The Botanist's Companion Part 38

The Botanist's Companion -

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725. Silverweed - - - Potentilla anserina.

726. Sneezewort - - - Achillea Ptarmica.

727. Thistle, melancholy - Carduus heterophyllus.

728. -------, cursed - - ------- arvensis.

729. Water h.o.r.ehound - - Lycopus europaeus.

Perennial Weeds.

This enumeration of noxious plants contains those which, although they are very troublesome, are more easy of extirpation than the last: for although the most of them are perennial, yet, as their roots do not spread as those of the above list do, they are to be effectually removed by taking up the plants by their roots. It should, however, be always noticed, that it is to little account to endeavour to clear any land of such inc.u.mbrances, if any waste places which are separated only by a hedge are allowed to grow these things with impunity; for the seeds will invariably find their way. The contrivance of nature in their formation is a curious and pleasant subject for the philosophical botanist; at the same time it is one of those curses which was impelled on human labour.

730. b.u.t.ter-bur - - - Tussilago Petasites.

731. Burdock - - - Arctium Lappa.

732. Bugloss, small - - Lycopis arvensis.

733. Crowfoot, round-rooted - Ranunculus bulbosus.

734. --------, tall - - Ranunculus acris.

735. Dock, curdled - - - Rumex crispus.

736. ----, broad-leaved - - ----- obtusifolius.

737. ----, sharp-pointed - ----- acutus.

738. Fleabane, common - - Inula dysenteria.

739. Garlick, crow - - - Allium vineale.

740. -------, bear - - - ------ ursinum.

741. Gra.s.s, turfy hair - - Aira caespitosa.

742. -----, meadow soft - - Holcus lanatus.

743. -----, carnation - - Carex caespitosa.

744. Knapweed, common - - Centaurea nigra.

745. --------, great - - --------- Scabiosa.

746. Mugwort - - - Artemisa vulgaris.

747. Meadow-sweet - - - Spiraea ulmaria.

748 Ox-eye Daisy Chrysanthemum Leucanthe-mum 749. Plantain, great - - Plantago major.

750. Ragwort, common - - Senecio Jacobaea.

751. -------, marsh - - ------- aquaticus.

752. Rush, common - - - Juncus conglomeratus.

753. ----, blueish - - - ------ glaucus.

754. ----, flat-jointed - - ------ squarrosus.

755. ----, round-jointed - ------ articulatus.

756. ----, bulbous - - - ------ bulbosus.

757. Scabious, common - - Scabiosa avensis.

758. Thistle, milk - - - Carduus maria.n.u.s.

759. -------, meadow - - ------- pratensis.


The fas.h.i.+onable rage for planting ornamental trees and shrubs having so much prevailed of late years, that we meet with them by the road sides, &c. almost as common as we do those of our native soil, I have therefore enumerated them in this section.

Our limits will not admit of giving any particular descriptions of each; but as persons are often at a loss to know what soil each tree is known to thrive in best, we have endeavoured to supply that information; which will be understood by applying to the following


c.m. read common garden mould.

b.m. - bog mould.

l. - loam.

b.l. - bog and loam, the greater part bog.

l.b. - loam and bog, the greater part loam.

s. - sheltered situation.

a. - annual.

bi. - biennial.

p. - perennial.

shr. - tree or shrub.

c. - creeper.

w. - adapted to covering walls.

As the soils recommended may not be generally understood; a little attention to the following rules will enable persons to discover what is fit for their purposes.

Loam--the kind best adapted to the purpose of growing plants, is of a moderately close texture, between clay and sand, differing from the former in want of tenacity when wet; and not becoming hard when dry; nor is it loose and dusty like the latter; but in both states possesses somewhat of a saponaceous quality. It varies in colour from yellow to brown, and is commonly found in old pastures: it may also be remarked, that where any perennial species of Clover (Trifolium) are found wild, it is almost a certain indication of a fertile loam, and such as contains the proper food of plants in abundance.

Bog-mould--is frequently found on waste lands, where Heaths (Ericae) are produced: it is composed of decayed vegetable matter and white sand. The best sort is light when dry, of a black colour, and easily reduced to powder. Care should be taken to distinguish it from Peat, which is hard when dry, dest.i.tute in a great measure of the sand, and mostly of a red colour. This contains in great quant.i.ties sulphureous particles and mineral oil, which are known to be highly destructive to vegetation.

The mould formed from rotten leaves is a good subst.i.tute for bog-mould if mixed with sand, and is often made use of for the same purposes.

These earths should be dug from the surface to the depth of a few inches and laid in heaps, that the roots, &c. contained therein may be decomposed: and before they are used should be pa.s.sed through a coa.r.s.e screen, particularly if intended for plants in pots.

As loam has been found to contain the greatest portion of the real pabulum of plants, it has long been used for such as are planted in pots; and the component parts of bog-earth being of a light nature, a mixture of the two in proper proportions will form a compost in which most kinds of plants will succeed. Attention should be paid to the consistence of the loam; as the more stiff it is, the greater portion of the other is necessary.


1 JASMINUM officinale. w. Common white Jasmine c.m.

2 -------- v. argen. variegat. w. Silver-striped ditto c.m.

3 -------- v. aureo variegat. w. Gold-striped ditto c.m.

4 -------- fruticans, w. Yellow ditto c.m.

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