The Black Box Part 20

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"Girls," he said, "there has been some trouble here. Go and wait upstairs, Lenora, or sit in the hall. Laura, you had better telephone to the police station, and for a doctor. That's right, isn't it, Inspector?"

"Yes!" the latter a.s.sented thoughtfully.

Lenora, white to the lips, staggered a few feet back into the hall. Laura set her teeth and lingered.

"Is that Ross?" she asked.

"It's his body," Quest replied. "He's been murdered here, he and the Salvation Army girl who was to come this morning for her cheque."

Laura turned away, half dazed.

"I'd have trusted Ross with my life," Quest continued, "but he must have been alone in the house when the girl came. Do you suppose it was the usual sort of trouble?"

Inspector French stooped down and picked up the paper-weight. Across it was stamped the name of Sanford Quest.

"This yours, Quest?"

"Of course it is," Quest answered. "Everything in the room is mine."

"The girl would fight to defend herself," the Inspector remarked slowly, "but she could never strike a man such a blow as your valet died from."

Once more he stooped and picked up a small clock. It had stopped at eleven-fifteen. He looked at it thoughtfully.

"Quest," he said, "I'll have to ask you a question."

"Why not?" Quest replied, looking quickly up.

"Where were you at eleven-fifteen?"

"On tower Number 10 of the New York Central, sc.r.a.pping for my life," Quest answered grimly. "I've reason to remember it."

Something in the Inspector's steady gaze seemed to inspire the criminologist suddenly with a new idea. He came a step forward, a little frown upon his forehead.

"Say, French," he exclaimed, "you don't--you don't suspect me of this?"

French was unmoved. He looked Quest in the eyes.

"I don't know," he said.




For the moment a new element had been introduced into the horror of the little tableau. All eyes were fixed upon Quest, who had listened to the Inspector's dubious words with a supercilious smile upon his lips.

"Perhaps," he suggested, "you would like to ask me a few questions?"

"Perhaps I may feel it my duty to do so," the Inspector replied gravely.

"In the first place, then, Mr. Quest, will you kindly explain the condition of your clothes?"

Quest looked down at himself quickly. More than ever he realised the significance of his dishevelled appearance.

"I travelled from number ten tower, just outside New York, on top of a freight car," he said grimly. "It wasn't a very comfortable ride."

"Perhaps you will explain what made you take it, then?" the Inspector continued.

Quest shrugged his shoulders.

"Here you are, then," he replied. "This morning I decided to make an attempt to clear up the mystery of Macdougal's disappearance. I sent on my secretary, Miss Laura, to make friends with the section boss, and Lenora and I went out by automobile a little later. We inst.i.tuted a search on a new principle, and before very long we found Macdougal's body. That's one up against you, I think, Inspector."

"Very likely," the Inspector observed. "Go on, please."

"I left the two young ladies, at Miss Lenora's wish, to superintend the removal of the body. I myself had an engagement to deliver over her jewels to Mrs. Rheinholdt here at mid-day. I returned to where my automobile was waiting, started for the city and was attacked by two thugs near the section house. I got away from them, ran to the tower house to try and stop the freight, was followed by the thugs, and jumped out on to the last car from the signal arm."

There was a dead silence. Quest began quietly to dust his clothes. The Inspector stopped him.

"Don't do that," he said.

Quest paused in his task and laid down the brush.

"Any more questions?"

"Where is your automobile?"

"No idea," Quest replied. "I left it in the road. When I jumped from the freight car, I took a taxicab to the Professor's and called for him, as arranged."

"That is perfectly true," the Professor intervened. "Mr. Quest called for us, as arranged previously, at ten minutes to twelve."

The inspector nodded.

"I shall have to ask you to excuse me for a moment," he said, "while I ring up Number 10 signal tower. If Mr. Quest's story receives corroboration, the matter is at an end. Where shall I find a telephone?"

"In every room in the house," Quest answered shortly. "There is one outside in the pa.s.sage."

The Inspector left the room almost immediately. The Professor crossed to Quest's side. A kindly smile parted his lips.

"My dear Mr. Quest," he exclaimed, "our friend the Inspector's head has been turned a little, beyond doubt, by these horrible happenings! Permit me to a.s.sure you, for one, that I look upon his insinuations as absurd."



"The man has gone off his head!" Laura declared angrily.

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