Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology Part 31

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Ferrugineous -ous, -eus, -osus: rusty red-brown [Dragon's blood, but brighter].

Ferrugino-testaeeous: a rusty yellow brown: a mixture of rusty red with dull yellow brown.

Fertilization: takes place when a spermatozoon enters through the micropyle of an ovum and unites with the cell nucleus: loosely applied like copulation or to its completion.

Festivus: variegated with bright colors.

Festooned: arranged in loops as if hung from nails.

Fibre: a thread-like structure of any tissue.

Fibrilla: rod or sliver-like nerve elements, often grouped like a bundle of short threads.

Fibrin: a proteid compound making up a large part of the muscular tissue: also found in blood and other body liquids.

Fibrinogen: a proteid substance of the blood and other body fluids, concerned in the production of fibrin.

Fibroin: a chemical compound found in silk, cobwebs and the like.

Fifth longitudinal vein: Diptera (Will.); = media 3 (Comst.).

Filament: a thread: a long slender process of equal diameter throughout: an elongated appendage.

Filariasis: a disease caused by the presence of minute worms or Filaria, transmitted by mosquitoes. {Scanner's comment: Nowadays it is known that many kinds of filariasis are transmitted by other species of flies, in particular Simuliidae and Tabanidae}

Filate: Diptera; antennae that are simple, without lateral hair or dilation: thread-like.

Filator: the silk spinning structure of caterpillars.

File: the diagonal ridged vein near the base of the tegmina in crickets, used in stridulating: in general any structure wherever situated that serves the same purpose.

Filicornia: insects with thread-like antennae; e.g. in Coleopteran, the Carabidae.

Filiform: thread-like: slender and of equal diameter.

Filippi's glands: a pair of secondary glands, opening into the silk glands of caterpillars near their anterior end.

Fillet: a transverse, raised structure between the antennae in Lepidoptera.

Filose: ending in a thread-like process.

Fimbria: thick, ciliated hair at the termination of any part: fringes.

Fimbriate: a margin or process when set with a fringe of hair closely placed.

Finger: of maxilla, is the digitus, q.v.

First clypeus: see post clypeus.

First inner apical nervure: in Hymenoptera (Nort.); is cubitus 1, from media 4, to first a.n.a.l (Comst.).

First lateral suture: Odonata; starts from beneath base of front wing behind humeral suture and meets it behind second c.o.xa.

First longitudinal vein: in Diptera; - radius 1 (Comst.).

First submarginal cross-nervure: Hymenoptera; part of the media and the radio-medial cross vein (Comst.).

Fissate: divided or split: with fissures or cracks.

Fissile -is: cleft or divided; as the wings in plume-moths: also used for lamellate.

Fissiparous: applied to that form of as.e.xual generation in which the parent divides; each part becoming a new individual.

Fissure: a crevice: a narrow longitudinal opening: a slit.

Fissus: cleft: longitudinally divided nearly to base.

Fistula: a slender tube: specifically applied to the channel formed by the union of the two parts of proboscis in Lepidoptera.

Fistular: like a slender, cylindrical tube.

Flabellate: with long flat processes folding like a fan.

Flabelliform: fan-shaped.

Flabellum: a fan: a leafed structure: the transparent lobe at the end of the glossa in bees: also used as = flagellum; q.v.

Flabs: the lobes at the tip of the dipterous mouth:= labella; q.v.

Flaccid: feeble: limber: lax.

Flagelliform: whip-like; applied to a process.

Flagellum: that part of the antenna beyond the pedicel: a whip or whip-like process: the tail-like process of a spermatozoon.

Flammate -eus: flaming or fiery red [vermilion intensified].

f.l.a.n.g.e: a projecting rim or edge.

Flank: the sides of the thorax: the pleura.

Flaring: widening out like the mouth of a trumpet.

Flavescent: somewhat yellow.

Flavid: yellowed: sulphur yellow.

Flavo-testaceous: light yellow-brown: almost luteous.

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