Christian Hymns of the First Three Centuries Part 5

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[15]R. Reitzenstein, _Die h.e.l.lenistischen Mysterienreligionen_ (Leipzig, Teubner, 1927), 3rd edition, 385.

[16]G. D. Kellogg, _The Ancient Art of Poetic Improvisation_, a paper read at the meeting of the Cla.s.sical a.s.sociation of the Atlantic States, April 26, 1940; J. Kroll, _op. cit._ (see note 3), 259.

[17]_Contra Haereses_, III, xvii, 2; Migne (PG), VII, 929-930. For a recent commentator, see F. J. Foakes-Jackson, _The Acts of the Apostles_ (London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1931), 10-13.

[18]Note the citation, _I Tim. 6:15-16_, _supra_, p. 7, in which the repet.i.tion of the relative clause produces a stylistic effect.

[19]Justin Martyr, _Apologia pro Christianis_, 67; Migne (PG), VI, 430.

Translation from _Ante-Nicene Fathers_ (New York, Scribners, 1899), I, 14.

[20]_Didache_, xiv; Translation from _Ante-Nicene Fathers_, VII, 381.

[21]_Apostolic Const.i.tutions_, II, lvii; Translation from _Ante-Nicene Fathers_, VII, 421-422.

[22]_Ante-Nicene Fathers_, VII, 371-376; _Catholic Encyclopedia_, IV, 779f; _Encyclopedia Britannica_, eleventh edition, VII-VIII, 209f.

[23]_Didache_, ix; Translation from _Ante-Nicene Fathers_, VII, 380.

[24]_Hymnody Past and Present_, 16-17.

[25]F. E. Brightman, _Liturgies, Eastern and Western_ (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1896), vol. I, _Introduction_, xvii-xxix.

[26]F. E. Brightman, _supra_, xxix; see also B. S. Easton, _The Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus_ (Cambridge, Un. Press, 1934), 12.

[27]L. Eisenhofer, _Handbuch der katholischen Liturgik_, vol. I, _Allgemeine Liturgik_ (Freiburg im B., Herder, 1932), 150-152.

[28]_Apostolic Const.i.tutions_, VII, 47.

[29]_Supra_, VII, 48.

[30]_Supra_, VII, 49.

[31]Translations from _Ante-Nicene Fathers_, VII, 538, 544.

[32]_Liber de spiritu sancto_, xxix, 73; Migne (PG), x.x.xII, 205. See also J. Mearns, _op. cit._ (see note 4), 16.

[33]Translation by Robert Bridges, _Yattendon Hymnal_ (London, Oxford Un.

Press, 1920), no. 88.

[34]R. M. Pope, "Latin Hymns of the Early Period," _Theology_, 21 (1930), 159; _Catholic Encyclopedia_, "Te deum," XIV, 468-470; C. W. Douglas, _Church Music in History and Practice_ (New York, Scribners, 1937), 158-160.

[35]F. Cabrol, _op. cit._ (see note 4), especially Part II, _Les cantiques anciens_, 1976-1977.

[36]E. Norden, _Agnostos Theos_ (Leipzig, Teubner, 1913), 276.

[37]Translation from _Book of Common Prayer_ (Prot. Epis. Church, U. S.

A.), 84. Similar effects were apparent in _I Tim. 6:15-16_, _I Tim.

3:16_, _I Peter 2:22-25_, quoted above.

[38]K. Keyssner, _Gottesvorstellung und Lebensauffa.s.sung in griechischen Hymnus_ (Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 1932). In his index Keyssner lists 72 known authors of all periods, 37 anonymous pieces (some fragments), and 22 magical formulae or collections.

[39]E. H. Blakeney, _Hymn of Cleanthes_ (London, S. P. C. K., 1921), 8.

[40]E. D. Perry, Preface to A. Korte, _h.e.l.lenistic Poetry_, translated by J. Hammer and M. Hadas (New York, Col. Un. Press, 1929), vii.

[41]S. Angus, _Religious Quests of the Graeco-Roman World_ (New York, Scribners, 1929), 76.

[42]_Supra_, 77, 86, 87.

[43]_Metamorphoses_, xi, 25. Translation from S. Angus, _Mystery Religions and Christianity_ (New York, Scribners, 1925), 240-241. For the hymn from Cyme see P. Roussel, "Un nouvel Hymne a Isis," _Revue des etudes grecques_, 42 (1929), 138.

[44]Cited by Firmicus Maternus, _De errore profanarum religionum_, 20; Migne (PL), XII, 1025; F. c.u.mont, _Textes et Monuments Figures relatifs aux Mysteres de Mithra_ (Bruxelles, Lamertin, 1899), vol. I, 313.

[45]_Contra Faustum_, xv, 5; Migne (PL), xlii, 307.

[46]c.u.mont, _op. cit._ (see note 44), 302.

[47]A. Dieterich, _Eine Mithrasliturgie_ (Leipzig, Teubner, 1923), 14; Translation from S. Angus, _op. cit._ (see note 43), 241.

[48]_Philosophumena_, V, iv; _Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte, Hippolytus_, vol. iii, edited by Paul Wendland (Leipzig, Hinrich, 1916), 99-100. Translation from _Ante-Nicene Fathers_, V, 56-57.

[49]T. Taylor, _The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus_ (London, Dobell and Reeves & Turner, 1896), 63.

[50]J. Geffeken, _Der Ausgang des griechisch-romischen Heidentums_ (Heidelberg, Winter, 1929), 18; M. Hauck, _Die hymnorum Orphicorum aetate_ (Dissertation, Breslau, 1911); O. Kern, _Die Herkunft des Orphischen Hymnenbuch_ in _Carl Robert zum 8. Marz 1910 Genethliakon_ (Berlin, Weidmann, 1910).

[51]R. Reitzenstein, _Poimandres_ (Leipzig, Teubner, 1904), 59, 347f.

[52]Translations from S. Angus, _Mystery Religions and Christianity_, 241-242.

[53]Phillips, _Hymnody Past and Present_, 13.

[54]_Ut queant laxis resonare fibris_ (Paulus Diaconus, d. 799); _Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen_ (Johann Heerman, 1630); _Where is the Friend for whom I'm ever yearning_ (Johann Wallin, 1779-1839).

[55]_Acts of Thomas_, IX, 108. Translation from M. R. James, _The Apocryphal New Testament_ (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1924), 411. See also B. Pick, _The Apocryphal Acts_ (Chicago, Open Court Pub. Co., 1909), 312.

[56]According to Pick _op. cit._ (see note 55), 312, it is a Gnostic development of _Phil. 2:5-11_.

[57]O. Bardenhewer, _Patrology_, translated from the 2nd edition by T. J.

Shahan (Freiburg im B., Herder, 1908), 107.

[58]J. Kroll, _op. cit._ (see note 3), 270.

[59]Acts of Thomas, I, 6. Translation from M. R. James, _op. cit._ (see note 55), 367.

[60]Acts of John, 94, 95. Translation from M. R. James, _op. cit._ (see note 55), 228, 253.

[61]Augustine, _Epistula_ ccx.x.xvii; Migne (PL), x.x.xiii, 1034. See also Leclercq, _op. cit._ (see note 1), 2841.

[62]_Philosophumena_, v, 5; Text, _op. cit._ (see note 48), 102.

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