Starcrossed: Goddess Part 5

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So many dead, or run off. Lancelot was the only man to stay behind to defend her, Helen noticed.

Guinevere took Lancelot's hand and led him away from the senseless waste of life and into the trees.

"A trap," Lancelot growled, pulling away from her. "You'll lead me right to them!"

"No. They won't come near you as long as you are with me," she explained, trying to stay calm. "Look."

Guinevere held up her other hand. A globe of lightning spasmed inside her cupped palm. Lancelot jumped back momentarily and then moved closer, enchanted by the naked power he saw dancing on her fingertips.

"Why didn't you use that to get out of the carriage?" he asked, always inquisitive, just like Lucas.

"The metal soldered to the wood of the carriage surrounded me in arcs. My power would have died in the ground," she said, and then shook her head. "I'll explain someday, I promise. For now, I need to deal with them."

Guinevere held her hand aloft and shouted up into the thick branches.

"Do you see this?" she said in a third strange language that Helen also seemed to understand, if only barely. "If I see even one arrow loosed on my companion or me, I will burn your sacred forest to the ground. Do you hear? I will burn your mother G.o.ddess like dry tinder, and the sky G.o.ds will rule this island forever!"

The sounds of bark and rustling branches added their whispery voices to the wind as the Picts dissolved into the misty distance. Lancelot c.o.c.ked his head and held very still for a long time, listening and smelling and looking as carefully as he could.

"They're gone," he said finally, exhaling with relief.

"Yes," Guinevere breathed. "They've all gone."

"You saved my life."

Lancelot and Guinevere stared at each other in amazement, both the Picts and Furies finally out of their way. In that instant, all the burning anger they felt toward each other was replaced by another kind of fire-a tender one that smoldered more than it consumed.

Leaves fell in the forest. The sun moved in the sky and tilted itself perfectly to light up Lancelot's sapphire eyes. The wind picked up pieces of Guinevere's long, golden hair and sent it wafting toward Lancelot like strands of sweetly scented silk. They took a step toward each other, both open and ready for the huge gift they saw offered in the other.

They stopped abruptly.

"Oh no," Lancelot whispered, more afraid now than he had been in the heat of battle.

"Your king . . . ," Guinevere said, her amber eyes darting around frantically as if looking for a way out. "Hector . . . Arthur," she said fumblingly, as her multilingual mouth tried to say both the traditional Latin name for the new High King from the east, and the Briton's approximation of that name.

"The clans will never accept his rule unless he takes a wife from among them. They need to know that his sons will be at least part Briton," Lancelot said, shaking his head. "They will never stop fighting unless you marry him. Many will die."

They stared at each other. Guinevere was still wide-eyed with disbelief.

"I have a little sister-a half sister of my father's. She's only ten now, but in a few years . . ."

"In a few years, thousands will already be dead," Lancelot said quietly. He turned his head away, forcing himself not to look at her. "You must marry Arthur, or there will be war."


Helen hit the ground with a loud thump.

"Wha-waz-that?" Ariadne gasped, bolting up in bed.

"Me," Helen moaned from the floor, rubbing the on her forehead. "I fell."

"You fell off the couch?" Andy asked incredulously. "I thought you demiG.o.ddesses were supposed to be graceful. Made out of dewdrops and rosebuds and c.r.a.p."

"No, that's fairies," Ariadne said. "Minus the c.r.a.p, of course." Then she snickered, and Andy snickered back. Helen peeked up over the edge of the jiggling mattress and saw the other two girls having a giggle fit.

"Okay, okay. It wasn't that funny," Helen groused as she stood up and trudged over to get Andy. "I'm starving. Let's eat."

Helen stood between Andy and Ariadne, propping the two girls up as they limped and shuffled their way toward the glorious smell of bacon and m.u.f.fins coming from the kitchen.

"You're new," Kate said cheerfully as soon as the three girls entered.

"Um . . . yeah," Andy answered, dropping her eyes. "They came to get me," she mumbled, gesturing to Helen and Ariadne.

"This is the girl who got attacked," Ariadne said. "Her name is Andy."

"Let me look at you," Noel said kindly. She put down the tin of bran m.u.f.fins she had just taken out of the oven and peered deeply at Andy. Her eyes softened with sadness, and she shook her head once. "You're really banged up. But even still, I'm good at recognizing the types, and I can't place your face."

"She's not a Scion, Aunt Noel," Ariadne said. "She's half siren."

Andy cringed slightly against Helen, her eyes darting around like she expected something terrible to happen.

"Uh-oh!" Noel said with mock horror and clutched her chest. "Not one of those murdering sirens!" Then she laughed and turned back around to retrieve the m.u.f.fins. "Sit, girls. Before you all tip over."

Helen could feel Andy stiffen with confusion. Helen helped her scoot onto the long wooden bench between her and Ariadne.

"Is this really okay?" Andy asked as Ariadne shoveled eggs onto her plate. "I just sort of showed up. You don't have to feed me or anything."

"Ha! Try not eating around here," Helen said. Then she looked at Andy with wide, serious eyes and shook her head emphatically, silently mouthing the word "Don't." Ariadne shook her head in agreement with Helen, and the three girls broke into quiet laughter.

"Helen. Your father woke up for a few seconds this morning," Kate said as she took a sizzling pan of bacon off the range and brought it to the table.

Helen's mouth suddenly went dry. "I checked on him before I left yesterday. . . ."

"It's okay," Kate interrupted soothingly. "I wasn't accusing you of anything. I just wanted to let you know what's going on with him."

"Has anyone told him anything yet?" Helen had no idea how to broach the subject. Did he know she was a Scion? Should she just come right out and ask if Jerry knew that he wasn't her father yet, or was Kate still in the dark about that point as well? "Did Daphne . . . ?"

"They've spoken a few words back and forth. I don't know what about, though," Kate said stiffly, whirling away from the table abruptly. "He hasn't been awake long enough at any one time to have a full conversation, but he knows that Beth is back."

Helen nodded. "Beth" was the alias that Daphne had used when she conned Jerry, leaving Helen with him as a baby before she ran off. Helen wondered how her father had dealt with seeing her. "Is Daphne around?" Helen asked. "I'd like to talk to her."

"No. She left a few minutes ago. Said she had some things to take care of," Kate said through tight lips.

Helen could see about a dozen different shapes swirling around inside of Kate. Anger, sadness, worry, and resentment-a blinding kaleidoscope of emotion that kept moving and changing until Helen had to squeeze her eyes shut and look away for a moment. This was not normal, and it was really freaking her out.

"Helen?" Noel's ever-watchful eyes regarded Helen sharply. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah," Helen replied, shaking it off. When she looked at Kate again, the colors had dimmed and Helen found she could ignore them. "Just woozy. What's up with those m.u.f.fins?"

Noel finished transferring the sticky, treats into a basket and brought them to the table. "Don't burn yourselves," she warned uselessly as all three girls grabbed one.

Ariadne and Andy began juggling the scalding m.u.f.fins from hand to hand until they both dropped their too-hot m.u.f.fins onto their plates. Helen simply bit into hers and started chewing smugly. Andy stared at her, openmouthed.

"I'm fireproof," Helen mumbled around her purposely over-full mouth, rubbing it in. "I thought sirens had wings."

"Some do," Andy admitted sheepishly. "My mom's kind don't, though. We're more the aquatic, singing type."

"Can you breathe underwater?" Kate asked excitedly. Andy blushed and nodded. "Awesome."

"And where is your mother, Andy?" Noel asked delicately.

"I'm not sure." Andy looked down at her plate. An uncomfortable silence followed.

"So. Ever get the urge to drown anyone?" Ariadne asked.

"No!" Andy replied, horrified.

"She's just messing with you," Helen a.s.sured her. Her face dropped. "Seriously, though. What's your stance on strangling?"

"You mean apart from wanting to strangle both of you right now?" Andy asked, a smile tugging at her lips as she played along.

"You're going to fit in just fine around here, Andy," Noel said as they all cracked up.

"Women laughing," Hector drawled as he sauntered into the kitchen. "My favorite sound."

The reaction from Andy was immediate and frantic. She threw her fork at Hector's head with a startled gasp. Hector caught the fork easily and placed it back on the table with a shocked look on his face. Then he caught the m.u.f.fin, the empty water gla.s.s, and the napkin that immediately followed. Andy s.n.a.t.c.hed anything and everything within reach and hurled it at him with all her might as she scrambled to get up from the table.

"What the h.e.l.l?" Hector said, placing everything he had caught back on the table and then holding his hands up in a placating gesture as he came toward Andy.

Pinned by the bench, she slammed the backs of her legs against the wood, toppled over it, and then scrabbled on hands and knees across the kitchen floor to get away from him. Hector reached out to try to help her up.

"No, no, no, oh please, no, not again!" she mumbled hysterically as she clawed her way across the floor.

"Hector, stop," Helen said, spinning around on the bench and standing up between the two of them. Still confused, Hector kept moving toward Andy. Helen put her hands on his shoulders and shoved him back. "She thinks you're Apollo, you big dummy!" Helen screamed in his face. "You're scaring the life out of her!"

Hector suddenly seemed to register what Helen was saying, stiffened, and stopped moving forward. Ariadne helped Andy off the ground and then struggled to keep her from bolting out the side door while Hector watched with a frozen look on his face.

"You have to calm down, Andy! You're still healing, and your body can't take this," Ariadne said as she captured Andy's wrists to keep her from hurting her abused limbs anymore.

Panting and wild-eyed, Andy finally stopped struggling and went still in Ariadne's arms.

"It's okay! That's not Apollo. It's just my brother, Hector. He's not going to hurt you," Ariadne promised. Andy glared over Ariadne's shoulder at Hector, her sides still swelling with terrified breaths.

"I'm sorry," Hector called gently across the room to Andy. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

A deep red throbbing inside Hector's chest captured Helen's gaze and she stared at it, dumbstruck, as a red-gold web of light illuminated Hector from the inside out. It was the most enchanting thing Helen had ever seen.

"Stay away from me, Hector," Andy snarled, almost like she was mocking him. "Got it?"

The brightness of Hector's light faltered. Helen looked up at Hector's face.

The Hector Helen knew-and usually wanted to punch in the kidney-would have said something hilarious as he left the room, grinning at Andy in a way that would make her unsure if she wanted to kick him or kiss him. But this new, glowing Hector only nodded at Andy's demand. He took one more moment to stare at the cuts and dark bruises on her battered face, his forehead pinching with sadness. He turned to leave the kitchen without another word.

As Hector got to the door, Orion and Lucas were just coming through it. Helen saw Orion's gaze immediately dart down to Hector's chest, then back up to Hector's face, his eyes wide with shock.

"We heard yelling," Orion said, confused.

Hector pushed past Orion and Lucas. Searching the kitchen, Orion quickly found Andy, who was still glaring daggers at Hector's back. Andy's chest was a glowering nest of fear and anger. Helen saw Orion's expression fall, and she knew he understood the situation as clearly as she did.

"Hey, suns.h.i.+ne! What's the matter with you?" Lucas yelled at Hector's retreating figure. The only answer from his cousin was the slam of the front door. Lucas looked around at everyone else for an answer.

"I'll tell you later," Orion said quietly to Lucas, his voice strained with worry. Helen knew Lucas was just about to say something impatient like, "No, tell me now," so she jumped in.

"Guys. This is Andy," Helen said.

Lucas and Orion smiled at Andy and introduced themselves. Andy subtly looked back and forth between the two breathtaking young men-uncertain as to whom she wanted to stare at more. Helen laughed, sympathizing completely with Andy's predicament-Lucas's eyes or Orion's lips? She had trouble deciding that one herself. Helen clapped a hand over her mouth but not before she actually snorted. The odd outburst earned her a couple of wary looks.

It occurred to Helen that all of the emotions she was so tuned in to were not apparent to anyone else-except Orion. Glancing over, she saw him studying her carefully, and her fear returned. She mouthed the words, "We need to talk." Orion nodded once in response.

"Breakfast is getting cold," Noel said firmly.

"Maybe this is a bad idea," Andy said, shaking her head. "I shouldn't be here."

"Can your family protect you?" Lucas asked directly.

Andy looked down at her feet. "No," she replied. "I don't have family like you do. I've got a lawyer and a bank account. Sirens aren't exactly the nurturing type."

"Then you're staying here with us. Now sit down and eat," Noel said in the kind of tone that ends discussions.

Everyone scooted onto the bench or pulled up chairs and started pa.s.sing around plates. Helen found herself between Orion and Lucas, but it wasn't awkward or embarra.s.sing. It felt right, like they all belonged here at this table together.

Helen realized that the three of them were tied to each other by more than just mutual respect and attraction. She, Lucas, and Orion were blood brothers now, and each of them felt the bond to the other as deeply as if it had been there from the day they were born.

Helen felt Lucas press his leg against hers under the table. She didn't dare look at him as she felt the heat of his thigh seep through her jeans and into her skin. She pressed back against his thigh and felt him inch a tiny bit closer to her as he ate.

Right or wrong, Helen knew she would always look for a way to touch Lucas under the table, or brush up against him as she pa.s.sed him in the hall. She wasn't getting over him. In fact, she wanted Lucas even more now than she did weeks ago when she almost kissed him in his bed that first night after they fell.

Her brain filled with some other Helen's memories of suffering because of their union. They were awful, but not even those borrowed memories of destruction and fire could bring Helen to break the contact between her leg and his.

More memories flashed inside her head, like a movie reel played on fast-forward. Helen and Lucas had been married for decades. They had only met two months ago. They were sharing their first kiss. He made her laugh. He made her cry. They talked tenderly. They argued bitterly. Over and over the images rolled behind Helen's eyes like giant waves. When they stopped, Helen could see everything clearly-like a beach wiped clean after a storm.

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