The Best Bride Part 17

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"sure," he said. he rose and held out his hand. mandy slipped her smaller one trustingly in his and started walking toward the car.

he would talk to elizabeth, he decided. mandy needed a father and he needed the little girl. he would be there for her as much as elizabeth would let him be. he'd made his decision and nothing was going to steer him off course.

elizabeth stepped out into the bright suns.h.i.+ne and smiled. she felt wonderful being out of the house and back at work. if she had to be cooped up, then travis's place was a wonderful home in which to recover, but after almost three weeks, she'd grown tired of staring at the same collection of walls.

she sat on the bottom step to wait for her ride. late september suns.h.i.+ne warmed her skin through the light cotton dress she wore. beside her was a briefcase full of paperwork. rebecca had teased her about not having to get it all done in one night. elizabeth didn't mind the extra work. she had a lot of time to make up for. besides, she liked feeling that she was actually accomplis.h.i.+ng something a familiar black bronco turned at the corner and pulled to a stop in front of her. she walked across the sidewalk as travis leaned over and opened the pa.s.senger's door.

"hi, guys," she said, slipping into her seat."

"we had ice cream," mandy announced.

"good for you: elizabeth snapped her seat belt into place, then half turned to look at mandy. her breath caught in her throat. mandy's face was tear-streaked and there were bandages on her hands and knees."

"what hap" i fell down, but travis gave me a magic huq and now i'm almost all better." mandy rubbed her left palm with her fingers. " but it still hurts a little.

"i'll bet." elizabeth glanced at travis.

he grimaced. "she tripped on her shoelace at practice. unfortunately, she was outside of the gra.s.s playing field and on some dirt. i cleaned her up and patched the worst ones. i think she'll be okay."

"she looks fine. thanks for taking such good care of her."

"no trouble."

they drew to a stop at a traffic light. he glanced at her. his normally open expression seqed slightly shuttered and cautious.

he faced front again. she took the opportunity to study his strong profile, the straight line of his nose, his trimmed mustache, the firm yet sensual curves of his mouth. how was she supposed to resist this man when even the faint scent of his body was enough to make her weak with long?

only a few more days, she told herself. she would already be driving her own car if the clutch wasn't so stiff. she'd tried it that morning, but s.h.i.+fting gears had caused a sharp pain in her side. her gaze slipped over travis again. being chauffeured by him wasn't the worse punishment in the world.

the best bride lg7 "would you mind if we went by my rental?" she asked. "the landlord dropped off the key at work. i'd like to take a look at what furniture is there and what i need to buy."


there was nothing in his voice to indicate that he was pleased or sorry to take her there. did he think about her leaving as much as she did? did he want his house back to himself or would he miss her? it wasn't fair, she told herself she wanted travis to miss her terribly, yet at the same time she knew she had no business staying involved in his life. she couldn't do anything but hurt both of them. she wasn't getting involved again. ever. it was too dangerous. she didn't have the common sense to know when a man was right for her. even if she did, everything about travis warned her that he was all wrong. they were both relations.h.i.+p impaired, neither of them knowing how to make love work. it would be foolish to try.

so why was she thinking about it? she stared out the window and bit back a sigh. she had no answer. she was probably just tired from her first day back at work. think about something else, she ordered herself.

as they drove through glenwood, elizabeth gave him directions to her rental house. the neighborhood wasn't anything like travis's, she noted, eyeing the homes that hadn't seemed so small the last time she'd been here.

mandy sat as far forward as her seat belt would let her. she peered out the window searching for the promised bunnies. "there were really three of them, mommy?" she asked, her voice laced with pleasure.

"yes, honey. i saw them from the kitchen window. they're probably hiding in the backyard. maybe you could look for them."

mandy bounced with excitement. "okay."

travis stopped in front of a small, tan-colored, one-story house. there were two windows facing the front, and a ga rage. she opened her door and slipped out. mandy was already racing in circles on the lawn.

elizabeth pulled the key from her dress pocket and led the way up the walk. she opened the door, then stepped inside. the house opened directly onto the living room. to her left was a small dining alcove, in front of her, the dark hallway. she could see the entrance to the kitchen beyond the dining room.

the carpeting was only a couple of years old. a muddy brown that would wear well and not show the dirt. two gold patterned couches filled the living room. there were a couple of end tables and a big square wood-and-gla.s.s coffee table. the entertainment stand was empty. she would have to get a tv she walked down the hallway. a green-tiled bathroom was flanked by two bedrooms, one slightly larger than the other. the master bedroom, if it could be called that, had a king-size bed and a single dresser. the other room was empty.

the kitchen hadn't been remodeled since the house was first built in the fifties, so the large tiles on the counter and up the wall were light and dark green. the refrigerator was newer, but the gas stove was large, with ma.s.sive burners and curved edges. over the kitchen sink, a window looked out onto a fenced backyard.

"there's no furniture in the other bedroom," mandy said, bouncing into the kitchen. "am i going to sleep on the floor?" she sounded slightly intrigued by the idea.

"no." elizabeth brushed her bangs out of her eyes. "i'm going to buy you a new bedroom set."

"golly! " mandy's eyes got round."

"can i have a desk, too? so i can do my homework in my room like a big girl?"

"sure." elizabeth opened the back door. "why don't you go see if you can find the bunnies?"

"okay." mandy ran outside. the screen door slammed shut behind her.

the best bride igg so far, travis hadn't said a word about the house. she turned toward him. "what do you think?"

he stood in the doorway to the kitchen. with his arms folded over his chest, and his khaki s.h.i.+rt pulling across his broad shoulders, he looked like some kind of conquering warrior.

"it's very nice. i'm sure you'll be happy here."

there was something in his voice, something dark and broken. she wanted to ask what, but she was afraid. instead, she dug in her purse and pulled out a small notebook'i need tons of things. do you have the time to wait while i make a quick list?"

"sure." he stepped back to allow her to pa.s.s him.

but he hadn't moved back far enough, or the floor was uneven, or her feet unsteady because she managed to brush her arm against his chest as she went into the hallway. the heat from the brief contact sent a tremor up her arm and into her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. it was dark in the small house. dark enough to make her forget it was still daytime outside and that her daughter was just a few feet away. dark enough to give her the courage to look up at his face and meet his gaze. dark enough to wonder if the fire would return to his irises and flicker there, matching the flames she felt burning inside.

the house smelled musty and unused. the furniture wasn't to her taste. after being in travis's beautiful home, this place was a rude awakening. it could all be fixed, she told herself. a few throw pillows, some lacy curtains, a good scrubbing and airing out-then everything would be fine. but it wasn't the house at all. it was the man.

he tempted her. even though she knew it was foolish and wrong and this time more than her pride would be at stake, she couldn't resist him. he made her care about him, even when she didn't want to. even when it made her a fool twice in the same lifetime. even when she knew they were doomed to heartbreak. which is why she had to leave him as quickly as possible.

he reached out to hold her at the exact moment she stepped away. his arms hung there a moment, giving her time to step back into his embrace. he would kiss her. she could see the promise in his eyes. he would hold her and tonight he would make love to her. she turned her back on him and started down the hall.

within twenty minutes she'd completed her list. travis had followed her from room to room, offering suggestions it was as if that moment in the hall had never happened but it had. her fingers trembled as she wrote out the items she would need. her heart raced in her chest and her eyes burned with more than regret.

"i think that's it," she said. "the miniblinds will make a big difference at letting in light. thanks for the suggestion"

"you're welcome."

she pocketed the small notebook and led the way back to the kitchen. "is there some kind of mall around here? i need to buy mandy furniture, as well as some other supplies for the house."

"there's a furniture warehouse store about forty miles away," he said as he followed her. "i have tomorrow off. i could drive you there if you'd like."

the screen door slammed open and mandy ran into the kitchen. she glared at her mother. "i looked everywhere and i couldn't find even one bunny."

"i'm sorry, honey. maybe they're hiding."

"but i looked!" mandy's lower lip thrust out. "i don't care about any stupid bunnies. i want to stay with travis and get a puppy."

elizabeth drew in a deep breath. of course, she thought, wondering why it hadn't occurred to her sooner. she wasn't the only one who was going to miss their host and his wonderful house. mandy would, as well. she shook her head. she should have thought of that already.

"you'll like it here," travis said, squatting down to the child's level. "there are lots of kids for you to play with right here on this street you'll forget all about me, but no matter what, i'll still be around."

he paused, as if waiting for elizabeth to disagree. she wasn't going to; she was pleased he wanted to stay in touch with mandy. the little girl needed some continuity in her iife."

"this house is dumb."

"it's not dumb," elizabeth said, touching her daughter's hair. "i'm going to buy you a beautiful bedroom set and a real big-girl desk." she tried to ignore the flash of guilt. she didn't usually try to buy mandy's cooperation, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

despite the bribe, mandy didn't look convinced. it was only after travis tickled her into a giggling pile on the floor that her good humor returned.

while mandy raced ahead to the car, travis locked the front door."

"you should be able to get everything you need at the furniture store, "he said."

"the entire first floor is filled with household items. linens, miniblinds... that sort of thing: '

"do you know if they deliver?" she asked, taking one last look at her new home.

"i think so. are you thinking for the bedroom furniture?"

"yes." she squared her shoulders. "mandy is becoming too attached to you. i need to get us into our own place as quickly as possible."

travis didn't answer. she wasn't sure if she was sorry or glad. maybe a little of both. if he'd responded at all, she would have been forced to admit that mandy wasn't the only one becoming too attached.

chapter thirteen.

they took the elevator to the top of the giant furniture warehouse, then started the circular descent to the ground floor. sample rooms had been set up, followed by rows of couches, entertainment centers and end tables.

"oh, good. they do deliver," elizabeth said, pulling her list out of her jeans pocket.

"yeah, within forty-eight hours," travis replied, pointing to a sign posted on the wall."

"great. if we buy mandy's bedroom set today, it can be delivered when we move in."

she'd been reading the sign, but she felt travis stiffen at her side. she risked glancing at him. he stared down at her, his normally readable face expressionless.

"that's quick. when did you make that decision?"

yesterday, when i figured out how much mandy and i were going to miss you, she thought. "it makes sense, travis. i'm completely back on my feet. i've arranged for mandy's afterooon daycare, although i'll be getting off work at three-thirty, so she'll need it for less than an hour. my car's clutch is still a little too stiff for me, but rebecca is going to give me a ride to and from work for a conple of days: '

"i see." he turned toward a fabric-covered sofa next to them. "you've got everything figured out"

"i guess i do. i'm sure you'll be pleased to see the last of us: '

"sure." he looked back at her and smiled. "we both need our lives to get back to normal."

if his smile didn't reach his eyes, she wasn't going to comment on the fact. if he noticed that she couldn't stop looking at him or brus.h.i.+ng against him as they walked through the store, he didn't say anything, either.

the tension between them stretched until she could physically feel it tugging on her insides. she didn't want it to be like this. she wanted travis to be her friend. she needed him to be there, to be strong. was that wrong?

before she could figure out the answer to the question, he darted across the aisle to a selection of leather furniture there were three different rooms displayed, all in the same soft, b.u.t.tery leather. he dropped down onto a black sofa and leaned back his head.

"this is wonderful," he said, closing his eyes. "i may do my entire house in leather."

"even the bathrooms?" she bit back a giggle.

he opened one eye. "laugh all you want, but this is man furniture."

"oh, i see. so you'll want a gun rack right next to the tv and what about your famous knife collection? you know, the ones you used to hunt the woolly mammoth."

she'd made the mistake of moving too close to him. he growled out a warning, but before she could jump back, he reached forward and tackled her legs, pulling her toward him. she landed in a heap on his lap. their faces were inches apart; his breath fanned her cheek. it could have been a dangerous moment, but they were both laughing too hard.

his thighs were hard beneath her legs. their jeans-hers blue, his black-rubbed together, generating an erotic heat. l, ow in her belly, wanting grew. she acknowledged the feeling, acknowledged that travis's hands became less teasing and more caressing on her arms. but he didn't try to kiss her. in that moment of laughter, their friends.h.i.+p had been restored. apparently neither of them wanted that threatened again.

the sound of someone clearing his throat broke through her musing. she looked up, then blushed like a high schooler caught necking in the back seat of her father's car.

"may i help you?" the small, gray-haired man asked, his bushy white eyebrows raised above his wiqrimmed

elizabeth tried to slide off travis's lap, but his large hands held her in place.

"no, thanks," travis drawled. "we were just testing the sofa: '

"i see. does it work to your satisfaction?" the man asked, glaring down at them.

"we're not sure yet: travis winked. " i think it needs a little more testing."

the man turned on his heel and marched away. elizabeth struggled to break free. "he's probably gone to get the manager."

"so what?" travis leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose. "the store is practically empty and we weren't doing anything wrong: ' she couldn't help herself. she sagged against him and giggled. "maybe you should have worn your uniform. at least then you could have threatened to arrest him."

"you just miss seeing me in my cowboy hat. if i'd known you were so attached, i would have worn it today."

"oh, stop: she gave one last, hard push on his chest and broke free. she scrambled to her feet and smoothed the front of her s.h.i.+rt. her fingers caught on an open b.u.t.ton right above her bra. " i was flas.h.i.+ng him," she said, horrified travis chuckled. "he was getting a bit of an eyeful, but i doubt it's anything he hasn't seen before." he stood up and stretched. "need some help?" he asked, approaching her.

"don't even think about it: she slapped his hands away. " no more pit stops. we have a list: she waved the piece of paper in front of him. "i want you to behave for the rest of the day. do you promise?"

he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. she knew she should resist, but it was just for one day, she told herself. they were in a public store. what's the worst that could happen?

"i'll behave," he said, whispering in her ear. "but i just might want to test-drive a mattress or two."

she managed to steer him clear of the adult bedroom section, but they spent almost an hour picking out mandy's furniture. she stood between a bedroom done in white, with a canopy bed and delicate furniture, and one done in light pine. that bed was a four-poster design with a raised mattress.

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