbing the phone off the tiny nightstand."You're calling someone? While I'm lying here bleeding to death? Oh my stars, you bit me! You drank my blood! And...and...

good gravy, I enjoyed it! It was so...what have youdone to me?"

The last few words came out as a wail of self-pity that made me flinch even as I spoke them.

"Calm down, Portia. Panic will make your blood pressure go up," he said, sitting beside me on the bed. He punched a few numbers on the phone, holding it between his shoulder and ear as he edged up the towel I pressed to my neck. "I'm calling someone I met a few years ago. A Dark One."

"A dark what? Not another demon lord! Is it still bleeding?"

"Yes," he replied as I goggled at him. "Not yes, I'm calling a demon lord, but yes, it's still bleeding. Dark Ones are vampires. Or they have been called such-they aren't as evil as legend has painted them. h.e.l.lo? Christian Dante? I doubt you'll remember me, but we met in 1879 in Paris. My name is Theo North...that's right. Only I don't seem to be a nephilim any longer. Or perhaps I am, but I've-it's a long story. Can I meet with you?"

"I feel woozy. I think I'm going to pa.s.s out. Oh my G.o.d, I had s.e.x with a vampire! I'm falling in love with a vampire! Ifed a vampire!"

Theo covered up the bottom part of the phone. "I'll give you fifty pounds if you don't say 'vampire' again."

"VAMPIRE!" I screamed, s.n.a.t.c.hing a pillow off the floor and hitting him with it. "You drank my blood!"

"You liked it," he said to me, before listening at the phone again, giving whoever was on the other end the name and direction of the pub.

I bit back an oath. He was right, d.a.m.n him. I did enjoy it. I enjoyed it so much, I suddenly wanted to do it again.

"One more thing, Christian,'s bleeding. It doesn't seem to be stopping."

"I'm going to die. I'm going to bleed to death because you're a blood-crazed fiend. A s.e.xy, seductive, completely gorgeous blood- crazed fiend." I whacked him again with the pillow. "If I die, I'm never going to forgive you!"

"Hus.h.!.+" Theo commanded, frowning as he listened into the phone. "You're kidding. All right, I'll try that. Thank you."

"How dare you tell me to hush when I'm having an emotional breakdown," I said, as indignant as someone can be who is lying naked on a bed, next to an also-naked man who was so incredibly fabulous that, despite his blood-drinking frenzy, it made me want to wrestle him to the floor and have my wanton way with him.

"Lie still. You can have your wanton way as soon as I'm done here."

"Done what? What are you doing? What are you...oh, sweet mother of reason!"

Theo's tongue swirled over the spot on my neck that seemed to tingle in a not-unpleasant manner. His entire body froze. Mine went up in flames at his touch. He looked at me. I looked at him.

His fangs were back.

"Did it stop the bleeding?" I asked, clutching big handfuls of the bedding to keep from grabbing him.

"Yes." He seemed to have lost his breath again, his eyes ebony pools of desire, need, and pa.s.sion.

"Do it again!" I demanded, pulling him down onto me. He resisted for all of three seconds, then gave in to both our desires. I arched back against the bed as his teeth pierced my breast, his pleasure and satisfaction mingling with my own rapture as he drank.

Now I know why the ladies at work love those vampire books. Holy moly!

Chapter 11.

"Here's another scone. And more coffee. Why did Theo tell me to tell you to be sure to put lots of jam on the scone?"

I accepted the plate of scones and cup of coffee, although I wasn't sure I could consume either. It was my fifth cup of coffee and fourth scone, and I was getting full. "He wants me to rebuild my strength."

"Uh-huh." Sarah sat down across from me, the tiny private dining room blissfully empty of everyone but the two of us. "OK, I've been the good friend. I didn't once smirk when Theo emerged from your room this morning. I didn't make any jokes about the fact that you obviously have the hickey to end all hickeys under that bandage on your neck. And I haven't even hinted that I'd like full details about what the two of you have been up to, even though, as your best friend, I believe I'm due some consideration in that area."

I sighed and pushed the half-eaten scone away.

"And just who is that man in the Indiana Jones hat who has been talking to Theo for the last hour?"

"His name is Christian Dante."

"Dante?" She looked thoughtful as she stirred a spoon of sugar in her tea. "There's an author named C. J. Dante, but he lives in the Czech Republic, not England. I wonder if he's related?"

"No idea. Christian is..." I took a deep breath and looked Sarah dead in the eye. "He's a vampire."

"A vampire?" Sarah's eyes grew huge. She dropped the spoon, chipping the edge of the saucer. "Oh my G.o.d, a Dark One? Then that has to be C. J. Dante! He writes about Dark Ones! Good G.o.d, I had no idea he was in England. We have the same publisher. I have to meet him!"

"Hang on a second," I said, stopping Sarah as she was about to rush out of the room. "There's something more."

"I have always wanted to meet a Dark One! Dante makes them sound so incredibly s.e.xy! All dark and tormented, spending long centuries seeking their Beloved. This is wild! What is the something more?"

Dark and tormented. It didn't quite fit Theo, but who was I to quibble? "It's about Theo. He's...last night we...oh, I don't know where to start."

Sarah patted my hand in a comforting manner. "A simple, 'We had wild, sweaty bunny s.e.x' would do."

"Well, we didn't. I mean, we did, but that's not all we did." I tried to sort out my unusually tangled thoughts. "We didn't start out the evening that way. I went to bed not long after you, and woke up in a crypt."

"A crypt? What crypt?"

"One in the ruined abbey we saw two days ago. I wasn't alone in the crypt-there was a woman named Noelle, who was some sort of demon wrangler or something. She said she was there to administer the third trial. She summoned a demon, and I was supposed to subdue it."

I thought Sarah's eyes were going to pop right out of her head. "Oh my G.o.d! A demon?" She scrabbled in her purse for the minirecorder she carried around to make notes on book ideas. "Start over again. I want to get all of this down." I told her about the trial, how Theo had shown up, and how my experience with the demon had at last dropped the blinkers from my eyes.

"About time, too," Sarah said with no little satisfaction.

"I'm willing to concede you were right, and admit you won the bet, but any 'I told you sos' will be summarily ignored."

She grinned. "Fair enough. It's worth swallowing them to get you to admit you were wrong. Proceed."

By the time I had described our time spent with the demon lord, Sarah was taking frantic notes on a tiny notepad. "This is incredible material. I can't believe you had the b.a.l.l.s to talk back to a demon lord! So, what was this curse he put on Theo? It can't be too serious-he looked fine a few minutes ago. And obviously, if you guys spent the night together, I take it that none of his various and sundry parts were harmed."

I looked past her, out the window. It was sunny and fairly warm. An hour earlier, Theo had stepped outside the pub to greet the Dark One who had come to see him, only to end up with a nasty burn on his arms and face. It seemed that about one thing, legend was correct-vampires and sunlight didn't mix. "No, nothing was harmed in the way you mean...unless you call having your soul ripped from your being and a curse d.a.m.ning you to eternal vampire-hood harm. Which, it need not be said, I do."

Sarah did her googly-eyed impression of a pug. "You're kidding!"

I lifted an eyebrow at her.

"Oh dear G.o.d, you're not kidding! Theo is a vampire?"

"Could you speak a little louder, Sarah? I don't thinkeveryone in the village heard you."

"He's a vampire?" Her voice dropped until it was a husky whisper. "He can't be a vampire-he's an angel."

"No, he's the son of a fallen angel, and evidently there is no rule that says nephilims can't also be vampires. I am told the correct terminology is Dark One. That's why the Christian person is here-Theo's hoping to get some information from him about how to go about changing back to his normal self. Or as normal as an immortal person can be."

"This is absolutely astounding," Sarah said, her eyes distant as she poked a scone with her b.u.t.ter knife. "I can't believe this is really happening, but you're the last person on earth who would ever try to pull my leg about something like this. Avampire ! You know, Portia..." She looked up at me. "There are some drawbacks to having a boyfriend who is a Dark One."

Theo found me five minutes later, wiping my eyes and hiccupping with the aftereffects of laughter that was only slightly tinged with hysteria.

"I'm delighted to see you're so amused about the situation," he said, handing me the napkin that had fallen from my lap.

"It's better to laugh than go outright insane. Did you get all the information you needed?"

Theo turned and gestured to the man in the doorway. "Yes, thanks to Christian."

"We did not have the opportunity to be introduced earlier," Christian said, coming forward and taking my hand. He made an old- fas.h.i.+oned bow over it that should have seemed hokey, but was quite the opposite. "I am delighted to make your acquaintance. It is not often I meet a Beloved who is also a member of the Court of Divine Blood."

"Beloved?" I sent Theo a quick, embarra.s.sed glance. "We've only just...that is, we're not really...we're not...oh, c.r.a.p." I glared at Theo. "Would you like to tell the man that we only just met, and have not yet established if there is a relations.h.i.+p waiting to happen?"

The two men exchanged looks. Sarah looked uncomfortable. The silence in the room was thick with some unspoken comment."What?" I asked them all.

"There are a few things I need to explain to you," Theo said, taking my hand and pulling me toward the hall.

"You have my mobile number if you have any other questions," Christian said as I reluctantly followed my personal champion.

Theo tossed a thank you over his shoulder. As I closed the door, Sarah was pouncing on Christian with an explanation of who she was, and how they were related by publisher.

"I'm not sure it's the wisest thing in the world to leave them alone," I said as we went upstairs to my room. "She can be horribly fangirl about some authors."

"He'll survive. There are a few things you should know that I felt you'd prefer hearing privately."

"Uh-oh." I entered my room, sitting primly on a chair. "That doesn't sound good. Is it about you being a Dark One?"

"Yes." Theo paced to the window, spun around, and paced back to the door, one hand ruffling his hair.

"I have an awful feeling you're going to say you can't get your soul back, but I refuse to accept that. If someone can take something away, someone else must be able to put it back. I was quite serious when I said I would do whatever it takes to get your soul back, you know. I am aware such a thing won't be easy, but I am fully dedicated to doing whatever is required."

"It's not quite that easy." Theo paced past me.

"But it can be done? You can get your soul back?"

"In a manner of speaking." Theo made three more before he sat on the end of the bed and fixed me with a grey-eyed look.

"Christian was very informative about Dark Ones. It turns out there are two types-those born of an unredeemed father, and those cursed by a demon lord."

"Unredeemed? There's redemption possible?"

"Yes." He took a deep breath. "Each Dark One has a female counterpart, a woman who is, for lack of a better word, his soul mate. This woman is called a Beloved, and she has the ability to restore to the Dark One his soul."

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