Golden Stars in Tatting and Crochet Part 1

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Golden Stars in Tatting and Crochet.

by Eleonore Riego de la Branchardiere.



For which a Shuttle and Ring and Pin will be required. The Shuttle is to be filled with the materials as directed.

"A Pearl Loop," in Tatting--Turn the thread which forms the foundation loop over the pin and continue the st.i.tches.

"A Double St.i.tch," in Tatting--Is formed by a single and a reverse st.i.tch worked alternately.

OCTAGON STAR--Commence a loop, work 1 double st.i.tch, then (1 pearl and 2 double st.i.tches alternately 7 times), 1 pearl, 1 double, draw the loop quite close, place the two ends together, knot them firmly and cut off the ends; it is better to knot the gold twice to make it very secure.

s.e.xAGON STAR--Commence a loop, work 1 double, then (1 pearl and 2 double 5 times), 1 pearl, 1 double; draw close &c. as for the previous Star.

THE DIAMOND 1st Oval--Commence a loop, work 4 double st.i.tches, then 1 pearl, 2 double, 1 pearl, 2 double, 1 pearl, 4 double; draw quite close, and work 3 Ovals more the same, commencing them close to the last; and to fasten off firmly, pa.s.s the first end through the last oval, and then through the other three; knot the two ends together.



_Materials--2 skeins of extra coa.r.s.e Gold-colored Netting Silk, or Gold Twine; 2 skeins of Cerise ordinary Coa.r.s.e Silk; Walker's Penelope Crochet Needle No 3-1/2; a Shuttle; Ring and pin No. 3. Andalusian Wool and Tatting Silk can be used if preferred._

The foundation of the Sleeve in the Engraving is of Tulle or Brussels Net, made up into puffs, but the style can be varied according to the dress, and the work without the net is suited for Cuffs to tight Sleeves.


With the gold silk or twine make 20 Octagon Stars as page 4.

THE WRISTBAND, 1st STAR--Take one of the gold stars and with the cerise silk and crochet needle commence in one of the pearl loops of it, work 9 chain and 1 plain in each of the 8 pearl loops, fasten off, knotting the ends together.

2nd STAR--Commence in a pearl loop of another gold star, work (9 chain and 1 plain in a pearl loop as before, 6 times), then 5 chain, join to the centre of the 4th loop of chain of the 1st star, 4 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 5 chain, join to the next loop of the 1st star, 4 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, and fasten off.

Work 6 Stars more the same as the last, which finishes the Band.

THE LARGE STAR--Work as the 1st Star, but at the end of the round instead of fastening off work 4 single on the first loop of chain, then (10 chain, miss 9 and 1 plain in the 9 chain of the 1st round, 6 times), 5 chain, join to the centre of the 2nd loop of chain of the last star of the band, 5 chain, miss 9, 1 plain as before, 5 chain, join to the next loop of the 1st star, 5 chain, miss 9, 1 plain, and fasten off.

Work 3 Stars more the same, joining them to every other star of the Wristband.

Work the 8 remaining Stars the same as the 1st, and sew them separately to the net.



_Materials--The same as previous Sleeve._

Work 9 Stars the same as the 1st Star in the preceding direction; and for the Band--with the gold make a crochet chain of about 14 inches, turn, and along the chain work a row of 1 chain, miss 1, and 1 treble.

Fasten off.

The Collar is formed by doubling the Net and drawing it into a narrow band to shape it. The Stars and Band are then to be tacked on.



_Materials--2 skeins of coa.r.s.e Gold-colored Netting Silk, or Gold Twine; 2 skeins of Black or Colored ordinary size Silk; Walker's Penelope Crochet Needle, No. 3-1/2; a Shuttle; Ring and pin No. 3.

Andalusian Wool and Tatting Silk No. 2 can be used._

The foundation of the Sleeve is of Tulle or Brussels Net.



1st [OE]ILLET--Fill the shuttle with the gold silk or twine and commence a loop, work 2 double st.i.tches, then (1 pearl and 2 double 3 times), draw the loop quite close; and for the

2nd [OE]ILLET--Commence a loop half an inch from the last and work 2 double, then join to the last pearl loop, work 2 double, 1 pearl, 2 double, 1 pearl, 2 double, draw close. Join to the Silk left between the [oe]illets, which will keep it firm; and there will now be about a quarter of an inch between the [oe]illets, which is just sufficient to keep the work straight, Repeat the 2nd [oe]illet until there are 21, then leave a quarter of an inch of silk and join to the last pearl, leave another quarter and join to the next pearl, which is the centre one of the [oe]illet. Turn the work and join to the centre pearl loop of each [oe]illet, leaving a quarter of an inch between to make a straight line to correspond with the first side. Fasten off.

With the black or colored silk and crochet needle commence in one of the s.p.a.ces of gold left between the [oe]illets, work 5 chain and 1 plain in the centre pearl loop of the next [oe]illet, 5 chain, 1 plain in the next s.p.a.ce; repeat round both sides of the Band and fasten off.

In the first side the plain st.i.tch must be worked in the joining st.i.tch at the end of the [oe]illet.


With the gold make 8 Octagon Stars and 8 Diamonds as page 4.

1st DIAMOND--Take one of the gold diamonds and with the black silk and crochet needle commence in the centre pearl loop of one of the ovals, + work 4 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 9 chain, 1 plain in the same pearl as the last plain. Repeat from + 10 times more. Then 4 chain, 1 plain in the 1st pearl, 5 chain, take the wristband and join to the centre of the 1st loop of chain of it, 5 chain, 1 plain. Fasten off.

2nd DIAMOND--The same as the last, joining it to the 12th loop of chain of the Band. Work 2 diamonds more the same, always leaving 11 loops of the Band between them.

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