Extraordinary Genius Chapter 599

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Extraordinary GeniusChapter 599 – Bing City Pharmaceutical developments

Sun Fulin was brought back by Chief Zhao for questioning.After one night of interrogations, he broke down and admitted he was trying tocommit fraud.

But he insists that he had not succeeded and his charges shouldbe an attempt to commit fraud. The heaviest punishment should be hefty fines.

Although it was only fined if Sun Fulin was released,will the Mayor be happy with this outcome? Chief Zhao was also furious. ThisSun Fulin had almost got him into trouble. Even if the Mayor had no sayanything, he will also not let him off easily.

After some investigations, Chief Zhao found out that thisSun Fulin was penniless. He still owes money for his lodging in Bing City. SunFulin had also signed a contract with a printing company to print the packagingfor the vibrators. The packaging will be printed with the words Eye ProtectionDevice.

The amount of money involved in this contract was huge.Because the deposit was paid, it could be considered as evidence. Also, SunFulin had owed the suppliers and did not pay his bank loans. Everything abouthim was dug out.

Although all the charges do not amount to lifeimprisonment, he should be staying behind bars for at least 10 years. Thiswicked businessman had to pay a heavy price for his crimes!


Bing City Pharmaceutical had been developing well. Just thefew health supplement medicines had made lots of profits. Orders for theseproducts were coming in non-stop. The company does not even need to send theirsalespeople out to get business.

The flu, gastric, anti-inflammation. Etc. Medications werealso selling well. Bing City Pharmaceutical Enterprise should be China’s bestperforming pharmaceutical company. If not, it should be at least the second-bestPerforming company. The growth and profits should be the country’s first!

The top management of the company was happy with itsresults. Their medicines were marketed as safe medications, and those worldchampions’ endors.e.m.e.nts had achieved excellent results.

Feng Yu did not let them increase the prices of theirmedicines. If not, they would increase the rates by at least 10%.

Feng Yu felt that these medications could also be producedby other pharmaceutical companies. The effects of the drugs were more orless the same. They should not increase the prices because of profits.

Of course, if Bing City Pharmaceutical Enterprise werefamous overseas like they were in China, it would be different. Feng Yu doesnot mind increasing their selling price overseas to earn money. In China, BingCity Pharmaceutical Enterprise’s profits were already higher than most otherpharmaceutical companies.

Although Bing City Pharmaceutical’s Zinc gluconate and otherhealth supplement medicines were exported to other countries and had achievedhigh profits, but compared to those pharmaceutical MNCs, they were still farbehind.

In the future, will there be any medicine from China thatbecomes famous in other countries? Yes. It is a type of drug called YunnanBaiyao. The company still had a scandal of the state-owned enterprise illegallybreaking a contract and was sued by a private company.

This medicine was widely used by athletes, and manyhouseholds will keep a bottle in their first aid kit at home. This medicine canstop bleeding and relieve pain. Children will bound to have knocks and falls.

The formula of this Yunnan Baiyao was a national secret!Just this alone had increased the values of this medicine. But currently, thecompany still had not invented the aerosol spray medicine. The drug onlycomes in powder and capsule forms. This limited their growth significantly.

Last year, Feng Yu had told his staff at Bing CityPharmaceutical Enterprise to contact Yunnan Baiyao factory. He wants to buy theformula of the medicine. But Bing City Pharmaceutical Enterprise was privatizedand was not a state-owned enterprise. The factory does not want to sell. InFeng Yu past life, Xinhua Company had also tried to buy the formula and hadmore than 2 billion RMB locked up in their attempt for more than a year. Theirlosses were significant.

But in Feng Yu’s previous life, Yunnan Baiyao wanted toexport their medicine to the US and had to print their ingredients on the labelbecause of the regulations in the US. The secret formula of China’s YunnanBaiyao was printed on the packaging of those products that were exported to the US.

Feng Yu had a friend who bought this Yunnan Baiyao from theThe US in his previous life. His friend left this medicine in Feng Yu’s home, and Feng Yu had read the labels a few times when he was bored.

Boea Clarkean 85mg, Galanga 30mg, Cranebill 36mg, Tienchi200mg, Companatum 57.5mg, Chinese Yam 66.5mg.

Bing City Pharmaceutical Enterprises had a Chinesetraditional medication factory. Feng Yu told them about this formula and saidthat he bought it from an old Chinese Traditional Physician for 1 million RMB.He asked his factory to research and try to develop this medicine.

After testing the formula, it was found to be effective. Butfurther research shows that Feng Yu’s formula was slightly different fromYunnan Baiyao. That means Yunnan Baiyao had either hide their method from the US or Feng Yu had misremembered.

Feng Yu remembered that in his past life, there was a sayingon the internet that Yunnan Baiyao had components of Kudzu and ginseng. Feng Yutold the Chinese Traditional medication factory to research and experiment onthis formula. He also asked them to research on an aerosol spray to combine itwith the medicine. He wants to develop a type of medical aerosol spray whichwill disinfect, heal and not hurt the skin.

This was the top priority set by Feng Yu. If Bing CityPharmaceutical Enterprise could develop the Yunnan Baiyao medical spray fromhis past life, then it will be their top product and significantly raise thecompany’s brand image!

As for the antibiotics and anti-inflammation medicinesproduced by the factory will remain. The profits from these medicines might notbe a lot, but it was still selling well. The sales of those health supplementmedications will also drop when other pharmaceutical companies introducecheaper and similar products.

Although there was no way for Feng Yu to increase Bing CityPharmaceutical Enterprise’s reputation overseas, but the book was the best seller.

Feng Yu also did not expect that book to be so popular. Itmust be related to the experts who wrote the paper. No matter it was in China orOverseas, people will trust those specialists and experts.

Furthermore, the book was not selling at a high price. Thebook claimed to contain the essence of China’s few thousand years of traditionalmedicine and was recommended by experts all over the world. How can thecontents of the book be wrong?

Other than those countries that were in poverty or war,which country’s people do not care about their health? The book had sold over10 million copies worldwide and just in China, it had sold over 3 millioncopies!

Feng Yu could earn about 3 RMB for every copy of this booksold. That means the past 6 months after the book was published, Feng Yu hadmade more than 30 million RMB. After the number of copies sold had reached 10million, Feng Yu used soft advertising in the newspapers all over the worldagain to try to boost the sales further.

Even if the number of copies sold for could

not break Guinness World Records, but as long as theconcept of Suboptimal Health exists, people will continue to buy this book. Neweditions will also be published every year. In the future, it might even hit 100million copies!

With this book and the recommendations of experts from othercountries, Bing City Pharmaceutical enterprise health supplement medications’sales had increased. This time, Feng Yu discovered another opportunity to makemoney.



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