The Age of the Reformation Part 84

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David Friedrich Strauss: _Ulrich von Hutten_. 1858.

Gustav Freytag: _Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit_. 1859-62.

Ferdinand Gregorovius: _Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter_.


Lord Acton: Many essays and articles, beginning about 1860, mostly collected in his _History of Freedom and Other Essays_, 1906, and _Historical Essays and Studies_, 1907.

Acton: _Lectures on Modern History_. 1906. (I use the 1912 edition; the lectures were delivered in 1899-1901).

Acton: _Letters to Mary Gladstone_, ed. H. Paul, 1904.

Jacob Burckhart: _Die Cultur der Renaissance in Italien_. 1860.

(English translation by S. G. C. Middlemore, 1878). Twentieth ed. by L. Geiger, 1919.

W. Stubbs: _Lectures on European History_. 1904. (Delivered 1860-70).

Francois Laurent: _etudes sur l'histoire de l'humanite_. 18 vols.

Vol. viii: La Reforme. (No date, circa 1862). Vol. xvii: La Religion de l'avenir. 1870. Vol. xviii: Philosophie de l'histoire. 1870.

(pp. 340 ff).

John William Draper: _History of the Intellectual Development of Europe_. 1863.

Draper: _History of the Conflict of Science and Religion_. 1874.

W. E. H. Lecky: _History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe_. 1865.

K. P. W Maurenbrecher: _Karl V und die deutschen Protestanten_. 1865.

Maurenbrecher: _England im Reformationszeitalter_. 1866.

Maurenbrecher: _Studien und Skizzen zur Geschichte der Reformationszeit_. 1874.

Maurenbrecher: _Geschichte der katholischen Reformation_. 1880.

Henry Charles Lea: _Superst.i.tion and Force_. 1866.

Lea: _Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy_. 1867.

Lea: _Chapters from the Religious History of Spain connected with the Inquisition_. 1890.

Lea: _History of Auricular Confession and Indulgences in the Latin Church_. 1896.

Lea: _History of the Inquisition in Spain_. 1906-7.

Lea: "The Eve of the Reformation," _Cambridge Modern History_, ii, 1902.

Ludwig Hausser: _Geschichte des Zeitalters der Reformation_. 1867-8.

Frederic Seebohm: _The Oxford Reformers_, 1867.

Seebohm: _The Era of the Protestant Revolution_. 1874.

H. H. Milman: _Savonarola, Erasmus and other Essays_. 1870.

Eichhoff: Dr. Martin Luther: _100 Stimmen namhafter Manner aus 4 Jahrhunderten_. 1872.

George Park Fisher: _The Reformation_. 1873. (New ed. 1906).

John Richard Green: _Short History of the English People_. 1874.

Green: _History of the English People_, 4 vols. 1877-80.

John Addington Symonds: _The Renaissance in Italy_, 7 vols. 1875-86.

Symonds: "Renaissance," article in _Encyclopaedia Britannica_, 9th, 10th, 11th ed.

Johannes Janssen: _Geschichte des deutschen Volkes seit dem Ausgange des Mittelalters_, 1876-88. (Twentieth ed. of vols. 1, 2; eighteenth ed. of vols. 3-8, by L. Pastor, 1913 ff).

Emile de Laveleye: _Le protestantisme et le catholicisme dans leurs rapports avec la liberte et la prosperite des peuples_, 1875.

Richard Watson Dixon: _History of the Church of England from the abolition of the Roman jurisdiction_, 6 vols. 1878-1902.

Friedrich Nietzsche: _Menschliches, Allzumenschliches_. 1878, p. 200.

Nietzsche: _Die frohliche Wissenschaft_. 1882, Sections 35, 148, 149, 385. (And other obiter dicta, cf. Werke, vii, 401).

Pasquale Villari: _Niccol Machiavelli e i suoi tempi_. 1878.

(English transl., 1891).

Ludwig (von) Pastor: _Die kirchliche Unionsbestrebungen unter Karl V_, 1879.

Pastor: _Geschichte der Papste seit dem Ausgange des Mittelalters_, 7 vols. 1886-1920. (English translation of German vols. 1-5, making 12 vols, ed. by Antrobus and Kerr).

H. M. Baird: _The Rise of the Huguenots in France_. 1879.

Baird: _The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre_. 1886.

Georg Christian Bernhard Punjer: _Geschichte der christlichen Religionsphilosophie seit der Reformation_. 2 Bande. 1880-3.

(English translation of the first volume as, _History of the Christian Philosophy of Religion from the Reformation to Kant_, by W. Hastie.


J. E. Thorold Rogers: _History of Agriculture and Prices in England_, vol. iv, 1882, pp. 72 ff.

Rogers: _The Economic Interpretation of History_, 1888, pp. 83 ff.

K. W. Nitzsch: _Geschichte des deutschen Volkes bis zum Augsburger Religionsfriede_, hg. von Matthai, 1883-5.

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