Bouquet of Lies Part 14

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"You been thinking about that car?"

"A little bit, but not really."

"Can't afford it or is it something else?"

Dan could afford it. There'd been a life insurance policy on Sally. He hadn't touched the money. It was just sitting there. How would it be to spend some of it on a car she would absolutely hate? He shook off the question. "I don't know. It's . . . I don't know."

"Yeah. Hey, bud. Maybe you'll mind my saying so, but I'm kind of a straight shooter and, uh, mind you, I got no interest in selling you that car, except I'd love to have my racing buddy back. And here's the thing. You come off all steely on the outside, but it's clear you're still working through some stuff. I'll just say this. You're alive and you've got a lot of years ahead of you. Maybe it's time to do some of the things you like to do."

Dan didn't answer. What could he say? It was what his aunt and uncle had said. He agreed. It was just easier said than done.

"I know you're some kind of war hero. So it isn't a question-"

"What are you talking about?" Dan asked.

"I was talking to a guy who knew you."


"About ten months ago. At the drags. We struck up a conversation because he had a Camaro. Looked a lot like the one you sold. I thought maybe he was the one who bought it. Wasn't, but he knew you. Served in Iraq with you. Saw you save a guy's life."

Dan raised his eyes and shook his head. That had been a knee-jerk reaction. The guy had been shot by a sniper and he went after him. He himself never suffered a scratch.

"No. I'm no hero so we don't need to talk about that."

"Well, I'm just saying psychological stuff can be tougher than physical threats. Okay, I said my piece. Now, you feel like coming over? I've got some pals dropping by for Nascar."

That sounded good. It was another way to keep his mind off Lacey and reconnect with Murray.

"Sounds like a plan. What's the address?"

Dan wrote it down.


SUNDAY MORNING DARLA sat buckled into the pa.s.senger seat of Randy's Lexus. Euphoria filled every cell of her body and she found it difficult to breathe. The air in her lungs had to compete with the ecstasy that had settled there.

Heroines in the books she read were always feeling faint with pa.s.sion, and she'd tried many a time to put herself in their shoes. But she never really got it until now. She was riding in a car with a man she trusted. Someone who made her feel strong. Someone who could have come from any of the pages of those romance novels. He was gorgeous and kind and evidently he wanted to be with her.

She took a deep breath and let it out. She should be thinking about her father who died, not Randy. But she couldn't help it. It wasn't as if she really knew her father. She'd as good as lost him from the day she was born. Randy, on the other hand, was present. He seemed bigger than life in her narrow world. And he was doing something with her Lacey hadn't offered to do.

She breathed in his aftershave. From now on she would always a.s.sociate this scent-this heavenly scent-with Randy.

He glanced over at her. "You keep twisting that and I'll have potpourri all over the floor."

She looked at the nosegay in her lap. The stems were bent every which way. "Oh, yeah," she said softly. "Sorry. I didn't realize-"

"Hey. It's okay. But if you keep doing that you won't have any flowers for your parents. That's all."

Darla nodded and tried to quiet her hands.

"Nervous? Don't be. I told you I'd be with you every step of the way."

"I'm not nervous."


He pulled onto the drive that wound through the cemetery and turned right. He knew exactly which way to go. Darla was glad about that. There were green lawns, large buildings, zillions of palm trees and cypress trees not to mention the headstones, tombs and monuments that fanned out in every direction. It all looked confusing to her.

"Thank you for bringing me." Darla began twisting the nosegay again.

They reached a building connected to a chapel in the far corner of the grounds and he parked the car at the curb in the shade of an old tree. "I told you. I'm happy to do it." He put a hand on hers. "It gives me a chance to know you better." His eyes examined her face and he brushed a wisp of her hair away. It had caught in her long lashes. "I bought you a present."

"You did?"

"Well. It's really a present for me. I like to see those beautiful green eyes of yours." He reached into the backseat, grabbed a plastic bag and removed a headband. It was covered with a striped silk fabric and included a medium-sized bow low on the band. "Do you like it?"

"Oh, yes." She reached for it.

"Allow me." He placed it carefully on her head, drawing back the errant locks of hair. "Perfect." He smiled at her. "It suits you."

"I'll never take it off."

He laughed. "Ready?"

She nodded and they hopped out of the car.

Randy took her hand. "This way." She allowed him to lead as if she were a puppy on a leash.

They entered the Eternal Peace Mausoleum and walked down a long corridor flanked by marble crypts and archways. Darla raised her chin and looked skyward. Long-chained, bra.s.s chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, dispensing dim light. There was one window at the end of the hall providing a little more illumination. She turned her head to the side and saw bronze vases attached by metal rings to the many crypts that held the remains of the loved ones who'd pa.s.sed. Some held flowers adding color to the solemn setting. Bronze markers of varying designs gave the names and years lived of those who rested in peace.

"This way." Randy guided her through an archway into a ten by thirteen foot columbarium. Niches varied in height. Some were ten inches high, some twelve, some as small as eight. The side walls had marble fronts hiding the urns that held loved ones' ashes. Niches in the long wall were gla.s.s-covered so the urns could be seen.

"Over here." Randy took her to a corner of the s.p.a.ce.

They stood before a gla.s.s niche with two bra.s.s urns. One held the ashes of her father, the other her mother's. She placed what was left of the nosegay in the attached vase. It had been Lacey's idea to put the ashes here. She wanted them out of the house.

A sense of melancholy overtook Darla and her eyes grew moist. This was all that was left of her parents. She had never been close to her father, but she felt a bond with her mother. So much so that for years she thought her alive. She could believe, now, that her mother was dead because it made sense for them to be together.

She began to rub her wrists. "I'm not mad at her."


"For killing Father. It's like a connection I have with her. She died giving birth to me. I was her killer. She killed Father. They're together now. She can be at peace and so can I."

Randy didn't say anything.

She looked at him. "Do you understand?"

"All that matters is you no longer feel guilty."

A light panic threatened her. "You believe me, don't you? That I saw Mother? That she killed Father?"

He put his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Of course I believe you. I also think you've been under a great strain for years without anyone for support except that crazy sister of yours."

Darla suppressed a smile. It struck her as funny for Lacey to be called the crazy one.

"You should commune with your parents. There's a bench right there. Just sit and be with them. I'll wait for you-"

"No." She took Randy's hand.

"I'll be right outside. You need to do this. For closure."

She smiled. "Okay. If you think so." She looked at the urns and let go of his hand. "Okay."

He left her and she sat on the concrete bench. With eyes closed she enjoyed a deep sense of serenity. She had Randy. She had the Reverend Irene. Her mother was with her father now, and she understood. Those times, years ago, when she saw her mom, it had been her spirit, restless and wandering. Everything was as it should be.

Darla, a soft female voice whispered. It's Mother.

"Yes," Darla answered, calm, peaceful, eyes still closed.

I miss you.

"I miss you too. But you're happy now, aren't you?"

Yes. I'm happy. And I like your handsome young man.

Darla smiled. "You think he's mine?"

I do.

There was a pause.

Now I need to warn you. I want you to be careful.

"Careful? About Randy?"

About your sister.

Darla's eyes shot open. She half expected to see the spirit of her mother hovering before her. She saw no one. "What do you mean?"

She's greedy when it comes to men. Men and money.

"What?" Darla rose to her feet.

Oh, sweetheart. I love you. You must listen to me. I carried you for nine months, but I never got to hold you in my arms. I'm looking out for you as best I can.

A memory pushed forward of when she was four or five years old. Her mother had come to her in the middle of the night and cradled her. "Yes, you did. You held me."

No. I died, remember?

"You came to me."

I'm with you now.

"No. Before. I saw you. Why can't I see you now?"

I'm here.

Darla moved toward the archway, emotions mixed. Love, anger, guilt, and fear entwined. She loved her mother. She had always loved her. But something didn't feel right and she was scared.

"No!" Darla shouted and she ran from the vault. Randy. Where was Randy? She didn't see him. The mausoleum corridor was long. No one was around.

I'm alone.

She looked behind her. Would she see her mother now? She saw no one. Where was Randy? She walked swiftly, peering into each archway she pa.s.sed. Had he left her? He said he would be right outside. He said he would be with her every step of the way. Her muscles trembled. She feared her legs might give way.


Faster. Move faster.


She broke through the door into the light, blinded for a moment by the brilliant sun. "Randy!" she screamed, her head spinning, the light too bright. Her eyes adjusted and she saw him by the car. He crushed a cigarette with his foot and came toward her as she ran toward him.

"What's wrong?" he asked. She collapsed in his arms and he held her. "Tell me. Tell me, what happened."

"It was Mom." Tears flowed now, and her voice choked. "She talked to me."

"What? Are you sure? Did you fall asleep? Were you dreaming?"


He pushed her back from him, holding her shoulders. "I'll go look."

Darla's head shook. "There's nothing to see. Stay here. Don't go."

"I'll be right back. Wait by the car." He jogged toward the mausoleum and disappeared. Darla fought more tears and walked to the Lexus.

It took only a few minutes and he was back. "Empty."

"I heard her. I did. You have to believe me."

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