The Sweet Girl Graduates Part 10

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_Jack_ (with infinite patience). You know what I mean, (with terrible calmness). Who gave you those?

_Maude_ (preparing to cry). You're awfully cross, I think.

(Mr. Bulbus enters in rear hunting something. Maude sees him.)

_Jack_ (unmoved). Who gave you those?

_Maude_ (graciously, sweetly). Mr. Bulbus, the lilies are lovely.

_Mr. B._ (surprised into dropping a hammer). Yes'sum, I'm glad you--you like 'em. (retreats in confusion.)

_Jack_ Oh! (slowly). That's awfully nice of you.

(Enter Mrs. De Smythe and Miss Hoppenh.o.e.r, bonnets and gloves on.)

_Mrs. De S._ Where is your father? It's time to go.

_Jack_ Past time. Grindem said to be there at 9:30.

_Mrs. De S._ What shall we do? I knew he would be late! I hope I shall not have an attack!

_Miss H._ (grimly). No, I hope not--in that dress!

_Mrs. De S._ As if one's dress made any difference with an attack! O, there he is! Well, Papa, you--good morning, Madam.

(Mr. De Smythe and Madam Sateene come in together.)

_Mr. De S._ My, how fine we look!

_Maude_ Madam Sateene, this shoulder--wrinkles.

_Madam_ Let me see. (Madam and Maude consult apart.)

_Mrs. De S._ We ought to go.

_Mr. De S._ Miss Rantum hasn't come.

_Jack_ (looking up from his own Ms.) O, I forgot! Miss Baked Beans will meet us there. She couldn't come here.

_Maude_ She promised she would!

_Mr. De S._ All ready. How many of these do we take? (indicating flowers). Need a dray?

_Maude_ Only Jack's--and I carry them. Jack, you carry my essay and fan. (puts on hat). Is it straight? Where are my roses?

(Miss Hoppenh.o.e.r gives Mr. De Smythe two shawls and he goes.)

_Madam_ (anxiously). Wait one moment. (adjusts Maude's train). Now.

_Miss H._ Have you any lemon drops?

_Maude_ Of course not,--n.o.body carries lemon drops! Where is my handkerchief!

_Jack_ (sheepishly, taking it out of his vest). Here it is.

_Mr. De S._ (from door). Come on, you people.

_Mrs. De S._ O dear, dear, I shall never stand it.

_Miss H._ (collecting salts and fans). We're coming.

_Mrs. De S._ O dear,--kiss me, Maudie. (sits down exhausted). It's just like a wedding! I can't stand it! Some day you'll be getting married!

(Mr. Bulbus enters in the rear and just stands.)

_Jack_ (cheerfully). I hope so.

_Maude_ (arranging train to carry it gracefully). Poor Mamma!

_Mr. De S._ (from outside). Come on! Matilda, bring Mamma!

_Mrs. De S._ O, O, O!

_Maude_ Brace up, Mamma, you must.

_Mrs. De S._ (to her handkerchief). And only yesterday she was a baby!

_Miss H._ (snappishly.) And only day before yesterday you were!

_Mrs. De S._ (from outside). Come on--we must go.

_Chorus_ We're coming! (All start, collecting fans, handkerchiefs, and gathering up trains, adjusting bonnets anew, etc.)

_Maude_ (as they rush for the door). O, look out for my flowers!

Jack, got my piece? I know I shall forget! What if we're late?

Good-bye, Mr. Bulbus! (all go).

(Curtain drops on Mr. Bulbus, gazing after Maude in a sort of trance.)


(A Wednesday morning in May, 1905. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton at breakfast. He reading a paper, totally absorbed. She opening her letters; there are two by her plate.)

_Maude_ (reading letter and talking to herself). Well, Well! (reading).

I am not angry--not in the least. You dear old girl! (drops letter and meditates). You dear old girl! (resumes reading). I know better,--you wouldn't! (reads about a page without comment, then) W-h-y! Why! O goodness gracious! Jack!

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