Extinct Birds Part 3

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1789. G. DIXON. Voyage round the World.

(On p. 357 is note and figure of the extinct _Moho apicalis_, under the name of the "Yellow-tufted Bee-eater.")

1789. BROWNE, PATRICK. The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica.

1789. THE VOYAGE OF GOVERNOR PHILLIP to Botany Bay, etc. London 1789.

(Among other interesting birds _Notornis stanleyi_ is figured on the plate opposite p. 273.)

1790. J. WHITE. Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales with sixty-five Plates of Nondescript Animals, Birds, Lizards, Serpents, etc. London MDCCXC.

(I have a copy with black and white, and another with coloured plates. _Notornis alba_.)

1804. HERMANN. Observationes Zoolog.

(On page 125 the extinct Bourbon _Palaeornis_ is described as _Psittacus semirostris_.)

1807. M. F. PERON. Voyage de decouvertes aux terres australes, execute par ordre de Sa Majeste l'Empereur et Roi, etc., etc. 2 vols. 1807 and 1816 and Atlas.

(On p. 467 is described the Little Emu from Kangaroo Island, which I have named _Dromaius peronii_, in honour of its discoverer, Francois Peron. A memoir of this extraordinary and admirable man's short and brilliant life will be found in Vol. VI of the "Naturalist's Library," Edinburgh, 1843.)

1810. ANDRE PIERRE LEDRU. Voyage aux iles de Teneriffe, la Trinite, Saint-Thomas, Sainte-Croix et Porto-Ricco, execute par ordre du Gouvern. francais, etc., etc. Two volumes, 1810.

(In Vol. II, page 39, are mentioned various birds as occurring on the Danish West-Indian Islands, which are not found there at present. "Un todier, nomme vulgairement perroquet de terre" and seven species of Humming-Birds!)

*1826. BLOXAM. Voyage of the Blonde.

(See _Phaeornis oahensis_, _Loxops coccinea rufa_. Also interesting notes on other Sandwich-Islands Birds.)

1827. PALLAS. Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat. II p. 305: _Phalacrocorax perspicillatus_, the now extinct Cormorant from Bering Island.

{xix} 1830. QUOY ET GAIMARD. Voy. Astrolabe, Zool. I p. 242 pl. 24.

(_Coturnix novaezealandiae_ described.)

1830. KITTLITZ. Memoires Acad. Sc. Petersburg I.

(Kittlitz describes _t.u.r.dus terrestris_ and _Fringilla papa_.)

*1838. POLACK. New Zealand.

(First mention of Moas.)

*1838. DON DE NAVARETTE. Rel. Quat. voy. Christ.

1838. LICHTENSTEIN. Abhandl. K. Akademie d. Wissenschaften p. 448, plate V.

(_Hemignathus ellisia.n.u.s_--sub nomine _obscurus_--and _Hemignathus lucidus_ described.)

1843. DIEFFENBACH'S Travels in New Zealand, 1843. Appendix, Birds, by J. E. Gray. On page 197 _Rallus dieffenbachii_ described.

1843. OWEN. P.Z.S. 1843, p. 1., letter read from Rev. W. C. Cotton, mentioning remains of gigantic birds in New Zealand, p. 8 the name _Dinornis novaezealandiae_ given to the first Moa-bones exhibited.

1846. In the "VOYAGE OF EREBUS AND TERROR," Birds, Gray describes and figures _Nesolimnas dieffenbachii_.

1847. GOSSE. Birds of Jamaica.

(Cf. _Ara erythrocephala_, _Siphonorhis america.n.u.s_ and other Jamaican birds.)

1848. EDM. DE SELYS-LONGCHAMPS. Resume concern, les Oiseaux brevipennes mentionnes dans l'ouvrage de M. Strickland sur le Dodo.

In Rev. Zool. 1848, pp. 292-295.

1848. STRICKLAND AND MELVILLE. The Dodo and its kindred; or the history, affinities, and Osteology of the Dodo, Solitaire, and other extinct birds of the islands Mauritius, Rodriguez and Bourbon. London 1848.

(141 pages and 15 plates.)

*1848. PEALE. U.S. Expl. Exp. Birds.

(On p. 147, pl. XL, is described and figured the extinct _Chaetoptila augustipluma_, under the name of _Entomiza augustipluma_. This work is not available, as only 3 or 4 copies exist of it, but see:

Ca.s.sIN. U.S. Expl. Exp. Mamm. and Orn. p. p. 148 pl. XI (1858).

1851. IS. GEOFFROY-SAINT-HILAIRE. Notice sur des oss.e.m.e.nts et des oeufs trouves a Madagascar dans les alluvions modernes, et provenant d'un oiseau gigantesque.

In Annales des Scienc. Naturelles, 13 serie. Zoologie, tome 40.

(This volume is dated "1850," but the above article is said to have been read before the Academy on January 27, 1851, therefore the date of publication must be rather 1851 than 1850.)

1854. H. SCHLEGEL. Ook een woordje over den Dodo en zijne verwanten.

In: Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninglijke Akademie der Wetenschappen, Afdeel. Naturkunde, Deel II, p. 254.

1857. j.a.pETUS STEENSTRUP. Bidrag til Geirfuglens Naturhistorie, etc.

In: Naturh. Forening. Vidensk. Meddel. for 1855, Nos. 3-7.

(The first history and bibliography of the Great Auk.)

1858. H. SCHLEGEL. Over eenige uitgestorvene reusachtige Vogels van de Mascarenhas-eilanden. (Een tegenhanger tot zijne geschiedenis der Dodo's.)

In: Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninglijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeel. Naturkunde, Deel VII, pp. 116-128.

(_Leguatia gigantea_, _Porphyrio (Notornis?) caerulescens_.)

{xx} 1860. A. V. PELZELN. Zur Ornithologie der Insel Norfolk.

In: Sitzungsberichte der Mathemat. Naturwiss. Cl. Akademie Wien Bd.

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