Preston Fight Part 23

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But as the authorities, from prudential reasons, declined to act, the office of receiving them devolved on private individuals.

As General Forster and the other leaders rode into the market-place, they were met by a large party of gentlemen, who welcomed them to the town, and professed their desire to show them every hospitality. General Forster, the n.o.ble lords, and all the officers were invited to dine that day at the town-hall, and it was likewise intimated to the general that a grand dinner, to be followed by a ball, would be given at the same place on the following day, by which time it was expected the infantry and Highlanders would have arrived.

In regard to quarters, Mr. Eyre's large house in Church-street was a.s.signed to General Forster and Lord Widdrington, and Sir Henry Hoghton's mansion was offered to Lord Derwent.w.a.ter. Good quarters, it appeared, had likewise been provided for all the officers.

Greatly pleased by their reception, the rebel leaders repaired to their quarters, with which they were well satisfied. In the mansion a.s.signed to them, General Forster and Lord Widdrington found everything they could desire. Nor was Sir Henry Hoghton's house at all inferior to the other. Indeed, it presented a far handsomer appearance from the street, as it occupied a more elevated position. Nor did the internal accommodation belie the exterior. The house possessed a s.p.a.cious entrance hall, and several commodious and well furnished rooms on the ground floor. Attached to it were excellent stables, and at the back there was a large garden.

Sir Henry had taken his grooms and coachman with him, but part of the establishment was left behind.

After settling themselves comfortably in their new quarters, the rebel leaders proceeded to the town-hall, where a sumptuous dinner awaited them, and so well pleased was General Forster with the entertainment, with the attentions paid him, and with his quarters, that he resolved to stay as long as he could at Preston.

At the very time when the rebels were taking possession of the town, the vicar, of whose attachment to the House of Brunswick we have spoken, happened to be engaged on his duties in the church, and he seized the opportunity of reading prayers for King George and the royal family. For this display of zeal and courage, he was made Warden of Manchester, and subsequently Bishop of Chester.

No molestation or interruption were offered by the rebels, but when the Reverend Mr. Paul, the new chaplain of the regiment, heard of the circ.u.mstance, he begged General Forster to order the troops to attend prayers at the church forthwith.

Within half an hour after Mr. Peploe had quitted it, the church was entirely filled by the rebel soldiers. Captain Wogan, Captain Shaftoe, and most of the officers were present.

While the bell was ringing to summon this second congregation, Mr. Paul took the prayer-book, just used by the vicar, and erased the name of King George, subst.i.tuting for it the name of King James. And in the prayer for the royal family, he scratched out the name of the Princess Sophia, and introduced that of Queen Mary of Modena.

Habited in a blue coat, wearing a long wig, and having a sword by his side, this stout church militant proceeded to the reading-desk, and in tones quite as fervent as those of the vicar prayed for the Pretender and his mother. Had James the Third come to the throne, no doubt Mr. Paul would have been rewarded with a bishopric.

Most of the young gentlemen troopers found capital quarters in the Fishergate and Friargate, and as a great number of tea-parties were given that evening, to which they were bidden, they had an opportunity of comparing the belles of Preston with those of Lancaster.

Till then they had believed it impossible that lovelier girls could be found than those they had just quitted. Now they confessed their mistake.

That morning the inconstant youths tore themselves away distractedly from their Lancaster loves, but at night an entire change had taken place in their sentiments, and they retired to rest deeply enamoured of the Preston girls.

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How King James was proclaimed for the last Time

NEXT morning, the town, never dull, presented a gayer appearance than usual.

Fortunately, the weather was propitious, and enabled the ladies to come forth and see the troops paraded.

After this pretty sight, they proceeded to the Lancaster road to witness the entrance of the Highlanders, whom they were very curious to see.

They laughed a great deal at the strange dresses of the men, and stopped their ears to shut out the shrill sound of the bagpipes; but, on the whole, they were pleased.

As was the case wherever he went, Brigadier Mackintosh produced a strong effect upon the beholders. His tall martial figure riveted their regards. On this occasion, the rigid muscles of the grim old warrior's countenance were somewhat relaxed, and he even attempted to smile. Perhaps, he was gratified by the undisguised admiration of the Preston beauties.

However, the fair spectators were best pleased by a party of young recruits who followed the Highlanders.

Raw soldiers they might be, but they were very pretty fellows, and had plenty of spirit. Number, three dozen-not including captain. Height, rather below the average-features delicate and feminine-figures slight, but remarkably well formed.

Never did scarlet coats, laced c.o.c.ked-hats, flaxen wigs, and all the rest of their accoutrements find more graceful wearers. Red and white c.o.c.kades showed they were English recruits-the Scots being distinguished by c.o.c.kades of blue and white.

All carried muskets, except the captain, who alone had a drawn sword in his hand. Perhaps he had been chosen on account of his good looks. Certainly he was the handsomest, as well as the tallest of the party.

The whole troop presented a very animated appearance, and none of them looked fatigued by the march. Highly diverted by the notice they excited, they ogled the ladies very freely, and occasionally paid them a pa.s.sing compliment.

Scarcely knowing what to think of these singular recruits, a crowd of young damsels followed them, laughing and jesting with them as they marched along.

On arriving at the market-place, where the troops were a.s.sembling to proclaim King James, the recruits created quite a sensation-especially among certain young gentlemen in Lord Derwent.w.a.ter's regiment, who stared at them in astonishment, and could scarcely believe their eyes. Their perplexity afforded the recruits great amus.e.m.e.nt, but they pretended not to recognise them, and did not return their signs and gestures.

Equally astonished was Captain Shaftoe when he beheld the troop; but quickly recovering himself, he rode up to General Forster and obtained his permission to place the recruits near the cross.

For this service he received the thanks of the handsome young captain, but he did not tarry to talk to him then, or ask for any explanation, for the Highlanders were gathering around.

Nothing could be better than the position thus gained by the recruits, for they were close to General Forster and the English and Scottish n.o.bles, and could see everything. What is more, they themselves could be seen. In fact, they were conspicuous objects in the picture, and really contributed to its effect. Stationed elsewhere, they would have been lost, for the place was entirely filled with the military and the townsfolk.

When the proclamation was made such a shout arose as had never been heard in that place before. Kerchiefs were waved from the windows of the town-hall, which were garnished with fair dames, and a host of gentlemen ranged in front of the building, made their voices heard above the general din. The enthusiasm pervaded all, and a more exciting scene cannot be imagined.

This was the last time that such shouts were heard in England. Never again was King James proclaimed by the insurgent forces.

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The Countess and Dorothy arrive at Preston

GENERAL FORSTER'S utter incapacity as a leader had now become manifest to all. He drank as hard during the march, as he had been accustomed to do at Bamborough, and after these potations his head could not be very clear in the morning. Had it not been for Colonel Oxburgh, who acted for him, many ruinous mistakes must have occurred. Remonstrances, however, were useless. To argue with him only made him more determinately obstinate. Right or wrong, he would have his own way. The only person he would listen to was Lord Widdrington, who knew how to humour him.

This state of things at head-quarters filled Lord Derwent.w.a.ter with the gravest apprehension, for he foresaw that the general's blundering and obstinacy must expose them to a chance of defeat, whenever an engagement with the enemy should occur.

But Forster's indifference to the danger of his position was quite as remarkable as his stupidity. Although informed on the day after his arrival at Preston, that General Wills was marching to Wigan with several regiments of dragoons, and some regiments of foot, he refused to believe the intelligence, and took no pains to verify it. Neither did he seem willing to credit the report that General Carpenter was marching against him from Newcastle. So delighted was he with Preston, with his quarters, with the hospitality of the inhabitants, and the general attractions of the place, that he was in no hurry to leave. Like the gentlemen troopers he had submitted to feminine fascination, and short as had been his stay, Mrs. Scarisbrick, a charming young widow, already held him in thrall.

It seemed, indeed, to be the design of the Preston belles to captivate all the insurgent leaders, and many a tender glance was thrown at Lord Derwent.w.a.ter by some of the fairest ladies of the place. But he was proof against all their allurements.

Shortly after the proclamation had taken place, when the crowd dispersed, and the soldiers had returned to their quarters, two ladies, both young, and very handsome, well mounted, habited in elegant riding-dresses, attended by an elderly personage, who almost looked like a priest, and followed by a middle-aged man-servant and a couple of grooms, each having a valise fastened to the saddle, entered Preston by the avenue connected with the Lancaster road, and proceeded to the market-place, where they halted to make inquiries respecting Lord Derwent.w.a.ter's quarters, and having ascertained that he occupied Sir Henry Hoghton's house in Church-street, they went thither.

These ladies attracted considerable attention as they rode along, but no one could tell who they were, until they were recognised by some of the gentlemen soldiers, as the Countess of Derwent.w.a.ter and Miss Forster, the general's sister. It was conjectured that the grave-looking personage who rode beside them might be Father Norman, the earl's chaplain, and the old man-servant Mr. Newbiggin, the butler at Dilston.

When the arrival of the countess and Miss Forster became known it caused a great sensation in the place, and the news soon reached General Forster, who chanced to be walking at the time with Mrs. Scarisbrick in the Fishergate.

The news did not seem altogether agreeable to him, but Mrs. Scarisbrick was delighted, and said she should be enchanted to make the acquaintance of the two ladies; whereupon, the complaisant general offered to introduce her to them forthwith, and begged her to accompany him to Lord Derwent.w.a.ter's quarters, where it was certain they would be found.

As the countess wished to take her husband by surprise, no announcement of her arrival was made to him. Alone, in a room at the back of the house, and engaged in writing a letter, he did not perceive her entrance; but when he raised his eyes, and beheld her standing beside him, he uttered a cry of delight, and springing up, clasped her to his breast.

"How strange!" he exclaimed, after the first expressions of delight were over. "I was just writing to you to say I wished I had the power to conjure you here, and as if in answer to the summons, you appear."

"You are certainly the enchanter, who has brought me here," she replied, smiling. "But I am not alone," she cried. "Father Norman is with me, and Newbiggin; and I have also brought Dorothy Forster to see her brother."

"Dorothy is much wanted," he replied. "But tell me how you got here? Have you experienced any hindrance or annoyance on the road?"

"None whatever," she replied. "We set out from Dilston two days ago, and got to Lancaster yesterday, just after you had left, but were too tired to follow, so we rested there, and came on to-day. Do not imagine that I intend to accompany you in your campaign. My sole object in coming here is to see you once more. Left by myself at Dilston I became so unhappy that I thought I should have died. In vain Father Norman offered me all the consolation in his power. I consulted Dorothy-told her how wretched I was-that I was resolved to see you again, cost what it might-and she agreed to accompany me. Finding nothing could turn me from my purpose, Father Norman likewise volunteered to attend me-nor could I leave Newbiggin behind. I hope I have not done wrong in bringing him. There are plenty of faithful servants to take care of the castle during my absence. But what excellent quarters you have got. This is really a charming house."

"Yes, I believe it is the best in the town. It belongs to Sir Henry Hoghton, who commands the Lancas.h.i.+re militia. He is gone to Wigan, where he expects to be joined-if he has not been already joined-by General Wills, with several regiments of dragoons. Our foes you see are close at hand, yet they might be a hundred miles off for aught Forster seems to care. If I had the command of the army, I should have fortified myself at Lancaster, but Forster decided otherwise. Now we may have to stand an a.s.sault here. And Wills is not our only enemy. General Carpenter is advancing from Newcastle, and possibly may overtake us, ere we leave Preston."

"What if he does?" said the countess. "You have no reason to fear him."

"With Forster at our head, we shall never win a battle," said the earl.

"You are dispirited, my dear lord," observed the countess; "and I think without reason."

"I wish I could think so," he rejoined, sadly. "But I cannot. With such a general as Forster we shall do no good. But where are Dorothy and Father Norman?"

"I left them in the large room opening from the hall," she replied.

"I must go and bid them welcome," said the earl. "I am rejoiced that Dorothy has come. She has great influence with her brother, and may extricate us from the dreadful dilemma in which we are placed."

"Finding your quarters so good, I have asked her to stay with me here," said the countess. "I don't think she will be in the way."

"Not in the least," replied the earl. "There is room for a dozen more. My brother Charles is the only person in the house with me, and nothing can be more agreeable to him than Dorothy's society. By-the-bye, I must tell you that since his arrival here, the general has fallen desperately in love with a fair widow-Mrs. Scarisbrick. I mention the matter because I have no doubt you will soon see her. She is really very handsome, as are all the Preston women, who have made sad work with most of the young men in my regiment. They are half crazed about them. But come along, sweetheart. We must not remain talking here. I want to see Dorothy and Father Norman."

Newbiggin was standing in the pa.s.sage as the earl came forth with the countess, and received a very kindly greeting from his lords.h.i.+p.

"I am very glad to see you, Newbiggin," said Lord Derwent.w.a.ter. "I haven't time to talk to you now, but I shall have a good deal to say to you, when I am more at leisure."

"Has your lords.h.i.+p any orders to give me?" inquired the butler.

"Yes. Select a good room for Miss Forster, and another for Father Norman, and let all be got ready for them without delay."

"It shall be done, my lord," replied the butler. "Your lords.h.i.+p will find them in this room," he added, opening the door of a s.p.a.cious and well-furnished apartment.

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Mrs. Scarisbrick

As the earl entered Father Norman advanced to meet him, and saluting him affectionately, gave him his benediction. This little ceremony over, Lord Derwent.w.a.ter addressed himself to Dorothy, expressing his delight at seeing her, and thanking her for her kindness in accompanying the countess on the hazardous expedition.

"I only hope you will have no cause to regret your obliging compliance with her wishes," he said. "I hope you will stay with her here, for I really think you will be better off in this house than in the general's quarters."

"Oh! yes, Dorothy will stay with me I'm quite sure," cried the countess. "I can't part with her."

Dorothy gladly a.s.sented to the arrangement, which indeed was very agreeable to her, and this matter being settled, the earl again addressed himself to Father Norman, and told him he was happy in being able to offer him such excellent accommodation.

"You shall have as good a room as you have been accustomed to at Dilston," he said.

"I beg your lords.h.i.+p not to trouble yourself on my account," replied the priest. "I care not where I am lodged."

Just then, Newbiggin came in and announced General Forster and Mrs. Scarisbrick, and next moment the general made his appearance with the young widow.

While he presented her to the countess and his sister, the priest retired to the further end of the room.

Both ladies were very much struck by Mrs. Scarisbrick's beauty and liveliness. She did not seem more than five-and-twenty. She was a blonde, with very fine eyes and pretty features, and had a graceful figure, set off by a charming dress.

She appeared exceedingly good-natured, and was certainly very desirous to please. Indeed her manner was so engaging that both ladies were delighted with her. The only thing that surprised Lady Derwent.w.a.ter was that she could tolerate such a man as Forster.

"I hope your lords.h.i.+p and Miss Forster will like Preston," she said after her presentation to them by the general. "We will do our best to amuse you. In spite of war's alarms, a good deal is going on. To-night there will be a grand ball at the town-hall. I have no doubt it will be a very gay affair. All the officers will be present."

"And some of the loveliest women you ever beheld," said the general. "I never knew what beauty was till I came to Preston."

"Don't mind what the general says," observed Mrs. Scarisbrick. "He thinks too much of us."

"I can't think too much of you," sighed Forster.

"Ah! you flatter," said the widow. "However, if Lady Derwent.w.a.ter and Miss Forster will honour the ball with their presence, they will be able to judge for themselves."

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