A Short History of the Book of Common Prayer Part 13

A Short History of the Book of Common Prayer -

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Of the desirability of allowing a week-day use of the BEAt.i.tUDES in the room of the COMMANDMENTS enough has been already said.



The permission to use a form of presentation instead of, or in addition to, the Preface is likely to be widely welcomed. The other _addenda_ to this office, being apparently distasteful (for unlike reasons) to all the "schools of thoughts" in the Church, are likely to fail of acceptance; and on the whole may easily be spared.


_Visitation of the Sick_.

The proposed Commendatory Prayer, though in some of its features strikingly felicitous, is open to formal improvement. The addition of a short _Litany of the Dying_ would be appreciated by those whose ministry is largely exercised among the sick.


_Burial of the Dead_.

By far the most important section of this Resolution is the one providing for the insertion of special features when the office is used at the burial of children. The provision, or at least the suggestion, of a more appropriate Lesson would be wise, but for the rest, the office is almost all that could be wished.

A recent critic[88] raises the question, "Why single out infants alone for a special service? Why not forms for rich men and poor men--old men and maidens--widows and orphans?" And yet our Lord Jesus Christ did single out little children in a very striking and wonderful manner, and drew a distinction between them and us which may well justify our treating their obsequies with a peculiar tenderness. Even Rome, _Mater dura infantum_ as she has been sometimes thought, is studious to consult in this point the natural affections of the bereaved, and appoints a funeral ma.s.s distinct from that appointed for the dead in general.

Bishop Seabury felt the need of a rite of this sort and prepared one, but whether it was ever in actual use among the clergy of Connecticut the writer is not informed. Many, very many, since Seabury's day, have felt the same need, and it is safe to say that no one feature of _The Book Annexed_ has enjoyed so universal a welcome as this rightful concession to the demands of the parental heart.


The survey of corrigenda is now complete. The list looks like a long one, but really the points noted are few compared with those which have pa.s.sed unchallenged. Here and there in the Resolutions that have not been considered are words or phrases that admit of improvement, and which in an actual and authorized re-review by a Committee of Conference would undoubtedly be improved.

The bulk of the work has, for a period of three years, stood the incessant fire of a not always friendly criticism far better than could have been antic.i.p.ated by those who in the first instance gave it shape. The difficulties of the task have been immense. That they have not all of them been successfully overcome is clear enough, but that they were faced with an honest purpose to be just and fair, and that this purpose was clung to persistently throughout, is a credit which Churchmen of the next generation will not withhold from those who sought to be of service to them.

It remains to be seen whether the representatives of the Church will take up this work and perfect it; or _per contra_ in response to the demand for a "Commission of Experts," or the specious but utterly impracticable[89] proposal of concerted action with the Church of England, will decide to postpone the whole affair to the Greek Kalends. One thing is certain, to wit, that the death of this movement will mean inaction for at least a quarter of a century.

The men do not live who will have the courage to embark on a fresh enterprise of the like purport while the s.h.i.+pwreck of this one is before their eyes. There are many who, out of a conscientious fear of disturbing what they like to think of as permanently settled, would view such a conclusion of the whole matter with profound grat.i.tude to G.o.d. But there are many more to whom such a confession of the Church's inability to appreciate and unwillingness to meet the spiritual needs of a civilization wonderfully unlike anything that has preceded it would be most disheartening. Least of all is there valid ground for hope in the case of those who fancy that if they can only annihilate this project, the day will speedily come when they can revise the Prayer Book in a manner perfectly conformable to their own conception of the "Ideal Liturgy," and after a fas.h.i.+on which the most ardent Anglo-Catholic must fain approve.

The American Book of Common Prayer bears the impress to-day of two controlling minds, the mind of Seabury and the mind of White.

Doubtless it stood written in the councils of the Divine Providence that so it should be. The two men represented respectively the two modes of apprehending spiritual truth which have always been allowed counterplay and interaction in the history of English religion, and which always will be allowed such counterplay and interaction while English religion remains the comprehensive thing it is. No scheme of liturgical revision, no matter how scientifically constructed, will ever find acceptance with the people of this Church which does not do even-handed justice to both of the great historic growths which find their common root in Anglican soil.

When the spirit of Seabury shall have completely exorcised the spirit of White, or the spirit of White shall have completely exorcised the spirit of Seabury from the Church and from the Prayer Book, logic will have triumphed, as sixteen years ago it triumphed under the dome of St. Peter's--logical consistency will have triumphed, but catholicity will have fled.



_On_ Christmas-day, Easter-day, _and_ Whitsunday, _and on any week-day save_ Ash-Wednesday _and_ Good Friday, _this Office may be used in lieu of so much of_ The Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper _as precedeth the Epistle for the Day_.

_This Office may also be used separately on occasions for which no proper Order hath been provided_.

_The Minister standing up shall say the Lord's Prayer and the Collect following, the People kneeling, but the Lord's Prayer may be omitted if it hath been said immediately before_.

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our, As we forgive those who trespa.s.s against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil. _Amen_.

_The Collect_.

Almighty G.o.d, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid; Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our Lord. _Amen_.

_Then shall the Minister, turning to the People, rehea.r.s.e the Eight Sayings of our Lord commonly called_ THE BEAt.i.tUDES; _and the People, still kneeling, shall after every one of them reverently say_ Amen.


Jesus went up into a mountain; and his disciples came unto him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

_Answer_. Amen.

_Minister_. Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.

_Answer_. Amen.

_Minister_. Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth.

_Answer_. Amen.

_Minister_. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.

_Answer_. Amen.

_Minister_. Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see G.o.d.

_Answer_. Amen.

_Minister_. Blessed are the peace-makers; for they shall be called the children of G.o.d.

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