Company Of Adventures - Merchant Prince Part 39

Company Of Adventures - Merchant Prince -

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CHAPTER 7quoted in Willson, Life ofLord.

CANADA IN A SWALLOW- Strathcona, Vol. 11, p. 406.

TAIL COATP. 189. '~ielding to the earnest R 180. "There is one man ": Sam entreaties": Sir Thomas Shaugh Hu hes, quoted in Beckles Will_ nessy on Lord Strathcona, 9 quoted in WR. Richmond, The son, The Life ofLord'Stratbcona Life ofLord Strathcona, p. 2 2 6.

and Mount Royal, Vol. 11, p. 154.

P. 190. "The Sabbath is over": P. 180. 1 have no claim": Sir Lord Strathcona, quoted in Donald A. Smith, quoted ibid. Peter C. Newman, Flame of P. 18 In. "A Canadian soldier": Power, p. 66.

British housewife to High Com- P. 190n. "I still remember vividly": missioner Vincent Ma.s.sey, Dr Wilfred Grenfell, of Lord quoted in Norman Webster, Strathcona, quoted in Willson, "Ma.s.sey's War," Globe and Mail, Life ofLord Strathcona, Vol. 11, 10 July 1980, P. 1. p. 479.


R 192. "],oidSti-athcoi,,s":R Mi. "to aid in doing the right Gaspard l,'arrer, quote d in thiog": Roderick MacFarlane to I leather (;i1bert, Awa(ening an I IBC director, quoted in Continent, pp. 163-64 Be( kles Willson, The Lit" of'Lord R 19 3. "Gice the gentl, wan Strathcona and,11ount Roy'll, Vol.

Lord Strathcona, quoied in 11, 1). 201.

Newman, Flame ofPo-,:,er, p. 68. R 20i. at, historicaltoncern: 1IBC P. 194. "HisLabradorl.orthbip": dircctor, quoted ibid.

Queen Victoria, of Lord Strath- R 205. "till h.e.l.lfira bas.e.m.e.nt": Cona, quote,1 in Willson, Lilt, ofRudyard Kipling, quoted in 1,ord Srrathcona, Vol. 11, p. 3 16.W * L. Morton, unpublished AIS P. 194. "Unck Donald": Edward biography of Dona ld A. Sinith.

k1l, quoted ibid., p. 427. 1 ~ 2 06. It little mattered: R. G.

P. 196. "Let the a,atcbfires be lit"Mo ' vles and Doug Owrarri, Inipe Sir Wilfrid Laurier, quoted in rial Dreams and Colonial Realities, Callwood, .augbty Nineties. p.42.

P. 196. "the useless ruffians": LordP. 2 07. "Caleb would stand": Minto, quoted in Robert Stew- Martha Ostenso, quoted in art, Sam Steele: Lion oj the Fron-Dai id C. Carpenter, "Matri tier, pp. 2 ; Q -40. archs and Patriarchs in Canadian Prairie Fiction," in Howard 11 198. "Oj"t l the regimcnts ": DailyPalmer, Tbe Settlement oj'tbe apress, quoted ibid., p. 2 5 1. [Vest, p. 167.

11 , 199. "7bc occasion of his ownP. 2 10. "The ai-rogance of'the toast": The 7-imes, quotc-d in Canadian": Hamburger Newinan, Flamc oj'Pov er, p. 67. Nacbrichten, quoted in Willson, Lij~ ot'Lord Stratbcona, Vol. 11, 1) 199. "1 learrived a bit right P. 294.

Agar Aclainson, quoted in Sandra Gwyn, The, Private Capital, p. 3 63.P. 2 12. "the Hudsons Bay Coin R 199. "it U'as vely diffi(vilt": S.pan), by their dealings": Lot(]

Macnaughtan, Aly Can,idian Strathcona to shareholders, Memories, p. 94. quoted in HBC, "Report of the GoN ernor and Committee of the R 200. "He is Canada": A.G. Fludsons Bay Company to be Gardiner, quoted in N(.,wiiian, laid before Sbareholders, 6 jub~ Flame oj'Power, p. 65. 1908," p. 12.

CHAPTER 8P. 2 14. "Conipa?q policies were not.

TI IF RECKONINGchanged" * - Philip Chester, "The First 250 Years," unpublished P. 204. rewarkabk vitality: Econo-MS history of the Hudson's Ba~, mist, 2 June 1906. Company, p. 4.


P. 219. "[Lord Strathconal was R 2 2 6. "In sorrouful memory most kind": R.L. Borden quoted tribute of Dowager Queen in Willson, Life oj'Lord Strath- Alexandra, quoted in Willson, cona, Vol. 11, p. 432. Life ofLord Strathcona, Vol. 11, P. 220. "on every rock": Sydney p. 463.

Smith, quoted in James [Jan j P. 2 26. "1 remit and cancel": will Morris, Pax Britannica, p. 429. of Lord Strathcona, quoted in WTR. Preston, The Life and P. 2 2 1. "That would never have Times ofLord Strathcona, happened": quoted in Pax Britan- pp. 272-73.

nica, p. 425.

P. 222. "It was not as a mercantileCHAPTER9 company": Lord Strathcona ON THE TRAIL OF THE quoted in R.W. Ferrier, The ARCTIC FOX History ofthe British Petroleum Company, Vol. 1, p. 159. P. 2 3 2. For at least 150 years: William G Watson, "A South P. 223. "detachment ofmanner": ern Perspective on Northern Ethel Hurlbatt, quoted in Economic Development," in Willson, Life ofLord Stratbcona, Michael S. Whittington, co Vol. 11, p. 475. ordinator, The North, p. 8.

P. 223. The whole scene:J.W Ped- R 2 3 2 n. to prevent the United ley, Biography of Lord StrathconaStates: British Colonial Office, and Mount Royal, p. 168. quoted in David Judd, "Canada's Northern Policy: Retrospect and P. 2 24n. "Lord Strathco,na ": DrsProspect," Polar Record, 14, no.

Barlow and Pasteur on last words 92 (May, 1969), p. 593.

of Lord Strathcona, quoted in WL. Morton, unpublished MS P 2 3 3. At one time: Bob biography of Donald A. Smith. Chess.h.i.+re in interview with P. 22 5. "We need notfear".- Sir author.

Charles Davidson, of Lord Stratheona, quoted in Willson, P. 2 3 3 n. Rbat ~ so difficult about Life of'Lord Strathcona, Vol. 11,that: story of Father Henri from p. 460.Stuart Hodgson, in interview with author.

P. 225. "Since Sirjohn Macdon alds time": Sir Wilfrid Laurier, P. 2 3 5. The Fskimo makes his or of Lord Strathcona, quoted in her appearance: Hugh Brody, Liv Pedley, Biography ofLord ing Arctic: Hunters oftbe Cana Strathcona, pp. 182-83. dian North, p. 19.

P. 2 2 5. With no advantages: TheP. 2 3 5. The "Evkimo " smiles: Times, 22 January 1914. Brody, Living Arctic, p. 19.


P. 2 3 5. The Eskimos were vety Arctic 1,,skimo, pp. 234-35, ~7nart: Jj. Wood in interview quoted ibid., p~ 259.

with -author.

P. 245. "They were so i . nnocent a P. 2 3 8. One could look acro~s: people": Klengenberg, quoted in Archie Hunter, Northern I-raders:R.Aj. Phillips, Canadas North, Caribou Hair in the Stew, 1). 60.p. 7 5.

P. 2 3 9. "The vooner the caribou areP. 247. Aline, a single, had a hay gone": trader quoted in Philip tick: Elizabeth Taylor, quoted in G.o.dsell, Arctic Trader: Tbe Grace Lee Nute, "Paris to Account ol'Twenty Years with the Peels River in 1892," The Hudson's Bay Company, p. 274. Beaver, March 1948, p. 20.

P. 240. a case ofthe Indian - ibid.P. 250. Snowingjast, very tough wind: Ralph Parsons, quoted in P. 2 40, 1 have inade it my study:Larry Gingras, Medals, Tokens George Simpson, letter to Lon- and Paper Money of the HBC, don Committee, 1822, quoted in P. 80.

Caesars ofthe Wilderness, hc, p. 226.R 2 5 2. He was naturally reserved: P. 24 1. So fond are these poor Ralph Parsons described in A.L.

people: Grahani, in Andruw Fleming, Perils ofthe Polar Pack, Graham ~ Observations on P. 3 3 1.

Hudson'~ Bay, 176 7-91, 1). 2 3 7.P. 2 5 2. The Company is a hard R 242. It was not some primitive taskmaster: of Ralph Parsons, blood l.u.s.t: Daniel Francis in Arc-Flenry, Toke Munn, Prairie Trails tic Chase: A History of Wbaling ina nd 4rctic Bywa~ys, p. 2 7 1.

Canadas No rtb, pp. I 1- 12, P. 2 5 S. a Alan, preeminently: in P~ 242. Thei e is something Gontran de Poncins, Kahloona, extremely painfiii: Williai n p. 2 5.

Scoresby, from An Account ofthe Arctic Regions, Vol. 1, p. -172, P. 258. Vdgo in there: Ej. Gall, quoted in Daniel Francis, Arctic in interview with author.

Cbase, p. 1.P. 259. the market value ofa rifle: R 244. a paradise ofthose who Philip G.o.dsell, Arctic Trader, reject all restraint: Hudson Stuck,p, 73, A Winter's Circuit of Out A rcticP. 2 59. The man would ans-Ler: Coast, p. 320, quoted in Morris Duncan Pryde in Nunaga: Ten Zaslow, The Opening oftbe Cana- )~ars ofFskinto Life, p. 215.

dian North, 1870-1914, p. 258.

R 26 1. It sold good rifles: Albert P. 244. when girls were not 11ochbaurn, in interview with obtainable: C.E. Whittaker, author.


P. 2 62. The new barter economy: P. 2 72. Most masters ofthe Com Diamond jenness, quoted in pany~posts: Annie Redsky, Brody, Living.4rctic, p. 23n. quoted in Edith May Griffis, R 262. It was the accepted thing to" The Lady of the Bay," The do: Ej. Gall, in interview with Beaver, Winter 1960, p. 48.

author.P. 2 72. When I was in charge ofa R 2 63. The Eskimos werejust as post: Cornwallis King, quoted in J . ealous: Cheslev Russell, in inter-Trader King (as told to Alary view with auth . or. Weekes), p. 178.

P. 263. Harris'wives were quite aP. 2 73. "Your ability to keep this mixed lot: on Inuit-white mar- book " ' - quoted in Heather riages, in Sydney A. Keighley, Robertson, ed., A Gentleman Trader, Tripper, Trapper: The LifeAdventurer: The Arctic Diaries of oJ'a Bay Man, p. 100. R.H.G. Bonnycastle, p. 1.

P. 263. "Ulhat would happen ij'I P. 273. Story of Pierre Mercredi asked": de Poncins, in Kabloona, and the oxen: from Barbara pp. 127-28.Hunt, ed., Rebels, Rascals P. 2 65. Farfrom being the i asualRoyalty, p. 54.

and promiscuous affair: Ernest P. 2 7 3. It was a pretty primitive Burch, in "Marriage and existence: WL. Cobb, in inter Divorce Among the North view with author.

Alaskan Eskimos," in Paul P. 2 7 5. One day thisftllow: Stuart Bohannan, ed., Divorce and Afte An a.n.a.lysis ofthe Emotional r'Hodgson, in interview with and Social Problems ofDivorce, author.

pp. 152-53.P. 2 7 5. When things were not P. 2 6 7. So here we were: J.IX going well: Senator Charlie Watt, Anderson, in Fur Trader~ Story, quoted in "A Short History of p. 80.Outside Contact," Taqralk (Inuit Magazine), Jan.-Feb. 1978, P. 269. The northern traders'loy-pp. 30-32.

alty: Bob Chess.h.i.+re, in interview with author.P. 2 76. The Bay would grubstake people: Stuart Hodgson, in inter P. 2 69. G.o.d was the Company: andview with author.

story ofjim Deckers as told by WL. Cobb in interview with CHAPTER 10 author. KILLING THE COMPEt.i.tION.

P. 2 7 0. it disappeared into him: Ray Price, The Howling Art tic: P. 2 80. Growing numbers offur The Remarkable People Who Made buyers and traders: Arthur Ray, Canada Sovereign in the Farthest The Canadian Fur Trade in the North, p. 213. IndustrialAge, p. 50.


11 28 1. 1 r(mcmber one linic JohnR 200. Aftcr more and more con Montague, quoted in "Fur 4deiation on the subject: jean Traders," i to Them Day. , 1973, Revillon, in letter to Patrick 1). 25. Ashley Cooper, 5 December 193 ~,, ibid.

11. 282. Thci xcre consid,rcd out laws: Jordan Zinovich on I lislopP. 2 Q0. H~e ba7,c good grounds to and Nagle personnel, i,i inter- clain1jean Revillon, in letter, ~ iew with nithor. 16 December 193 i, ibid.

1'. 285. "When the tideftil": P. 292 n. Months later: Clarence George Venables, quoted in Birdseve, in "The Birth of an L. F. S. Upi on, "The " reck of Industry," The Beazxr, Septeni the Eldorado: Strange Tale of her 1941, 1). 24, reprinted s.h.i.+pwreck," The Beavc,-, Autumn Auttinin 1980, p. 12.

1968, p. 28.


1). 286. "When we gotup each T1 11, ' NASCOPIE niorning": George Venables, CHRONICLES quoted ibid., p. 30.

P. 296. Signifying many things P. 286. "a.~ unknown to theparty":to many people: Henny Nixon, Globe, quoted ibid., p. ;I - "SS RMS Nascopie, 1912-1947: P. 288. Only those who have A Biography of a s.h.i.+p,"Argo nauta: The Newsletter ofthe worked: Philip G.o.dsell, in An ticCanadian Nautical Research Trader, p. 158.Socictv, 4. no. 3, 1987, p. 4.

P~ 2 88. 7b open up a stoi e againstP. 296, There may have been some the Ba - y: W.L. Cobb, in interview"luck "about it: Roland Wild, with author.Arctic Command.- The Story Of R 289. Ijnytaskedhim 7:,ho won: Smellie oftbe Nascopie, p. viii.

Rj. Renison, quoted bv "'alter P. 298. "Would you like au.Vtbing to Gordon in interview w ith author-eat?": ibid., pp'. 3-4.

11 ' 2 89. that showed a profit: P. 298. When the Port inspectors Wallace Laird, quoted in R.1 1. made their routine cbeck: ibid., c.o.c.kburn, "Revillon Alan." 'The pp. 90-91.

Beaver, February Mar(h 1990, 1). 15. R 299. When we arrived no one fi-om sh.o.r.e dared: Archie Hunter, R 2 89. Arrangements sbould be in Northern Traders, p. 8.

definitely inade: background of HBC takeover ofRevillon P. 300, At ever y port where we Freres, in I I BC internal trierno,stopped. Ernie Lyall, in An Arctic FIBCA, Uncla.s.sified, DD, 176- Alan: Six~y-Five 1~ars in Canada's Revillon Fr~res. North, p. 40.


P. 3 00. The sight oj'tbere great ves-P. 315. One time, this Eskimo sels: Alootook Ipellie, quoted ininterpreter: Chesley Russell, in Penny Petrone, ed., Northern interview with author.

Voices, p. 246.

P. 3 16n. Using a large ten-gallon P. 304. A strange spectacle the deckspail: H.M. Ross, in The Appren presented.- Isobel Hutchinson, tice's Tale, p. 60.

quoted in Heather Robertson, ed., A Gentleman Adventurer. P 317, [11ej accepted a more inti The Arctic Diaries ofR.H. G. mate responsibility: Leonard Bonnycastle, pp. 211-13. Budgell, quoted in "Recollec P. 3 0 5. Pity. She still had: Ej.tions of Rigolet," Them Days 60 Gall, in interview with author. Years Ago, August 1975, p. 13.

P. 3 0 7. 1 knew where all the reefsP. 3 17. "these simple, primitive were: Ej. Gall, in interview withfolk" and description of Inuit: author. PA.C. Nichols, in "Enter P. 3 0 7. The current was runni . ngThe Fur Traders," The Beaver, prettyj~st: Ej. Gall, in interviewWinter 1954, p. 37.

with author.P. 317. Take beed: Eskimo Book oj'

P. 308. It's all bunk about the Knowledge, quoted in Hugh North West Pa.s.sage: Ej. Gall, in Brody, The People's Land, p. 2 1.

interview with author.

P 3 17. Sometimes we could be P. 3 09. One evening in September:trading: Ernie Lyall, in An Arctic Barbara Heslop, in "Arctic Res- Man: Sixty-Five Years in Canada's cue," The Beaver, March 1944, North, pp-. 2 10-11.

p. 9, reprinted Autumn 1980, p. 7 1.

P. 311. Das.h.i.+ng out on deck: J. W.P. 318. The Company will make a Ilast stand: Winnipeg Free Press, Anderson, quoted in Fur Traders 24 Oct. 1913, quoted in Arthur Story, p. 242. J. Ray, The Canadian Fur Trade P. 311. Willis got into a dory andin the IndustrialAge, p. 95.

rowed back: George Whitman, on the wreck of the Nascopie, in P. 3 18. purgatory ledgers: ibid., interview with author. p. 105.

P. 3 13. "Our big helper has. .h.i.t theP. 318. 1 think any experienced bottom": quoted in Penny Petrone,trader: Philip G.o.dsell, quoted ed., Northern Voices, p. 166. ibid., p. 96.

CHAPTER 12P. 319. the Company had lost con.

NORTHERN GRIDLOCK trol in the north: Heather P. 3 15. The real boss ofeach, settle-Robertson, in A Gentleman ment: Ej. Spracklin, in inter-viewAdventurer: The Arctic Diaries of with author.R.H.G. Bonnycastle, pp. 14-15.

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