The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann Volume I Part 109

The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann -

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Inseparable in every sense, your honour.


Aha! As far as Fleischer is concerned--he interests me most of all. Take a seat, please. I confess that I didn't sleep more than half the night.

This matter simply wouldn't let me sleep. The letter that you wrote me excited me to an extraordinary degree.--That is a matter of temperament, to be sure. The slumbers of my predecessor would scarcely have been disturbed.--As far as I am concerned I have made up my mind, so to speak, to go the whole way.--It is my function here to make careful tests and to exterminate undesirable elements.--Under the protection of my honourable predecessor the sphere of our activity has become a receptacle for refuse of various kinds: lives that cannot bear the light--outlawed individuals, enemies of royalty and of the realm. These people must be made to suffer.--As for yourself, Mr. Motes, you are an author?


I write on subjects connected with forestry and game.


In the appropriate technical journals, I take it. _A propos_: do you manage to make a living that way?


If one is well known, it can be done. I may gratefully say that I earn an excellent competency.


So you are a forester by profession?


I studied at the academy, your honour, and pursued my studies in Eberswalde. Shortly before the final examinations I met with this misfortune....


Ah, yes; I see you wear a bandage.


I lost an eye while hunting. Some bird shot flew into my right eye. The responsibility for the accident could not, unfortunately, be placed. And so I had to give up my career.


Then you do not receive a pension?


No. But I have fought my way through pretty well now. My name is getting to be known in a good many quarters.


H-m.--Are you by any chance acquainted with my brother-in-law?


Yes, indeed--Chief Forester von Wachsmann. I correspond a good deal with him and furthermore we are fellow members of the society for the breeding of pointers.


[_Somewhat relieved._] Ah, so you are really acquainted with him? I'm very glad indeed to hear that. That makes the whole matter easier of adjustment and lays a foundation for mutual confidence. It serves to remove any possible obstacle.--You wrote me in your letter, you recall, that you had had the opportunity of observing this Dr. Fleischer. Now tell me, please, what you know.


[_Coughs._] When I--about a year ago--took up my residence in the Villa Krueger, I had naturally no suspicion of the character of the people with whom I was to dwell under one roof.


Yon were acquainted with neither Krueger nor Fleischer?


No; but you know how things go. Living in one house with them I couldn't keep to myself entirely.


And what kind of people visited the house?


[_With a significant gesture._] Ah!


I understand.


Tom, d.i.c.k and Harry--democrats, of course.


Were regular meetings held?


Every Thursday, so far as I could learn.


That will certainly bear watching.--And you no longer a.s.sociate with those people?


A point was reached where intercourse with them became impossible, your honour.

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