The Age of the Reformation Part 74

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D. Lortsch: _Histoire de la Bible en France_. 1910.

A. W. Pollard: _Records of the English Bible_. 1911.

S. C. Macauley: "The English Bible," _Quarterly Review_, Oct. 1911, pp.

505 ff.

W. Canton: _The Bible and the Anglo-Saxon People_. 1914.

H. T. Peck: _A History of Cla.s.sical Philology_. 1911.

Sir J. E. Sandys: "Scholars.h.i.+p," chap. ix in _Shakespeare's England_, 1916.

Sir J. E. Sandys: _A History of Cla.s.sical Scholars.h.i.+p_. Vol. ii, 1908.


H. Hallam: _Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries_. 1837-9. (Very comprehensive, in part antiquated, somewhat external but on the whole excellent).

SECTION 2. _History_


E. Fueter: _Geschichte der Neueren Historiographie_. 1911. French translation, revised, 1916. (Work of brilliance: philosophical, reliable, readable).

M. Ritter: "Studien uber die Entwicklung der Geschichtswissenschaft."

_Historische Zeitschrift_, cit. (1912). 261 ff.

E. Menke-Gluckert: Die Geschichtschreibung der Reformation und Gegenreformation. Bodin und die Begrundung der Geschichtsmethodologie durch Bartholomaus Keckermann. 1912.

P. Joachimsen: _Geschichtsauffa.s.sung und Geschichtschreibung in Deutschland unter dem Einfluss des Humanismus_. Teil I. 1910.

G. L. Burr: "The Freedom of History," _American Historical Review_, xxii, 261 f. 1916.

A. Morel-Fatio: _Historiographie de Charles-Quint_. 1913.

F. C. Baur: _Die Epochen der kirchlichen Geschichtschreibung_. 1852.

L. von Ranke: _Zur Kritik neueren Geschichtschreiber_.[2] 1874.

G. Wolf: _Quellenkunde der deutschen Reformationsgeschichte_. Vol. i, 1915; vol. ii, 1916.

Article, "History" in _Encyclopedia Americana_, ed. of 1919.


N. Machiavelli: _Istorie fiorentine_. (to 1492). First ed. 1561-64.

Numerous editions, and English translation by C. E. Detmold: The Historical, Political and Diplomatic Writings of N. Machiavelli. 4 vols. 1882.

Francesco Guicciardini: _Storia fiorentina_. (1378-1509). First published 1859. _Istoria d' Italia_. (1492-1534). First edition 1561-64; numerous editions since, and English translation by G. Fenton: The historie of Guicciardini. 1599.

Benvenuto Cellini: _Life_, translated by R. H. H. Cust. 2 vols. 1910.

(The original text first correctly published by O. Bacci, 1901. Many English translations).

Paulus Jovius: _Historiarum sui temporis libri. xlv. (1493-1347)_.


Polydore Vergil: _Anglicae Historiae libri. xxvii, (to 1538)_. First edition, to 1509, Basle, 1534; 2d ed. 1555. (I use the edition of 1570. The best criticism is in H. A. L. Fisher's Political History of England 1485-1547, pp. 152 ff.)

Polydore Vergil: _De rerum inventoribus libri octo_. 1536. 2d ed., enlarged, 1557.

Caesar Baronius: _Annales Ecclesiastici_ (to 1198). Rome. 1588-1607.

_Ecclesiastica Historia . . . secundum centurias, a M. Flacio, et aliis_. Magdeburg. 1559-74.

H. Bullinger: _Reformationsgeschichte, hg. von J. J. Hottinger und H.

H. Vogeli_. 3 vols. 1838-40. (Index to this in preparation by W.

Wuhrmann; Bullinger's Correspondence will also soon appear).

Joan. Sleidani: _De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo Quinto Caesare, commentariorum libri xxvi_. 1555. (My edition, 1785, 3 vols., was owned formerly by I. Dollinger).

Joannis Cochlaei: _Historia de Actis et scriptis M. Lutheri 1517-46_.

Coloniae. 1549. (Critique in A. Herte's dissertation, Die Lutherbiographie des J. Cochlaeus. 1915).

J. Mathesius: _Siebzehn Predigten von den Historien des Herrn Doctoris Martini Luthers_. 1st ed. 1566; new ed. by Losche. 1898.

_Memoires de Martin et de Guillaume du Bellay_: (1513-52). 1st ed.

1569. Critical ed. by V. L. Bourrilly and Fleury Vindry, 1908 ff.

Blaise de Monluc: _Commentaires_ (1521-76); 1st ed. 1592; critical ed.

by P. Courtreault. 1911-14.

_Oeuvres de P. de Bourdeille, Seigneur de Brantome_, ed. L. Lalanne.

11 vols. 1864 ff.

J. J. Scaliger: _Opus novum de emendatione temporum_. 1583, 1593.

_Histoire ecclesiastique des eglises francaises reformees_. Pub. par Baum et Cunitz. 3 vols. 1883-9. (Attributed, with probability, to Beza; first published 1580).

Jean Bodin: _Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem_, 1566.

Peter Martyr d' Anghiera: _Opus epistolarum_. _1530_. (This rare edition at Harvard. The work is a history in the form of letters, partly fict.i.tious, partly genuine. Cf. J. Bernays: Peter Martyr Anghierensis und sein Opus Epistolarum. 1891).

Ignatius de Loyola: Autobiography. _Monumenta Societatis Jesu_, ser.

iv, tom. 1, 1904. English translation ed. by J. F. X. O'Connor. 1900.

George Buchanan: _Rerum scoticarum historia_. Edinburgh. 1582. (Cf.

M. Meyer-Cohn: G. Buchanan als Publizist und Historiker Maria Stuarts.

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