The Big Nightcap Letters -
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"Time pa.s.sed on; and Eva was now eleven years old, and Ruth nine.
"Then Eva made a great resolution, and going to her father, she said: '_Father, I am ready_ NOW.'
"They were simple words; but poor little Eva had prayed to G.o.d, for nights and nights, and many times in the day, to give her strength to say them, and G.o.d had heard her prayer; for though her father turned deadly pale at the words, the low sweet voice of the child did not tremble.
"And now the good doctor came, all his roughness gone, and he held that little head, with its glossy waves of hair, to keep it steady, but it trembled far less than he did; for he had watched Eva from her infancy, and dearly loved her, and he was intensely interested in the result of the experiment about to be performed.
"Near Eva stood her mother and her brave and faithful cousin Ruth, holding her hand, as she had promised '_true for true_,' and telling her to take courage, for all would be well.
"'Patience,' said the operator, softly; 'a pang, and half the suffering will be over.'
"The little hand which held Ruth's was clasped more tightly, and a groan smote on the listeners' ears. The room reeled--a faintness came over the heroic child; but she was soon herself again.
"'Would you not rather wait a day or two for the other eye to be operated upon?' said the kind physician. 'A week hence, or a month, will answer.'
"'Oh! no,' answered Eva, with quiet self-possession, 'let it be done to-day; let it be done NOW. I do not think I could bear the suspense, and it would _please my father_ to know that it was over.'
"Love sustained her. Another sigh--another groan, and it was finished.
"Then came the bandages, the darkened room, the stillness, the repose, for one whose nerves had been so shaken; but often those little cousinly hands were clasped together in a pressure which spoke more love than many words.
"Her father hardly ever left the house, and her mother wept often, for she loved her child in her blindness as much as a mother _could_ love, and had never wished her to go through so much suffering--suffering which might be fruitless; and she waited for the result with trembling anxiety.
"A _look_ from a physician has often more weight than many words spoken; and Ruth, who read the good doctor's face with the keenness of a child's perception, was the first to see an expression of hope s.h.i.+ning upon it.
When the day came for the bandages to be removed, Eva's father and mother were so dreadfully agitated, that they had to leave the room.
Trembling, they stood outside in the hall, waiting for the happy or wretched tidings.
"But Ruth--brave little Ruth--held Eva's hand as before. Those little clasped hands gave each other courage, for Ruth needed it as much as Eva, and her heartbeats could almost be heard in the silence. What a study her sweet little face was, as the emotions of love, pity, fear, and hope, crossed it, as shadowy clouds flit across the sky!
"Slowly, cautiously, the bandages were removed, and at last the end came, and the little girl saw upon the physician's face a broad, cheerful, happy smile. Ruth was a heroine, and had great self-control; but now control became impossible. She thought not of consequences--she only thought of the unceasing prayer which had been breathed by that household for many weeks--she only saw that that prayer had been granted.
"'SHE WILL SEE! she will see!!' she almost screamed. 'Eva! Eva! love!
darling! do you hear?'
"The physician gave her a stern look of rebuke, but it was too late; Little Eva had fainted.
"'_Ruth is right_,' said he to the father and mother, who had rushed in at this blessed announcement, 'but she has been too abrupt. Her cousin and herself are wonderful little women in times of trial and danger; but neither of them are equal to a sudden joy.'
"It was a long time before Eva got well, and was permitted to use her new and precious gift of sight; but then the amazement and delight with which she ran from one thing to another--the joy with which she gazed upon the faces of her parents and Ruth, no one of us, who have always seen, can ever know or appreciate.
"And old Binah said, as she hugged her darling to her faithful breast, 'G.o.d bress de good dat gib de sight to my little missis. It don't make no sort of difference to she, case old Binah _black_. Dear, no!
she lub her just de same when she see _dat_! don't you, little missis?'
"'Why, _of course_ I do,' answered little Eva, and she kissed good old Binah, and ran off with Ruth to look at some flowers. Oh, that precious sight! how dear it was, to her!
"And now she is no longer _poor_ rich little Eva."
The children had listened to the story of Eva, with eager, breathless attention; and when Ruth screamed out, "She will see! she will see!"
they very nearly screamed, too, so rejoiced were they that the blindness had been removed; and the dear little girl had not suffered so much for nothing.
"It must be so terrible to be blind," said Anna; "don't you remember when we went to see the exhibition of the blind children at the Academy of Music, the tears were rolling down mamma's face nearly the whole time, and we all felt so sorry, that we came home quite unhappy?"
"Dear me," cried Harry, "I do wish there was no such affliction; why must there be, mamma?"
"G.o.d knows best, dear Harry," answered the little mother. "If He did not, for His own wise purpose, permit us to know trouble and sorrow in this world, we would never desire that blessed rest and peace hereafter, which he promises to all those who put their trust in him."
"Yes, G.o.d must know best," said Clara, in a low voice; "for dear Charley has had more suffering and sorrow than any of us, and yet he loves Him, and wants to go to heaven."
"When Charley was very little," said the mother, "I found him crying bitterly one day. 'Why, what is the matter, my darling?' I said.
"'Oh mamma!' he sobbed, 'I am so afraid there won't be room enough in heaven for me! Do you think such a poor, lame child can get there?'
"I took him in my arms, and kissed and comforted him, and told him that Jesus looked at the heart, not at the weak, crooked body; and that the better and purer his life was, the greater would be his welcome to His house Beautiful, when life had ended here."
All the children looked at Charley, with their eyes full of love; and in their prayers that night, they entreated that Jesus would remember their dear little brother's life-long suffering, and give him a place close to Him in heaven.
_For George._
"DEAR GEORGE:--You know you are now nearly seventeen years old, and quite a patriarch in the Nightcap family; and I am rejoiced that I can say with truth, that you have been, and are, a most excellent elder brother, unselfish, sweet-tempered, and always setting a good example."
"Dear me," interrupted George, laughing and blus.h.i.+ng very much, "I do not deserve such high praise;" but here the expression of his face changed, his lip began to tremble, and running up to his mother, he kissed her, and said--"Whatever I am that is good, you, dear mother, have made me."
"With G.o.d's help and blessing, my dear son," said his mother, returning the kiss; and then she went on reading.
"When you were a little fellow, of not quite seven years, you had the scarlet fever, and were very ill; and perhaps you remember how cross you were for a long time after."
"Oh, yes," exclaimed George; "mother used to say somebody else must have jumped into my skin, for, certainly, I was not the same George."
"I have written a story about this change in temper, and how a cure was effected. _You_ became sweet-tempered again, as soon as you got quite well; but Arthur, in my story, required a lesson and some punishment, as he became cross without scarlet fever, rhyme, or reason. I hope you will let me know if you think I have invented a good plan to cure a cross-patch. You know I am a great believer in our always trying first upon _ourselves_, what we propose to '_do to others_,' as the very best way of finding out if we would like the same '_done to us_.'"
"Why, that's the 'golden rule!'" cried little Minnie; and now the children settled themselves, and eagerly listened to the following story:
"When Arthur was about seven years old, he was one of the very best boys to be found in a long summer's day. In the morning he would spring out of bed with a bright smile, wash and dress himself quickly, with the help of Mary, his kind nurse, say his prayers slowly and reverently, (ah! _that_ was the secret of his goodness!) and then all day long he would be so obliging and good-tempered, that no one could help loving him that knew him; and so they didn't try to help it, for everybody loved him dearly.
"But, alas! I have heard the doctors say, (and of course _they_ must know,) that once in every seven years the whole body is renewed, flesh, bones, blood, nerves, muscles; and I grieve to have to relate, that in Arthur's case the change seemed to include his spirit-part also; that is, his good temper and loving ways marched out of him, and some very bad subst.i.tutes marched in, as I shall proceed to relate.