Extraordinary Genius Chapter 719

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Extraordinary GeniusChapter 719 – The troubled Zhang Ruiqiang

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Feng Yu thought that Li Mingde would be able to fend offthose government officials for at least a few days. Even if he could not handlethem, he could always as Zhang Ruiqiang for help. But Zhang Ruiqiang calledFeng Yu, asking him to go over to his office for a discussion about getting theMachinery Company listed.

Why did Zhang Ruiqiang change his mind? Feng Yu had toldZhang Ruiqiang clearly that it was not he does not want to get his companieslisted. It was because this was not the right time yet. Feng Yu wanted to lethis company grow for a few more years before getting listed. Also, he promisedthat he will list his company during Zhang Ruiqiang’s term as the Mayor. ZhangRuiqiang cannot even wait for 2 years?

Actually, it was not Zhang Ruiqiang that could not wait. Itwas the Provincial Government’s No. 1.

The Provincial Government’s No. 1 was old, and his.h.i.+gher-ups had asked him to be prepared to retire to the backend at the end ofthe year. Based on past experiences, the Provincial Government’s No. 1 might bepromoted first. But there was also the possibility that he would not bepromoted and transferred to a relaxing and leisure position.

The Provincial Government’s No. 1’s rank was now Provincial-Ministeriallevel and was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.His next rank was the Sub-national Leader. There was a great difference for theretirement benefits between those two ranks. Also, if he were promoted to aSub-national Leader, he would be able to continue to work for a few more years.He still does not want to retire. He felt he could still contribute to thenation.

The problem with Longjiang province was its location. Itcannot be compared with the coastal regions in terms of trading. Also, thegovernment does not have the support of the central government, and itsdevelopment was slow. There was another reason. Agriculture and Forestry wereseparated into two departments. The Ministry of state farms and landreclamation was in charge of the agriculture, and the forestry was handled bythe State Forestry and Gra.s.sland Administration. All the profits and taxes inthese two industries were handed over to their respective departments and notthe Provincial Government.

Longjiang Province’s biggest trading partner was Russia.They mainly export food products. Of course, now they were also exporting FengYu’s motor vehicles and other necessities. But compared to the coastal regions,there was still a vast difference.

But the heavy industry in LongJiang province was doing well.The growth of this industry was higher than the national average. In somesectors like agricultural machinery and automobile manufacturing were the mostadvanced in China.

The Provincial Government’s No. 1 had never expect to bepromoted before his retirement to the backend. But now, he felt he could bepromoted and does not need to retire!

The Provincial Government’s No. 1 had some achievementsunder his belt and could try fighting for his promotion. But his opponents alsohad some significant contributions which were about his equivalent. He wantedto remain in power and not retired.

Some time ago, during a meeting at the Central Government,the Provincial Government’s No. 1 heard other provincial governors reportingabout their work. He knew why these people were allowed to report about theirprovinces’ developments during the meeting. It was because their provinces hadmany listed companies.

The Provincial Government’s No. 1 realized that once a companygot listed, the company’s value will increase by several folds! That means 1RMB would become 3 to 5 RMB? 100 million would become 3 to 5 million? Thatmeans the province’s economy would improve by leaps and bounds!

Although the Provincial Government’s No. 1 knew that thegovernment’s shares would be diluted after the company was listed, he feltthere should be more benefits. If not, why would so many companies get listed?

Looking at the proud looks of those leaders and the CentralGovernment Leaders’ approving looks, Longjiang’s Provincial Government’s No. 1was jealous.

If he still could not get more results, then he will losehis promotion to his opponents!

Most government officials had retired at his age. However,the Provincial Government’s No. 1 was used to be in power and have authority.He was used to commanding people around and could not give up his authority.

He felt he still had not achieved what he wanted and couldstill continue working. Why should he retire to the backend and hold leisureand relax position? He felt his results were better than most of the otherleaders and should be promoted.

It was not the higher-ups not appreciating hiscontributions. It was because he lacks something that makes him stand out amongthe rest.

Bing City had a machinery company that’s worth only tens ofmillions. After a few years of development, the company’s worth grew tobillions. This company had become one of China’s biggest company. This wasconsidered a huge political achievement.

But the Provincial Government’s No. 1 felt it was notenough. Other provinces also have companies that were worth billions, and thosecompanies were state-owned enterprises. If the Machinery Company could increaseits value to more than 10 billion RMB, then his chances of getting promotedwould be higher.

China’s first listed company, which was worth more than 10billion, had appeared in the province under his charge. Who can claim that thiswas not his credit? The higher-ups will surely notice him.

The Provincial Government’s No. 1 had been praised by theChief Architect, Jiang Daming, Iron-fist Zhu, and many other national-levelleaders before. If he were 5 to 8 years younger, he would surely be able toenter the central government.

But he was old now, and this was his last chance to fightfor his promotion.

The Provincial Government’s No. 1 knew it was Zhang Ruiqiangwho proposed the restructuring of the Machinery Company, and he had alsosupported this proposal. If he had not supported this restructuring, would itbe successful? At that time, all the state-owned enterprises’ restructuring wasfor those loss-making enterprises. The Machinery Company was still profitable.

Zhang Ruiqiang was very close with Feng Yu, and theProvincial Government’s No. 1 had received complains that Zhang Ruiqiang was incahoots with this private businessman. He was the one who stopped all theserumors and supported Zhang Ruiqiang.

Zhang Ruiqiang could get to his current position was becauseof him. If he did not transfer Zhang Ruiqiang from Foreign Trade Office to BingCity Government, Zhang Ruiqiang would still be a n.o.body.

Zhang Ruiqiang was able to get to his current position wasalso partially because of his own abilities. But without the support of theProvincial Government’s No. 1, he would not be able to become the Mayor of BingCity. Even if Zhang Ruiqiang could be promoted to a Mayor, he would also not bethe Mayor of Bing City and get the rank of Sub-Provincial (Ministerial) level.

Also, the Provincial Government’s No. 1 had supported ZhangRuiqiang’s proposal for restructuring the whole Bing City pharmaceuticalindustry. This resulted in the formation of Bing City PharmaceuticalEnterprise.

Men are all selfish and tend to think for themselves.Although Zhang Ruiqiang could help extend the Provincial Government’s No. 1’scareer, after he got promoted, Zhang Ruiqiang could still receive support fromthe Provincial Government’s No. 1. This was a win-win situation.

The Provincial Government’s No. 1 spoke to Zhang Ruiqiangand wish Zhang Ruiqiang could help him to persuade Feng Yu to let Bing City MachineryCompany be listed on the stock exchange as soon as possible. He wanted a listedcompany which was worth billions to appear in Longjiang province. This was thebargaining chip for him to further his career.

Zhang Ruiqiang was also feeling troubled. He knew Feng Yuwas a genius when it comes to business. He had never seen anyone as successfulas Feng Yu. Even those legendary businessmen from other countries could not becompared to Feng Yu.

Feng Yu had said that now was not the right time for BingCity Machinery Company to be listed and Zhang Ruiqiang chose to believe him.This was why he did not bring up this subject again. But now, he needs toreturn the Provincial Government’s No. 1’s favor. The Provincial Government’sNo. 1 had groomed him to become the Mayor, and he was in a dilemma.

In the end, the Provincial Government’s No. 1 took one stepback. He only asked Zhang Ruiqiang to call Feng Yu over, and he will speak toFeng Yu personally. This was why Zhang Ruiqiang called Feng Yu.


StateForestry and Gra.s.sland Administration

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