The Ancestor's Tale Part 24

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Plate 1Published with kind permission of the International Commission on Stratigraphy.2 PALAEOLITHIC CAVE PAINTING OF CATTLE AT LASCAUX PALAEOLITHIC CAVE PAINTING OF CATTLE AT LASCAUX, Archivo Iconografico, S.A./Corbis.3 TRAIL OF LAETOLI FOOTPRINTS TRAIL OF LAETOLI FOOTPRINTS, John Reader/Science Photo Library.4 PALAEOSCOLEX SINENSIS PALAEOSCOLEX SINENSIS, Chengjiang fossil beds. Photograph by kind permission of Dr Derek J. Siveter, Oxford University Museum of Natural History. From [136].5 CONCESTOR CONCESTOR 3, Moonrunner Design. 3, Moonrunner Design.6 BAOBABS BAOBABS, Thomas Pakenham.7 NORTH AMERICAN BEAVER NORTH AMERICAN BEAVER, John Shaw/NHPA.8 HIPPOPOTAMUS HIPPOPOTAMUS, Kevin Schafer/NHPA.9 TREE TREE, from E. Haeckel [119].10 SOUTHERN ELEPHANT SEALS MATING SOUTHERN ELEPHANT SEALS MATING, B. & C. Alexander/NHPA.11 ELEPHANT SHREW ELEPHANT SHREW, Anthony Bannister/NHPA.12 AMEBELODON AMEBELODON, SHOVEL TUSKER SHOVEL TUSKER, Michael Long/NHMPL.13 SENSORY HOMUNCULUS SENSORY HOMUNCULUS, The Natural History Museum, London.14 PLATYPUNCULUS PLATYPUNCULUS from J. D. Pettigrew, P. R. Manger & S. L. B. Fine, [ from J. D. Pettigrew, P. R. Manger & S. L. B. Fine, [225], fig. 7a.15 PADDLEFISH PADDLEFISH, Norbert Wu/Minden Pictures.16 MAMMAL-LIKE REPTILES DIAGRAM MAMMAL-LIKE REPTILES DIAGRAM from T. Kemp [ from T. Kemp [151].17 MAIZE OIL GRAPH MAIZE OIL GRAPH from M. Ridley, from M. Ridley, Evolution Evolution, 3rd Edn. Blackwell (2003), fig. 9.7. Modified from J. W. Dudley & R. L. Lambert [85].18 WILSON'S BIRD OF PARADISE WILSON'S BIRD OF PARADISE, Richard Kirby/ PALAEOGRAPHIC MAP PALAEOGRAPHIC MAP by Christopher R. Scotese, 2003 PALEOMAP Project ( by Christopher R. Scotese, 2003 PALEOMAP Project ( PALAEOGRAPHIC MAPS PALAEOGRAPHIC MAPS by Christopher R. Scotese, 2003 PALEOMAP Project ( by Christopher R. Scotese, 2003 PALEOMAP Project ( ENSATINA ENSATINA PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS Chuck Brown; Chuck Brown; MAP MAP from from A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians, 3rd ed., by Robert C. Stebbins. Copyright 2003 by Robert C. Stebbins. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.22 CONCESTOR CONCESTOR 18, Moonrunner Design. 18, Moonrunner Design.23 COELACANTH FISH COELACANTH FISH, Peter Sc.o.o.nes/Science Photo Library.24 LEAFY SEA DRAGON LEAFY SEA DRAGON, Paul Zahl/Science Photo Library.25 DEEP SEA SNIPE EEL DEEP SEA SNIPE EEL, Peter Parks/; DEEP SEA BLACK SWALLOWER DEEP SEA BLACK SWALLOWER, Peter Herring/; PLAICE CAMOUFLAGED ON SAND PLAICE CAMOUFLAGED ON SAND, Linda Pitkin/NHPA; OCEAN SUNFISH OCEAN SUNFISH, Masa Us.h.i.+oda/; DEEP-SEA GULPER DEEP-SEA GULPER, Norbert Wu/Minden Pictures.26 UNROOTED HAPLOTYPE NETWORK OF THE HAPLOCHROMINE SUPERFLOCK UNROOTED HAPLOTYPE NETWORK OF THE HAPLOCHROMINE SUPERFLOCK from Verheyen from Verheyen et al et al. Reprinted with permission from [295], fig 3c. Copyright 2003 AAAS.27 TWO WAYS OF BEING A FLATFISH, TWO WAYS OF BEING A FLATFISH, by L. Ward, from R. Dawkins [ by L. Ward, from R. Dawkins [71], fig. 4.7.28 GREAT HAMMERHEAD SHARK GREAT HAMMERHEAD SHARK, James, D. Watt/; SMALLTOOTH SAWFISH SMALLTOOTH SAWFISH, Yves Lanceau/NHPA.29 ELEPHANT SHARK OR PLOUGH-NOSED CHIMAERA ELEPHANT SHARK OR PLOUGH-NOSED CHIMAERA, ANT Photo Library/NHPA.30 CONCESTOR CONCESTOR 23, Moonrunner Design. 23, Moonrunner Design.31 SEA SQUIRTS SEA SQUIRTS, B. Jones & M. s.h.i.+mlock/NHPA.32 LEAF CUTTER ANTS LEAF CUTTER ANTS, Michael & Patricia Fogden/Minden Pictures.33 PHOTOGRAPH OF CONDOLEEZZA RICE, COLIN POWELL, PRESIDENT BUSH AND DONALD H. RUMSFELD PHOTOGRAPH OF CONDOLEEZZA RICE, COLIN POWELL, PRESIDENT BUSH AND DONALD H. RUMSFELD, a.s.sociated Press.34 DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER from P. A. Lawrence, from P. A. Lawrence, The Making of a Fly The Making of a Fly, Blackwell Science (1992), plate 5.1.35 LIGHT MICROGRAPH OF A ROTIFER LIGHT MICROGRAPH OF A ROTIFER, John Walsh/Science Photo Library.36 VELVET WORM VELVET WORM, Dr Morley Read/Science Photo Library.37 HALKIERIA HALKIERIA reprinted by kind permission of Simon Conway-Morris, University of Cambridge. From S. Conway-Morris and J. S. Peel, 'Articulated Halkieriids from the Lower Cambrian of North Greenland and Their Role in Early Protostome Evolution', reprinted by kind permission of Simon Conway-Morris, University of Cambridge. From S. Conway-Morris and J. S. Peel, 'Articulated Halkieriids from the Lower Cambrian of North Greenland and Their Role in Early Protostome Evolution', Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. (1995), B 347: 305358, figs. 49a, b, c.38 d.i.c.kINSONIA COSTATA, d.i.c.kINSONIA COSTATA, all rights reserved by J. G. Gehling, South Australian Museum. all rights reserved by J. G. Gehling, South Australian Museum.39 PORPITA PORPITA PORPITA PORPITA, Peter Parks/ Ma.s.s OF Ma.s.s OF MASTIGIAS MASTIGIAS JELLYFISH AT SURFACE PALAU, WESTERN PACIFIC ISLANDS JELLYFISH AT SURFACE PALAU, WESTERN PACIFIC ISLANDS, Michael Pitts/ AERIAL VIEW OF HERON ISLAND AERIAL VIEW OF HERON ISLAND ( (CORAL ISLAND), GREAT BARRIER REEF MARINE PARK, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA GREAT BARRIER REEF MARINE PARK, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA, Gerry Ellis/Minden Pictures.42 CLEANER WRa.s.sE CLEANING ROSY GOATFISH CLEANER WRa.s.sE CLEANING ROSY GOATFISH, Georgette Douwma/ VENUS VENUS'S GIRDLE, A TYPE OF COMB JELLY, Sinclair Stammers/Science Photo Library. Sinclair Stammers/Science Photo Library.44 GLa.s.s SPONGE GLa.s.s SPONGE, The Natural History Museum, London.45 STINKHORN MUSHROOMS STINKHORN MUSHROOMS, Vaughan Fleming/Science Photo Library.46 CONCESTOR CONCESTOR 36, Moonrunner Design. 36, Moonrunner Design.47 SEQUOIA TREE, SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK SEQUOIA TREE, SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK, Tony Craddock/Science Photo Library.48 TRANSFER RNA MOLECULE, COMPUTER ARTWORK TRANSFER RNA MOLECULE, COMPUTER ARTWORK, Alfred Pasieka/Science Photo Library.49 AWFUL CHANGES AWFUL CHANGES Department of Geology, National Museum of Wales. Department of Geology, National Museum of Wales.50 Clockwise: Clockwise: PHOTOGRAPH OF A SIDE VIEW OF PHOTOGRAPH OF A SIDE VIEW OF NAUTILUS POMPILIUS NAUTILUS POMPILIUS showing 'pin-hole' eye, The Natural History Museum, London; showing 'pin-hole' eye, The Natural History Museum, London; COLOURED SCANNING ELECTRON MICROGRAPH OF TRILOBITE EYE FOSSIL COLOURED SCANNING ELECTRON MICROGRAPH OF TRILOBITE EYE FOSSIL, VVG/Science Photo Library; SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE IMAGE SHOWING THE COMPOUND EYE OF A SIMULIAN BLACKFLY SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE IMAGE SHOWING THE COMPOUND EYE OF A SIMULIAN BLACKFLY, The Natural History Museum, London; STOPLIGHT PARROTFISH EYE STOPLIGHT PARROTFISH EYE, B. Jones & M. s.h.i.+mlock/NHPA; EYE OF A GREAT HORNED OWL EYE OF A GREAT HORNED OWL, Simon Fraser/Science Photo Library.

Page 39 CROWD IMAGE CROWD IMAGE reprinted by kind permission of Professor Robert Winston. reprinted by kind permission of Professor Robert Winston.50 VICTORIA FAMILY TREE VICTORIA FAMILY TREE by Yan Wong. by Yan Wong.61 A NEW MODEL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION A NEW MODEL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION from A. R. Templeton [ from A. R. Templeton [284], fig. 1. Reproduced with kind permission of Nature Publis.h.i.+ng Group.81 SCATTER GRAPH OF LOG BRAIN WEIGHT AGAINST LOG BODY WEIGHT SCATTER GRAPH OF LOG BRAIN WEIGHT AGAINST LOG BODY WEIGHT, from R. D. Martin et al et al. [185], fig 1. Reproduced with kind permission of Nature Publis.h.i.+ng Group.88 EQ OR EQ OR ' 'BRAININESS' INDEX INDEX by Yan Wong. by Yan Wong.100 TOUMAI CRANIUM TOUMAI CRANIUM, M.P.F.T. (Mission Paleoanthropologique Franco-Tchadienne).121 A SYNTHETIC HYPOTHESIS OF CATARRHINE PRIMATE EVOLUTION A SYNTHETIC HYPOTHESIS OF CATARRHINE PRIMATE EVOLUTION. Reprinted from C. B. Stewart & T. R. Disotell [273], fig. 2. Copyright 1998, with permission from Elsevier.


135, 136 136, 138 138 CHAUCER DIAGRAMS CHAUCER DIAGRAMS by Yan Wong based on data from [ by Yan Wong based on data from [46].

140 ' 'NONCOMMUNICATORY' DATA DIAGRAM DATA DIAGRAM from T. Geissmann [ from T. Geissmann [100], fig. 1.6. Reprinted by permission of Wiley-Liss, Inc., a subsidiary of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.141 UNROOTED MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD TREE UNROOTED MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD TREE. Reprinted from C. Roos & T. Geissmann [246], fig. 2c. Copyright 2001, with permission from Elsevier.165 TARSIER SKELETON TARSIER SKELETON by Stephen D. Nash, from by Stephen D. Nash, from Primate Adaptation and Evolution Primate Adaptation and Evolution by John G. Fleagle, 2nd ed., Academic Press, San Diego (1999), Fig. 4.25. by John G. Fleagle, 2nd ed., Academic Press, San Diego (1999), Fig. 4.25.213 GRAPH GRAPH based on data from R. D. Alexander based on data from R. D. Alexander et al et al. [5].217 TESTIS Ma.s.s AGAINST BODY Ma.s.s TESTIS Ma.s.s AGAINST BODY Ma.s.s from P. H. Harvey & M. D. Pagel [ from P. H. Harvey & M. D. Pagel [132], fig. 1.3.241 HENKELOTHERIUM HENKELOTHERIUM by Elke Groning, from B. Krebs, 'Das Skelt von Henkelotherium guimarotae gen. et. sp. nov ( by Elke Groning, from B. Krebs, 'Das Skelt von Henkelotherium guimarotae gen. et. sp. nov (Eupantotheria, Mammalia) aus dem Oberen Jura von Portugal', Berliner Geowiss Berliner Geowiss (1991), Abh. A 133: 1110. (1991), Abh. A 133: 1110.244 Penfield brain diagram from [ Penfield brain diagram from [222].246 PLATYPUS ISO-SENSITIVITY LINES PLATYPUS ISO-SENSITIVITY LINES from P. R. Manger & J. D. Pettigrew [ from P. R. Manger & J. D. Pettigrew [181], fig. 13e.250 STAR-NOSED MOLE STAR-NOSED MOLE, Rod Planck/Science Photo Library.252 MOLUNCULUS MOLUNCULUS from K. C. Catania & J. H. Kaas [ from K. C. Catania & J. H. Kaas [41]. Reprinted by permission of Wiley-Liss, Inc., a subsidiary of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.256 EXTINCTION RATES DIAGRAM EXTINCTION RATES DIAGRAM from J. J. Sepkoski [ from J. J. Sepkoski [260].288 RICHARD OWEN, BRITISH ZOOLOGIST, WITH A GIANT MOA RICHARD OWEN, BRITISH ZOOLOGIST, WITH A GIANT MOA, George Bernard/Science Photo Library.300 SEA FLOOR SPREADING DIAGRAM SEA FLOOR SPREADING DIAGRAM redrawn by Ken Wilson. redrawn by Ken Wilson.316 BELL CURVE DIAGRAM AND DISTRIBUTION DIAGRAM BELL CURVE DIAGRAM AND DISTRIBUTION DIAGRAM by Richard Dawkins. by Richard Dawkins.333 PHYLOGENETIC POSITION OF THE CAECILIAN PHYLOGENETIC POSITION OF THE CAECILIAN from R. Zardoya & A. Meyer [ from R. Zardoya & A. Meyer [324], fig. 4c.395 BRACHIOPOD BRACHIOPOD, Natural History Museum, London.403 UPSIDE-DOWN CATFISH UPSIDE-DOWN CATFISH, Slip Nicklin/Minden Pictures; APOLLO APOLLO 11 11 IMAGE OF MOON CRATERS IMAGE OF MOON CRATERS, NASA/DvR/Science Photo Library.411 PHOTOGRAPH OF COLIN POWELL AND PRESIDENT DANIEL ARAP MOI PHOTOGRAPH OF COLIN POWELL AND PRESIDENT DANIEL ARAP MOI, a.s.sociated Press.448 THAUMATOXENA ANDREINII SILVESTRI THAUMATOXENA ANDREINII SILVESTRI, from R.H.L. Disney and D. H. Kistner, 'Revision of the termitophilous Thaumatoxeninae (Diptera: Phoridae)', Journal of Natural History Journal of Natural History (1992) 26: 953991. (1992) 26: 953991.449 MEGASELIA SCALARIS MEGASELIA SCALARIS ( (Loew) by Arthur Smith, Natural History Museum, London.451 HALLUCIGENIA HALLUCIGENIA RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION, by kind permission of Dr Derek J. Siveter, Oxford University Museum of Natural History. From [136].452 RECONSTRUCTION OF ANIMALOCARIS RECONSTRUCTION OF ANIMALOCARIS, by kind permission of Dr Derek J. Siveter, Oxford University Museum of Natural History. From [136].454 MYLLOKUNMINGIA MYLLOKUNMINGIA SPECIMEN AND DIAGRAM SPECIMEN AND DIAGRAM from D-G Shu from D-G Shu et al et al. [264], figs. 2a and 3. Reproduced with kind permission of Nature Publis.h.i.+ng Group.478 CNIDARIAN HARPOON CNIDARIAN HARPOON, courtesy of BIODIDAC ( DIAGRAM OF PORTION OF SPONGE WALL DIAGRAM OF PORTION OF SPONGE WALL from R. C. Brusca & G. J. Brusca, from R. C. Brusca & G. J. Brusca, Invertebrates Invertebrates, 2nd ed., Sinauer a.s.sociates, Inc. (2003). Drawn from original by Tim Brown.502 CHOANOFLAGELLATE STALKED SPECIES CHOANOFLAGELLATE STALKED SPECIES from J. N. Farmer, from J. N. Farmer, The Protozoa The Protozoa, C. V. Mosby Co., St Louis (1980). University of Birmingham.521 DEEP GREEN DIAGRAM DEEP GREEN DIAGRAM reprinted courtesy of Brent Mishler, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley. reprinted courtesy of Brent Mishler, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley.523 KLIEBER KLIEBER'S LAW SCATTER PLOT from West, Brown & Enquist [ from West, Brown & Enquist [304], fig. 2. From diagram in Hemmingsen, 'Energy meta as related to body size', Rep. Steno. Mem. Hosp Rep. Steno. Mem. Hosp., Copenhagen: 1110 (1960). Drawn from original by Tim Brown.524 CROSS-SECTION OF CAULIFLOWER CROSS-SECTION OF CAULIFLOWER by Yan Wong. by Yan Wong.540 CONSENSUS PHYLOGENY OF EUKARYOTES CONSENSUS PHYLOGENY OF EUKARYOTES S. L. Baldauf. Updated from original in [ S. L. Baldauf. Updated from original in [13], fig 1.547 DIAGRAM OF DIAGRAM OF MIXOTRICHA MIXOTRICHA from L. R. Cleveland & A. V. Grimstone [ from L. R. Cleveland & A. V. Grimstone [49].561 BACTERIAL FLAGELLAR MOTOR BACTERIAL FLAGELLAR MOTOR from D. Voet & J. G. Voet, from D. Voet & J. G. Voet, Biochemistry Biochemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1994), p. 1259. Drawn from original by Tim Brown.569 MODERN VIEW OF THE TREE OF LIFE MODERN VIEW OF THE TREE OF LIFE. Modified from S. Gribaldo & H. Philippe [113], fig. 5. Copyright 2002, with permission from Elsevier.602 EYE LANDSCAPE EYE LANDSCAPE drawn by L. Ward after original by M. F. Land, from R. Dawkins [ drawn by L. Ward after original by M. F. Land, from R. Dawkins [71].

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