Six Discourses on the Miracles of our Saviour Part 24

Six Discourses on the Miracles of our Saviour -

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[333] Adventus quidem Christi unus in Humilitate completus est, alius vero speratur in Gloria. Et hic primus Adventus in Carne, mystico quodam Sermone in Scripturis Sanctis Umbra ejus appellatur. _In Jesu Novo Homil._ viii.

[334] Vera Christi Miracula & Sanatio Infirmorum est spiritualis. _In Matt. C._ xxv.

[335] Haec licet in praesens gesta sunt, quid tamen in futurum significent contuendum est. _In Matt. C._ x. _S._ 1. Christi Gesta aliud portendunt. _C._ xii. _S._ 1. Peragunt formam futuri gesta praesentia. _C._ xxi.

[336] _Pastoral Letter_, P. 3.

[337] _Pastoral Letter_, P. 35.

_BOOKS written by Mr._ WOOLSTON, _and Sold by him next Door below the_ Star _in_ Aldermanbury, _and by the Booksellers of_ London _and_ Westminster.

I. The Old Apology reviv'd, _&c._

II. Dissertatio de Pontii Pilati Epistola ad Tiberium circa Res Jesu Christi gestas.

III. Origenis Adamantii Epistolae duae circa Fidem vere orthodoxam & Scripturarum Interpretationem.

IV. The exact Fitness of the Time of Christ's Advent demonstrated by Reason against the Objections of the old Gentiles, and modern Unbelievers.

V. Four Free-Gifts to the Clergy, or Challenges to a Disputation on this Question, Whether the Hireling Priests of this Age, who are all Ministers of the Letter, be not Wors.h.i.+ppers of the Apocalyptical Beast, and Ministers of Anti-Christ?

VI. An Answer to the said Four Free Gifts.

VII. Two Letters to Dr. _Bennet_ on this Question, Whether the People call'd _Quakers_ do not the nearest of any other Sect in Religion, resemble the Primitive Christians, in Principle and Practice?

VIII. An Answer to the said two Letters.

IX. The Moderator between an Infidel and an Apostate: Or the Controversy between the _Grounds_ and his Ecclesiastical Opponents, set in a clear Light, _&c._

X. Two Supplements to the Moderator, _&c._

XI. A Defence of the Miracle of the _Thundering Legion_, against a Dissertation of _Walter Moyle_, Esq.;

XII. Six Discourses on the Miracles of our Saviour.

XIII. His Defence of those Discourses, against the Bishops of St.

_David_'s and _London_.

[Ill.u.s.tration ]






Mr. _Woolston_'s Defence







Against the _Bishops_ of St. DAVID_'s_ and LONDON, and his other _Adversaries_.


_Res Religionis non Verberibus sed Verbis est peragenda._ Lactant.

_London_: Printed for the Author, and Sold by him, next Door to the _Star_ in _Aldermanbury_, and by the Booksellers of _London_ and _Westminster_, 1729.

[Price _One s.h.i.+lling_.]





_Not long since the_ Bishop _of_ St. David_'s presented to Your_ Majesty _his_ Vindication; as _I would have done this my_ Defence, _if I had known how to get Access to Your Royal Presence_.

_Your_ Majesty _will perceive, that here's a sad War broke out between the_ Bishop _and my self, about_ Miracles; _which, in all probability, will cost a large Effusion of Words; and, unless Your_ Majesty _can accommodate the Difference, will hardly be terminated without the Slaughter of many Notions and Arguments_.

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