365 Luncheon Dishes Part 17

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Cook salted corn-meal for at least an hour; turn into a baking dish and add a cupful of grated cheese and season with pepper. Brown in the oven.--"Table Talk," Phila.

11.--Oysters a l'Indienne.

Cook 1 doz. oysters until the gills curl. Take 1 dessertspoonful of curry powder, 1 of flour, a quarter of a pint of cream, a little onion, and a slice of apple, chopped, half a teaspoonful of lemon juice. Stir all together and add the oysters. Turn into a rice border, when very hot, and serve.

12.--Baked Pumpkin.

Take a small pumpkin cut in half, and remove the seeds, scallop the edge. Put in a baking dish in the oven and bake until tender. When done take it out and serve at once and help just as it is.

13.--Hot Potato Salad.

Fry two slices of bacon in a pan until all the fat is fried out, then add 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Arrange lettuce leaves around a platter; slice 6 hot potatoes in slices and pile in the centre; pour the bacon fat and vinegar over, sprinkle salt and pepper over, and chopped parsley. Serve with sausage.

14.--St. Charles Indian Bread.

Beat two eggs very light; mix alternately with them a pint of sour milk, and a pint of fine Indian meal; add a tablespoonful of melted b.u.t.ter, a teaspoonful of soda, dissolved in a little milk and added the last thing. Beat very hard, pour into a deep pan and bake in a quick oven.

15.--Lobster Cream.

Pour 1/2 a pint of boiling milk over a small cupful of bread crumbs; when nearly cold add 3 well-beaten eggs, the lobster chopped fine, 2 teaspoonfuls of anchovy sauce, a pinch of cayenne. Stir well and mix in 3 tablespoonfuls of cream. Pour into a b.u.t.tered mould, cover with b.u.t.tered paper and steam for an hour. Serve with a good fish sauce.

16.--Oysters in Puff Paste.

Roll out some puff paste and cut it into round pieces. Chop some oysters, mix them with the same amount of chopped hard boiled egg, a little chopped parsley and a little grated lemon peel, season with salt and pepper and a little pounded mace; moisten the mixture with a little cream and some of the oyster liquor; put a spoonful on each round of paste; fold over, moisten the edges and press them together. Brush over with the yolk of one egg and fry for fifteen minutes.

17.--Veal Gumbo.

In two tablespoonfuls of hot fat brown one chopped onion and quarter of a pound of fat ham cut into dice. Add 1 qt. of boiling water, 1/2 a can of tomatoes, 3 lbs. of veal cut in pieces, and half a teaspoonful of salt. Stew for 2 hours; add 1 qt. can of okra and cook for an hour and a half longer, adding seasoning as necessary 1/2 an hour before it is done. Serve with a separate dish of boiled rice.--From "Table Talk,"


18.--Florida Corn Cake.

One egg, 1 cup of milk, 1 tablespoonful salt fat pork, 1 teaspoonful salt, 1 of sugar, 2 cups white corn-meal, 1 tablespoonful baking powder.

Mix all thoroughly and bake in 2 thin cakes.

19.--Laurentian Salad.

Chop fine slices of cold roast beef and the same amount each of cold boiled potatoes and beets, a few slices of tomatoes and a few leaves of lettuce. Mix well. Cover with mayonnaise dressing and garnish with sliced red radishes.

20.--Beef Pot Pie.

Cut into small pieces, some beef from the chuck or round, put in a saucepan and stew for two hours well covered; add a slice of fat pork or bacon, an onion, salt and pepper to taste, and thicken with flour. Line a deep dish with biscuit dough, pour in the beef, cover over the top with more of the dough. Bake in a quick oven.

21.--Tripe Baked with Potatoes.

Put into an earthen dish 1 lb. of tripe cut into small pieces and four chopped onions, season with salt and pepper, cover with stock or water and bake in a slow oven 3 hours. Thicken with a little flour, cover over with mashed potatoes. Brown in the oven and serve.

22.--Roast Oysters.

Scrub the until perfectly clean. Put into pans and set them in the oven. Take them out as soon as the begin to open, and before the liquor is lost. Take the upper off and serve on a hot platter.

23.--Beefsteak and Potatoes.

Put 1/2 a cup of drippings into a frying pan; let it get very hot; fry six potatoes in this, cut in long, thin slices. When done take out and drain. Broil the steak. Put 1 teaspoonful of finely chopped parsley, a little onion, salt and pepper into the drippings in which the potatoes were fried, pour it over the steak and pile the potatoes around it.

24.--Tomato Timbales.

Stew a can of tomatoes until quite thick, season with salt, pepper and onion juice and put away to cool. To one cupful of this add 3 well-beaten eggs; mix thoroughly, then fill well-b.u.t.tered timbale molds.

Stand them in a pan of hot water in the oven and cook slowly until firm in the middle as a baked custard would be.--From "Table Talk," Phila.

25.--Oyster Kromeskys.

Parboil a dozen oysters in their own liquor, remove the beards, strain the liquor and cut up the oysters in dice; melt a tablespoonful of b.u.t.ter and 1 of flour; stir until smooth; add the oyster liquor, a little milk, the chopped oysters, a teaspoonful of chopped celery, a little nutmeg, salt and pepper. Take the saucepan off the fire, stir in the yolk of an egg. Garnish the dish with thin strips of well-cooked bacon. Serve very hot.

26.--Chicken a la Merengo.

Prepare a young chicken as for frica.s.see. Fry each piece in olive oil, add a sprig of parsley, a slice of onion, salt and pepper, and five mushrooms if you have them. Cook slowly about 3/4 of an hour. Serve with cream sauce.

27.--Hominy Waffles.

To a pint of cold boiled hominy add 1 qt. sour milk, 2 beaten eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls of melted b.u.t.ter, sufficient flour to make a thick batter and 1 teaspoonful of soda.

28.--Vermicelli Pudding.

One cup of vermicelli, 2 tablespoonfuls of ground rice, a qt. of milk, 3 eggs, sugar to taste. Boil the vermicelli in the milk, until it is quite smooth; then add the other ingredients and thicken over the fire.

Put into a mould and steam for an hour. Serve hot with any liquid sauce.

29.--Potatoes Gruyere.

Allow 1 large potato for each person. Wash and bake in a hot oven, then open and scoop into a heated bowl. Mash and for each potato, add 1/2 a teaspoonful of Gruyere (Swiss) cheese, grated, salt and pepper to taste, and the stiffly whipped whites of three eggs for 1/2 a dozen potatoes.

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