The Eye Of Luvelles Part 66

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Suddenly, a blinding light emerged from the center of the gem, and before the queen knew it, Shalee was standing in front of an angelic being. The light softened and was replaced with a glow that surrounded an odd-shaped head that could only be seen as a silhouette. A ghostly body hung suspended beneath it while feathered wings extended to either side. Shalee felt as if she was in the presence of a G.o.d as the large eye sitting on the being's shoulders came into focus.

Outside the Eye's chamber, George waited until the bright light that was caused by the Eye's presence faded from the crack beneath the door. This was his moment to act.

The warlock used his magic to warp and pry the door open. Eventually, the hinges gave way and the door fell to the floor of the cave with a thunderous bang. George darted inside and looked around the room to ensure the queen had been pulled into the gem for questioning. The stone was still aglow, but now the light was much softer while the gem slowly spun atop the staff.

The warlock lifted his hands. A bolt of his most powerful lightning erupted from his right index finger and struck the gem's polished surface. The stone cracked, trapping the Queen of Brandor inside.

George grinned from ear to ear as he spoke in a soft voice that was filled with wickedness. "You'll never get the chance to thank me, Shalee. Sam will need to learn to live without you ... that is, if I don't kill him first. But that can't happen now. I've got business I need to attend to on Eastern Luvelles. I've got another heart to eat."

The warlock retrieved Shalee's staff. He walked into the Source's cavern and tossed Precious into the lava before he teleported home.

The next Peak, the Source returned to the Mountains of Oraness. As he lowered his ma.s.sive form across the rivers of lava, the dragon could smell the scorch mark that had been left behind on the gem's surface. The Ancient One closed his eyes and used his power to look into the Eye's chamber. Seeing the crack, the dragon rose up. He roared and allowed his anger to manifest by filling the cavern with fire.

Outside the cave, Alistar leaned against Fisgig's perch. He watched the cliffs surrounding the pool begin to crumble as the sound of the Ancient One's tirade consumed the mountains.

A few moments later, the ancient dragon burst through the top of the highest peak. Before the Source vanished, every being within a 2 Peak ride on a krape lord could hear his roars.

Two Peaks Later.

A Place Unknown.

Inside the Cracked Gem.

Shalee continued to wander through the haze. The angelic form of the Eye had abandoned her, and it was nowhere to be found. Since then, her heart had not stopped racing while she frantically searched in every direction.

Has something gone wrong? she thought. Am I supposed to wait? Is this the same experience George had, or have I been swallowed?

Shalee continued to wander for many, many long moments before three blinding lights finally appeared. She tried to look through her fingers, but the sorceress was forced to keep her eyes covered since the lights were so bright.

Eventually, the illuminations faded. Shalee's eyes fought to adjust as the beings came into focus. "Oh my heavens!" she gasped.

The queen peeled her hands away from her mouth and then stepped forward. She reached out to touch one of the beings. Sure enough, her old friend was standing in front of her.

Shalee squeezed the woman's arms to ensure what she was seeing was real. A moment later, the queen fell to her knees in amazement and embraced the woman's waist with her head pressed against the figure's abdomen. "Helga! Is it really you?"

The being's smile widened, "h.e.l.lo, Child. Did you miss me?"

A grumpy voice added, "What about me? I'm also standing here."

Shalee removed her head from Helga's stomach. She stood, faced BJ and then rushed into his arms. "Of course, I missed you. Don't be silly, Grumpy Guss. Sam is going to have a corgan when he hears that you're alive. He hasn't been the same without you."

The third figure stepped forward and placed his hands on Shalee's shoulders. Once the sorceress was facing him, the being spoke. "The moments have come for you to create a Heaven for this plane of existence, Shalee. Only then can you return to the worlds."

To Be Continued.

Keep reading for a SNEAK PEEK.

inside the pages of.

Book 3.

Crystal Moon.

The Tear of Gramal.


Book 3 The Tear.

of Gramal.

"RUN, MOSLEY! YOU MUST RUN!" Luvera shouted as she looked up the icy face of the cliff.

Though injured, Luvera fought through the pain to stand. Her haunches trembled beneath her dark fur as she limped across the snow toward the daunting pa.s.s that ascended toward the peak of the most treacherous mountain on Northern Grayham. "I'm coming, my love!"

From high above, Mosley kept his gaze fixed on his wife as she hobbled. He shouted a response, knowing that it would fall to Luvera's ears. "Stay where you are! You're in no condition to defend yourself! I won't lose you again!"

Mosley's green eyes narrowed as he redirected his gaze toward his attackers that were quickly approaching. He had lured them away from Luvera, and now, he watched the placement of each paw as the weight of the snowhounds broke through the crusty layer of snow covering the path-their eyes gleaming with antic.i.p.ation as they closed in on their next meal.

Mosley backed up while he searched for the best moment to attack. The chunks of packed snow that were being dislodged by his paws were rolling off the ledge and plummeting down the cliff to a hazardous end. It was now or never. There was nowhere else to go.

Crouching, the fallen G.o.d of War sized up his foes for one final moment as he watched the drool that dangled from the pack leader's lips drip to the snow.

These beasts were nearly twice Mosley's size. The white fur covering their rippling muscles had been stained with Luvera's blood, and the steam from their breath rose past their eyes like a fog.

Mosley growled as he launched himself into the first of five attackers.

Fellow soul ... if you want to know more, read Book 3.

I just stuck my soulful tongue out at you.

Can you say, "Cliffhanger?"

The New Dragon World.

The Source speaking with the High Priestess of Harvestom and Helmep.



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