Six Discourses on the Miracles of our Saviour Part 20

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[296] _Lacrymatus est Jesus_, quod aliquando erasum fuisse a Catholicis quibusdam scribit Epiphanius. Vid. _Drusium in Loc. Johan._

[297] Quidam corporalia ejus Miracula stupentes, majora intueri non norunt. Quidam vero ea, quae gesta audiunt in Corporibus nunc amplius in Animis admirantur.----Dominus enim noster Jesus Christus ea quae faciebat corporaliter, etiam spiritaliter volebat intelligi; neque enim Miracula propter Miracula faciebat, sed ut illa quae faciebat, mira essent Videntibus, vera essent Intelligentibus.----Alii & facta mirati & intellecta a.s.secuti. Tales nos esse debemus in Schola Christi.----Hoc dixi (de ficu arefacta) ut persuaderem Dominum Jesum Christum ideo Miracula fecisse, ut aliquid illis Miraculis significaret; ut excepto eo, quod mira & magna & divina erant, aliquid inde etiam disceremus. Videamus ergo quid nos discere voluit in tribus mortuis, quos suscitavit. _In Serm._ xcviii.

[298] Ista tria Genera Mortuorum, sunt tria Genera Peccatorum, quos hodie suscitat Christus.----Sunt ergo instar filiae Synagogae Principis, qui peccatum intus in Corde babent, in facto nondum habent. Condemnatur Consensus ad Iniquitatem; respiratur ad Salutem atq; Just.i.tiam. Surgit mortuus in Domo, reviviscit Cor in Cogitationis Secreto. Facta est ista Resurrectio Animae mortuae intus intra Latebras Conscientiae, tanquam intra Domesticos Parietes.----Alii post Consensum eunt in factum, tanquam efferentes mortuum, ut quod latebat in Secreto, appareat in publico.

Nonne illi juveni dictam est, _Tibi dico, surge_ & redditus est Matri; sic qui jam fecerit, si forte admonitus & commotus Verbo Veritatis ad Christi Vocem resurgit, vivus redditur Ecclesiae.----Qui autem faciendo quod malum est, etiam mala Consuetudine se implicant, tales Consuetudine maligna pressi, tanquam sepulti, ita sepulti ut de Lazaro dictum est, jam _putet_. In Serm. xcviii.

[299] _c.u.m ejecta esset Turba, intravit._ Moraliter non resurgit Anima, quae intrinsecus jacet mortua, nisi prius a secretioribus Cordis excludatur inopportuna saecularium Cogitationum Mult.i.tudo. _In Loc.


[300] Mali isti Port.i.tores, qui ad sepeliendum hominem ferunt, sunt Vitia & maligni spiritas, Haeretici & seductores. Hos enim nisi Dominus sisteret, quoscunq; semel acciperent, sepulturae & aeternae d.a.m.nationi traderent. Suscitatus igitur Adolescens sedet, loquitur & Matri redditur, quia ad Penitentiam conversus in Ecclesiae pace quiescit, Dei Magnalia loquitur, sua peccata confitetur; & Ecclesiae reconciliatur.

_Euseb. Gallic. in Homil. Feriae quinta post Domin. 4tam._

[301] _Et lacrymatus est Jesus._ Lacrymemur igitur & nos pro omnibus illis, quos in Faetore Vitiorum jacere sentimus. _Euseb. Gallic. in Homil. Feriae 5ta post Domin. 4tam._

[302] Lapis autem revolutus a Monumento significat Infidelitatis Duritiam ab Hominum Corde submotam. _Theop. Antioch. in Loc. Johan._

[303] Quod enim tunc temporis factum est in una Puella, hoc in sine Temporum futurum est, ut fiat in tota Sonagoga. _In Homil. Feriae 5ta post Domin. 4tam._

[304] Synagoga circa finem saeculi erit rest.i.tuta saluti. _In Loc. Matt._

[305] Jairus illuminatus vel illuminans, Moses intelligitur. _Bed._ in _Loc. Mat._

[306] Ad hanc ergo Principis filiam dum properat Dei Verb.u.m, ut salvos faceret filios Israel, sancta Ecclesia de Gentibus congregata, quae inferiorum Lapsu Criminium deperibat, paratam aliis fide praeripuit Sanitatem. _St. Ambros. in Loc. Luc._ Quod vero post rest.i.tutam immundae Mulieri Valetudinem, defuncta Puella a mortuis rest.i.tuitur; ne hoc quidem ab exquisita Allegoria alienum. Nam Reliquiae salvae fiant, juxta Apostolum, c.u.m ingressa fuerit Gentium Plenitudo. _Theop. Ceram.

in Homil. de Jairi filia._

[307] Quarum Rerum Causa multa fuere Jesu Miracula. _In Johan. Cap. XI._

[308] Per Lazarum Genus humanum ostenditur. _Theop. Antioch. in Loc.

Johan._ Nostra Resurrectio figuratur per Lazari Resurrectionem.----Spelunca sive Sepulchrum Lazari Litteram Legis umbratilem designat.----_Magna Voce clamavit Jesus_, id est, Praedicatio Evangelii per quam humana Natura Peccatorum Vinculis & in Sepulchro Infidelitatis jacens vocatur ad Vitam. _Theop Ceram. in Homil. de Lazaro._

BOOKS _written by Mr._ WOOLSTON, _and Sold by him next Door below the_, Star _in_ Aldermanbury, _and by the Booksellers of_ London _and_ Westminster.

I. The old Apology reviv'd, _&c._

II. Dissertatio de Pontii Pilati Epistola ad Tiberium circa Res Jesu Christi gestas.

III. Origenis Adamantii Epistolae duae circa Fidem vere orthodoxam & scripturarum Interpretationem.

IV. The exact Fitness of the Time of Christ's Advent. demonstrated by Reason, against the Objections of the old Gentiles, and modern Unbelievers.

V. Four Free-Gifts to the Clergy, or Challenges to a Disputation on this Question, Whether the Hireling Priests of this Age, who are all Ministers of the Letter, be not Wors.h.i.+ppers of the Apocalyptical Beast and Ministers of Anti-Christ.

VI. An Answer to the said four Free-Gifts.

VII. Two Letters to Dr. _Bennet_, on this question, Whether the People call'd _Quakers_, do not the nearest of any other Sect in Religion, resemble the Primitive Christians in Principle and Practice.

VIII. An Answer to the said two Letters.

IX. The Moderator between an Infidel and an Apostate: or the Controversy between the _Grounds_ and his ecclesiastical Opponents, set in a clear Light, _&c._

X. Two Supplements to the Moderator, _&c._

XI. A Defence of the Miracle of the _Thundering Legion_, against a Dissertation of _Walter Moyle_ Esq.

XII. Five Discourses on the Miracles of our Saviour.


In View of the Present Controversy between INFIDELS and APOSTATES.

_Jamque Opus exegi_,----


By THO. WOOLSTON, B.D. sometime Fellow of _Sidney-College_ in _Cambridge_.

_LONDON_: Printed for the AUTHOR, and Sold by him next Door to the _Star_, in _Aldermanbury_, and by the Booksellers of _London_ and _Westminster_.


[_Price One s.h.i.+lling._]


TO THE Right Reverend Father in G.o.d, JOHN, Lord Bishop of _Oxford_.


When _the following_ Discourse _was finish'd and ready for the_ Press, _I consider'd to what_ Bishop _the_ Dedication _of it would be most acceptable_ (_for I am resolv'd that none but_ Bishops _as yet shall have the Honour of my_ Dedications) _and I had not long ponder'd upon the Matter, before I hit upon your_ Lords.h.i.+p, _who must needs be pleas'd with this_ Discourse, _because of the Advantage, that you, as well as my self, in the End, will reap by it_.

BY _Virtue of your_ Professors.h.i.+p _at_ Oxford, _you_, my Lord, _are a_ Moderator _at theological Disputations, as I am here: And whether the Execution of your Office be as troublesome as mine is, I know not: But if the Design of this_ Discourse _takes Place, we shall find that modern Controversies about Religion are all vain; and thereupon be_ both _of us soon eas'd of the Trouble of our_ Moderations _at them_.

IT _may be_, my Lord, _you are not so weary of your_ Moderators.h.i.+p, _as I am: Besides, that you are better paid for your Pains, your Disputants are more amicable, and, in the midst of their Disputes, more tractable: Tho' they may warmly contend, at the present, for and against the Point in Debate; yet like_ Lawyers _who are no less zealous for their_ Clients _in the Day, they commonly agree to drink a Bottle together at Night, and go to Bed, good Friends. And this is very well done of them._

BUT _my Disputants_, my Lord, _call'd_ Infidels _and_ Apostates, _at whose Controversy I have the Trouble, by the Appointment of the Fathers, to preside, are more stubborn, turbulent and refractory. What ill Treatment they would give each other, if it was in their Power, I know not: But my_ Apostates, _since they can't be aveng'd on their Adversaries, are full of Resentment against their_ Moderator, _because I am not altogether partial to their Side; and how I shall escape their Indignation, G.o.d alone knows_.

WHATEVER _the_ Clergy, my Lord, _whom I dignify with the t.i.tle of_ Apostates, _may think, I look upon my self as a notable_ Moderator _of the Controversy; I have shewn them all the Favour I can in it, and would have brought them off with Honour, but for a_ little Flaw, _here discover'd, in the Foundation of their Church, which, for the Determination of our Disputes, must be confess'd and granted_.

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