The Red Man's Revenge Part 32

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"Your observations, sir, are fery goot, whatever," said Angus, taking an unusually long draw at his pipe.

Turn we now to look upon one more picture. It is on the of the great lake--Lake Winnipeg. There among a tangled but picturesque ma.s.s of reeds and bushes, a canoe is resting on the reeds, and, not far from it, a rude structure of boughs and bark has been set up. It is open in front, and before it burns a large fire, whose light, however, is paled by the effulgence of the glorious sun as it dips into the lake.

Petawanaquat is there, seated with a book on his knee, and a dignified, yet slightly perplexed expression on his face. His friend Sinclair is there too, teaching him to read the Word of G.o.d. Meekeye, faithful partner and sympathiser with the red man, is also there; and beside them reclines our friend Tony. That child's taste for hunting is strong.

Having been--according to Miss Trim's report--a very good boy and _remarkably_ diligent at his lessons, he has been granted a holiday and permission to go a-hunting with his red father. He is tired after the day's hunt, and reclines placidly awaiting supper, which Meekeye with downcast look prepares.

Having spent two hours over the Book that evening, Petawanaquat closed it slowly and looked up.

"You find it rather difficult to understand," said Sinclair, with a pleasant smile.

The red man rose, drew himself up, and, turning his black eyes, like the eagle, on the flas.h.i.+ng sun, stretched out his hand.

"My brother," he said, "beholds the sun. Can he tell where it comes from, or whither it goes? No; but he understands that the Great Spirit guides its course, and he is satisfied. When Petawanaquat was a child he understood very little. He is a man now, and understands a little more. When the Great Spirit takes him up yonder, no doubt his mind shall be made bigger, and it shall be filled. The book that the Great Spirit has sent is very big. Some things in it are hard to understand, but the greatest thing of all is not hard. There is but _one thing needful_. Is not Jesus the one thing? Petawanaquat wishes to live for ever. To know the Great Spirit and Jesus is to live for ever.

Petawanaquat has lived long and seen much. He has seen men torture men like evil spirits. He has seen scalps torn from men and women. He has seen little ones dashed against the stones. The spirit of Petawanaquat has groaned within him--he knew not why--perhaps the Great Spirit was speaking to him in his heart. `Shall these deeds of evil never have an end?' he asked, but there was no answer. Now, an answer has come.

Jesus is the Saviour _from sin_. All things shall be put under Him.

When that time comes _all_ things shall be good. At present good and evil are mixed."

The red man paused a moment, with a slightly troubled look, but the shadow pa.s.sed like a fleeting cloud as he dropped his arm, and, with an air of simple humility, sat down again beside his friend.

"Petawanaquat is only a child," he added; "at present he is only learning. In good time he shall know all."

The sun's last rays were still gilding the horizon and flickering on the waves of Winnipeg when the tired hunters lay down to rest. Gradually the camp-fire lost its ruddy glow; the evening breeze died slowly down; one by one the stars came out, and the soft curtain of night, descending like a gentle spirit on the wilderness, hid the red man and his comrades from mortal eyes, and wrapped them in profound repose.


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