The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus Part 40

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Jamaica discovered by Columbus; the natives receive Columbus in a hostile manner; Columbus takes possession of it; amicable intercourse with the natives; their character; their canoes; subjugated by Don Diego.

----, Cacique of, visits Columbus, and oifers to go and do homage to the king and queen of Spain; this offer evaded by Columbus.

j.a.pan (c.i.p.ango), Marco Polo's account of it.

Jasper, specimens found among the mountains of Cibao.

Jerez, Rodrigo de, sent up the island of Cuba by Columbus; account of his journey.

Jews not allowed to establish themselves in the colonies, or undertake voyages of discovery.

John of Anjou, an account of his expedition against Naples.

---- II. king of Portugal, the pa.s.sion for maritime discovery revives under; sends missions in quest of Prester John; receives a proposition of a voyage of discovery from Columbus; refers it to a junto and his council, who report it to be visionary; consents to use an unwarrantable stratagem; desires to renew the negotiation with Columbus; who refuses and quits Portugal; invites Columbus to Portugal, and promises protection; invites Columbus on his return from the New World; his jealousy excited; his armament; his negotiations with Ferdinand in respect to the new discoveries; his idea in respect to a continent in the southern ocean.

Josephus, his opinion relative to the gold used in the temple of Jerusalem.

Juan, prince, his nuptials; his death.

Juana, queen of Castile, arrival of; promises a prosperous termination to the suit of Columbus.

Junta de Descargos, the claims of Columbus referred to the.


Kings, Moorish, of Granada, one of them surrenders hie pretensions to Ferdinand; the other surrenders Granada.

Kircher, Athanasius, his opinion relative to the travels of Marco Polo.


Labrador, discovered by Sebastian Cabot.

Lactantius, pa.s.sage quoted from, to prove the impossibility of their being antipodes.

Lapis lazuli, specimens found among the mountains of Cibao.

Ledesma, Pedro, his gallant conduct; involves himself in Porra's mutiny, and receives a mult.i.tude of wounds; is

Lepe, Diego de, discovers more of the southern continent than any voyager of his day. Lineage of Christopher Columbus, an account of.

Lombards, the extent of their trade.

Lopez, Juan, his rencontre with Cotabanaina.

Lots for Pilgrimages, drawing of.

Luxan, Juan de, hie excursion among the mountains of Cibao.


Macham, his discovery of Madeira; an account of his adventures.

Madeira, an account of the discovery of the island of.

Magellan, electrical lights seen during his voyage on the masts of s.h.i.+ps.

Maguana, domain of, an account of.

Mahogany, canoes made of.

Maize, cultivated in Ilayti.

Maladies of the Spaniards in Hayti,330.

Malaga, eiege and capture of.

Maldonado, Don Alonzo, appointed Alguazil-mayor in the place of Roldan, in Hispaniola.

Maldonado, Melchor, visits Guacanagari; proceeds along the coast.

Malte-Brun, his conjecture relative to Columbus considered.

Man, origin of, according to the Haytiens.

Manicaotex, succeeds Caonabo; commands in a battle; is conquered and sues for peace; compelled to pay half a calabash of gold every three months; a.s.sembly of the Caciques at his house to prefer complaints against Columbus.

Mandeville, Sir John, a short account of his travels; held in great authority by Columbus.

Mangon, a province of Cuba.

Map, Paulo Toscanelli's, used by Columbus on hia first voyage.

Maps, a great improvement made in.

Marble, of, found among the mountains of Cibao.

Marcolini, his account of Estotiland and Drogeo.

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