365 Luncheon Dishes Part 19

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18.--Oyster Stew No. 1.

Strain the juice from the oysters; let it come to a boil; remove the sc.u.m, rinse the oysters in cold water, add them to the liquor, with a cup of cream, small piece of b.u.t.ter and pepper and salt to taste. Serve the oysters on slices of hot b.u.t.tered toast.

19.--Sweet Rice b.a.l.l.s.

Wash thoroughly 1 scant cupful of rice in cold water, put in a double boiler with 1 pt. of milk, cover and cook until soft. Add 1 teaspoonful of b.u.t.ter, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, salt to taste and the well beaten yolk of an egg. When cold mould into small b.a.l.l.s, pressing into the centre of each a raisin or a candied cherry. Dip in egg, roll in crumbs and fry in smoking hot fat. Drain and roll in powdered sugar before serving.--From "Table Talk," Phila.

20.--Stewed Eels.

Skin and cut the eels into 2 inch pieces, cover with boiling water, add a tablespoonful of vinegar and simmer for 10 minutes; drain. In a saucepan melt 1 tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter and add 2 of flour, mix well; when smooth add 1 pt. of veal stock, 1 small sliced onion, 1 bay leaf, a little parsley, salt and pepper. Cook the eels gently in this for 1/2 an hour. When done, dish the eels and pour the sauce over.

21.--Beef Roll.

1-1/2 lbs. of round steak, 2 eggs, salt, summer savory and pepper. Chop the meat fine, season. Beat the eggs well and add to the meat; when well mixed, roll it up closely, put into a dripping pan and bake an hour. To be eaten cold.

22.--Turnip Cream Soup.

1 qt. of mutton broth. Cook until tender in this 4 young white turnips; when tender rub through a sieve, return this to the fire, thicken with 2 tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter and 2 of flour, season with salt and pepper; beat in an egg and serve.

23.--Oyster Croquettes.

Chop 1/2 a pt. of raw oysters and 1/2 a pt. of cooked veal very fine.

Soak 3 tablespoonfuls of bread crumbs in the oyster broth and then add a tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter, a little onion juice, the beaten yolks of 2 eggs. Mix all well together, shape into croquettes and fry.

24.--Sweet Potato Pone No. 2.

Peel and grate sufficient raw sweet potatoes to make 5 cupfuls. Add 3 cupfuls of best West Indian, 2 cupfuls of b.u.t.ter, 1 cupful each of preserved ginger and candied orange peel cut fine, 2 tablespoonfuls of mixed spices (cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves), 1 tablespoonful of ground ginger, 1 scant teaspoonful of salt. Mix all well together, turn into a deep b.u.t.tered earthen dish and bake slowly in a moderate oven for from 2 to 3 hours, according to thickness. When done a knife blade run down to the bottom of the dish will come out clean.

Serve hot, cutting in thick slices. It can be reheated 2 or 3 times if necessary. This recipe is said to be over 200 years old.--"Table Talk,"


25.--Baked Turnips.

Half boil 6 turnips, cut them in slices, b.u.t.ter a pudding dish, put in the turnips, add a little milk, season with salt and pepper, cover the top with bread crumbs and grated cheese. Bake until golden brown.

26--Oyster Stew No. 2.

Boil 1/2 a pint of milk and 1/2 a pint of oyster juice, remove the sc.u.m, throw in the oysters, add 2 tablespoonfuls of b.u.t.ter, salt and pepper.

When the edges curl they are done. Serve with small crackers and celery.

27.--Apple Griddle Cakes.

Put 1 cup _finely_ chopped apple in 1 qt. of any griddle batter; stir well to keep the apple evenly distributed.

28.--Turkey and Sausage Scallop.

b.u.t.ter a pudding dish and fill with alternate layers of cold minced turkey and cooked minced and cold sausage meat, seasoning slightly as you go. The sausage will supply nearly all the seasoning you wish. Pour in as much gravy or weak stock as the dish will hold; let it soak in for a few minutes and cover with a mush of bread crumbs, peppered, salted and soaked in cream or milk, then beaten smooth with an egg and a tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter melted. It should be half an inch thick. Cover and bake for 1/2 an hour, then uncover and brown. Serve at once, as the crust will soon fall.--From "The National Cook Book," by Marion Harland and Christine Terhune Herrick.

29.--Rice Johnny Cake.

Take 2 cups of boiled rice and mix with a little cold milk, a little salt and flour enough to hold it together. Spread it a quarter of an inch thick on flat tin sheets, and brown it in front of the fire or put it in the oven. When brown b.u.t.ter it and cut in square slices and serve very hot.

30.--Cheese Pudding No. 2.

Mix well together 1/2 a pint of bread crumbs, a little thyme and parsley, a teaspoonful of curry powder, 2 hard boiled eggs, chopped, a few slices of cheese broken up in small pieces, 2 ozs. of b.u.t.ter dissolved in a pint of warm milk and two raw eggs beaten well. Let this soak for 1/2 an hour. Bake in a slow oven. Cover the top with a plate until half done, then remove it and brown the pudding. Bake an hour and a half.

31--Pease Pudding.

Wash and soak 1-1/2 cupfuls of dried green peas over night. Put on in a kettle of cold water with 1 teaspoonful of salt and simmer slowly until very tender, drain and rub through a sieve, then set aside until cold.

Season highly with salt and pepper, add 2 well-beaten eggs, turn into a floured pudding cloth, drop into salted boiling water and boil hard for an hour. Turn out on a hot dish and serve with b.u.t.ter.--"Table Talk,"


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