Roses and Rose Growing Part 14

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Dr. Grill. _Bonnaire_, 1886. Clear rose, centre salmon.

d.u.c.h.esse Maria Salviati. _Soupert et Notting_, 1890. Rosy flesh, shaded chrome, fragrant.

Ernest Metz. _Guillot_, 1889. Soft carmine-rose, reverse of petals deeper.

Ethel Brownlow. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1887. Bright salmon-pink, yellow base.

Franciska Kruger. _Nabonnand_, 1879. Copper, shaded peach.

G. Nabonnand. _Nabonnand_, 1889. Pale flesh, shaded yellow.

Homere. _Robert_, 1859. Rose-edged, salmon centre.

Jean _d.u.c.h.er_, 1874. Salmon yellow, shaded peach.

Lena. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1906. Glowing apricot.

Madame Antoine Mari. _Mari_, 1902. Rose, washed with white.

Madame Cusin. _Guillot_, 1881. Rose, lighter centre.

Madame Georges Durrschmidt. _Peletier_, 1895.

China rose, cerise centre, fragrant.

Madame Lambard. _Lacharme_, 1877. Bright rose.

Madame Jules Gravereaux. _Soupert et Notting_, 1901. Chamois yellow, rosy peach centre.

Madame Philemon Cochet. Clear rose, shaded salmon.

Maman Cochet. _Cochet_, 1893. Carmine, shaded salmon-yellow.

Mathilde Liegeard. _Nabonnand_, 1907. Pearly rose, touched carmine.

Mrs. B. R. Cant. _B. R. Cant_, 1901. Deep rose outer petals, inner petals silvery rose.

Mrs. Edward Mawley. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1899. Bright carmine, shaded salmon.

Morning Glow. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1902. Rosy crimson, suffused orange and fawn.

Nellie Johnstone. _Paul & Son_, 1906. Pure rose pink.

Paul Nabonnand. _Nabonnand_, 1878. Hydrangea pink.

Rainbow. _Sievers_, 1891. Sport from Papa Gontier, pink, striped crimson.

Rose d'Evian. _Bernaix_, 1895. China rose outside, lined carmine.

Souvenir d'un Ami. _Defougere_, 1846. Salmon-rose.

Souvenir de Paul Neyron. _Levet_, 1872. Salmon, edged rose.

Souvenir de William Robinson. _Bernaix_, 1900.

Fawn, shaded pink and yellow.

Sunrise. _Piper_, 1899. Outer petals carmine, shading to pale fawn and salmon within.


Alexandra. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1901. Copper yellow, streaked with orange.

Anna Olivier. _d.u.c.h.er_, 1872. Buff, flushed pink.

Antoine Devert. _Gonod_, 1881. Clear straw colour.

Belle Lyonnaise. _Levet_, 1869. Deep lemon, climbing.

Billiard et Barre. _Pernet-d.u.c.h.er_, 1899. Deep golden yellow.

Blumenschmidt, _J. C. Schmidt_, 1907. Bright lemon yellow, edged pink.

Comtesse Alexandra Kinsky. _Soupert et Notting_, 1905. White, centre apricot yellow.

Comtesse de Frigneuse. _Guillot_, 1886. Fine canary yellow.

Georges Schwartz. _Schwartz_, 1900. Deep canary yellow.

Goldquelle. _Lambert_, 1899. Clear golden yellow.

Harry Kirk. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1907. Deep sulphur yellow.

Hugo Roller. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1907. Lemon yellow, edged crimson.

J. F. Giraud. _Ketter_, 1907. Golden yellow, centre saffron.

Jean Pernet. _Pernet_, 1869. Clear yellow.

Lady Mary Corry. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1900. Deep golden yellow.

Lena. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1906. Glowing apricot, edged primrose.

Madame Barthelemy Levet. _Levet pere_, 1880.

Canary yellow, climbing.

Madame Chauvry. _Bonnaire_, 1887. Nankeen yellow.

Madame Chedanne Guinoisseau. _Leveque_, 1880.

Clear bright yellow.

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