Extraordinary Genius Chapter 810

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Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 810 - Repairing the Dam

"Son, you are back? Is your little nephewcute?" Feng Xingtai laughed and asked.

Feng Yu: "……" Hehe, you all had created amonster and are still unaware.

"Dad, where is Grandpa?"

"He went downstairs to play chess with yourGrandpa Li. Let me tell you… kids are adorable. When you are small……"

Feng Yu immediately knew what his fatherwas up to. He wants Feng Yu to get married earlier and have a child. LuckilyFeng Yu was good at changing the subject.

"Errr…… Dad, I heard that road repairs inour village have reached Xingtai Street 8?"

When mentioned about this, Feng Xingtaiimmediately smiles: "Hahaha, we spent so much money on the road repairs. Theymust work fast. But the village is too small, and there are not a lot ofpeople. We cannot continue to build roads."

"Dad, people will move to the village inthe future. The Government is building small towns. We will continue to buildmore roads. Maybe we can even erect a statue of you in the village."

"Nonsense! What statue? Your father isstill not dead!"

"We can build a monument instead. Amonument with writings. You can write it yourself. This monument will last forhundreds of years."

"Eh… this is a good idea! Good idea! Youshould start building it now. No. You cannot do it now. I need to practice mycalligraphy first." Feng Xingtai was excited. But he remembered that he is notgood at calligraphy.

"I will help you get paper and brushestomorrow. I will also hire someone from our Provincial calligraphy a.s.sociationto guide you."

Feng Yu turned and walk away with a slysmile. His father will be too busy practicing his calligraphy and will not havetime to bother him.


"Manager Feng, have you finish buildingyour village's roads? Are you going to repair the road leading to the town? Itis a long road, and it will be costly." Manager Li from Provincial Constructionheard that Feng Yu was looking for a construction team and was overjoyed.

They do not need to cut corners when theyworked for Feng Yu. Feng Yu paid them handsomely, and if their work meets hisrequirements, he would still give out bonuses. He was different from otherclients, where they were not willing to pay more and wanted high standard work.Those other clients do not understand the meaning of you get what you pay. Ifall clients were like Feng Yu, they would not have any headaches.

"Your Provincial Construction have anyexperience in repairing and building a dam?"

"Repair what? Dam? You want to build a damfor your village? That can be easily done. You can just dig up the soil alongthe river to build it. But you need more heavy machinery. I will get my peopleto do up a quotation for you." Manager Li said. He thought to himself. WhyManager Feng is not from my hometown? My hometown is a county, and the streetsare not as wide as Feng Yu's village.

"I want a dam that can prevent flooding."

"I guarantee it can prevent floods."

"It must be able to withstand severeflooding which happens once in a hundred years. It must be wide enough for carsto drive on it. Can you do it?"

"Manager Feng, is there a need for this? Itwill be costly if we go according to your requirements. We will need a stone orconcrete dam. A meter of such dam will cost much more than a meter of road."Manager Li knew Feng Yu was wealthy, but building a dam is not a small amount.

"You prepare a quotation for me and prepareseveral options for me to choose from. It must include those ordinary dams. Iwill take a look and will pick the best option. You should know myrequirements. I don't mind the cost, but the quality of work must be there. Ifyou are not able to meet my demand, don't blame me."

"Don't worry, Manager Feng. Although we arenot good at designing dams, we are located just next to Water ResourcesPlanning Inst.i.tute. We will ask them to design, and we will construct." ManagerLi was thinking in his heart. It would be best if this dam is built usingconcrete and stones. This way, his company will be able to earn much more.Water Resources Planning Inst.i.tute will surely take away part of his profits.

"I will let you handle this. If there areany problems, I will look for you."

"Rest a.s.sured. This is also not the firsttime we are working together. Since when did we give you any problems?" Hmmm……We did not face any problems with Manager Feng's projects.


"SecretaryXu, what is the Province's budget on the waterworks this year?"

Xu Changyou looked at Feng Yu, shocked."What do you want?"

"I just want to know how much budget is setaside to improve the waterworks. I will donate Yuan to Yuan. I hope ourprovince will improve the river dams this year. Our province has 3 rivers, andevery few years, there will be a sudden increase in rainfall. We will havefloods easily, and I wish to do something about it." Feng Yu said.

"Yuan for Yuan donation? Repair our riverdam? Manager Feng, can you change your donations to repairing our roads? Ourdams in the province are well built, and we do conduct regular inspections andrepairs annually. It will be able to withstand flood." Xu Changyou replied. Howmuch does it cost to repair the dams? If Feng Yu was willing to donate a sum ofmoney to the Province, it should be used to improve the roads.

Feng Yu was feeling helpless. If Longjiangprovince is not one of the worst flooded regions in the country, he would alsonot donate money to rebuild the dams.

I only want to do my part to reduce the damagesof the flood. The two lakes regions in Hubei and Hunan also need donations. Allmy profits for this year will be gone. How can I still help you repair theroads?

"Secretary Xu, I have a condition inexchange for my donations to repair the dams. My condition is to rename thedams as Wind and Rain Dams. This is related to my company's promotion. Also,the Province must promote all our products for us free of charge. This is not abig request, and I am not interested in repairing the roads."

Who will believe Feng Yu if he says thewhole Longjiang province will be flooded in two years? Grains reserve andrepairing of the dams were to prepare for the floods that will be happening in1998.

If there were no floods, Feng Yu wouldnever spend money to repair the dams. He would rather donate more schoolbuildings. He will be overtaking Sir Shaw as the number one philanthropist ineducation. Tai Hua Buildings will take up a special place in every student'sheart.

In the future, everyone will feel proud andwill look forward to work for the Tai Hua brand of companies. Of course. FengYu's parents will also be happy.

"All the dams have to be called Wind andRain Dams? This is not right. We had already repaired most of the dams." XuChangyou was not very happy with this proposal. He had heard that Feng Yu likesto have a good reputation, but this is too much.

"Wind and Rain Dams. Unbeatable againstWind and Rain. This is a good slogan. Furthermore, I am making a huge donation.Why can't the Provincial Government give me the naming rights of the dams?Those dams which were repaired do not need any more maintenance? If theProvince's budget for waterworks this year is 100 million RMB, I will donate100 million RMB. If the Provincial Government can set aside 1 billion RMB, Iwill match it even if I have to sell my woks and pans to raise money!"

Sell woks and pans? Do you really need tosell them? But Xu Changyou understands how determine Feng Yu was. It would begood for the whole province if they were able to upgrade and repair all thedams. Hmmm… This must be discussed with the Waterworks Department.

"Manager Feng, how about we add 'Wind andRain' in front of the dam names and erect a stone sign at the dam, stating thatyou donated money to repair the dam?"

"That will do too. But you don't need toput my name. You can use Wind and Rain Electronics or Wind, Rain Home Appliances,etc. Contact me again once this is decided. I will be going overseas againafter Lunar New Year."

"How can we let you wait? I will give youan answer before Lunar New Year."

After Feng Yu left, Xu Changyou immediately called his secretary in. "Ask Yang Liwen to come to my office now."

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