Fifty Shades Darker Part 60

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I swallow. Boy, he gets mad so easily. "I'm sorry," I breathe, chastened.

"If you need anything, let me know. I'll be here. And Anastasia?"


"Use your Blackberry," he adds tersely.

"Yes, Christian."

He doesn't hang up as I expect him to but takes a deep breath.

"I mean it. If you need me, I'm here." His words are much softer, conciliatory. Oh, he's so mercurial ... his mood swings are like a metronome set at presto.

"Okay," I murmur. "I'd better go. I have to move offces."

"If you need me. I mean it," he murmurs.

"I know, thank you, Christian. I love you."

I sense his grin at the other end of the phone. I've won him back.

"I love you, too, baby." Oh, will I ever tire of him saying those words to me?

"I'll talk to you later."

"Laters, baby."

I hang up and glance at Jack's offce. My offce. Holy cow-Anastasia Steele, Acting Commissioning Editor. Who would have thought? I should ask for more money.

What would Jack think if he knew? I shudder at the thought and wonder idly how he's spent his morning, not in New York as he expected. I stroll into his-my offce-sit down at the desk, and start reading the job description.

At twelve thirty, Elizabeth buzzes me.

"Ana, we need you in a meeting at one o'clock in the boardroom. Jerry Roach and Kay Bestie will be there-you know, the company president and vice president? All the com- missioning editors will be attending."s.h.i.+t!

"Do I need to prepare anything?"

"No, this is just an informal gathering we do once a month. Lunch will be provided."

"I'll be there." I hang up.

Holy s.h.i.+t! I check through the current roster of Jack's authors. Yes, I've pretty much got those nailed. I have the fve ma.n.u.scripts he's championing, plus two more, which should really be considered for publication. I take a deep breath-I cannot believe it's lunchtime already. The day has fown by, and I'm loving it. There has been so much to absorb this morning. A ping from my calendar announces an appointment.

Oh no-Mia! In all the excitement I have forgotten about our lunch. I fsh out my Blackberry and try frantically to fnd her phone number.

My phone buzzes.

"It's him, in reception." Claire's voice is hushed.

"Who?" For a moment, I think it might be Christian.

"The blond G.o.d."


Oh, what does he want? I immediately feel guilty for not having called him.

Ethan, dressed in a checked blue s.h.i.+rt, white T-s.h.i.+rt, and jeans, beams at me when I appear.

"Wow! You look hot, Steele," he says, nodding appreciatively. He gives me a quick hug.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

He frowns. "Everything's fne, Ana. I just wanted to see you. I've not heard from you in a while, and I wanted to check how Mr. Mogul was treating you."

I fush and can't help my smile.

"Okay!" Ethan exclaims, holding up his hands. "I can tell by the secret smile. I don't want to know any more. I came by on the off chance you could do lunch. I'm enrolling at Seattle for psych courses in September. For my master's."

"Oh Ethan. So much has happened. I have a ton to tell you, but right now, I can't. I have a meeting." An idea hits me hard. "And I wonder if you can do me a really, really, really big favor?" I clasp my hands together in supplication.

"Sure," he says, bemused by my pleading.

"I'm supposed to be having lunch with Christian and Elliot's sister-but I can't get hold of her, and this meeting's just been sprung on me. Please will you take her for lunch?


"Aw, Ana! I don't want to babysit some brat."

"Please, Ethan." I give him the biggest-bluest-longest-eye-lashed look that I can man- age. He rolls his eyes and I know I've got him.

"You'll cook me something?" he mutters.

"Sure, whatever, whenever."

"So where is she?"

"She's due here now." And as if on cue, I hear her voice.

"Ana!" she calls from the front door.We both turn, and there she is-all curvaceous and tall with her sleek black bob- wearing a short mint-green minidress and matching high-heeled pumps with straps around her slim ankles. She looks stunning.

"The brat?" he whispers, gaping at her.

"Yes. The brat that needs babysitting," I whisper back. "Hi, Mia." I give her a quick hug as she stares rather blatantly at Ethan.

"Mia-this is Ethan, Kate's brother."

He nods, his eyebrows raised in surprise. Mia blinks several times as she gives him her hand.

"Delighted to meet you," Ethan murmurs smoothly and Mia blinks again-silent for once. She blushes.

Holy cow. I don't think I've ever seen her blush.

"I can't make lunch," I say lamely. "Ethan has agreed to take you, if that's okay? Can we have a rain check?"

"Sure," she says quietly. Mia quiet, this is novel.

"Yeah, I'll take it from here. Laters, Ana," Ethan says, offering Mia his arm. She ac- cepts it with a shy smile.

"Bye, Ana." Mia turns to me and mouths, "Oh. My. G.o.d!" giving me an exaggerated wink.

Jeez ... she likes him! I wave at them as they leave the building. I wonder what Chris- tian's att.i.tude is about his sister dating? The thought makes me uneasy. She's my age, so he can't object, can he?

This is Christian we're dealing with. My snarky subconscious is back, hatchet-mouthed, cardigan and purse in the crook of her arm. I shake off the image. Mia is a grown woman and Christian can be reasonable, can't he? I dismiss the thought and head back to Jack's ...

er ... my offce to prep for the meeting.

It's three thirty when I return. The meeting went well. I have even secured approval to progress the two ma.n.u.scripts I was championing. It's a heady feeling.

On my desk is an enormous wicker basket crammed with stunning white and pale pink roses. Wow-the fragrance alone is heavenly. I smile as I pick up the card. I know who sent them.

Congratulations, Miss Steele And all on your own!

No help from your overfriendly, neighborhood, megalomaniac CEO Love Christian I pick up my Blackberry to e-mail him.From: Anastasia Steele Subject: Megalomaniac ...

Date: June 16, 2011 15:43 To: Christian Grey ... is my favorite type of maniac. Thank you for the beautiful fowers. They've arrived in a huge wicker basket that makes me think of picnics and blankets.

x From: Christian Grey Subject: Fresh Air Date: June 16, 2011 15:55 To: Anastasia Steele Maniac, eh? Dr. Flynn may have something to say about that.

You want to go on a picnic?

We could have fun in the great outdoors, Anastasia ...

How is your day going, baby?

Christian Grey CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

Oh my. I fush reading his response.

From: Anastasia Steele Subject: Hectic Date: June 16, 2011 16:00 To: Christian Grey The day has fown by. I have hardly had a moment to myself to think about anything other than work. I think I can do this! I'll tell you more when I'm home.

Outdoors sounds ... interesting.

Love you.

A x PS: Don't worry about Dr. Flynn.

My phone buzzes. It's Claire from reception, desperate to know who sent the fowers and what happened to Jack. Holed up in the offce all day, I have missed the gossip. I tell her quickly that the fowers are from my boyfriend and that I know very little about Jack's de- parture. My Blackberry buzzes and I have another e-mail from Christian.From: Christian Grey Subject: I'll try ...

Date: June 16, 2011 16:09 To: Anastasia Steele ... not to worry.

Laters, baby. x Christian Grey CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

At fve thirty, I pack up my desk. I can't believe how quickly the day has gone. I have to get back to Escala and prepare to meet Dr. Flynn. I haven't even had time to think of questions.

Perhaps today we can have an initial meeting, and maybe Christian will let me see him again. I shrug off the thought as I dash out of the offce, waving a quick good-bye to Claire.

I've also got Christian's birthday to think about. I know what I'm going to give him.

I'd like him to have it tonight before we meet Flynn, but how? Beside the parking lot is a small store selling touristy trinkets. Inspiration hits me and I duck inside.

Christian is on his Blackberry, standing and staring out the gla.s.s wall as I enter the great room half an hour later. Turning, he beams at me and wraps up his call.

"Ros, that's great. Tell Barney and we'll go from there ... Good-bye."

He strides over to me as I stand shyly in the entryway. He's changed now into a white T-s.h.i.+rt and jeans, all bad boy and smoldering. Whoa.

"Good evening, Miss Steele," he murmurs and he bends to kiss me. "Congratulations on your promotion." He wraps his arms around me. He smells delicious.

"You've showered."

"I've just had a work-out with Claude."


"Managed to knock him on his a.s.s twice." Christian beams, boyish and pleased with himself. His grin is infectious.

"That doesn't happen often?"

"No. Very satisfying when it does. Hungry?"

I shake my head.

"What?" He frowns at me.

"I'm nervous. About Dr. Flynn."

"Me, too. How was your day?" He releases me, and I him give a brief summary. He listens attentively.

"Oh-there's one more thing I should tell you," I add. "I was supposed to have lunch with Mia."

He raises his eyebrows, surprised. "You never mentioned that.""I know, I forgot. I couldn't make it because of the meeting, and Ethan took her out to lunch instead."

His face darkens. "I see. Stop biting your lip."

"I'm going to freshen up," I say changing the subject and turning to leave before he can react any further.

Dr. Flynn's offce is a short drive from Christian's apartment. Very handy, I muse, for emer- gency sessions.

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