Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology Part 43

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Isolate: to separate out from others; occurring alone.

Isomers: that series of Coleoptera in which the tarsi have an equal number of joints on all feet.

Isomerous: with equal number of tarsal joints on all feet := h.o.m.oeomerous.

Isomorphous: having the same form, appearance or construction.

Isopalpi: that series of Trichoptera in which the palpi of both s.e.xes have the same number of joints.

Isoptera: equal winged: an ordinal term for insects with four, similar, net-veined wings; mouth mandibulate; thoracic rings similar, loosely jointed metamorphosis incomplete: the Termitidae. {Scanner's note: In modern nomenclature the Isoptera const.i.tute the order of all termites; the Termitidae are just one family within the Isoptera.}

Isotypical: a genus described from more than one species, all of which are congeneric.

-itus: = -atus; q.v.

-ius: suffix; having the power or ability to.


Jabot: the crop; q.v.

Janthine: violet colored.

Jaw-capsule: contains the mouth structures in those dipterous larvae in which the head is differentiated.

Johnston's organ: a complex nervous structure in the basal joint of dipterous antennae.

Joint: a segment or part between two incisures: an articulation.

Jubate -us: fringed with long pendent hairs.

Juga: the lateral anterior lobes of the head of a Heteropteron; each side of the tylo.

Jugatae: that series of Lepidoptera in which there is a jugum instead of a frenulum to unite the wings in flight.

Jugular: of or pertaining to the throat.

Jugular sclerite: small sclerite in the membrane connecting the head with the thorax: see cervical sclerite.

Jugulum: that sclerite just behind the sub-mentum; =gula: that cavity of the posterior part of the head to which the neck is annexed: the lateral and under parts of the prothorax.

Jugum: in certain Lepidoptera and Trichoptera, a lobe or process at the base of primaries, overlapping secondaries and holding the two together in flight.


Katabolic: the destructive change from animal tissue to waste product: see anabolic.

Keel: an elevated ridge or carina.

Kermesinus: dark red, with much blue [purple lake].

Key: a tabular or other arrangement of species, genera or other cla.s.sification according to characters that serve to identify them.

Kidney-shaped: like a kidney in outline; convex on one long side, concave on the other, the ends evenly and somewhat obtusely rounded: bean-shaped.

Knee: the point of junction of femur and tibia.


Labellum -a: the sensitive ridged tip of the mouth structures of certain Diptera: a prolongation of the labium covering the base of rostrum in Coleoptera and Hemiptera. referring, pertaining or belonging to the labium. segment: the 7th segment of head = second maxillary segment. suture: is between labium and mentum.

l.a.b.i.ate: lip-like or having lip-like sutures.

Labipalp: a palpus.

Labis: the slender abdominal forceps in some Lepidoptera.

Labium: the lower lip: a compound structure which forms the floor of the mouth in mandibulate insects, behind the first maxilla and opposed to the labium; formed by a fusion in embryonic life of separate right and left maxilla-like halves: in some of its developments referred to as the tongue.

Labral suture: is between labrum and clypeus.

Labro-frontal lobes: of brain, = trito-cerebrum; q.v.

Labrum: the upper lip; covers the base of the mandible and forms the roof of the mouth.

Labrum-epipharynx: in the mouth of piercing Diptera is the central unpaired lancet.

Lac: a mixture of resin, wax and other substances produced by certain scale insects as a protective covering.

Lacer: a lappet; applied to a margin with irregular, broad and deep emarginations, leaving lappet-like intervals.

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