Halleck's New English Literature Part 76

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John Lydgate (1370?-1451?): _Falls of Princes_. Thomas Occleve (1370?-1450?): _Mother of G.o.d_; _Governail of Princes_. Sir John Fortescue (1394?-1476?): _Difference between an Absolute and Limited Monarchy_. _The Paston Letters_ (1422-1509). Stephen Hawes (d. 1523?): _Pastime of Pleasure_. John Skelton (1460?-1529): _Bowge of Court_; _Philip Sparrow_. Alex. Barclay (1475?-1552): _s.h.i.+p of Fools_. Sir Thomas More (1478-1535): _Utopia_; _History of Edward V. and Richard III_. Hugh Latimer (1485?-1555): _Sermon on the Ploughers_. Sir David Lindsay (1490-1555): _Satire of the Three Estates_.


John Knox(1505-1572): _Admonition_; _History of the Reformation of Religion within the Realm of Scotland_; _Sermons_. George Puttenham (d. 1590?): _Art of English Poesie_. Edward Dyer (1550?-1607): _My Mind to Me a Kingdom Is_. Samuel Daniel (1562-1619): _The Complaint of Rosamund_; _A Defence of Rhyme_ (prose). Fulke Greville (Lord Brooke, 1554-1628): _Caelica_. Stephen Gosson (1555-1624): _The School of Abuse_. George Gascoigne (1525?-1577):_The Steele Glas_. William Warner (1558?-1609): _Albion's England_.


Prose Writers.--Robert Burton (1577-1640): _The Anatomy of Melancholy_. John Selden (1584-1654): _Table Talk_. Richard Baxter (1615-1691): _The Saints' Everlasting Rest_.

Poets and Dramatists.--Phineas Fletcher (1582-1650?): _The Purple Island_. William Drummond (1585-1649): _Sonnets_; _The Cypresse Grove_ (prose). Giles Fletcher (1588?-1623): _Christ's Victory and Triumph_.

George Wither (1588-1667): _Juvenilia_. William Browne (1591-1643?) _Britannia's Pastorals_. Sir William D'Avenant (1606-1668): _Gondibert_. Edmund Waller (1606-1687): _Poems; Song_--"Go, lovely Rose." Richard Crashaw (1613?--1649): _Steps to the Temple; The Delights of the Muses_. Sir John Denham (1615-1669): _Cooper's Hill_.

Abraham Cowley (1618-1667): _Anacreontiques_. Andrew Marvell (1621-1678): _The Garden_.


Dramatists of the Restoration.--Sir William D'Avenant (1606-1668): _Love and Honor_. George Etherege (1635?-1691?): _The Man of Mode_.

William Wycherley (1640-1715): _The Plain Dealer_. Thomas Shadwell (1642?-1692): _Epson Wells_. Thomas Otway (1652-1685): _Venice Preserved_. John Vanbrugh (1666?-1726): _The Confederacy_. Colley Cibber (1671-1757): _The Careless Husband_. George Farquhar (1678-1707): _The Beaux' Stratagem_.

Prose Writers.--Sir William Temple (1628-1699): _Essays_. Isaac Barrow (1630-1677): _Sermons_. Robert South (1634-1716): _Sermons_.

Richard Bentley (1662-1742): _Epistles of Phalaris_. Gilbert Burnet (1643-1715): _Sermons_. John Arbuthnot (1667-1735): _The History of John Bull_. Lord Bolingbroke (1678-1751): _Letter to Sir William Windham_. Bishop Berkeley (1685-1753): _Alciphron or the Minute Philosopher_. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762): _Letters_. Bishop Butler (1692-1752): _a.n.a.logy of Natural and Revealed Religion_.

William Warburton (1698-1779): _The Divine Legation of Moses_.

Poets.--Matthew Prior (1664-1721): _Shorter Poems_. Isaac Watts (1673-1748): _Psalms and Hymns_. Thomas Parnell (1679-1718): _A Night-Piece on Death; The Hermit_. John Gay (1685-1732): _Fables; The Beggar's Opera_. Allan Ramsay (1686-1758): _The Gentle Shepherd_. John Dyer (1700?-1758): _Grongar Hill_.


Prose Writers.--Gilbert White (1720-1793): _Natural History of Selborne._ William Robertson (1721-1793): _History of the Reign of Charles V._ Adam Smith (1723-1790): _Wealth of Nations._ Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792): _Discourses on Painting._ Thomas Warton (1728-1790): _History of English Poetry._ Sir Philip Francis (1740-1818): _Letters of Junius._ f.a.n.n.y Burney (1752-1840): _Evelina._

Poets.--Edward Young (1681-1765): _Night Thoughts._ Charles Wesley (1708-1788): _Hymns._ Mark Akenside (1721-1803): _The Minstrel._ Robert Fergusson (1750-1774): _Braid Claith; Ode to the Gowdspink._


Philosophers.--William Paley (1743-1805): _Natural Theology._ Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832): _Principles of Morals and Legislation._ William G.o.dwin (1756-1836): _Inquiry concerning Political Justice._ Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834): _Essay on the Principle of Population._ David Ricardo (1772-1823): _Principles of Political Economy._ James Mill (1773-1836): _a.n.a.lysis of the Human Mind._

Historians.--John Lingard (1771-1851): _History of England._ Henry Hallam (1777-1859): _Const.i.tutional History of England._ Sir William Napier (1785-1860): _History of the Peninsular War._

Essayists.--William Cobbett (1762-1835): _Rural Rides in England._ Sydney Smith (1771-1845): _Letters of Peter Plymley._ Francis Jeffrey (1773-1850): _Essays._ John Wilson (1785-1854): _Noctes Ambrosianae._ John Gibson Lockhard (1794-1854): _Life of Sir Walter Scott._

Novelists and Dramatists.--William Beckford (1759-1844): _Vathek._ Maria Edgeworth (1767-1849): _Castle Rackrent._ Jane Porter (1776-1850): _Scottish Chiefs._ John Galt (1779-1839): _The Annals of the Parish._ James Sheridan Knowles (1784-1862): _The Hunchback; The Love Chase._ Thomas Love Peac.o.c.k (1785-1866): _Nightmare Abbey_. Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855): _Our Village_.

Poets.--George Crabbe (1754-1832): _The Borough_. Joanna Baillie (1762-1851): _Poems_. James Hogg (1770-1835): _Queen's Wake_. Thomas Campbell (1777-1844): _The Pleasures of Hope_. Thomas Moore (1779-1852): _Irish Melodies; Lalla Rookh_. Ebenezer Elliott (1781-1849): _Corn Law Rhymes_. Bryan W. Procter (1787-1874): _English Songs_. John Keble (1792-1866) _The Christian Year_. Felicia Hemans (1793-1835): _Songs of the Affections_. Thomas Hood (1799-1845): _The Song of the s.h.i.+rt; The Bridge of Sighs_. Winthrop Praed (1802-1839): _The Season; The Letter of Advice_. Thomas Beddoes (1803-1849): _Lyrics from Death's Jest Book and from The Bride's Tragedy_.


Philosophers and Scientists.--Sir William Hamilton (1788-1856) _Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic_. Michael Faraday (1791-1867): _Experimental Researches_. Sir Charles Lyell (1797-1875): _Principles of Geology; Antiquity of Man_. John Stuart Mill (1806-1873): _System of Logic; Utilitarianism_. George Henry Lewes (1817-1878): _A Biographical History of Philosophy; Problems of Life and Mind_. Sir Henry Maine (1822-1888): _Ancient Law; Village Communities_.

Historians.--Henry Hart Milman (1791-1868): _History of Latin Christianity down to the Death of Pope Nicholas V_. George Grote (1794-1871): _History of Greece. James Anthony Froude (1818-1894): _History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada_. Henry Thomas Buckle (1821-1862): _History of Civilization_. Edward Augustus Freeman (1823-1892): _The History of the Norman Conquest_. William Stubbs (1825-1901): _The Const.i.tutional History of England in its Origin and Development_. Samuel Rawson Gardiner (1829-1902): _History of England from the Accession of James I. to the Outbreak of Civil War, 1603-1642; History of the Great Civil War, 1642-1649; History of the Commonwealth and the Protectorate, 1649-1660. Justin M'Carthy (1830-1912): _A History of Our Own Times_.

John Richard Green (1837-1883): _A Short History of the English People_. William Edward Hartpole Lecky (1838-1903): _History of England in the Eighteenth Century_. James Bryce (1838- ): _The Holy Roman Empire; The American Commonwealth_. Rt. Rev. Abbot Gasquet, D.D., O.S.B. (1846- ): _Henry VIII and the English Monasteries; The Greater Abbeys of England_. Wilfrid Ward (1856- ): _Aubrey de Vere; Life and Times of Cardinal Newman_.

Essayists and Critics.--George Barrow (1803-1881): _The Bible in Spain; Lavengro_. Walter Bagehot (1826-1877): _Literary Studies; The English Const.i.tution_. Leslie Stephen (1832-1904): _Hours in a Library; History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century_. John Morley (1838- ): _Studies in Literature; Edmund Burke; Life of Gladstone_. John Addington Symonds (1840-1893): _The History of the Renaissance in Italy_. Austin Dobson (1840- ): _Eighteenth Century Vignettes; Henry Fielding, Samuel Richardson, Oliver Goldsmith;_ also _Collected Poems_. Edward Dowden (1843-1913): _Shakespeare, His Mind and Art; Life of Sh.e.l.ley; Studies in Literature, 1789-1877_. Andrew Lang (1844-1912): _Letters to Dead Authors; Essays in Little; The Iliad in English Prose_ (a.s.sisted by Leaf and Myers); also _Ballads and Lyrics of old France_. Augustine Birrell (1850- ): _Obiter Dicta; Men, Women, and Books; In the Name of the Bodleian_ A. C. Bradley (1851- ): _Shakespearean Tragedy; Oxford Lectures on Poetry_ Alice Meynell (1855- ): _The Rhythm of Life; The Spirit of Place;_ also _Collected Poems_. William Archer (1856- ): _Poets of the Younger Generation; Masks or Faces: A Study in the Psychology of Acting_. John W. Mackail (1859- ): _The Springs of Helicon; Life of William Norris_.

Novelists.--Wilkie Collins (1824-1899): _The Moonstone_. Dinah Maria Craik (1826-1877): _John Halifax, Gentleman_. Charles L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll 1832-1898): _Alice in Wonderland; Through the Looking Gla.s.s_. Joseph H. Shorthouse (1834-1903): _John Inglesant_. Walter Besant (1836-1901): _All Sorts and Conditions of Men_. William Black (1841-1898): _A Daughter of Heth_. Canon W. Barry, D.D. (1849- ): _The Two Standards_. Mrs. Humphry Ward (1851- ): _Marcella_. Canon P.A.

Sheehan, D.D. (1852- ): _My New Curate; The Queen's Fillet_. Hall Caine (1853- ): _The Manxman_. Rider Haggard (1856- ): _King Solomon's Mines_. George Gissing (1857-1903): _New Grub Street; The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft_. John Ascough (Rt. Rev. Mgr.

b.i.+.c.herstaffe-Drew, 1858- ): _Marotz_. Kenneth Grahame (1859- ): _The Golden Age; Dream Days_. A. Conan Doyle (1859- ): _The White Company; Adventures of Sherlock Holmes_. R.H. Benson (1871- ): _By What Authority; The Queen's Tragedy_. Mrs. Wilfrid Ward: _Great Possessions_.

Poets.--Richard H. Barham (1788-1845): _Ingoldsby Legends_. James C.

Mangan (1803-1849): _Selected Poems_. Edward Fitzgerald (1809-1883): _Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam_ (translation). Aubrey de Vere (1814-1902): _Irish Odes_. Coventry Patmore (1823-1896): _The Angel in the House; Amelia_. Sidney Dobell (1824-1874): _The Roman; Balder_. Adelaide Anne Procter (1825-1864): _Legends and Lyrics_. Jean Ingelow (1830-1897): _Poems_. Edwin Arnold (1832-1904): _The Light of Asia_. Lewis Morris (1833-1907): _Epic of Hades_. James Thompson (1834-1882): _The City of Dreadful Night_. J.B.L. Warren (Lord de Tabley, 1835-1895): _Poems: Dramatic and Lyrical_. Alfred Austin (1835-1913, appointed poet-laureate in 1896): _English Lyrics_, edited by William Watson.

Theodore Watts-Dunton (1832- ): _The Coming of Love_. Philip Bourke Marston (1850-1887): _Song-Tide and Other Poems; Wind Voices_. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900): _Ave Imperatrix; The Ballad of Reading Gaol; De Profundis_ (prose).


Essayists.--Vernon Lee (Violet Paget, 1857- ): _The Enchanted Woods and Other Essays; The Sentimental Traveler_. Lawrence Pearsall Jacks (1860- ): _Mad Shepherds, and Other Human Studies_. Arthur Symons (1865- ): _William Blake; The Romantic Movement in English Poetry_.

Edward Verrall Lucas (1868- ): _Life of Charles Lamb; Old Lamps for New_; also the stories _Over Bemerton's_ and _Mr. Ingleside_. Hilaire Belloc (1870- ): _On Everything_.

Novelists.--Justin Huntley M'Carthy (1860- ): _The Proud Prince; If I Were King_. W.W. Jacobs (1863- ): _Many Cargoes; s.h.i.+p's Company_.

Anthony Hope Hawkins (Anthony Hope, 1863- ): _The Prisoner of Zenda; Rupert of Hentzau_. Marie Corelli (1864- ): _Thelma; Ardath_. Robert S. Hichens (1864- ): _The Garden of Allah_. G.W. Birmingham (rev. J.O.

Hannay, 1865- ): _Spanish Gold_. Seumas Macma.n.u.s (1870- ): _The Chimney Corner; Donegal Fairy Stories_. J.C. Snaith (1876- ): _Araminta; Broke of Covenden_. May Sinclair: _The Divine Fire_.

Poets.--A.E. Housman (1859- ): _A Shrops.h.i.+re Lad_. Katherine Tynan Hinkson (1861- ): _Collected Poems; New Poems_ (1911). Arthur Christopher Benson (1862- ): _Collected Poems; Paul The Minstrel_.

Henry Newbolt (1862- ): _Admirals All_. Herbert Trench (1865- ): _Deirdre Wedded and Nineteen Other Poems; Collected Poems_. Ethna Carberry (1866-1902): _The Pa.s.sing of the Gael_. Richard Le Gallienne (1866- ): _Robert Louis Stevenson and Other Poems; Att.i.tudes and Avowals_ (essays); _The End of the Rainbow_ (stories). Lionel Johnson (1867-1902): _Poems_. Lawrence Binyon (1869- ): _London Visions; Atilla_ (poetic drama). Nora Hopper Chesson (1871-1906): _Under Quicken Boughs_. Dora Sigerson Shorter (1873- ): _Collected Poems_.

John Drinkwater (1882- ): _Poems of Love and Death; King Cophetua_.

Richard Middleton. (1882-1911): _Poems and Songs_. Lascelles Abercrombie: _Interludes_. James Stephens: _Hill of Vision; Crock of Gold_ (prose fiction). T. Sturge Moore: _Aphrodite against Artemis; Poems_.

Celtic Dramatists.--George Moore (1853- ): _The Bending of the Bough_. Edward Martyn (1859- ): _The Heather Field_. William Boyle: _The Building Fund_. Padric Colum: _Thomas Muskerry; the Fiddler's House_. Lennox Robinson: _Patriots_. Rutherford Mayne: _The Turn of the Road_. H. Granville Barker (English dramatist, 1877- ): _The Voysey Inheritance_.

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