The Accomplished Muskrat Trapper Part 1

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The Accomplished Muskrat Trapper.

by A. E. (Arno Erdman) Schmidt.


In placing this booklet before the great fraternity of American trappers, the author does not propose to exercise any pedagogical influence upon the truly professional trapper, who, seasoned in the hard school of experience, knows the animals he is seeking, like a mother knows her child. It is his wish, however, to a.s.sist and guide the amateur to a greater success.

Practically all text-books written for trappers, treating upon the subject of trapping and raw furs, heretofore have been neglectful of two things, namely, how to trap the animals under various conditions, and the a.s.sorting and grading of raw furs.

Of all fur bearers, the muskrat is the most numerous and least wary, hence very easily trapped--in consequence of this: it has been neglected by writers of trapping to a greater extent than any other fur-bearing animals. The author of THE ACCOMPLISHED MUSKRAT TRAPPER feels that he is instrumental in introducing to thousands of muskrat trappers a long-felt want. Being a trapper of wide experience, he early recognized the worth of the methods contained herein. Knowing that a fair trial will convince the most skeptical as to the merits and practicability of these methods, the writer feels sure that this little booklet will meet with the hearty approval of trappers everywhere.

Chapter 1.

Habits and Nature of the Muskrat.

The rodent quadruped muskrat, also known by the Indian name "Musquash" is a small amphibious animal of North America, being found as far north as Labrador and Alaska, and ranging south as far as the states of New Mexico and Arizona. There is only one species of the muskrat, but naturalists recognize several varieties or subdivisions, the differentia lying mainly in the color of the fur, firmness of the skin or pelt, and the physical dimensions of the animal. For example, the muskrats of the Atlantic coast states are comparatively large and of dark color; while those of the Northwest prairie region are smaller, thin and papery in pelt (except those living in clear or cold water streams) and of paler color. These variations are no doubt due to climatic and local conditions under which the animal lives.

Generally speaking, it may be said that the muskrat is a nocturnal animal, but where they are plentiful they are frequently observed prowling or swimming about during the day. It is found at home in rivers, lakes and ponds. When inhabiting the former it lives in burrows dug in the banks; the entrance to these are usually several feet under water. They are found to be most numerous in swamps which are heavily bordered with and thickly strewn with scattering growths of aquatic vegetation. The roots of these plants compose the diet of the animal, while the tops furnish the material for the construction of their homes. The marsh 'rat differs in its mode of living from that of its brother the "river 'rat," by its habit of constructing dome-like houses. This change in abode is due to the natural environment in which it lives. In many large swamps scores of these queer little dwellings can be seen towering above the water.

They average about three feet in height, and are composed of the roots and stems of, reeds, wild rice and flags. The entrances are located under water. From four to eight 'rats are generally found in one house.

The muskrat is a herbivorous animal. Its food consists of the roots of flags, water lilies, etc. It is also very fond of sweet apples and vegetables, and will often raid a garden when located near its haunts. It is also partial to grain, especially corn.

Although the muskrat is herbaceous by nature, it is known to eat the flesh of clams. These it carries upon sh.o.r.e, deposits them in a pile in some secluded retreat and leaves them to die, whereupon they are easily opened and devoured with much avidity. The general a.s.sumption is that the animal eats these clams only when other food is scarce.

This, however, is entirely in discord with the observations of the author, who has on several occasions discovered 'rats feeding on clams when their favorite food was plentiful. Therefore, it is only logical to presume, that it is not the lack of food that attracts the 'rat's attention to the lowly clam, but it is the abundance of the mussel in itself.

Muskrats are our most prolific fur bearers, producing from two to three litters in a season, the first making its appearance in the latter part of April or early May. The period of gestation requires about forty-five days. The young of the early spring litters will frequently rear one family during the same season. It is this progeny of these young females that accounts for the numerous kitts (immature muskrats) taken during the early part of the trapping season.

Considering the wonderful procreative powers of this little animal, it appears that they would become as numerous as the proverbial "hair on a dog's back," but they have many enemies, of which man with his traps and firearms is the most deadly, with perhaps the mink a close second. Many a time has the writer in his ramblings come onto a 'rat house, which had a small round boring at the water-line, just large enough to allow the long, slender body of a mink to pa.s.s through. To the casual observer this would appear to be merely a hole, but to the trained eye of the trapper it reveals a tale of woe. He knows that here, during the long, tranquil hours of the night, another family of muskrats was sacrificed to satisfy the flagrant craving of this bloodthirsty member of the weasel tribe. When a mink enters a house or burrow, in the aforesaid manner, the inhabitants flee by way of the diving hole. If everything remains quiet, they will return, one by one, to their home in a very few minutes. The crafty mink, knowing the nature of the muskrat, crouches near the diving hole, remaining very quiet, and bounces upon the poor, unsuspecting victims as they emerge.

Occasionally a trapper may come upon the remains of a muskrat and, following an investigation, cannot detect any clues as to the ident.i.ty of the a.s.sailant. When there are no telltale tracks about, then it is safe to a.s.sume that the marauder was an owl or some other bird of prey.

The otter, fox and coyote can also be listed as enemies of the muskrat, as they too make an occasional capture.

With the above facts in mind, it can be easily understood that approximately only fifty per cent of all muskrats born ever reach maturity. In spite of all this, they manage to hold their own and are found in fair numbers in the rat producing sections.

The animal instincts of the muskrat are not as keenly developed as those of the designing fox or the wary mink. Unlike the beaver and otter, it is not afraid of civilization and thrives in the most thickly settled sections.

Nature in its entirety is wonderful. It is not unlike a vast panorama of charm and beauty. Here we find the ancient law--the survival of the fittest--a reality. Many people surmise the muskrat to be very uninteresting. But those people who are willing to devote a little of their time to the nocturnal study of the animal will surely acknowledge it to be a very interesting little creature. Where can we find the lover of nature whose heart would not be thrilled as we quietly make our way along some moonlit stream in the late fall (this being the time of year when 'rats are very busy) to get a glimpse at the home life of this little fur bearer? As we approach the familiar patch of cat-tail flags, we hear the persistent crunch-crunch-crunch of tireless little jaws, as they grind away at the juicy morsel of flag or water lily. We pause to listen, our little friend seems to be no more than twenty feet away. Further upstream we hear another and another in fact; the rushes seem to be alive with them. Some of them are cutting down the stems of wild rice and flags, while others are dragging the material away to build and repair their houses with it.

We stand motionless, as we discern a V-shaped streak of silvery lined ripples playing on the moonlit waters, heading directly toward us from the opposite sh.o.r.e. We know that the dark object at the head of this undulating formation is a muskrat, evidently bound on joining its friends at their feast in the rushes. Hark! There is a sudden commotion in the flags, followed by a splash and a plunge; then all is still, the grinding has ceased, the silvery ripples have faded away and the water is smooth and reflectent, not unlike a great mirror. We are surprised and wonder at the cause of the sudden alarm, which drove the 'rats to the sheltering depths of the river. Had we not remained perfectly quiet? We turn, just in time to see a monstrous owl glide noiselessly by the moon.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 1]

Chapter 2.

Trapping Muskrats--Open Water Methods.

There are numerous methods employed in trapping the muskrat; most of them will prove successful when they are used under the proper conditions, time and place. The muskrat being a member of the amphibious cla.s.s of animals, consequently traps must be set in or very near the water to attain the best results. This, however, does not mean that traps set at random will bring results, but, on the other hand, when sets are properly placed at signs, then the novice can rest a.s.sured that he will be rewarded for his efforts.

When a trapper decides to operate on a certain stretch of water, his first duty would be to study the signs of the animal, from the abundance or scarcity of which he can closely estimate the number of animals present in that particular locality, also the size of territory he can handle, and the number of traps required to cover the same.

What are signs? They are the visible indications which betray the presence of the animals, such as tracks in the muddy margins of the sh.o.r.e (see Fig. 1), feed beds, houses, dens, slides, the freshly cut stems of aquatic vegetation and excremental matter on logs, drift wood, rocks, and other objects lying in or near the water. To become expert at reading signs requires practical experience; theory or book knowledge alone will not do. The success or failure of any trapper can be measured by his ability to read the signs of the animals he is seeking and his knowledge of their nature.

Our next consideration will be the selection of the proper traps.

When trapping muskrats with the common steel traps, never use anything larger than size No. 1 1/2 nor smaller than size No. 1.

The "Newhouse" is without a doubt the best and most reliable all around steel trap on the market; the material and workmans.h.i.+p embodied in its construction, combined with its durability, render it a product of the highest character.

The "Victor" is the most popular of the cheaper kind of traps and is generally used by those who follow trapping as a side-line. While trapping 'rats, many trappers prefer the Victor to the Newhouse, on account of the latter's powerful spring. The forelegs of the muskrat are comparatively small and frail and easily broken off; for that reason too strong a spring is not desired.

The various makes of "jump" traps are rapidly becoming very popular.

They are a very compact trap on account of their feature of having the spring on the inside of the jaws, which permits them to be set in places where other traps could only be set with great difficulty.

There are many brands of traps manufactured which possess special features, such as double jaws, webbed jaws, high grip, etc. All of these traps are excellent for catching muskrats, as they are made to prevent the animals from gnawing or wringing off, and thus escaping.

One of the best traps for muskrats ever invented is manufactured by W. A. Gibbs & Son, Chester, Penn. It is made with two sets of jaws; the inner set gripping the animal's leg, while the outer set clutches the body. From this trap there is no escape when once caught, in many cases killing its victim instantly, which benevolent feature makes it a favorite of many.

Trapping methods may be cla.s.sified into two separate groups, namely, blind and bait sets, ranking in the order named. A blind set is arranged at signs without the use of bait. Traps placed in position so as to guard the approach to food and scent decoys are termed bait sets.

Scent decoys, better known as animal baits, are compounded of various ingredients which appeal to the inborn and irresistible instincts of the animals, and which a.s.sist in enticing them to traps.

The following methods are recognized to be the best and most reliable for trapping 'rats when streams are free of ice. They will prove their merits to the beginner when applied intelligently. While the muskrat is generally conceded to be one of the easiest of fur bearers to trap, let no one suppose that the careless trapper who makes his sets in a sort of hit or miss fas.h.i.+on, will ever achieve much of a success in trapping them.

Perhaps the most common method employed in the capture of this little animal, is to set traps at the foot of their slides, in two or three inches of water. A slide, in the trapper's vocabulary, is a place on the banks frequented by 'rats, usually extending from eight to sixteen inches above the water and having a kind of plastic perch or rest at the top, upon which are generally found excrements of the animal. These slides are easily recognized on account of their worn and smooth appearance, which is brought about by the animal's habit of sliding into the water when leaving them. Do not waste any time in setting traps at old and dried signs, those that are being used will appear damp and often sprinkled with fresh mud. Where the water is not deep enough at the foot of the slide to completely cover the trap, excavate a bed for the same to the desired depth. This rule should be followed in all forms of water sets. Whenever possible, always stake the trap chain into deep water at full length, as the first impulse of the captured game is to seek shelter by diving into deep water, where, following a short struggle, the weight of the trap finally drowns it. The sliding pole is another and more certain method of drowning the animals (See Fig. 2). Drowning will not only conceal the captured game from possible thieves, but also secure it for the trapper against gnawing and wringing off, and last, but not least, this humane act will do away with a lot of needless suffering.

[Ill.u.s.tration. Fig. 2]

Another good way to take them is at their feed beds. These are located near sh.o.r.e among the scattering growths of aquatic vegetation. They appear to be floating in the water semi-submerged, and are composed of the refuse of the animal's food, such as the stems of blue flags, wild rice, reeds and bits of various found growing near their haunts. When making sets on these beds make sure that the traps are from one to two inches under water, as this will allow the trap to get a higher grip on the animal's outstretched leg. Arrange the set so that the catch will drown.

Often while looking for signs the trapper will come upon a small, narrow path, which is three to five inches in width, leading from the water to some other body of water near by, or taking its course across a peninsula to again terminate in the water on the other side.

Such a trail is commonly made and used by muskrats. When you find such a place, set a trap in the water at each end of the trail. When making a set where the water is much deeper than the usual depth required, take sticks about twelve inches long and twice the caliber of an ordinary lead pencil, shove these into the bank horizontally about a third of their length and three inches under water, placing them an inch apart, six in a row. This will make a platform for the trap, which will overcome the danger of the animals pa.s.sing over the set without getting caught.

In the late fall when 'rats are busy building and repairing their houses, they can be caught by setting the trap on that side of the structure showing the greatest slope; because here they ascend when at their labor. When staking the trap at a set of this nature, it is advisable to drive another stake about a foot beyond the first. The animal, when caught, struggling winds the chain around the outer stake, and is thus hindered from reaching the house, where it otherwise would do great damage, tearing and digging into it. This would result in frightening the other inmates away, thus lessening the trapper's chances of duplicating his catch.

The washes under banks and the undermined roots of trees at the water's edge, created by the ceaseless toil of the elements, afford good places to set traps, as every pa.s.sing 'rat will visit such places. Traps should be set and covered very carefully, as a place of this nature is often investigated by the elusive mink and inquisitive racc.o.o.n. As a consequence, the trapper has a fine opportunity of catching a more valuable animal.

When searching the stream for signs, you will often notice the droppings of the animals on logs and of lumber lying in the water. These can be converted into excellent sets by cutting a bed for the trap with the ax, just far enough under water to completely cover the trap.

When signs and places as described above are scarce, but muskrats are known to exist, proceed as follows: At some conspicuous place, dig a horizontal hole in the bank right at the water-line, which should be about a foot deep and five inches in diameter. Pin a piece of parsnip, carrot, cabbage or sweet apple, back in the hole. Some trappers use a piece of the flesh of muskrat, the scent of which is attractive to muskrats. Set the trap at the mouth of this hole, in two or three inches of water, conceal carefully by covering lightly with water-soaked leaves and thin mud. The above is a set equally good for mink, as this animal has the habit of exploring every hole that it comes to in its travels.

Another and most simple method, is merely to fasten the bait on the bank about eight inches above the trap. In reaching for the bait the 'rat will step into the trap and get caught.

Some trappers prefer to use animal baits in connection with their 'rat sets at all times. This, I believe, is wholly unnecessary, excepting during mating, which occurs the latter part of February and extends throughout the rest of the trapping season. At this time, a good, dependable scent will help considerably in luring animals to traps.

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