Horizon: A Promise Of Thunder Part 21

Horizon: A Promise Of Thunder -

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It was a blistering hot afternoon in July when Storm wandered out to the porch to catch a breath of air. She had tried to nap in her room, but it was too stifling inside for sleep. Finally she rose and wandered downstairs to see what Shannon was up to. She knew Blade was out on the south range branding horses, and at this time of day Shannon could usually be found in the office, working on the books. Blade hated confining book work, but Shannon found it stimulating. Deciding not to disturb Shannon at her work, Storm had stepped outside to the porch.

Pausing at the rail, she saw Soars-Like-An-Eagle working in the paddock with one of the horses and was quite impressed with the young man's patience with the animals. He was working out well on the ranch, and not for the first time Storm wondered why Laughing Brook had spurned his offer of marriage. Then, in her mind's eye, she saw Grady, so handsome, so strong and virile, that Soars-Like-An-Eagle paled in comparison. She, too, would be reluctant to accept a subst.i.tute.

Why did every waking hour of every day have to be filled with memories of Grady? Storm wondered bleakly. Why did each night become a reservoir of painful reminders of how wonderfully he made love to her and how hotly her body burned for his touch? In her dreams his strong arms held her, his mouth kissed and teased every inch of her body, and when he thrust inside her his flesh felt like the softest velvet stretched taut over a pillar of tempered steel.

"Storm, I thought you were upstairs napping."

"Oh," Storm said, startled from her erotic daydreams. "I didn't hear you, Shannon. I couldn't sleep; it's too hot. I hoped to catch a breeze out here on the porch."

"I'll get us a pitcher of lemonade and join you," Shannon said. She started to turn away when she spotted riders approaching the house. "I think we have guests. I didn't know Blade was expecting anyone."

Storm scanned the hillside and saw a cloud of dust trailing behind two riders. A thrill of antic.i.p.ation danced along her spine as she watched the riders approach. Though they were still too far away to identify, her senses leaped in joyful recognition.

When the riders entered through the gate, Shannon started trembling and her mouth dropped open in wordless shock.

"Grady." Storm was the first to speak his name.

He had come for her.

Entertaining similar thoughts, Shannon and Storm started forward at the same time. When Shannon broke into a run, Storm deliberately held back, allowing mother and son a moment of privacy for their first meeting in several years. Tears came unbidden to her eyes and she looked away when Grady slid from his mount and opened his arms wide. Then Shannon was swept into his embrace, weeping and laughing at the same time. Several minutes later, when Storm dared to look again, they were still embracing and Grady was whispering into Shannon's ear. Then he set her aside and moved away so that she could greet her grandson, who still sat astride Grady's horse, smiling shyly. Shannon held out her arms and Tim slipped happily into them.

Storm had been so swept up in the tender reunion that she had failed to notice the second rider. It wasn't until Laughing Brook dismounted and sidled up beside Grady that Storm realized the Indian girl was still with Grady. Her loud gasp ended in a sob, making her presence known as surely as if she had called out. Slowly Grady turned and saw Storm. Visibly shaken at finding his wife at Peaceful Valley, his face turned white. His shock at seeing her was so obvious, Storm realized he couldn't have come to Peaceful Valley on her account. His mouth formed her name, but no sound emerged.

She could feel the searing heat of his piercing gaze as it settled upon her, and a shudder of primitive yearning shook her to the very depths of her soul. Grady had grown so still, Shannon turned to look askance at him. It was Tim who finally spoke her name.

"Storm! What are you doing here? Papa said we'd never see you again."

The excitement and unexpectedness of the moment was too much for Storm. Turning abruptly, she fled into the house and up the stairs to her room, where she slammed the door behind her and threw herself on the bed in a tearful rage. Nothing had changed. Grady and Laughing Brook were still together. He hadn't come for her as she'd first supposed. Finding her here had been a complete shock to Grady. Sending Laughing Brook home to the reservation had never been Grady's intention.

Storm's furious tears flowed freely while Grady fought for composure. Not in his wildest dreams had he expected to find Storm at Peaceful Valley. He had so many questions to ask he didn't know where to begin.

Shannon solved the problem handily by asking, "Why have you waited so long to come for Storm? Your father and I don't care what brought you here, we're just grateful you've come. Go to her, son, your wife needs you."

Grady lifted one shoulder in a dispirited shrug and looked away. "I had no idea Storm was here, Mother. If I had, I might not have come. She made it perfectly clear that she wanted nothing more to do with me."

Shannon looked bewildered. "But her note. I a.s.sumed you traveled to the reservation first and Jumping Buffalo told you where to find Storm."

"The reservation? What are you talking about, Mother? What in the h.e.l.l would Storm be doing at the reservation? She left no note."

Shannon glanced purposely at Laughing Brook, who refused to meet her eyes. "I think I understand. What do you know about Storm's note, Laughing Brook?"

Grady's face turned stony as he rounded on Laughing Brook. "Answer my mother, Laughing Brook. Did Storm leave a message for me?"

"I saw nothing," Laughing Brook said sullenly.

"I can't abide liars."

"I didn't think it was important," Laughing Brook whined.

"Where is it?"

"I put it under your mattress and forgot about it until your mother mentioned it just now. I'm sorry, Thunder. I meant no harm."

"Take Tim to the kitchen, Laughing Brook," Shannon said, diffusing a volatile situation. "I imagine he's hungry after the ride from town." Sending Shannon a grateful look, Laughing Brook took Tim's hand and hurried off.

"Don't be too hard on her," Shannon said. "She's young and fancies herself in love with you. You're here now, and so is Storm."

"Why did Storm go to the reservation? How did she get there? This is all so confusing."

"I can only tell you what I know," Shannon said as she gave a brief explanation of why and how Storm went first to the reservation and then came to Peaceful Valley. She concluded by saying, "You have chosen wisely, son. Both your father and I have grown to love Storm. She will make a wonderful wife and mother. You must reconcile with her."

Grady's expression hardened and his eyes grew cold. "I don't think reconciliation is possible, Mother. Storm left me, I didn't leave her."

His words gave Shannon hope. Grady thought Storm had left him, yet Storm said that Grady had asked her to leave. Something was very wrong somewhere. "You're as stubborn as your father," Shannon said with a hint of exasperation. "When your face is set like that you look just like him. Go to Storm, son, while I reacquainted myself with my grandson. Blade will be ecstatic when he returns and finds you've come home at last. We have so much to talk about, Grady, so many wasted years to make up for."

"And I've much to atone for, Mother. I hope you and Dad can forgive me for hurting you. My life these past six years has been a far cry from what you and Dad wanted for me. If you knew how I conducted my life, you'd order me from your house at once."

"I doubt that," Shannon said succinctly. "We'll talk later. Go to your Storm."

When Storm had first fled to her room her tears were those of pity, hurt, and shock. But her tears had ceased and her self-pity had changed to raging anger. How dare Grady flaunt his mistress before his parents? Had he no respect for the wonderful couple whom she had grown to love? Rising from bed, she began to pace.

When Grady opened the door and stepped into the room Storm whirled to face him, her cheeks blazing, her eyes glowing like twin flames. Her expression was so hostile, Grady recoiled in shock. But that didn't stop him from admiring her. Storm looked absolutely magnificent. Not at all like a wife who had been pining for her husband. He snorted derisively. Why would Storm miss him when it had been her choice to leave him?

He opened his mouth to spit out a scathing retort, but what came out was the complete opposite of what he intended. "I've never seen you looking more beautiful." Where did that come from? he wondered distractedly.

Storm bristled indignantly. "I know you didn't come here for my sake, so there's no need for pretty words. You have some nerve bringing your mistress with you. Have you no feelings at all for your parents?"

Her words sliced cleanly through his confusion, bringing him to a rigid state of awareness. "I had no idea you were here. Mother told me you were with Jumping Buffalo and the People. She explained why you went to the reservation and I'm grateful for what you did for Sweet Gra.s.s, but that doesn't excuse you for abandoning me when I needed you."

"My note explained everything," Storm said succinctly.

"I saw no note."

Storm made a derisive sound deep in her throat. "I placed it in plain sight. How could you not have seen it?"

"Let's forget the note for a moment. Let's discuss the fact that you left without so much as a good-bye."

"I told you I would leave if you met Bull that day. It was something I had to do. Living with violence and fear would kill my lo-would make staying with you a virtual h.e.l.l on earth. I'd never know when someone would sneak up behind you and challenge you. Or blow you to kingdom come without warning."

"You could have trusted me. I told you I was finished with violence. Taking on Bull was something I had to do for Summer Sky and my own peace of mind."

"You told me to leave. You said you didn't want me."

"I what?" He was beside her in two steps, grasping her shoulders, giving her a little shake. "I said no such thing. I begged you not to leave. When I came to my senses Laughing Brook told me you had already left. Even Tim begged you to stay."

"I heard you, Grady. I distinctly heard you say you didn't want me. You told me to go away."

"I realize I wasn't in full control of my mind, but I certainly don't recall saying that. In fact, just the opposite is true."

"I thought you hated me for not being the kind of wife you wanted. I just wanted you to understand that I couldn't live with a man who openly courts danger and violence.

"I did understand, but facing Bull was something I had to do. I had hoped you would understand my need."

"Then we're still at an," Storm said bitterly. "If you cared for me, why didn't you come to the reservation? My note told you exactly where to find me."

"I told you before, I saw no note. I suspect Laughing Brook made sure I never saw it."

"Laughing Brook," Storm repeated with scathing sarcasm. "Why did you bring your mistress here?"

Grady sighed in exasperation as he explained with commendable patience, "Laughing Brook never was my mistress. She's like a little sister to me. I'd never bed her."

"But ..."

"Laughing Brook was born on the ranch. It was her home until her father took her away six years ago. She loved my parents and expressed a wish to see them again before returning to the reservation. You've been to the reservation. You've seen how difficult life is for the People. Can you blame her for wanting to visit Peaceful Valley?"

"Are you denying that Laughing Brook wants you? She wants to be your wife. She expects it."

"Why can't you accept the fact that I don't desire Laughing Brook in that way? It was wrong of her to deliberately hide your note, but I can't find it in my heart to hate her. She's been like a mother to Tim since Summer Sky's death."

"How do you feel about me, Grady?" Storm asked bluntly. "Do you love me?"

Grady opened his mouth to say the words Storm yearned to hear, then closed it abruptly. He had loved Summer Sky and she had been taken from him. If he bared his soul, what a.s.surances did he have that loving Storm wouldn't destroy her just as it had Summer Sky? What he feared most was losing Storm. He had tempted the G.o.ds these past years by living on the fringes of the law, and now that he had a second chance at happiness he feared his love would harm Storm just as it had destroyed Summer Sky.

For the first time in years he was frightened of the evil forces that had controlled his life. Frightened for Storm's sake.

Besides, Storm had never expressed love for him; quite the contrary. She despised him for the kind of life he had led and for the violence that followed him. The pa.s.sion they shared was something neither of them had counted on. If he never had anything else from Storm, he would have her pa.s.sion.

"My G.o.d, Grady, don't you feel anything for me?" Storm cried, turning away. "I'll pack my things and leave. I won't hurt your parents by remaining where I'm not wanted."

"Not wanted?" Grady repeated, swinging her around to face him. "I've always wanted you. I've never wanted anyone like I've wanted you." His blue eyes glowed with a savage inner fire and his expression was fiercely possessive. "I've always prided myself on my ability to control my needs and emotions. But with you all my resolve and willpower flees like leaves before the wind. I have no need for pretty words and vows. My actions demonstrate what I feel for you."

"Your actions merely tell me you are a virile animal whose l.u.s.t cannot be controlled," Storm said. Grady winced but did not contradict her.

"I don't deny it, sweetheart," Grady said. The intensity of his lowered voice sent a thrill of apprehension down her spine. "I cannot control myself where you're concerned. Call it l.u.s.t or whatever you like, lady, just know that you're mine and you're going to return with me to the homestead when I leave Cheyenne."

She answered quickly, over her choking, beating heart. "You'll have to be more convincing than that."

Grady's face went slack with disbelief then flushed with pleasure when he realized what her words implied. Without further hesitation he swept her into his arms.

Chapter Eighteen.

Storm experienced the same hot breathlessness she felt every time Grady touched her. The air around them seemed to be thickening, vibrating, turning dark with emotion. With an efficiency of movement Grady released the fastenings on her dress and bared her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. His lips lowered slowly until they were hovering over the exposed flesh swelling in avid antic.i.p.ation of his next move. His breath was so warm she could feel her skin sizzling from the contact. Though he hadn't actually touched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s they felt heavy and full, the nipples engorged by the sweet abrasion of his breath.

"You're trembling; are you cold?" The smile in his voice told her he knew exactly what made her tremble.

His lips touched her flesh.

She made a strangled sound and involuntarily arched upward.

His warm wet tongue slashed over her right nipple. Made ultrasensitive by her pregnancy, the sensation was exquisite. When he s.h.i.+fted to caress the other nipple, Storm groaned in sheer delight.

Grady raised his head and looked deeply into her eyes. "Your body has missed me."

"I have no control over the response you force from my body." No matter how much or how often Storm tried to deny her feelings, her body betrayed her.

"Am I convincing enough yet?"

"I'd rather you told me how you felt."

"And I'd rather show you. I've missed you too." His head lowered and his mouth closed on her left breast.

Storm gasped as the strong suction of his mouth created a fire in her blood she hadn't known since she left Oklahoma-pulling, drawing, his teeth gnas.h.i.+ng on the engorged nipple. The heat he was creating became a tingling ache between her thighs. Commanding the last of her dwindling strength, she tried to rise from the bed. She could see the pulse beating wildly in Grady's temple and his breath coming faster, harsher, as he s.h.i.+fted his weight off her. For a moment she thought he meant to let her go, but he merely pushed her back down and began to strip off his clothes.

In moments he stood before her naked, proud, magnificently aroused, and she stared at him in utter fascination. She could see Grady like this every day of her life until she grew old and never tire of the sight of him. He stood over her, all bronze masculinity, the powerful sinews cording his thighs, the smooth, tight musculature of his stomach, the taut roundness of his b.u.t.tocks. His blue eyes glowed with dark fire, his mouth heavy with sensuality. His eyes intent upon her face, he bent and stripped her bare.

She tensed, exposed, burning, as his gaze slowly slid down the length of her body. She clenched her legs tightly, but he merely smiled and shoved them apart, moving between them. His fingers began caressing her, ma.s.saging, then plunging into the center of her.

Her body arched up from the bed and she gave a tormented cry.

"Are you becoming more convinced?" He was breathing harshly, his muscles taut with tension, his face fierce as his long, hard fingers moved rhythmically in and out of her.

By now Storm was beyond speech as her head wagged from side to side. She begged him to end her torture, but Grady was just warming to his pleasurable task. Lowering his head, he touched his tongue where his fingers had been moments before.


She tried to close her legs against this unorthodox intrusion, but Grady shoved them farther apart, settling more deeply into the cradle of her thighs as his mouth and tongue delved deeply into the sensitive core of her womanhood. He lashed her relentlessly until pleasure so intense it stole her breath shuddered through her. Allowing her no time to recover from the volatile release he had forced from her, Grady slid upward and thrust into her. His fullness stretched her, filled the emptiness of the past months without him-made her complete.

Wildness seized Grady as he plunged and thrust, long, hard, short, gentle, losing all control now as he felt Storm's moist heat surround and enfold him. She was just becoming accustomed to one tempo when he changed it to another, each stroke bringing her once again to the brink of madness.

Just when Storm thought she could stand no more, Grady added a new dimension to their loving when he kissed her deeply, his tongue moving wildly in her mouth to the same tempo as his thrusting below. He reached around and cupped her b.u.t.tocks, bringing her up hard to his every thrust.

"Hurry," he breathed, raising his head. "I can't wait much longer." His expression was blissful agony, his nostrils flared as his thrusting hips grew more forceful with every movement.

Suddenly the tension broke and she surged upward convulsively.

Grady cried out and clutched her against him.

Spent and limp, Storm lay unmoving as Grady lifted himself from her and sank down on the bed beside her. His breath was still coming harsh and quick, his black hair tousled, making him appear amazingly young and vulnerable.

Storm's hand slid across her belly where her baby lay sheltered in her womb. The slight bulge beneath her fingertips reminded her that she hadn't told Grady yet about their child. She wasn't quite ready for that, she decided as she deliberately reached down and pulled the sheet over her nakedness. Grady still hadn't proved to her that he was finished with violence. For all she knew he would still partic.i.p.ate in gunfights with men who came to Guthrie to challenge him. Once he learned she was carrying his child she would be forced to return with him to Oklahoma. Both Blade and Shannon had promised they wouldn't tell Grady about her pregnancy until she was ready, and she hoped they intended to keep their word.

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