Bouquet of Lies Part 39

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"If we asked him, he'd just say Darla gave him directions."

"But Darla wouldn't know. I mean. It's unlikely. She's pretty much housebound, according to Lacey. Unless she goes out with someone."

"Well, he'll claim it, and get Darla to back him up." Uncle Carrick popped a Tums.

Dan sighed. "Now what?"

"We'll head back to the station and review what we've got."


THE TENSION LACEY felt waiting for the next shoe to drop grew unbearable. Darla was still asleep and Kitty had wanted out. She was alone in the big quiet house, unable to make the next move. She needed Darla to wake up so they could talk. But Randy had said she'd be asleep for another hour at least.

Jake called. It was a welcome distraction. He needed to talk face to face after his night out in the cold. She hurried to the apartment above the garage.

Normally Lacey would have made suggestive remarks when Jake answered the door without a s.h.i.+rt on, but she wasn't feeling In silence, she watched him throw a tank top over his head and pull it down over his torso as he led the way into the kitchen. He grabbed his left shoulder with his right hand and twisted. She heard his back crack.

"I don't recommend sleeping over a tree root," he said as he grabbed his right shoulder with his left hand and twisted in the opposite direction.

Lacey spotted an open jar of salve on the table. She picked it up and took a look. "You should see a chiropractor."

"Yeah? That's miracle cream you've got there. Says so on the label."

Lacey frowned. "It says snake oil."

"You should get your eyes checked." He took it from her and screwed on the lid.

Lacey didn't crack a smile. "You've got a lot of knots, huh?"

"Well. It's just a back. Darla's neck was on the line. She's worth it."

Lacey sighed. "I know she's worth it. I'm just . . ." She shook her head.

"What's the next step?" Jake asked.

"What do you mean?" She tried to sound nonchalant.

Jake eyeballed her. "Okay. I know that tone. There has to be a next step. You're up to something."

She didn't want to tell him what she was planning. There was nothing for him to do. It was up to her, and she didn't want him to interfere.

"You'll know what I'm up to when the time's right."

Jake rubbed the side of his face and his att.i.tude s.h.i.+fted. "I don't like this. I never used to have to worry about you."

"Well, don't start now."

"It's hard not to." He snorted. "You know what that arrogant b.a.s.t.a.r.d said to me when he left? To get off his property. His property. What a joke."

"You tell him to go to h.e.l.l?"

"Nope. I figure guys like that want you to lose your cool. It makes them think they've won. So I just smiled and said, 'I don't know what planet you're living on, but any similarity between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.'"


"I read that somewhere."

"Yeah. Because it doesn't sound like you."

"I'm not sure he got it."

"I'm not sure I got it."

Jake laughed. "Well. Whatever. At least he looked confused."

Lacey smiled and then looked at him thoughtfully. "I think you need to stay longer than the summer."


She moved to the counter and leaned her back against it. "Darla's going to need someone once this is over."

Jake didn't say anything.

"She's going to need you."

Her phone rang and she checked the caller ID. It was Randy. "Speak of the a.s.shole. h.e.l.lo?"

"Listen," Randy's voice was urgent. "Where are you now?"

This was it. For Randy to call her and ask her that, he was about to make his move. It was probably best to lie. "I'm out. I needed to go for a drive."

"Well, get back there. I've been thinking. I don't want Darla left alone. She should be awake by now."

Lacey thought about making a snide remark about having Randy's permission to speak to her sister, but decided against it.

"Sure," Lacey said.

"Good. How long before you can get there?"

"Not long."

"Ten? Fifteen? I need to know."

Why did he need to know? Lacey frowned. "Twenty minutes, I guess."

"Okay. I should be there in twenty-five."

It sounded like he wanted her to be alone with Darla. Good. If she was awake, it gave her time to talk to her. But it also gave Randy time for his plan.

She hung up and put the phone back in her pocket. "I have to go," she told Jake.

"I'll come with you." He started for the front door.

"No. That's not a good idea."

Jake stopped and turned toward her. "Why? You've got something up your sleeve."

Lacey stuck out her arms. "I'm not wearing sleeves."


"So much so, you didn't laugh." She stared at him. Then she reached out and gave him a hug.

"What's that for, Miss Priss?"

"Last night. Watching out for Darla. Being there when we were kids. Take your pick."

She pulled back. She didn't look him in the eye. He might see the tears starting to form. "There's just one more thing. If you hear something loud like a bang coming from the house, don't worry."


"Don't worry." She realized something. "And now that I think about it, you can help me."

"Sure. Anything."

"When Randy drives up, call me. Let the phone ring twice and hang up. But don't come in the house."

"I don't like the sound of this."

"Just trust me. Please."

Darla stared out her bedroom window while she listened to her husband on the cell phone.

"I screwed up, Darla. I screwed up. Your sister called and I don't even remember what she said that made me see red. I told her we were on to her. It was the worst thing I could have said. She's on her way home."

"Home?" Darla frowned. She could see Lacey's car parked in the motor court. Why did he think she wasn't home?

"She's out driving around. But she'll be at the house in twenty minutes."

Darla watched Lacey exit Henry's apartment and start down the stairs. Oh, she'd been talking to Jake. Darla felt a twinge of jealousy. Why should she be jealous? She was married to Randy.

"I can't get there soon enough. She's coming to get rid of that mask and wig. You've got to stop her. Do you understand?"

"You're scaring me."

"Good. I want you to be scared if that's what it takes. Now tell me what you need to do."

"I'm supposed to stop her."

She watched Lacey cross the motor court until a projection of the house hid her from view.

"Remember what we talked about. Lacey is dangerous. Lacey is greedy. Lacey is a murderer. I shouldn't have left you alone with her."

Yes. Why did you leave me alone if she's so bad?

"Let that fear drive you to action. Do what you have to do. You have the gun."

"I have the gun."

"Protect yourself."

"Protect myself."

"I'm sorry I'm not there."

"I'm sorry." Her mind was cloudy, dull.

"It's up to you now. It's all up to you. Darla, your sister means to hurt you. You can do this. For us."

"For us," Darla repeated.

"I'll be there soon." He hung up.

Like a zombie, Darla went to the dresser and took the gun from the drawer.

For us.

She walked out of the room and as she headed down the stairs, she found Lacey coming up. They both froze. Darla clutched the gun close against her side.

"What are you doing here?" Darla spoke softly.

"I live here, remember? And I was coming to check on you."


"Because you were sleeping when I left."

Darla looked to the side, thoughtful. "You were here earlier." She remembered the feeling of being held. She remembered Lacey's voice.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star . . .

"I was here and Randy went somewhere."

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