New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies -
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Pain in left kidney (fifth day).
_Chest, Heart, etc._--Deep inspiration as if tired, although experiencing no fatigue whatever (second day).
Feels as if pained or oppressed at chest.
Slightly painful sensation at left chest, region of the heart.
Deep inspiration.
At intervals deep inspiration, as if the chest were laboring under an oppression hardly definable.
Slight feeling of oppression, or a weakness in the chest with the deep inspiration.
Tendency to expand the chest automatically and rhythmically, recurring very frequently.
The chest expands itself to its utmost capacity, seemingly, and in an instant collapses, the same process to be repeated.
Respiration measured, no interval between inspiration and expiration.
Sensation of uneasiness extending to lumbar region on deep inspiration (described above).
Slight p.r.i.c.king sensation of pain in the heart.
Sighing respiration (very frequent) (fourth day).
Tenderness of the anterior lower left intercostal muscles below the heart (third day).
Pain in chest and through heart, with pain running toward spleen, the latter momentarily, the former (heart pain) continuing.
Pain in left great pectoral muscle, worse toward the tendon.
Sighing respiration, noticed many times (fifth day).
Coughing on throwing off outer garments.
Somewhat persistent pains in the cartilages of the left lower ribs.
Long, deep, uneasy respiration, felt more acutely (sixth day).
The chest acts automatically, not according to will or whim.
Chest feels empty.
Pain at heart.
Pulse dicrotic, and several intermissions noticed within a minute (after rising 6 A.M.).
Deep inspiration and expiration, chest is emptied quickly.
Sensation as of a great stone laid upon the heart.
Sensation (soon after) as if the thoracic wall anterior to heart were broken out or torn away.
Pulse sharp.
Desire to remove clothing from chest.
Pain in chest and both arms.
_Neck, Back, etc._--Painful sensation in the sides of the neck, left, at mastoid or below it, continuing longer than on right side.
Pain in left neck behind mastoid process, running backward and upward.
Pain through right shoulder blade (scapula).
Dorsal vertebrae feel painful (third day).
Tenderness along spines of cervical and upper dorsal vertebrae (fourth day).
Pain in muscles of thorax midway between scapula and sacrum (sixth day).
Pain on pressure of muscle of left side of the neck.
Back lame on stooping.
Pain in right scapula.
Pain in neck.
Pain in left side above and along clavicle.
Fatigue in lumbar region on riding.
_Upper extremities._--Tired feeling in both arms (second day).
Drawing pain in index finger of both hands.
Pain in both upper arms.
Pain running across inner side of left arm, felt longest at bend of the elbow.
Pain in left shoulder like that produced by carrying a heavy load.
Pain running along the back down to the arms.
Dull pain in left elbow and forearm.
Pain with numbness in left forearm, ulnar side (third day).