Legacy: Alexandra's Legacy Part 10

Legacy: Alexandra's Legacy -

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James laughed, but it was a bitter sound. "That's nature, Divine. Humans are no different. Thing is, the years haven't been kind to the packs and their numbers are dwindling. They need females to reproduce and restore the population. The ironic thing is a hundred years or so ago they might have killed her because her bloodline is tainted because her mother was human. Now they all want her as a breeder."

"That's why you're here and not with a pack?" Once again, Divine was proving to be an astute woman.

James nodded. "I wanted a different life for Alex."

"Where is she, James?"

"Honesty, I don't know. We split up this morning and I sent her off with the son of an old friend. He's the only one I can trust until this mess is resolved."

"What will you do?"

James reached out and stroked his fingers over Divine's hair. "It's best you don't know but, rest a.s.sured, Alex will be taken care of."

"I believe you."

The sound of a truck pulling up in front of the garage had James whirling and moving in one motion.

"That should be Otto," Divine yelled after him. He pulled out his gun and hid in the shadows, not willing to take any chances.

The door to the garage was opened enough for a truck to pull in. It wasn't a large truck, but it had an enclosed box on the back with Bykowski's Bakery stenciled on the side. Still, James waited in the shadows until the truck was inside and the door closed and bolted. Two younger men waited by the side of the truck while an older man opened the truck door and climbed down from the cab. "Divine," he called. "You see any sign of James or Alex yet?"

"h.e.l.lo, Otto." He stepped from the shadows, shocking the three men who stood not four feet from him.

The older man was startled for a moment, but recovered quickly, rubbing his hand over his mostly balding head. "James." He strode forward, hand extended. "Bad business up there," he motioned upstairs with his free hand as he shook James' hand with the other. "Bad business. We've got tarps in the back and me and my boys will make sure they get dumped in the lake far away from the neighborhood."

"I appreciate it, Otto." He hesitated. "I suppose you want to know what happened?"

Otto shook his head vehemently. "A man's business is his own. You are one of us and that is all that matters." Releasing James' hand, he turned to his sons. "Come. We have work to do." Both his sons were in their early twenties and were carbon copies of their father. They looked as if they were bursting with questions, but said nothing as they followed their father, tarps tucked beneath their arms.

James shook his head, feeling oddly out of control of the situation. If he hadn't returned his neighbors would have taken care of the situation for him and he'd never have known. It was strangely humbling. He'd had no idea people felt this way about himself and Alex.

Divine started upstairs, but James put his hand on her arm, stopping her. "You don't need to see this."

She looked mildly surprised. "I've seen worse."

"I know," he gently replied. "But that doesn't mean you need to see it again."

A slow smile covered her face. This one was natural without the artifice she usually displayed. James was surprised to notice she was actually quite pretty beneath her faade. "That's really sweet of you, James, but I want to help. I need to help."

Nodding, he started up the stairs with her close behind him. Otto and his sons had already wrapped the two bodies in tarps. Someone had boarded the window shut. "Who did that?" James motioned to the window, noticing the gla.s.s had been swept away as well.

One of the younger men straightened. "I did. I didn't want anyone sneaking in and stealing anything."

"My Dominik is a good boy." Otto beamed and his son blushed.

"Thank you." James didn't quite know what else to say. "Why?" He was at a loss as to understand their actions.

Otto walked over to him, his smile sad. "You think you are a loner, keeping to yourself. You think we do not know what you do. When my Anna needed medical care, there was an envelope of money left on the counter of my store with the name of a good doctor tucked inside. When Bill was having trouble with that gang that was trying to infiltrate the neighborhood, don't think we didn't all notice when they suddenly disappeared. This neighborhood might have its problems with petty drug dealers, but there is not the same amount of violence here. It is a good neighborhood, where decent people can make a home. Don't think we don't know it is because of you, James Riley."

He'd had no idea. Over the years, he'd taken care of the neighborhood people as best he could without exposing himself or interfering in their lives too much. After all, they were human; he was not. But he was still an alpha male whether he wanted to be or not and the people around him had become his pack in a strange sort of way. He just hadn't been aware of how much they'd known. No one had ever said anything until now.

"Thank you."

"Bah," Otto swiped his hand in front of him. "There is no need for thanks. My Anna is alive because of you. There is nothing my family will not do to help yours." Motioning to his sons, they each picked up an end of one of the tarps and started back down the stairs. Otto and James took the other.

When both bodies were loaded in the back of the truck, James turned to Otto. "There's one more in the alley to the left."

He nodded. "We will stop outside and pick him up. They will be on the bottom of the lake within the hour and will trouble you no more." Otto climbed into the driver's seat while his sons opened the garage door. He eased the truck out of the building, stopping in front of the alley. As James closed and bolted the garage door, he could see both Dominik and Leon heading into the alley, tarp in hand.

"What will you do now?" Divine had come up to stand behind him.

"I have to go and meet Alex. Once I'm sure she's safe, I'm not sure what I'll do."

"You're not coming back, are you?"

Was he? "I honestly don't know, Divine. Probably not." He left her and went into the office. Digging through the file cabinets, he found what he was looking for. Picking up a pen, he scribbled across the page. When he was done, he went back into the garage only to find Divine heading for the door. "Wait."

She turned back. "Is there something else you need?"

"No." He shook his head. "This is something I want to do for you." He handed her the papers.

"I don't understand." She squinted in the dim light to read them.

"That's the deed to the garage. I own it free and clear. The apartment upstairs is yours to live in. Feel free to rent out the garage. Check with Otto's son, Leon. I saw the way he was eyeing the place. He might want to do something different with his life than work in his father's bakery."

"I can't take this, James." She thrust the papers back at him, but he wouldn't take them.

"Yes, you can. All I ask is that you close out Alex's apartment and store all her stuff here for her." Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew a set of keys. "The keys to the garage, the apartment upstairs and Alex's place are all on here." He removed several keys from the ring before handing it to her.


"No." He cut her off. "You didn't have to do what you did today. None of you did. The men watching this place are dangerous and you knew it, but you did it anyway. I can never repay that. Besides." He propped his hands on his hips and looked down at her. "Don't you think it's time to start taking care of yourself?" He softened his tone. "You're still a relatively young woman, Divine. Beneath that hard sh.e.l.l, there's a good woman. Give yourself a better life."

Her lower lip trembled and she threw herself against him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He gathered her close for a hug. She stepped back a moment later, swiping at her eye makeup and sniffing self-consciously. "I must look a mess."

He smiled as she dug a tissue out of her pocket and tried to wipe the smudged mascara from her eyes. "Yeah, you do." She laughed as he'd intended. "Just do me one favor and wait at least two weeks before you move in. Everything should be taken care of by then and there should be no danger to you or anyone else."

"Okay." She nodded. "We'll just keep an eye on the place. As far as anyone is concerned, you're on vacation."

"You okay to get home on your own?"

Divine laughed. "Honey, I'm as safe on the streets as I am in my own bed." She strutted to the door, papers and key ring clutched tightly in her hands. When she reached the door, she turned. "You take care of yourself, James Riley. And take care of that girl of yours. Alex is special."

"I will, Divine. You take care of yourself too."

"You know. For the first time in my life, I think I will." With those parting words, she was gone, the door closing heavily behind her.

James walked over to the door and eased it open, watching as she strode down the street. In spite of her a.s.surance she was perfectly safe on her own, he kept a close eye on her until she was inside her building at the end of the street. Shutting the garage door, he bolted it and headed upstairs.

Grabbing a duffle bag from the bedroom closet, he tossed in some clothing and the few pictures and mementos that were precious to him before carrying it out to the living room. He pulled open the bookcase and removed the remaining weapons and money, stuffing them in the bag. He had the keys to a car he had stashed in another location for just such an emergency and the key to his safety deposit box in his pocket. The safety deposit box contained bankbooks for every major bank in the city.

James had money. A lot of it. He'd had decades to acc.u.mulate it and was good at making more. He had investments all across the country. He supposed it was time he taught Alex how to manage some of this stuff. Most of it was a nest egg for her future. He only hoped there was time to tell her about all of it.

Zipping the bag closed, he pushed the bookcase shut and headed out the door. He never looked back as he descended the stairs, leaving his home of over twenty years behind him. If there was one thing life had taught him, it was there was no use in looking back. It changed nothing and only brought sorrow and regrets.

The future was ahead of him. All that mattered now was Alex's safety. After that, he'd figure out what he was going to do with the rest of his life.

Shoving open the back entrance of the garage, he left the building and his former life behind him.

Chapter Twelve.

Dawn hadn't yet broken when Joshua opened his eyes, although the room was getting lighter as it approached. Sometime during the night, Alex had kicked off the covers and crawled on top of him and was sleeping soundly with her arms and legs sprawled on either side of him.

How she'd managed to do that without waking him was a mystery. He was used to sleeping with one eye open, his senses attuned to anything out of the ordinary. Obviously, his wolf knew and accepted her as his rightful mate. She was intelligent, brave, kind and giving. Everything a man could want, everything he'd given up hoping for. Her place was with him. Now and always.

He groaned as he buried his face in her hair. She smelled of soap and that indefinable womanly scent that was uniquely hers. His c.o.c.k was already swollen and hard, pressing against the zipper of his jeans. She s.h.i.+fted the smallest bit, her s.e.x rubbing against the large bulge. Joshua gripped her hips with his hands to hold her steady. Sweat broke out on his forehead and he struggled for control. Only Alex had this effect on him.

She settled again, emitting a soft, satisfied sigh. He loosened his grip, becoming suddenly aware of the bare flesh beneath his fingers. Memories of her pink bikini panties hanging to dry in the bathroom made him groan again. There was nothing to stop him from touching her slick folds, from stroking her.

Even as he told himself he shouldn't, he slid his fingers downward, skimming the edges of the firm globes of her behind. The s.h.i.+rt had ridden up during the night and was bunched around her waist. He kept his touch soft, not wanting her to wake. Light was barely beginning to filter in through the thin drapes. They didn't have to get out of bed quite yet. Alex needed her rest.

His hands cupped her behind, kneading the pliant flesh. d.a.m.n, she had a fine a.s.s. He wanted to mount her from behind, wanted to hear the slap of his stomach against her bottom as he f.u.c.ked her. His chest was rising and falling rapidly now, his heart thudding heavily. Although he wasn't wearing a s.h.i.+rt, his torso was damp with perspiration.

He slid his fingers down the dark cleft of her behind to the treasure beyond. She moaned in her sleep, s.h.i.+fting again. Joshua gritted his teeth against the throbbing ache of his erection. He moved his hand lower until he was stroking her warm, moist folds. He closed his eyes and sucked in a breath. It would be so easy to just undo the b.u.t.ton of his jeans and slide the zipper down. Within about five seconds after that, he could be buried deep in her heat.

It would feel so d.a.m.n good.

Why not? a small voice in the back of his head demanded. He'd all but given his life to the pack, protecting it always against all threats. And the cost had been high. Sometimes, he wondered if he had any humanity left inside him at all. Kill or be killed had been his life for so long.

And then he'd seen Alex.

She'd reawakened something deep inside him, given him hope for the future. His brother's words echoed in his head and he could hear Isaiah encouraging him to take her, to mark her as his.

No! That wouldn't be fair to her.

Why not? that insidious voice whispered. No one would take better care of Alex or cherish her as he would. Why shouldn't he claim her?

Because she deserved a choice. Because, after everything she'd been through, Alex deserved at least that much.

Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes and peered into large silvery gray eyes that almost swallowed him whole. They were deep and fathomless, dark pools of comfort just waiting to envelope him.

"Hi." She gave him a soft, sleepy smile that made his heart clench.

"Good morning." He barely recognized the low rumble of his own voice. He cleared his throat. "How did you sleep?"

She stretched, making him groan. "I didn't think I'd sleep at all, but I slept well." Alex leaned down and rubbed her nose against his. "Thanks to you."

His hand moved of its own volition, stroking the soft folds of her p.u.s.s.y. She arched against him, all but purring. "Mmm, that feels wonderful."

"This is not a good idea, Alex." He wanted to stop, but somehow couldn't tear his hand away.

"I think it's a wonderful idea, Joshua." The way she said his name had his b.a.l.l.s clenching against his body. He wanted to hear her scream his name as she came.

She reached up and traced her fingers over his face, examining every feature. He knew he was a rough-looking b.a.s.t.a.r.d, but for the first time in his life, he wished his face was a bit more pleasing. That made him angry. "It won't get any better no matter how long you stare at it," he growled.

Totally unconcerned by his outburst of anger, she continued to stroke her fingers over his forehead and down his nose. "How did you break it?" She lightly touched the that protruded from the center.

"Fight with my older brother."

Alex laughed. "I always wanted siblings, but that doesn't sound like much fun."

Joshua shrugged, trying to act nonchalant, which was hard with his d.i.c.k poking her in the stomach. "We play hard, we fight hard, but there's no one else I'd want at my back in any kind of situation."

"Mmm," she intoned as she slid her finger across his bottom lip.

Joshua didn't know what that meant, but he didn't care. He parted his lips and nipped at the tip of her finger before sucking it into his mouth. His teeth sc.r.a.ped gently down to the base and then he licked at the sensitive webbing between her fingers. She moaned, her hips sliding hungrily against his erection.

He pulled his head away, letting her finger slip from his mouth. "Let me touch you. Let me taste you. Pleasure you." He wouldn't take her, wouldn't claim her. But that didn't mean he couldn't taste her. Touch her in other ways.

"Yes." Her reply was little more than a whisper, but it was enough for Joshua.

"Sit up," he urged as he helped her. The motion drove her s.e.x hard against his erection and he had to fight to keep from coming in his jeans. He s.h.i.+fted her so she was seated on his belly and sighed as this new position allowed him to gain control of himself again. "Let's get this off you." He grabbed the tails of her T-s.h.i.+rt and lifted it over her head. She raised her arms and let him tug it off her, leaving her warm and naked in his arms.

Her hair was tousled, her eyes still soft and sleepy. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s weren't overly large, but they were well shaped and firm. Their rosy tips puckered, begging for his mouth. Her skin was warm and he could feel her cream seeping out of her core and dampening his stomach.

Joshua rested his hands on her thighs and slid them upward. He circled her belly b.u.t.ton with his finger, admiring the smoothness of her skin. It made him very aware of the rough calluses on his hands and he tried to be extra gentle with her. His hands went higher, teasing the undersides of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Alex covered his hands with hers and pushed them higher until they were covering the soft mounds, her turgid nipples poking the center of his palms. "That feels so good, Joshua," she whispered breathlessly.

"Put your hands behind your neck." She stilled for a moment and then slipped her hands away from his and placed them at her nape. The movement pushed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s forward, inviting him to play.

"Beautiful," he intoned as he traced his thumbs around the swollen tips. Her eyes started to close. "Watch me." Her lids rose, allowing him to see the desire burning within her. "Watch me touch you." He lightly pinched her nipples and she cried out, her eyes locked onto his hands where they were touching her. He could feel his stomach getting damper.

She started to move her hands, reaching out to him. "No," he dropped his hands from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, resting them on her thighs. "If you want me to pleasure you, you have to do as I say." Her eyes narrowed and for a moment he thought she might tell him to go to h.e.l.l. He kept his face impa.s.sive even though his heart was pounding.

He felt like tipping back his head and howling his pleasure when she slid her hands back behind her neck and waited. She might not understand the ways of their people, but the fact that she'd given in and accepted his dominance at this time, was the first step in his claiming her. She might be an alpha female, but between the two of them he was still the alpha male and would not be denied. He knew he couldn't take her yet, but he could subtly tie her to him with bonds of emotional and physical intimacy.

"Perfect." He gave both her nipples a teasing tweak with his fingers before levering himself up to a semi-sitting position. "I'm going to taste you, Alex. Watch." His tongue snaked out to twine around one erect nub. Her back bowed, pus.h.i.+ng her chest closer. He glanced up and her eyes were glued to what he was doing to her. The gray in her eyes deepened as he swiped his tongue over the hard peak. "That's it. I'm going to lick every inch of your b.r.e.a.s.t.s and then..." he nuzzled his way over to her other breast and rasped his rough tongue over it. "And then, I'm going to eat your p.u.s.s.y until you scream with pleasure."

Alex could barely breathe. She certainly couldn't talk. All she could do was sit there and absorb the pleasure rocketing through her body. She'd never liked dominant men, had always fought against any kind of domineering male overtures, but with Joshua everything was different. A part of her wanted to submit to him, to allow him to do whatever he wished with her. Another part of her knew her time would come and then it would be she who would have the upper hand.

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