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KO'NEIN, _to serve_--deacon, deacons.h.i.+p, diaconal, diaconate.
KO'NOS, Lat. CONUS, _a cone_--cone, conic, conical, coniferous, coniform.
KOP'TEIN, _to cut_--coppice, copse, syncope.
KOS'MOS, _the world_--cosmography, cosmopolitan.
KRI'TES, _a judge_--crisis, criterion, critic, critical, criticism, hypocrite.
KRUP'TEIN, _to conceal_--crypt, apocrypha.
KRUSTAL'LOS, _ice_--crystal, crystallize.
KUK'LOS, _a circle_--cycle, encyclical, cyclops, cyclades, encyclopedia.
KULIN'DROS, _a roller_--cylinder.
LAM'BANEIN, _to take_--syllable, dissyllable, polysyllable.
LAM'PEIN, _to s.h.i.+ne_--lamp.
LA'OS, _the people_--layman, laity.
LATREI'A, _wors.h.i.+p_--idolatry, heliolatry.
LITH'OS, _a stone_--litharge, lithograph, aerolite.
LU'EIN, _to loosen_--a.n.a.lysis, paralysis, paralytic, palsy.
MAN'IA, _madness_--mania, maniac.
MAR'TUR, _a witness_--martyr, martyrdom, martyrology.
MEL'AS, _black_--melancholy, Melanesia.
ME'TER, _a mother_--metropolis.
MIK'ROS, _small_--microcosm, microscope, microscopic.
MI'MOS, _an imitator_--mimic, mimicry, pantomime.
MOR'PHE, _shape_--amorphous, metamorphosis.
MU'RIAS, _ten thousand_--myriad.
MU'THOS, _a fable_--myth, mythology.
NAR'KE, _torpor_--narcissus, narcotic.
NAUS, _a s.h.i.+p_--nausea, nauseate, nautical, nautilus, aeronaut.
NEK'ROS, _dead_--necropolis.
NE'SOS, _an island_--Polynesia.
NOM'OS, _a law_--astronomy, Deuteronomy, economy (_oikos_, a house), economic.
OL'IGOS, _few_--oligarchy (_arche_).
OR'PHANOS, _deserted_--orphan, orphanage.
OR'THOS, _right, straight_--orthodox, orthoepy, orthography.
PAIDEI'A, _instruction_--cyclopaedia.
PAIS, _a child_--pedagogue, pedant, pedantic, pedobaptist.
PAP'AS, Lat. PAPA, _a father_--papacy, pope, popedom, popery.
PARADEI'SOS, _a pleasant garden_--paradise.
PAT'EIN, _to walk_--peripatetic.
PEN'TE, _five_--pentagon, pentecost.
PET'RA, _a rock_--Peter, petrescent, petrify, petroleum, saltpeter.
PHOB'OS, _fear_--hydrophobia (_hudor_, water).
PHRA'SIS, _speech_--phrase, phraseology, paraphrase.
PHREN, _the mind_--phrenology, frantic, frenzy.
PHU'TON, _a plant_--zoophyte.
PLA'NAEIN, _to wander_--planet, planetary.
PLAS'SEIN, _to mould_--plaster, plastic.
PLEU'RA, _the side_--pleurisy.
PNEU'MA, _breath_, _spirit_--pneumatic.
PO'LEIN, _to sell_--bibliopolist, monopoly, monopolize.
POL'US, _many_--polygamy, polyglot, polysyllable, polytechnic.
POR'OS, _a pa.s.sage_--pore, porosity, porous, emporium.
POT'AMOS, _a river_--hippopotamus.
POUS, _the foot_--antipodes, polypus, tripod.
PRAS'SEIN, _to do_--practice, practical, pract.i.tioner, impracticable.
PRESBU'TEROS, _elder_--presbytery, presbyterian, presbyterianism.
PRO'TOS, _first_--protomartyr.
PSAL'LEIN, _to touch_, _to sing_--psalm, psalmist, psalmody, psalter.
PUR, _fire_--pyramid, pyrotechny.
RHIN, _the nose_--rhinoceros.
RHOD'ON, _a rose _--rhododendron.
SARX, _flesh_--sarcasm, sarcastic, sarcophagus.
SCHED'E, _a sheet_--schedule.
SCHE'MA, _a plan_--scheme.
SCHIS'MA, _a division_--schism, schismatic.
SIT'OS, _corn_--parasite, parasitical.
SKAN'DALON, _disgrace_--scandal, scandalous, scandalize, slander, slanderous.
SKEPTES'THAI, _to consider_--sceptic, sceptical, scepticism.
SKEP'TRON, _an emblem of office_--scepter.
SOPH'IA, _wisdom_--sophist, sophistry, philosopher (_philos_), philosophy.
SPHAI'RA, _a globe_--sphere, spherical, spheroid, hemisphere.
STAL'AEIN, _to drop_--stalact.i.te, stalagmite.
STEL'LEIN, _to send_--apostle, apostolic, epistle, epistolary.
STEN'OS, _narrow_--stenography.
STHEN'OS, _strength_--calisthenics.
STIG'MA, _a mark_--stigma, stigmatize.
STRAT'OS, _an army_--stratagem, strategy, strategist.
STROPH'E, _a turning_--apostrophe, catastrophe.
TA'PHOS, _a tomb_--epitaph, cenotaph.
TAU'TO, _the same_--tautology.
TEK'TON, _a builder_--architect.
TE'LE, _far off_--telegraph, telescope.
TEM'NEIN, _to cut_--atom, anatomy, anatomist.
TET'RA, _four_--tetragon, tetrarch.
THER'ME, _heat_--thermal.
THRON'OS, _a throne_--throne, enthrone.
TOP'OS, _a place_--topography.
TREP'EIN, _to turn_--trope, tropic, tropical, heliotrope.
TU'POS, _a stamp_--type, typography, prototype.
TURAN'NOS, _a ruler_--tyrant, tyrannical, tyrannize, tyranny.
ZEIN, _to boil_--zeal, zealous.
ZEPHU'ROS, _the west wind_--zephyr.
ZO'ON, _an animal_--zodiac, zoology, zoological, zoophyte.