The Life and Most Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner Part 10

The Life and Most Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner -

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"As to the next concern relating to our corn and cattle, we consented to have them removed to the valley where the cave was, that being most proper and sufficient for both. But yet when we considered farther, we altered one part of our resolution, which was to remove part of our cattle thither and plant only part of our corn there; so that in case one part was destroyed, the other might be preserved. Another resolution we took, which really had a great deal of prudence in it; and that was, in not trusting the three savages whom we had taken prisoners, with any knowledge of the plantations we had made in the valley, of what number of cattle we had there, much less of the cave, wherein we kept several arms, and two barrels of powder you left for us at your departure from this island. But though we could not change our habitation, we resolved to make it more fortified and more secret. To this end, Sir, as you planted trees at some distance before the entrance of your palace; so we, imitating your example, planted and filled up the whole s.p.a.ce of ground, even to the banks of the creek, nay, into the very ooze where the tide flowed, not leaving a place for landing; and among those I had planted, they had intermingled so many short ones, all of which growing wonderfully fast and thick, a little dog could scarcely find a pa.s.sage through them. Nor was this sufficient, as we thought, for we did the same to all the ground, on the right and left hand of us, even to the top of the hill, without so much as leaving a pa.s.sage for ourselves, except by the ladder; which being taken down, nothing but what had wings or witchcraft could pretend to come near us. And indeed this was exceedingly well-contrived, especially to serve that occasion for which we afterwards found it necessary.

"Thus we lived two years in a happy retirement, having, all this time, not one visit from the savages. Indeed one morning we had an alarm, which put us in some amazement; for a few of my Spaniards being out very early, perceived no less than twenty canoes, as it were coming on sh.o.r.e: upon which returning home, with great precipitation, they gave us the alarm, which obliged us to keep at home all that day and the next, going out only in the night-time to make our observations; but, as good luck would have it, they were upon another design, and did not land that time upon the island.

"But now there happened another quarrel between the three wicked Englishmen, and some of my Spaniards.--- The occasion was this: One of them being enraged at one of the savages, whom he had taken prisoner, for not being able to comprehend something which he was showing him, s.n.a.t.c.hed up a hatchet in a great fury not to correct, but to kill him; yet missing his head gave him such a barbarous--cut in the shoulder, that he had like to have struck off his arm; at which one of my good-natured Spaniards interposing between the Englishman and the savage beseeched the former, not to murder the poor creature, but this kindness had like to have cost the Spaniard his life, for the Englishman, struck at him in the same manner; which he nimbly and wisely avoiding, returned suddenly upon him with his shovel, (being all at work about their corn land), and very fairly knocked the brutish creature down. Hereupon another Englishman coming to his fellow's a.s.sistance, laid the good Spaniard on the earth; when immediately two others coming to his relief were attacked by the third Englishman, armed with an old cutla.s.s, who wounded them both. This uproar soon reached our ears, when we rus.h.i.+ng out upon them, took the three Englishmen prisoners, and then our next question was, what would be done to such mutinous, and impudent fellows, so furious, desperate, and idle, that they were mischievious to the highest degree and consequently not safe for the society to let them live among them.

"Now, Sir, as I was governor in your absence, so I also took the authority of a judge, and, having them brought before me; I told them, that if they had been of my country, I would have hanged every mother's son of them, but since it was an Englishman (meaning you, kind Sir,) to whom we were indebted for our preservation and deliverance, I would, in grat.i.tude, use them with all possible mildness, but at the same time leave them to the judgment of the other two Englishmen who, I hoped, forgetting their resentments, would deal impartially by them.'

"Hereupon one of his countrymen stood up: _Sir_, said he, _leave it not for us, for you may be sensible we have reason to sentence them to the gallows: besides, Sir, this fellow, Will Atkins, and the two others, proposed to us, that we might murder you all in your sleep, which we could not consent to: but knowing their inability, and your vigilance, we did not think fit to discover it before now._

"_How, Signor_, said I, _do you hear what is alledged against you? What can you say to justify so horrid an action, as to murder us in cold blood?_ So far, Sir, was the wretch from denying it, that he swore, _d.a.m.n him but he would do it still. But what have we done to you, Seignor Atkins_, said I, _or what will you gain by killing us? What shall we do to prevent you? Must we kill you, or you kill us? Why will you Seignor Atkins,_ said I, smiling, _put us to such an unhappy dilemma, such a fatal necessity?_ But so great a rage did my scoffing and yet severe jest put him into, that he was going to fly at me and undoubtedly had attempted to kill me if he had been possessed of weapons, and had not been prevented by three Spaniards. This unparalleled and villainous carriage, made us seriously consider what was to be done. The two Englishmen and the Spaniard, who had saved the poor Indian's life, mightily pet.i.tioned me to hang one of them, for an example to the others, which should be him that had twice attempted to commit murder with his hatchet, it being at that time thought impossible the poor slave should recover. But they could never gain my consent to put him to death, for the reasons above mentioned, since it was an Englishman (even yourself) who was my deliverer; and as merciful counsels are most prevailing when earnestly pressed, so I got them to be of the same opinion as to clemency. But to prevent them doing us any farther mischief; we all agreed, that they should have no weapons, as sword, gun, powder, or shot, but be expelled from the society, to live as they pleased by themselves; that neither the two Englishmen, nor the rest of the Spaniards, should have conversation with them upon any account whatsoever; that they should be kept from coming within a certain distance of our castle; and if they dared to offer us any violence, either by spoiling, burning, killing, or destroying any of the corn, plantings, buildings, fences, or cattle, belonging to the society, we would shoot them as freely as we would do beasts of prey, in whatsoever places we should find them.

"This sentence seemed very just to all but themselves; when, like a merciful judge, I called out to the two honest Englishmen, saying, _You must consider they ought not to be starved neither: and since it will be some time before they can raise corn and cattle of their own, let us give them some corn to last them eight months, and for seed to sow, by which time they'll raise some for themselves; let us also bestow upon them six milch goats, four he ones, and six kids, as well for their present support, as for a further increase; with tools necessary for their work, as hatchets, an ax, saw, and other things convenient to build them huts:_ all which were agreed: but before they took them into possession, I obliged them solemnly to swear, never to attempt any thing against us, or their countrymen for the future. Thus dismissing them from our society, They went away, sullen & refractory, as though neither willing to go nor stay; however seeing no remedy, they took what provision was given them, proposing to choose a convenient place where they might live by themselves.

"About five days after, they came to those limits appointed, in order for more victuals, and sent me word by one of my Spaniards, whom they called to, where they had pitched their tents; and marked themselves out an habitation and plantation, at the N.E. and most remote part of the island. And, indeed, there they built themselves two very handsome cottages, resembling our little castle, being under the side of a mountain, with some trees already growing on three sides of it; so that planting a few more, it would be obscured from sight, unless particularly sought for. When these huts were finished, we gave them some dry goat-skins for bedding and covering; & upon their giving us fuller a.s.surances of their good behaviour for the future, we gave them some pease, barley, and rice for sowing and whatever tools we could spare.

"Six months did they live in this separate condition, in which they got their first harvest in, the quant.i.ty of which was but small, because they had planted but little land; for, indeed, all their plantations being to form, made it more difficult; especially as it was a thing out of their element; and when they were obliged to make their boards and pots, &c. they could make little or nothing of it. But the rainy season coming on, put them into a greater perplexity for want of a cave to keep their corn dry, and prevent it from spoiling: and so much did this humble them, that they begged of my Spaniards to help them, to which the good-natured men readily consented, and in four days s.p.a.ce, worked a great hole in the side of the hill for them, large enough for their purpose, to secure their corn and other things from the rain, though not comparable to ours, which had several additional appartments.

"But a new whim possessed these rogues about three quarters of a year after, which had like to have ruined us, and themselves too: for it seems, being tired and weary of this sort of living, which made them work for themselves, without hopes of changing their condition, nothing would serve them, but that they would make a voyage to the continent, and try if they could seize upon some of the savages, and bring them over as slaves, to do their drudgery, while they lived at ease and pleasure.

"Indeed the project was not so preposterous, if they had not gone farther; but they neither did, nor proposed any thing, but what had mischief in the design, or the event. One morning, these three fellows came down to the limited station, and humbly desired to be admitted to talk with us, which we readily granted; they told us in short, that _being tired of their manner of living, and the labour of their hands in such employments, not being sufficient to procure the necessaries of life, they only desired one of the canoes we came over in, with some arms and ammunition for their defence, and they would seek their fortunes abroad, and never trouble us any more._ To be sure we were glad enough to get rid of such wretched plagues; but yet honesty made us ingenuously represent to them, by what we ourselves had suffered, the certain destruction they were running into, either of being starved to death or murdered by the savages. To this they very audaciously replied, _that they neither could nor would work: and consequently that they might as well be starved abroad as at home: & neither had they any wives or children to cry after them: nay, so intent were they upon their voyage, that if the Spaniards had not given them arms, so they had but the canoe they would have gone without them._

"Though we could not well spare our fire arms, rather than they should go like naked men, we let them have two muskets, a pistol, a cutla.s.s, and three hatchets, which were thought very sufficient: we gave them also goat's flesh, a great basket full of dried grapes, a pot of fresh b.u.t.ter, a young live kid, and a large canoe sufficient to carry twenty men. And thus, with a mast made of a long pole, and a sail of six large goat-skins dried, having a fair breeze, and a flood-tide with them, they merrily sailed away, the Spaniards calling after them, _Bon voyaje_, no man ever expecting to see them more.

"When they were gone, the Spaniards and Englishmen would often say to one another, _O how peaceably do we now live, since these turbulent fellows have left us!_ Nothing could be farther from their thoughts than to behold their faces any more; and yet scarce two and twenty days had pa.s.sed over their heads, but one of the Englishmen, being abroad a planting, perceived at a distance, three men well armed, approaching towards him. Away he flies with speed to our castle, and tells me and the rest, that we were all undone, for that strangers were landed upon the island, and who they were he could not tell; but added that they were not savages but men habited, bearing arms. _Why then,_ said I, _we have the less occasion to be concerned, since, if they were not Indians, they must be friends; for I am sure there is no Christian people upon earth, but what will do us good rather than harm._ But while we were considering of the event, up came the three Englishmen, whose voices we quickly knew, and so all our admiration of that nature ceased at once.

And our wonder was succeeded by another sort of inquiry, which was, what could be the occasion of their returning so quickly to the island, when we little expected, and much less desired their company? But as this was better to be related by themselves, I ordered them to be brought in, when they gave me the following relation of their voyage.

"After two days sail, or something less, they reached land, where they found the people coming to give them another sort of reception than what they expected or desired; for, as the savages were armed with bows and arrows, they durst not venture on sh.o.r.e, but steered northward, six or seven hours, till they gained an opening, by which they plainly perceived, that the land that appeared from this place, was not the main land, but an island. At their entrance into the opening of the sea, they discovered another island, on the right hand northward, and several more lying to the westward; but being resolved to go on sh.o.r.e some where or other, they put over to one of the western islands. Here they found the natives very courteous to them, giving them several roots and dried fish; nay, even their women too were as willing to supply them with what they could procure them to eat, bringing it a great way to them upon their heads. Among these hospitable Indians they continued some days, inquiring by signs and tokens, what nations lay around them; and were informed, that there were, several fierce and terrible people lived every way, accustomed to eat mankind; but for themselves they never used such diet, except those that were taken in battle, and of them they made a solemn feast.

"The Englishmen inquired how long it was since they had a feast of that kind? They answered, _about two moons ago_, pointing to the moon, and then two fingers; that, _at this time, their king had two hundred prisoners, which were fattening up for the slaughter_. The Englishmen were mighty desirous of seeing the prisoners, which the others mistaking, thought that they wanted some of them for their own food: upon which they beckoned to them, pointing to the rising, and then to the setting of the sun; meaning, that by the time it appeared in the east next morning, they would bring them some: and indeed they were as good as their word; for by that time they brought eleven men & five women, just as so many cows & oxen are brought to sea-port towns to victual a s.h.i.+p. But as brutish as these Englishmen were, their stomachs turned at the sight. What to do in this case, they could not tell: to refuse the prisoner, would have been the highest affront offered to the savage gentry; and to dispose of them, they knew not, in what manner; however, they resolved to accept them, and so gave them, in return, one of their hatchets, an old key, a knife, and six or seven of their bullets; things which, tho' they were wholly ignorant of, yet of seemed entirely contented with; & dragging the poor wretches into the boat, with their hands bound behind them, delivered them to the Englishmen.

But this obliged them to put off as soon as they had these presents, lest the donors should have expected two or three of them to be killed, and to be invited to dinner the next day; and so taking leave with all possible respect and thanks, though neither of them understood what the others said, they sailed away back to the first island, and there set eight of the prisoners at liberty. In their voyage they endeavoured to comfort, and have some conversation with the poor captives; but it was impossible to make them sensible of any thing; and nothing they could say or give, or do for them, could make them otherwise persuaded, but that they were unbound only to be devoured: if they gave them any food, they thought it was only to fatten them for the slaughter; or looked at any one more particularly, the poor creature supposed itself to be the 'first sacrifice'; and even when we brought them to our island, and began to use them with the greatest humanity and kindness, yet they expected every day that their new masters would devour them.

"And thus, Sir, did these three strange wanderers conclude their unaccountable relation of their voyage, which was both amazing and entertaining. Hereupon, I asked them, where there new family was? They told me _they had put them into one of their huts, and they came to beg some victuals for them_. This, indeed, made us all long to see them; and taking Friday's father with us, leaving only two at our castle, we came down to behold these poor creatures.

"When we arrived at the hut, (they being bound again by the Englishmen, for fear of escaping) we found them stark naked, expecting their fatal tragedy: there were three l.u.s.ty men, well shaped, with straight and good limbs, between thirty and five and thirty years old; and five women, two of them might be from thirty to forty, two more not above four and twenty; and the last, a comely tall maiden of about seventeen. Indeed, all the women were very agreeable, both in proportion and features, except that they were tawny, which their modest behaviour, and other graces, made amends for, when they afterwards came to be clothed.

"This naked appearance, together with their miserable circ.u.mstances, was no very comfortable sight to my Spaniards, who, for their parts, I may venture, Sir, without flattery, to say, are men of the best behaviour, calmest tempers, and sweetest nature, that can possibly be; for they immediately ordered Friday's father to see if he knew any of them, or if he understood what they could say. No sooner did the old Indian appear, but he looked at them with great seriousness; yet, as they were not of his nation, they were utter strangers to him, and none could understand his speech or signs, but one woman. This was enough to answer the design, which was to a.s.sure them they would not be killed, being fallen into the hands of Christians, who abhorred such barbarity. When they were fully satisfied of this, they expressed their joy by such strange gestures, and uncommon tones, as it is not possible for me to describe.

But the woman their interpreter, was ordered next to enquire, whether they were content to be servants, and would work for the men who had brought them hither to save their lives? Hereupon, (being at this time unbound) they fell a capering and dancing, one taking this thing upon her shoulders, and the other that, intimating, that they were willing to do any thing for them. But now, Sir, having women among us, and dreading that it might occasion some strife, if not blood, I asked the three men 'what they would do, and how they intended to use these creatures, whether as servants or women?' One of them very pertly and readily answered, 'they would use them as both,' _Gentlemen_, said I _as you are your own masters, I am not going to restrain you from that; but methinks, for avoiding dissentions among you, I would only desire you to engage, that none of you will take more than one for a woman or wife, and that having taken this one, none else should presume to touch her; for though we have not yet a priestly authority to marry you, yet it is but reasonable, that whoever thus takes a woman, should be obliged to maintain her, since n.o.body has any thing to do with her_; and this, indeed, appeared so just to all present, that it was unanimously agreed to. The Englishmen then asked my Spaniards, 'whether they designed to take any of them? but they all answered, _No_; some declaring they had already wives in Spain; and others that they cared not to join with infidels. On the reverse, the Englishmen took each of them a temporary wife, and so set up a new method of living. As to Friday's father, the Spaniards, and the three savage servants we had taken in the late battle, they all lived with me in our ancient castle; and indeed we supplied the main part of the island with food, as necessity required.

But the most remarkable part of the story is, how these Englishmen, who had been so much at variance, should agree about the choice of those women; yet they took a way good enough to prevent quarreling among themselves. They let the five women in one of their huts, and going themselves to the other, drew lots which should have the first choice.

Now, he that had the first lot went to the hut, and fetched out her he chose; and it is remarkable, that he took her that was the most homely and eldest of the number, which made the rest of the Englishmen exceedingly merry; the Spaniards themselves could not help but smile at it; but as it happened, the fellow had the best thought, in choosing one fit for application and business; and indeed she proved the best wife of all the parcel.

"But when the poor creatures perceived themselves placed in a row, and separated one by one, they were again seized with an unspeakable terror, as now thinking they were going to be slain in earnest; and when the Englishmen came to take the first, the rest set up a lamentable cry, clasped their arms around her neck, and hanging about her, took their last farewell, as they thought, in such trembling agonies, and affectionate embraces, as would have softened the hardest heart in the world, and made the driest eyes melt into tears; nor could they be persuaded but that they were going to die, till such time as Friday's father made them sensible that the Englishmen had chosen them for their wives, which ended all their terror and concern upon this occasion.

"Well, after this, the Englishmen went to work, and being a.s.sisted by my good natured Spaniards, in a few hours they, erected every one of them a new hut or tent for their separate lodging, since those they had already were, filled with tools, household stuff, and provision. They all continued on the north sh.o.r.e of the island, but separate as before; the three wicked ones pitching farther off, and the two honest men nearer our castle; so that the island seemed to be peopled in three places, three towns beginning to be built for that purpose. And here I cannot but remark, what is very common, that the two honest men had the worst wives, (I mean as to industry, cleanliness, and ingenuity) while the three reprobates enjoyed women of quite contrary qualities.

"But another observation I made was, in favour of the two honest men, to show what disparity there is between a diligent application to business, on the one hand, and a slothful negligent, and idle temper, on the other. Both of them had the same parcel of ground laid out, and corn to sow, sufficient either in their cultivation or their planting. The two honest men had a mult.i.tude of young trees planted about their habitations, so that when you approached near them, nothing appeared but a wood, very pleasing and delightful. Every thing they did prospered and flourished: their grapes, planted in order, seemed as though managed in a vineyard and were infinitely preferable to any of the others. Nor were they wanting to find out a place of retreat, but dug a cave in the most retired part of a thick wood, to secure their wives and children, with their provision and chiefest goods, surrounded with innumerable stakes, and having a most subtle entrance, in case any mischief should happen either from their fellow countrymen, or the devouring savages.

"As to the reprobates, (though I must own they were much more civilized than before) instead of delightful wood surrounding their dwellings, we found the words of King Solomon too truly verified: _I went by the vineyard of the slothful, and it was all overgrown with thorns_. In many places their crop was obliterated by weeds: the hedges having several gaps in them, the wild goats had got in, and eaten up the corn, and here and there was a dead bush to stop these gaps for the present, which was no more than shutting the stable door after the steed was stolen away.

But as to their wives, they (as I observed before) were more diligent, and cleanly enough, especially in their victuals, being instructed by one of the honest men, who had been a cook's mate on board a s.h.i.+p: & very well it was so, for as he cooked himself, his companion and their families lived as well as the idle husbands, who did nothing but loiter about, fetch turtle's eggs, catch fish and birds, and do any thing but work, and lived accordingly; while the diligent lived very handsomely and plentifully, in the most comfortable manner.

"And now, Sir, I come to lay before your eyes a scene quite different from any thing that ever happened to us before, and perhaps ever befel you in all the time of your residence on this island. I shall inform you of its original in the following manner.

"One morning, Sir, very early, there came five or six canoes of Indians on sh.o.r.e, indisputably upon their old custom of devouring their prisoners. All that we had to do upon such an occasion, was to lie concealed, that they, not having any notice of inhabitants, might depart quietly after performing their b.l.o.o.d.y execution: whoever first discovered the savages, was to give notice to all the three plantations to keep within doors, and then a proper scout was to be placed to give intelligence of their departure. But notwithstanding these wise measures, an unhappy disaster discovered us to the savages, which was like to have caused the desolation of the whole island; for, after the savages were gone off in their canoes, some of my Spaniards and I looking abroad; and being inflamed with a curiosity to see what they had been doing, to our great amazement beheld three savages fast asleep on the ground, who, either being gorged, could not awake when the others went off, or having wandered too far into the woods, did not come back in time.

"What to do with them as first, we could not tell; as for slaves we had enough of them already; and as to killing them, neither Christianity or humanity would suffer us to shed the blood of persons who never did us wrong. We perceived they had no boat left them to transport them to their own nation; and that, by letting them wander about, they might discover us, and inform the first savages that should happen to land upon the same b.l.o.o.d.y occasion, which information might entirely ruin us; and therefore I counselled my Spaniards to secure them, and set them about some work or other, till we could better dispose of them.

"Hereupon we all went back, and making them awake, took them prisoners.

It is impossible to express the horror they were in, especially when bound, as thinking they were going to be murdered and eaten, but we soon eased them of their fear as to that point. We first took them to the bower, where the chief of our country work lay as keeping goats, planting corn, &c and then carried them to the two Englishmen's habitation, to help them in their business; but happy it was for us all we did not carry them to our castle, as by the sequel will appear. The Englishmen, indeed, found them work to do; but whether they did not guard them strictly, or that they thought they could not better themselves, I cannot tell; but certainly one of them ran away into the woods, and they could not hear of him for a long time after.

"Undoubtedly there was reason enough to suppose he got home in some of the canoes, the savages returning in about four weeks time, and going off in the s.p.a.ce of two days. You may be certain, Sir, this thought could not but terrify us exceedingly, and make us justly conclude, that the savage would inform his countrymen of our abode in the island, how few and weak we were in comparison to their numbers & we expected it would not be long before the Englishmen would be attacked in their habitations; but the savages had not seen their places of safety in the woods, nor our castle, which it was a great happiness they did not know.

"Nor were we mistaken in our thoughts upon this occasion: for, about eight months after this, six canoes, with about ten men in each canoe, came sailing by the north side of the island, which they were never accustomed to do before, and landed about an hour after sunrise, near a mile from the dwelling of the two Englishman, who, it seems, had the good fortune to discover them about a league off: to that it was an hour before they could come at them. And now being confirmed in this opinion that they were certainly betrayed, they immediately bound the two slaves which were left, causing two of the three men, whom they brought with the women, and who proved very faithful to lead them with their wives, and other conveniences, into their retired care in the wood, and there to bind the two fellows hand and foot till they had further orders. They then opened their fences, where they kept their milch goats, and drove them all out, giving the goats liberty to ramble in the woods, to make the savages believe that they were wild ones; but the slave had given a truer information, which made them come to the very inclosures. The two frighted men sent the other slave of the three, who had been with them by accident, to alarm the Spaniards, and desire their a.s.sistance; in the mean time they took their arms and ammunition, and made to the cave where they had sent their wives, and securing their slaves, seated themselves in a private place, from whence they might behold all the actions of the savages. Nor had they gone far, when ascending a rising ground, they could see a little army of Indians approach to their beautiful dwelling, and in a few moments more, perceive the same, and their furniture, to their unspeakable grief, burning in a consuming flame, and when this war done, they spread here and there, searching every bush and place for the people, of whom it was very evident, they had information. Upon which the two Englishmen, not thinking themselves secure where they stood, retreated about half a mile higher in the country, rightly concluding, that the farther the savages strolled, there would be less numbers together: upon which they next took their stand by the trunk of an old tree, very hollow and large, whence they resolved to see what would offer: but they had not stood long there, before two savages came running directly towards them, as though having knowledge of their being there, who seemed resolved to attack them; a little farther were three more, and five more behind them again, all running the same way. It cannot be imagined the perplexity the poor men were in at this sight, thinking that if a.s.sistance did not speedily come their cave in the wood would be discovered, and consequently all therein lost; so they resolved to resist them there, and, when overpowered, to ascend to the top of the trees, where they might defend themselves as long as their ammunition lasted, and sell their lives as dear as possible to those devouring savages. Thus fixed in their resolution, they next considered, whether they should fire at the first two, or wait for the three, and so take the middle party, by which the two first & the five last would be separated. In this regulation the two savages also confirmed them, by turning a little to another part of the wood: but the three, & the five after them, came directly towards the tree.

Hereupon they resolved to take them in a direct line, as they approached nearer, because perhaps the first shot might hit them all three; and upon this occasion, the man who was to fire, charged his piece with three or four bullets. And thus while they were waiting, the savages came on, one of them was the runaway, who had caused all the mischief; so they resolved he should not escape, if they both fired at once. But, however, though they did not fire together, they were ready charged; when the first that let fly, was too good a marksman to miss his aim; for he killed the foremost outright, the second (_who was the runaway Indian_) fell to the ground, being shot through the body, but not dead and the third was a little wounded in the shoulder, who, sitting down on the ground, fell a screaming in a most fearful manner. The noise of the guns, which not only made the most resounding echoes, from one side to the other, but raised the birds of all sorts, fluttering with the most confused noise, so much terrified the five savages behind that they stood still at first, like so many inanimate images. But when all things were in profound silence, they came to the place where there companions lay; and here, not being sensible that they were liable to the same fate, stood over the wounded man, undoubtedly inquiring the occasion of this sad calamity; and 'tis as reasonable to suppose he told them, that it came by thunder and lightning from the G.o.ds, having never seen or heard of a gun before, in the whole course of their lives. By this time the Englishmen, having loaded their pieces, fired both together a second time, when seeing them all fall immediately on the ground, they thought they had killed every creature of them. This made them come up boldly before they had charged their guns, which indeed was a wrong step; for, when they came to the place, they found four alive, two of them very little wounded, and one not at all, which obliged them to fall upon them with their muskets: they first knocked the runaway savage on the head, and another that was but a little wounded in the arm, & then put the other languis.h.i.+ng wretches out of their pain: while he that was not hurt, with bended knees and uplifted hands, made piteous moans, and signs to them to spare his life; nor, indeed, were they unmerciful to the poor wretch, but pointed to him to sit down at the root of a tree hard by; and then, one of the Englishmen, with a piece of rope twine he had in his pocket, by mere chance, tying his two feet fast together, and his two hands behind him, they left him there, making all the haste they could after the other two, fearing they should find out their cave; but though they could not overtake them, they had the satisfaction to perceive them at a distance, cross a valley towards the sea, a quite contrary way to their retreat: upon which they returned to the tree, to look after their prisoner; but when they came there, he was gone, leaving the piece of rope-yarn, wherewith he was bound, behind him.

"Well, now they were as much concerned as ever, as not knowing how near their enemies might be, or in what numbers. Immediately they repaired to the cave, to see if all was well there, and found every thing safe, except the women, who were frightened upon their husbands account, whom they now loved entirely. They had not been long here, before seven of my Spaniards came to a.s.sist them; while the other ten, their servants, and Friday's father, were gone to defend their bower, corn, and cattle, in case the savages should have rambled so far. There accompanied the seven Spaniards, one of the three savages that had formerly been taken prisoner; and with them also that very Indian whom the Englishmen had, a little before, left under the tree; for it seems, they pa.s.sed by that way where the slaughter was made, and so carried along with them that poor wretch that was left bound. But so many prisoners now becoming a burthen to us, and fearing the dreadful consequence of their escaping, most of the Spaniards and English urged the absolute necessity there was of killing them for our common preservation; but, Sir, the authority I bore, as a governor, over-ruled that piece of cruelty; and then I ordered them to be sent prisoners to the old cave in the valley, bound hands and feet, with two Spaniards to guard them.

"So much encouraged were the Englishmen at the approach of the Spaniards, and so great was their fury against the savages for destroying their habitations, that they had not patience to stay any longer; but, taking five Spaniards along with them, armed with four muskets, a pistol, and a quarter staff, away they went in pursuit of their enemies. As they pa.s.sed by the place where the savages were slain, it was very easy to be perceived that more of them had been there, having attempted to carry off their dead bodies, but found it impracticable. From a rising ground our party had the mortification to see the smoke that proceeded from their ruins; when coming farther in flight of the sh.o.r.e, they plainly perceived that the savages had embarked in their canoes, and were putting out to sea. This they were very sorry for, there being no coming at them to give them a parting salute, but however, they were glad enough to get clear of such unwelcome guests.

"Thus the two honest, but unfortunate Englishmen, being ruined a second time, and their improvements quite destroyed, most of my good natured Spaniards helped them to rebuild, and we all a.s.sisted them with needful supplies; nay, what is more remarkable, their three mischievous countrymen, when they heard of it _(which was after all these disasters were over, they living more remote eastward)_ very friendly sympathised with them, and worked for them several days; so that, in a little, their habitations were rebuilt, their necessities supplied, and themselves restored to their former tranquility.

"Though the savages had nothing to boast of in this adventure, _(several canoes being driven ash.o.r.e, followed by two drowned creatures, having undoubtedly met with a storm at sea that very night they departed)_ yet it was natural to be supposed, that those whose better fortune it was to attain their native sh.o.r.e, would inflame their nation to another ruinous attempt, with a greater force, to carry all before them. And, indeed, so it happened: for about seven months after, our island was invaded with a most formidable navy, no less than eight and twenty canoes full of savages, armed with wooden swords, monstrous clubs, bows and arrows, and such like instruments of war, landing at the east end of the island.

"You may well, Sir, imagine what consternation our men were in upon this account, and how speedy they were to execute their resolution, having only that night's time allowed them. They knew that since they could not withstand their enemies, concealment was the only way to procure their safety; and, therefore, they took down the huts that were built for the two Englishmen, and drove their flocks of goats together with their own at the bower, to the old cave in the valley, leaving as little appearance of inhabitants as possible; and then posted themselves, with all their force, at the plantation of the two men. As they expected, so it happened: for early the next morning, the Indians, leaving their canoes at the east-end of the island, came running along the sh.o.r.e, about two hundred and fifty in number, as near as could be guessed. Our army was but little indeed; and what was our greatest misfortune, we had not arms sufficient for them. The account, as to the men, Sir, is an follows: viz. 17 _Spaniards_, 5 _Englishmen, Old Friday, the three savages, taken with the five women, who proved faithful servants, and three other slaves, living with the Spaniards. To arm these they had_ 11 _muskets_, 5 _pistols_, 3 _fowling-pieces_, 2 _swords_, 3 _old halberts_, 5 _muskets, or fowling-pieces, taken from the sailors whom you reduced. As to the slaves, we gave three of them halberts, and the other three long staves, with great iron spikes at the end of them, with hatchets by their sides; we also had hatchets sticking in our girdles, besides the fire-arms: nay, two of the women, inspired with Amazonian fort.i.tude, could not be dissuaded from fighting along with their dear husbands, and if they died, to die with them, Seeing their resolution, we gave them hatchets likewise; but what pleased them best, were the bows and arrows (which they dexterously knew how to use) that the Indians had left behind them, after their memorable battle one against another_.

"Over this army, which though little, was of great intrepidity, I was const.i.tuted chief general and commander: and knowing Will Atkins, though exceedingly wicked, yet a man of invincible courage, I gave him the power of commanding under me: he had six men with their muskets loaded with six or seven bullets a-piece, and were planted just behind a small thicket of bushes, as an advanced guard, having orders to let the first pa.s.s by; and then, when he fired into the middle of them, making a nimble retreat round a part of the wood, and so come in the rear of the Spaniards, who were shaded by a thicket of trees: for though the savages came on with the fierceness of lions, yet they wanted the subtility of foxes, being out of all manner of order, and straggling in heaps every way: and, indeed, when Will Atkins, after fifty of the savages had pa.s.sed by, had ordered three of his men to give fire, so great was their consternation, to see so many men killed and wounded, and hear such a dreadful noise, and yet knew not whence it came, that they were frightened to the highest degree: and when the second volley was given, they concluded no less but that their companions were slain by thunder and lightning from Heaven. In this notion they would have continued, had Will Atkins and his men retired, as soon as they fired, according to order: or had the rest been near them, to pour in their shot continually, their might have been a complete victory obtained: but staying to load their pieces again, discovered the whole matter. They were perceived by some of the scattering savages at a distance, who let fly their arrows among them, wounded Atkins himself, and killed his fellow Englishman, and one of the Indians taken with the women. Our party did not fail to answer them, and in their retreat killed about twenty savages. Here I cannot but take notice of our poor dying slave, who, tho' stopt from his retreat by a fatal arrow, yet with his staff and hatchet, desperately and gallantly a.s.sailed his pursuers, and killed five of the savages, before his life submitted to a multiplicity of wounds. Nor is the cruelty or malice of the Indians to be less remarked, in breaking the arms, legs, and heads of the two dead bodies, with their clubs and wooden swords, after a most wretched manner. As Atkins retreated our party advanced, to interpose between him and the savages: but after three vollies, we were obliged to retreat also: for they were so numerous and desperate, that they came up to our very teeth, shot their arrows like a cloud, and their wounded men, enraged with cruel pain, fought like madmen. They did not, however, think fit to follow us, but drawing themselves up in a circle, they gave two triumphant shouts in token of victory, though they had the grief to see several of their wounded men bleed to death before them.

"After I had, Sir, drawn up our little army together, upon a rising ground, Atkins, wounded as he was, would have had us attack the whole body of the savages at once, I was extremely well pleased with the gallantry of the man: but, upon consideration, I replied, _You perceive, Seignor Atkins, how their wounded men fight; let them alone till morning, when they will be faint, stiff, and sore, and then we shall have fewer to combat with_. To which Atkins, smiling, replied, _That's very true, Seignor, so shall I too; and that's the reason I would fight them now I am warm_. We all answered, _Seignor Atkins for your part you have behaved very gallantly; and, if you are not able to approach the enemy in the morning, we will fight for you, till then we think it convenient to wait_, and so we tarried.

"By the brightness of the moon that night, we perceived the savages in great disorder about their dead and wounded men. This made us change our resolution, and resolve to fall upon them in the night, if we could give them one volley undiscovered. This we had a fair opportunity to do, by one of the two Englishmen leading us round, between the woods and the sea-side westward, and turning short south, came privately to a place where the thickest of them were. Unheard and unperceived, eight of us fired among them, and did dreadful execution; and in half a minute after, eight more of us let fly, killing and wounding abundance of them; and then dividing ourselves into three bodies, eight persons in each body we marched from among the trees, to the very teeth of the enemy, sending forth the greatest shouts and acclamations. The savages hearing a different noise from three quarters at once, stood in the utmost confusion; but coming in sight of us, let fly a volley of arrows, which wounded poor old Friday, yet happily it did not prove mortal. We did not, however, give them a second opportunity; but rus.h.i.+ng in among them, we fired three several ways, and then fell to work with our swords, staves, hatchets, and the b.u.t.t-end of our muskets, with a fury not to be resisted; so that with the most dismal screaming and howling they had recourse to their feet, to save their lives by a speedy flight. Nor must we forget the valour of the two women; for they exposed themselves to the greatest dangers, killed many with their arrows, and valiantly destroyed several more with their hatchets.

"In fighting these two battles, we were so much tired, that we did not then trouble ourselves to pursue them to their canoes, in which we thought they would presently put to the ocean; but their happening a dreadful storm at sea, which continuing all that night, it not only prevented their voyage, but dashed several of their boats to pieces against the beach, and drove the rest so high upon the sh.o.r.e, that it required infinite labour to get them off. After our men had taken some refreshment and a little repose, they resolved early in the morning to go towards the place of their landing, and see whether they were gone off, or in what posture they remained. This necessarily led them to the place of battle, where several of the savages were expiring, a sight no way pleasing to generous minds, to delight in misery, though obliged to conquer them by the law of arms; but our own Indian slaves put them out of their pain, by dispatching them with their hatchets. At length, coming in view of the remainder of the army, we found them leaning upon their knees, which were bended towards their mouth, and the head between the two hands. Hereupon, coming within musket shot of them, I ordered two pieces to be fired without ball, in order to alarm them, that we might plainly know, whether they had the courage to venture another battle, or were utterly dispirited from such an attempt, that so we might accordingly manage them. And indeed, the prospect took very well; for, no sooner did the savages hear the first gun, and perceive the flash of the second, but they suddenly started upon their feet in the greatest consternation; and when we approached towards them, they ran howling and screaming away up the hill into the country.

"We could rather, at first, have wished, that the weather had permitted them to have gone off to the sea; but when we considered, that their escape might occasion the approach of mult.i.tudes, to our utter ruin and dissolution; we were very well pleased the contrary happened; and Will Atkins (who, tho' wounded, would not part from us all this while) advised us not to let slip this advantage, but clapping between them and their boats, deprive them of the capacity of ever returning to plague the island: _I know_, said he, _there is but on objection you can make, which is, that these creatures, living like beasts in the wood, may make excursions, rifle the plantations, and destroy the tame goats; but then, consider, we had better to do with an hundred men whom we can kill, or make slaves of at leisure, than with an hundred nations, whom it is impossible we should save ourselves from, much less subdue_. This advice, and these arguments being approved of, we set fire to their boats; and though they were so wet that we could not burn them entirely, yet we made them incapable for swimming in the seas. As soon as the Indians perceived what we were doing, many of them ran out of the woods, in fight of us, and kneeling down, piteously cried out, _Oa, Oa!

Waramakoa_. Intimating, I suppose, that, if we would but spare their canoes, they would never trouble us again.

"But all their complaints, submissions, and entreaties, were in vain; for self-preservation obliging us to the contrary, we destroyed every one of them that had escaped the fury of the ocean. When the Indians perceived this, they raised a lamentable cry, and ran into the woods, where they continued ranging about; making the woods ring with their lamentation. Here we should have considered, that making these creatures, thus desperate, we ought, at the same time to have set a sufficient guard upon the plantations: for the savages, in their ranging about, found out the bower, destroyed the fences, trod the corn down under their feet, and tore up the vines and grapes. It is true, we were always able to fight these creatures; but, as they were too swift for us, and very numerous, we durst not go out single, for fear of them; though that too was needless, they having no weapons, nor any materials to make them; and, indeed, their extremity appeared in a little time after.

[ILl.u.s.tRATION: The Spaniard, &c. burning the Indian canoes. _Dr. & Eng.

by A. Ca.r.s.e, Edin._]

"Though the savages, as already mentioned, had destroyed our bower, and all our corns, grapes, &c. yet we had still left our flock of cattle in the valley, by the cave, with some little corn that grew there, and the plantation of Will Atkins and his companions, one of whom being killed by an arrow, they were now reduced to two: it is remarkable that this was the fellow who cut the poor Indian with his hatchet, and had design to murder me and my countrymen the Spaniards. As our condition was low, we came to the resolution to drive the savages up to the farther part of the island, where no Indians landed, to kill as many of them as we could, till we had reduced their number; and then to give the remainder some corn to plant, and to teach them how to live by their daily labour, accordingly we pursued them with our guns, at the hearing of which they were so terrified, that they would fall to the ground. Every day we killed and wounded some of them, and many were found starved to death, so that our hearts began to relent at the sight of such miserable objects. At last, with great difficulty, taking one of them alive, and using him with kindness, & tenderness, we brought him to Old Friday, who talked to him, & told him how good we would be to them all, giving them corn and land to plant and live in, and present nourishment, provided they should keep within such bounds as should be allotted them, and not do prejudice to others: _Go then_, said he, _and inform your countrymen of this; which, if they will not agree to, every one of them shall be slain_.

"The poor creatures, thoroughly humbled, being reduced to about thirty-seven, joyfully accepted the offer, and earnestly begged for food; hereupon we sent twelve Spaniards and two Englishmen well armed, together with Old Friday, and three Indian slaves were loaded with a large quant.i.ty of bread and rice cakes, with three live goats: and the poor Indians being ordered to sit down on the side of the hill, they ate the victuals very thankfully, and have proved faithful to the last, never trespa.s.sing beyond their bounds, where at this day they quietly and happily remain, and where we now and then visit them. They are confined to a neck of land about a mile and a half broad, and three or four in length, on the south-east corner of the island, the sea being before, and lofty mountains behind them, free from the appearance of canoes; and indeed their countrymen never made any inquiry after them.

We gave them twelve hatchets, and three or four knives; have taught them to build huts, make wooden spades, plant corn, make bread, breed tame goats and milk them, as likewise to make wicker work, in which I must ingenuously confess, they infinitely out do us, having made themselves several pretty necessaries and fancies, as baskets, sieves, bird-cages, and cupboards, as also stools, beds and couches, no less useful than delightful; and now they live the most innocent and inoffensive creatures that ever were subdued in the world, wanting nothing but wives to make them a nation.

"Thus, kind Sir, have I given you, according to my ability, an impartial account of the various transactions that have happened, in the island since your departure to this day; and we have great reason to acknowledge the kind providence of Heaven in our merciful deliverance.

When you inspect your little kingdom, you will find in it some little improvement, your flocks increased, and your subjects augmented, so that from a desolate island, as this was before your wonderful deliverance upon it, here is a visible prospect of its becoming a populous and well governed little kingdom, to your immortal fame and glory."

There is no doubt to suppose but that the preceeding relation of my faithful Spaniard was very agreeable and no less surprising to me, to the young priest, and to all who heard it: now were these people less pleased with those necessary utensils that I brought them, such as the knives, scissars, spades, shovels, and pick-axes, with which they now adorn their habitations.

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